Police in Ohio have a man in custody after they say he raped a woman in a movie theater then returned to finish watching a movie with his wife and kids.
Police believe 24-year-old Samson Ojo was watching “Did You Hear About The Morgans” with his wife and children before he followed a 21-year-old woman out the movie to ask for her number.
His wife is cooperating with police and told them that her husband left the theater multiple times and when she tried to call him on his cell phone he didn't answer.
He is being charged with rape and kidnapping.
Source: Hiphopwired
Samson Ojo? Sounds Nigerian to me...
If he looks Nigerian, name sounds Nigerian...he's probably Nigerian. But what kind of sick nonsense is this...?
useless man...de-repping us nigerians again. mmmssscchheewwww, won't do something productive with his life, a family man for that matter. irresponsible man
Linda it will help you if you cite your sources!You cant just take stories that you didnt investigate.I know you are not doing it on purpose but damn!you cite your sources
this is just sick . . .
Oh my God, that is horrifying! I hope they put him UNDER the JAIL. Na wa o!
He might be the son of a Nigerian man. I know a few people like that who are full blooded (attitute-wise) American but their fathers are Nigerian men. So they just have Nigerian names but the aren't really Nigerian.
Sick.......xcessive testosterone levels.
That man is a very bad SHARP nigga who not only believe he deserves to get whatever he wants but also believes he can do it by false. He deserves to be seriously dealt with.
The global punishment for rape should beto cut off the penis of the man involved.
No sane man would go out with his family to watch cinema and rape another woman in the course.
We should stop believing all stories about rape, where will come from, it is not in our practice to rape.
I am not advocating for him, but how investigative is the story and moreover DNA should prove it.
This man is just a black Negro and out there they do a lot to nail you down. If you can do an underground research about this victim, the wife probably must be a white color woman.
Nigeria woman will not accept that kind of negative story about her beau.
Please when you go out there, try and marry from you kindred.
Nigeria Women 4 life!
I heard of this man....check www.bossip.com... i rili don't understand all these animals...giving Nigeria an even more horrible name...hiss....did u hear about the naija man hu threw his 3 month old baby girl in the ocean? he only needed her to get his papers or so and wen he got the papers, he didn't need her.....and the sickest part is that his oyinbo wife plead guilty to allowing it or sumthing...only God will help us....
@ Faramooluwa...waht the heck does your comment mean?You sound like a bloody illiterate
That movie must have caused him to do something crazy...this is serious o,odikwa scary my people.
@ farramoluwa, You sound like you are from another planet or something. Anyways, It's a really bad situation. Too many crazy things happening out there, I guess signs of the last days.
To the ANONYMOUS February 22, 2010 10:17 PM and February 24, 2010 6:39 AM.
We learnt everyday of our lives. No need for you to use abusive word here. Just make you contribution and move ahead.
Why are we always an embodiment to people perception?
Is the story an investigative story? How come the wife is pleading again, do you know the meaning of consensual crime? A consensual crime is a public order crime that involves more than one participant, all of whom give their consent as willing participants in an activity that is unlawful.
And the kids aren’t his, they’re hers from previous relationships. Why don’t we just fold our arms and see the end.
Have you heard about the word FALSE RAPE? false rape charges are a troublesome reality.
How do you quantify rape? Where is the DNA test that proofs this?
Monica Lewsiky, Lewsiky Monica, the end justifies.
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