How is this possible? 25 year old Carlos Rodriguez had half his skull removed after an accident. The police got this mug shot of him after arresting him for hiring a prostitute.
How a man can survive with half his skull gone is beyond me...I guess God works in the most amazing, mysterious ways...
shocking!...is the pix real?,becox the 1st pix looked normal to me....HOW COME IT DIDN'T MAKE HEADLINES WHEN IT WAS INITIALLY DONE?...why now?
Nevertheless, it's a wonder to behold....GOD IS GREAT.
that's freaky.
if that is real, then it's unjust for the police to arrest him for hiring a prostitute. How do they expect a man so deformed to relieve konji.
i saw a case llike this when i was with a neurologistits just his skull cap that was removed, theres no miracle there,a surgery could be done to put an artificial skull cap, to avoid future injury, because as it is, his brain isnt protected.
SMH... He must have been wearing a hat, or must have solicited a very desperate trick.
Ain't no way a normal person would see someone with no dome and agree to get jiggy with him...
OMG!!!.God reali works in wonderful and mysterious ways!,but quite scary though.why police go arrest thios kain person nah?body nor be wood,with or without skull.
That IS a miracle...duh, do people even believe in God anymore? wait until u die, you go know say no be YOUR powers....hiss...God, I hail oooo!
i think he solicited to become popular. check he's records he's probably late in taxes so needs the "celebrity" attention to make money.
I think this is fake, another internet rumour. People who miss some parts of the brain after accidents stay very much disabled...so imagine without almost no brain. What about bloodloss after accident? i think this is a fake photo, there is no brain there, cmon guys...
he is cute XD
This is real I've seen him he always asking for hand outs online
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