They are items of clothing women think are fashionable, but men hate.
Liz Jones wrote the article, Linda Ikeji provided the pictures.
Check it out...
Trying to impress a man? Then don't wear any of the trendy items listed below. Because according to a survey on MSN, guys just can't stand them. A lot of men say they are total turn-offs

Headbands: Men don't like anything in our hair. Period! They like to be able to run their fingers through our hair (or the weave) without impediment.

Gladiator sandals: Men simply detest these. They take ages to put on and take off. And men think they make us appear short.
Jumpsuits: Men don't like it because they make us look shapeless. A guy was quoted as saying "Jumpsuits are the ultimate in women-dressing-for-other-women. Confusing and overly clever. At best you look like a toddler, at worst, my mum in the 70's"
Leggings: Men say the problem with leggings is that there's no mystery. Every contour is revealed. Another big moan from men is that too may women wear them, no matter their shape. which means too many sausage legs.

Dungarees: Who wants a woman who resembles a builder? Or who hides her breasts and waist behind a heavy sail-cloth of hard, nasty denim?
Oversized sunglasses: A man said "If I see a woman wearing this, I know she's hiding something. A drink problem? A lie? Besides, you can never kiss a woman wearing a pair."

Tuxedo: Men are simple creatures. They like to see our legs, arms and maybe a bit of cleavage. What they don't want is braces and shirt studs.
Men don't like Gladiator sandals? Really? Na them sabi...I loves it. I wears it.
There's nothing else on this list I wear.
But this begs the question - Should women dress to impress men?
Do we dress to impress men?
Other women perhaps?
Or should we dress for us?
Please share your thoughts...
abeg jare, who cares what men like and don't like? they're not even good at making themselves look decent not to talk of women. if you dressed exactly how a man told you to dress, you'll end up looking like an idiot.
i m a dude.... i love gladiator sandals...this list is bs.
Run his fingers through ur weave? You must be joking.
Good luck getting your fingers to run through a weave. Akuko
The only item on this list that i dont wear is the for the rest I rock them to the fullest and my boo loves them....wat arrant nonsense??....Big hisss......
Abt ur question regarding whether women dress to impress men?...I think they do but they also dress to impress their fellow girls....(not in a lesby way just like to compete amongst themselves wen it comes to dressing up.
Lindababy...I love u.
Honestly, men sha like to complain!
If you wear something you love and feel comfortable in (+ look sane in), anyone who doesn't like it can go and jump in the ocean.
But really, do men think that the world revolves around them and we only dress up for their benefit??? It beats me :/
o please...what do guys know about fashion?....Nothing!!!!...just a few guys know watsup....for me sha, i dress for myself that means comfort first o jare
Who says we don't like leggings? As long as the booty in it is clapping..
interesting...but i like my gladiator sandals and leggings regardless!
I love the Gladiator Sandals! I think they are very sexyyyy! And many more guys think so. But y is it that it's only Rihanna that is modelling all these? Maybe that's y Chris beat her up. But it's not nice to beat a girl.
Who ever came up with the list interviewed the wierd set of men as in hoow can you run your hands in a weave. For leggings, i can say is not for evert tom, dick and harry but abeg, do they think everything we do is about them.
I find it mildly amusing that Rihanna hit this list on almost every account!
PS - Men are not a monolith.
I like the list but sure won't chhange my dressing if that's what I have in mind to wear! The post is sure interesting though.
Me sef i wonder oooooooh,na so so rihanna dey wear the wrong wrong things
i think women dress for themselves nowadays. me i don't care even though i think oversized sunglasses, dungareees are not particularly nice. but it doesn't matter. wear what fits u, not what someone else wears, or what any MAN wants u to wear.
pls remove weave o hahaha, it's one of the reasons black women don't want people touching their hair lol. We wear our weaves quite well but men can't fulfil the fantasy of running their fingers through our hair without felling the bumpy tracks :( Who knows, one day the world will perceive our hair as beautiful and they can run them through our 'fros.
and then so???hiss
Rhihana seems to be doing pretty good in the men section for someone who has won every piece of clothing not liked by men!!!
so funny that rih-rih and bey-bey are the major offenders here lol. sha, as for me, i wear what makes me happy and never mind all that wan. i do think that not every style is suited for everyone one and like one comedian said "just cause it says one size fits all, don't mean it's is!" personally, i dey fear summer bcos na den you go see all kinds of ya wa.
i don't know which dudes they interviewed but they are having issues with what i would see as normal gear besides the tights because a big girl in tights, especially white tights, can make a person throw up in their mouth!yuck!
i do not dress to impress men
and i dont intend to start now
they don't like sandals??
way too bad
they don't like headbands??
i dont give a flying rat's ass
I also hate it when men sag
but will they stop?
err NO.
Well this just proves what most have known all along, WOMEN DRESS FOR OTHER WOMEN. To oppress or impress? Well Linda i guess that will have to be another article:)
Anything worn by Rihanna would make my list of "Don't wear".
That girl is muna wanna be!!!
so this means that RIHANNA would be COLD and LONELY? bullocks! absolute rubbish. all these GUIDES TO KNOWING WHAT IS IN A MAN'S HEAD are the reason for the large population of unmarried women in the world.
relationships are about COMPATIBILITY. learning to accept each other's flaws and all. its not about some PSYCHOANALYSIS on the brain of the other sex.
all these ones na yeye. by the way, BEYONCE has a HUSBAND and not just some "make i manage am type" but A HUSBAND. so all these gist are for those PSYCHO chicks who are too busy digging for gold in a man's brain rather than having fun and going with the flow.
God forbid that women dress up in what they like, now we have to dress according to men's taste. Men who I might add are usually clueless when it comes to fashion. I will put on my hairband, gladiator sandals, leggings and oversized shades in the same outfit. As long as I feel good and confident. I have a healthy dose of self esteem thank you very much.
The truth is if we dressed to impress men, we will all be running around naked!
Clothings are meant for covering the wear what is comfortable & fits one's frame. I dress to please myself first, then for men & eventually women..because it feels good to be told you look good, gorgeous, chic, elegant or beautiful. Leggings & gladiator sandals are not meant for everybody especially ladies that have 'pestle' legs & wide flat feet!..they are meant for slim straight legs & arched feet so that one won't look like 'shot-put!'. *grinning*
B.S list...
Men should just get on and get a life! Rubbish! Meanwhile Lin, I see you have beef for Riri abi?
I totally disagree with the oversized sunglasses, i think oversized aviators do a lotta trick. Also stars like Janelle Monae have redefined tuxedo for ladies.....finally, dandy chicks can be sexy again!!!
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