"I read the blogs sometimes, it depends on what it is I am trying to find out. I’m a lot more numb to it now only because I understand what it is. It’s a community for people who don’t have anything else to do and hate themselves, they hate their life, they hate their job, they hate their appearance, they are uncomfortable with who they are so what makes them feel good is talking smack about other people who they think they will never ever see in their life and they happen to be celebrities. It seems impossible to ever have the opportunity to say these things to their face, so they get to hide behind their computer." Rihanna said in a recent radio interview with Ed Lover
I hear you Rihanna but please give me the computer over that red hair any day...
Lol. *just kidding*
Linda to be sincere what she says is true...especially it talks to me particularly!!!...I love Rihanna for this....BIG TRUE AND IT'S SOMETHING THAT REALLY MAKES ME CRY NOW!!!....
I think she meant blog visitors, not bloggers. Cos some people leave very hateful comments. Nigerian blogs are even alright, some of the american one's are filled with so much hate like MTO, Perez Hilton (b4 revamping his image)...
But i agree Linda, that red hair has got to go! and i don't like her hair long, she should go back to her cropped do abeg.
to an extent she is saying the truth...most bloggers have nothing to do...i mean i only blog when i don't have much work from school...some days i just go AWOL.However i think there are more blogger who love themselves than hate, not all blogs are about hate and celebrities. Bloggin was not invented to bash celebrities or people, it was just a way to blog about your thoughts.on that note, i also think rihanna is crazy...look at her! ppl will always talk riri when u r wearing a "fuck you" necklace on ur neck and u can't sing or have any talent.
yea @Teefar, ur right, she's talking to blog readers and not bloggers. Blogging is great and its a way of reaching out to diff people all over the world with what u have to share.
Pls this is not about the blog visitors...This is about the bloggers gan,gan...This may not talk to linda but it talks to me big time.....I just can be explaining things...
LOL- but she's right naw- especially gossip blogs. That's what they are about- GOSSIP.
But there are other types of blogs such as political and social blogs so she shouldn't generalize.
i don't advocate hateful blogging HOWEVER if bloggers and those who visit those blogs stopped talking about these celebrities, if tabloid mags became non existent, some of these "celebrities" would be extinct including Rhianna whose music is not exactly considered classic or vintage music that will stand the test of time. if the tabloid stopped writing about her and her near naked antics, she will disappear because her music is not captivating so she should just stop sniffing red dye and talking nonsense.
She seems to be making sense.
who is she?
@anon 4;46 what do u mean by who is she? do u by any chance live in a cave or u just asked dat questn to belittle her?i wonder which of the two.
i guess u are one of d blog visitors that just hate urself and hate others too.
First of all Riri you need to stop hanging out with the *RED* light district girls. Anyways i agree with her statement bout 60%, but i still feel that statement was to spite bloggers. Like in her song HARD, she shoots this line- "where them girls talking trash (2ce) where they at (2ce) where them blog girls at....."so i feel she's all out to get back at the bloggers who keep posting neg. stories bout her. There's nothing hateful bout being a blogger, i mean i can put thumbs up for Bella naija and Linda Ikeji (lov u Linda), they do have a life.
However i think Riri needs another encounter with Chris brown, i mean just maybe we ll' get that pon'de replay girl we all fell in love with years back.
She means bloggers like Perez hilton and co.
Totally wrong...might be true bout some people ooo...but i enjoy writing..xcept someone pushes me, i myt never write a book, i don't have time for a real proof-check so i might never publish an acceptable magazine-though i'm doing one for the church now ooo...so quick one Riri- Wise adults never generalize while they talk esp sensitive stuff cos you're wrong about me and many others. i've made wonderful friends that blog and who obviously don't hate themselves. EG Myne, Nitty gritty, Sugarking, etc Check their blogs Riri and you'd wish you were living their lives. Riri, i used to love you till now....i guess i just like you now- cos no, it ain't all about you!
She's generalizing, her comments may apply to certain blogs. There are some pretty serious blogs out there that discuss real issues especially politics..she might need to widen her blog horizon a little bit..
Rihanna is not well educated and cannot write a blog. Most people from her country are drop-outs and hemp smokers.
She was just lucky that Jay-Z picked her from the rubble. When Beyonce did not trust her with Jay-Z, she quickly married Jay-Z.
No wonder Chris Brown punched that nasty mouth of hers. Silly girl, without make-up she is plain stupid.
...kinda true..maybe she dey read Linda Ikeji blog..sometimes Linda dey post Shark and Crab comment here...and me sef dey hammer wolf comment joor..na wa oohh...dis life sef!
Ri Ri shud have specified because there are numerous blogs out there on other topics such as politics, current events,sports, lifestyle and so on.
Rihanna comes off a bit ignorant here but she is a celebrity so I guess she's generalizing to celebrity gossip blogs. With the likes of Perez Hilton, I don't blame her.
How myopic?! Not surprised though...
@Anon 9:38p.m, she is plain stupid with/out makeup.
Ri is right. Majority of bloggers are exactly what she described and many of them are Nigerian
With dis statement she just gave proof 2 d pple who call her dumb.i mean how can u just generalize like that...gossip blogs r not d only blogs.
Bisola,I am the anon of 4.46pm,if you think that everyone must know who this girl is,then i think it is about time you get a life.
Your really need it.There is a life beyond these silly hyped up kids that you call celebrities.
How can i hate a person i don't know?
Anonymous1 @ 9:38..
spot on!..
such ignorance..and might i add, spite!
and hear her feeling like she's all that!
@Nigerian Film and TV Addict, wot truth culd she be sayin dan crap? she's got beef to settle musically wit the release of deuces & she floped on the JAYZEE inspired remix & now she's booing bloggers...!
why is this retard relevant?
Well said babes. No be lie. Some of us just LOATHE ourselves that we feel good talking SHIT about people we don't even know :-(
Rihana should know that there are many better things she can get from blog beyond gossips as she affirmed that she reads it somtimes, ...that a fruit on a tree is bad doesn't mean all the fruits on that tree is bad, ...she should get a better life and talk wisely!
The mungo park doesn't know that it is the same blogs that are helping her stay relevant by writing about her.
When she opens that hole (mouth) in the face of hers' its only rubbish that comes out. How can she generalise about blogs like that!!!
I don't live in nigeria but i do view your blog, bella naija and sahara reporters regularly just to keep up to date with naija news pardon me nigeria news as madam information minister madam dora says. hahahahah.
Linda carry on with your blog and don't mid this empty talk of hers.
Riri is hurting... so she lashes out at bloggers.. shame on her..did she even finish school? probably can"t read her own contracts before signing...ha ha
Love my peeps!! thats why I don"t live in Niaja..
LOL @ all the comments, was not disappointed at all! trust 9jas...& thanks for the mention wildboy...so let me add my 2 cent as usual....If what she is saying is true....THEN it means SOME celebrities that have blogs DON'T have ANYTHING to do abi? & she reads blogs atimes chei? which means, SHE NO GET ANYTHING TO DO SEF!..a case of a pot calling a kettle black huh?...abegi, make she go siddon 4 corner o jare! na people na no get ANYTHING to do, na dey listen to her crap called music sef! [no pun intended to music lovers o, just getting back at her..kapesh?
She is talking about bloggers like Sandra Rose and Perez Hilton.
Life or know life for these bloggers blogging is a full time job and they are handsomely rewarded for it. Sheeeet I'd talk even more shit than they do if I were getting those kinda cheques. True talk. These people do not blog for free for the fun of it. They are getting paid.
And for anonymous that said,
"Most people from her country are drop-outs and hemp smokers."
What kind of a stupid, ignorant, small minded generalisation is that? Are you Bajan? Do you know any Bajans? Have you been to Barbados? IDIOT. Your mouth is just clacking like a typewriter and you know not what you speak about.
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