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Jim Iyke and Keturah |
The two are said to be planning to walk down the aisle soon.
If he already has a woman, then what's with Jim's reality show - “Jewel for Jim.”?
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Jim Iyke and Keturah |
This one is just completely confused, he and his ghetto shades-at-night-wearing fiancee. Jewel for Jim ni...
Isn't this dude looking for a wife? I know I saw the promo for a TV show to that effect!
how won't the stupid boy want to walk down the aisle? Ode..i hate d dude jo
Jim Iye and I, share the same birthday. Today, I am turning 18 years old (ha!, I am getting old). How old is Jim Iyke?
Anyways, I hope they make it through and maintain a healthy relationship with each other. All the blessings to the beautiful couple.
Perfect 'couple'.
Jim like the 'music hold' something too much that he decided to put it into action.
What's up with him? I thought his new show was to find the love of his life? So who is this lady again? He really does not know what to do with his love life and it is a shame. Jim you are not getting any younger settle down and leave women alone!!!
Loooooool look how he's grabbing her ass Lol
So, these two are still whoring themselves together?
oh my goodness which celebrity who does one of these "find-me-a-wife" shows is actually looking?
Are you kidding me?
Ray J? Nope
Flavor Flav? NO
New York? NO
These shows are just to make money...
Dlapickin, give me five jare! Jim Iyke is NOT looking for a wife, Keturah is not looking for a husband, the show is another publicity stunt and they are both attention seekers. He wants to keep his name in the news by all means necessary and she wants to be a star but she has no talent for sing, modeling or acting but she knows she's exotic and sexy so she works that angle as much as she can though she is 40 years old with a child at home.
I am not a prude by any definition but seriously what self respecting woman allows a man to grab her so crudely in a picture? I don't care if he's her so called man.
My bobo knows I am all his and when we are fooling around at home, he is allowed to grab all and anything he wants, I can be his love slave and all BUT I'd be darned if he's going to grabbing my a$$ like that in public in the presence of people. It is just a respect thing for me personally.
Jim Iyke is an irritant! I don't blame him, he has six sisters and a mother that tell him that his doo-doo don't smell. It's their fault that we've been saddled with this egomaniac!
are u kidding me, o my goodness. jim is confused.
jim iyke is just a very shady guy..i feel so sorry for his family that have him as an only son...no wonder he's not close to them.what type of character is he? just a very over the top problem child!
rotflmao....chichiluv u have cracked me up....lol
bur seriously dude...loose the cheap glasses
Keturah looks cool to me but did he have to grab her buttocks like that in public?
I am sorry for Jim Iyke because most Jamaican girls are very tough for Nigerian men to handle.
They are very rude and normally show their true colours about 2-3 years after marriage.
They love to taste other men since that is what most Jamaican men do too. Maybe Keturah's Cuban part will cover the horrible Jamo jagbajantis. Good luck bro!
actress/model??? well, am yet to see any of her work. n not to sound bad, but she doesn't look like a model to me unless she modeled when she was much younger. i modeled a bit too n nobody believes me now cos i've added a bit of weight.
How is the show going, Linda do you have any news on that?
no Myne..but I don't think it's started yet
cant turn a HO into a housewife.
Enjoy yall fck fest whilst it last. Wouldnt touch none of them mofos with a ten foot pole.
He seems to be modeling himself after Kanye. Lets see were he ends up
jim iyke is a total bush meat..look at how he is grabbing her...he really thinks he is all that let us leave him to self destruct...he thinks its a status quo to marry a "jamo" he shld go and do his homework...
OMG Jim Iyke is the fakest dude out there.I even doubt his real name is Jim Iyke.When he beat this woman blue black she go know wats up.
Haba Jim Iyke!!! Copy cat ~ Doesn't this photo remind you guys of Kanye grabbing Amber Rose's ass?
The guy is soo anonying.
The guy na big time PLAYA. I sorry for this babe. He is highly confused and I do not think he is ready for marriage yet.
I refuse to believe the comments I just read here,Do y'all seriously believe that he is meant to find a WIFE on that show????
Haba now,u shld know better than this Linda;such shows are meant to provide entertainment for viewers and money for producers!! Shikena
why on earth is he grabbing her ass??
wats he feeling like, Kanye West grabbing that his ex girlfriends ass(wetin be her name again sef...)
hissssssssss...... yeye boy
her ass is massive...
Jim, God loves you and can make you happier if you'l surrender your heart to Christ
publicity stunt ff that rumour about hiv!
The guy's promo for jewel for jim on his website is so cruuude, lacked finesse and class! Does he still have money so??
Are people still taken by his fake yankee accent?
Saw where he abused naija girls, when he himself is a manwhore generating the worst headlines in recent times.
Met him at house on the rock, dude is as short as a full stop sign!
All these people hating needs to cut the guy some slack. Publicity gives money and Jim is a jack of all trade to ensure he gets what he can financially while the ovation is loudest. No matter how you guys despise him, you still peep when he does this and that is the attention that gives him money. To some people, he is famous while to others, he is infamous. No matter what he is to you, the attention you give him makes him richer and richer while you stay more bitter and bitter.
Who looks for a wife in a reality show?. are you people mad?. Jim Iyk is not marrying Kentura either unless he is no more an ibo only son surrounded by many sisters and a mom. They already have his wife prepared for him and he must obey their order.
All these people hating needs to cut the guy some slack. Publicity gives money and Jim is a jack of all trade to ensure he gets what he can financially while the ovation is loudest. No matter how you guys despise him, you still peep when he does this and that is the attention that gives him money. To some people, he is famous while to others, he is infamous. No matter what he is to you, the attention you give him makes him richer and richer while you stay more bitter and bitter.
Who looks for a wife in a reality show?. are you people mad?. Jim Iyk is not marrying Kentura either unless he is no more an ibo only son surrounded by many sisters and a mom. They already have his wife prepared for him and he must obey their order.
Whats wrong with she having a child most of us have cover our secrets up by abortion or family shame, alot of us cant bare a child,Keturah their is nothing to be shame of proud of you.You make me so proud to be call a woman and I love the fact you arent a shame of who you are and I like the fact you dont care what people think you are just living your life.You guys are just jealous so what if she is 40 she is far so far from that just hating these people are just living their life whether they are looking attention or not.
You people put so much energy in these people lives why? I am not a fan of Jim Iyke but I respect the fact that they are living their lives and we are giving them all the attention so they must be doing something right!!!!!!!!!!
jim iyke is a complete waste of space on your blog and in nollywood.
In life we talk bad about others because we cant pull off what they are doing so instead of congrats.We hate and say mean things but at the end of the day we all need to look in the mirror for our faults.
I cant believe u people have time to be so glued to these two, I realize something Nija is bored so when the journalist have nothing exciting they pick on these two, that shows alot we all need a life because they are living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If she is 40 I want to look like that at that age,more power to her.She rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
his real name is JAMES ASOMUGHA....
eweeeeee!Chineke meeee!
LMAOOOOOO @ "short as a full stop sign" I have NEVER heard THAT before in my life. Kai, FUNNYYYYY!
Abeg, nobody should insult Kanye West by comparing this irritant to him. Kanye is a pain the arse and probably needs to bind his mouth with tape when ever he opens his eyes in the morning BUT he is a VERY smart and talented person. He has created work that can stand up for years to come, he's discovered mega talents like John Legend for example VERY UNLIKE Jim Iyke's movies which one can't stand to watch 10 nanoseconds into the first frame.
The only thing they have in common is the love for skanky women, finito.
kileleyi mehn! Next!
the guy na round ass i dislike d dude em dey copy kanye ok shebi kanye get money wetin Jim get? his washed up career? abi wetin... this gut na waste of oxygen jor
Guy you for chuck hand inside the main nyash na? how stupid, of course the farthest you and this big ikebe will go is have a child.....I wonde rhow you's feel if u ever saw a pic of your dad disrespecting your mum like this?
4 christ sake wen wil u stop talking -ve tings 2 samone, y r u pple so concernd abt his personal lyf? either searching 4 a wife or not its his business. plz i beg leave the poor boy alone ooh.
4 christ sake wen wil u stop talking -ve tings 2 samone, y r u pple so concernd abt his personal lyf? either searching 4 a wife or not its his business. plz i beg leave the poor boy alone ooh.
Jim iyke na wa for u o na so u one end ur life? jamiaca lon lon u dey dig ur grave with ur hand ohhhhh.any i will take ur problem to baba GOD BYE FOR NOW
Jim iyke na wa for u o na so u one end ur life? jamiaca lon lon u dey dig ur grave with ur hand ohhhhh.any i will take ur problem to baba GOD BYE FOR NOW.
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