This is the Top Ten Sexiest African Men of 2009
As written by Shirlene Alusa Brown
Great looks, great bodies, and a strong sense of determination and passion to make a difference in the lives of those around them. It was indeed a had a hard time choosing the sexiest ones so... here they are...all put out for you to enjoy in random order.
*Djebril Didier Zonga - Central African Republic

Now here is a fine man. A model who has been in several ad campaigns and in featured in many magazines, it is easy to see why he is one of the favorites.
*Timal - Moroccan-French

*Modu Seye - Senegal

He is a feature model for 'Sensitif' magazine who transitioned from boxing to modelling. He is passionate about physical fitness and wants to become a professor of physical education. We are sure his class will be popular!
*Modu Seye - Senegal

Wow.....there isn't much left to say. Great muscles, and fantastic eyes. Modu Seye is a hit on the runway and in several ad campaigns. Keep an eye out for this one. He's HOT!!
*David Nso - Cameroon

My life experience has fueled my desire to accomplish a successful career in modeling and acting. The value attained from life’s challenges led me to my first photo shoot in early 2007. Since then I have appeared on various TV shows and an HBO original series program. “African Vibes” Magazine, “The Wire”, “Nordstrom Men’s Fall Collection; “Ugly Betty”, “Lipstick Jungle” “Damages”. Being sexy is one of the greatest tools in this trade.
*Tene Gaye - Mali

*Kenna - Ethiopia

*Manuel Lopes Andrade a.k.a. Tcheka - Cape Verde
Tcheka uses traditional music styles combined with a batuku style of music that helps make his music intoxicatingly sensual. He's easy on the eyes too...what a smile.
*Ali Kiba - Tanzania

Damn! What Hotness!!!

Tene Gaye is a Malian model who won the 2006 World Model competition. He has done an Armani fashion week and is quickly becoming a name to remember.
*Chris Attoh - Ghana

Now this is one guy we can take home to mama. But that look holds such promise! Chris Attoh is on M-Net's popular television series, 'Tinsel'.
*Kelenna Azubuike - Nigeria
*Kelenna Azubuike - Nigeria

Kelenna has those adorable eyes and some wonderful arms. An NBA player with the Golden State Warriors, he has an impressive record as an effective player who makes relevant plays. That's sexy too!
*Chike Okeafor - Nigeria
*Chike Okeafor - Nigeria

This Arizona Cardinal is solid, rippling muscle. Definite eye-candy and very effective at his job.
*Kenna - Ethiopia

Kenna is a man dedicated to making a difference. He is currently planning to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to raise money for charity. How sexy is that? He is also a great singer who is making inroads into the music industry with an innovative and unique style.
*Manuel Lopes Andrade a.k.a. Tcheka - Cape Verde

*Ali Kiba - Tanzania

This young Tanzanian crooner makes the ladies swoon with his music and lyrics. His youthful good looks, luscious lips and great physique have no doubt haunted many a young lady's dreams.
Damn! What Hotness!!!
But I kind of feel some names are missing former Mr. Nigeria, Bryan Okwara... and Peter Okoye!
And if they must put this Ali Kiba guy in this list, then Tubaba and Dbanj should be there.
What do you guys think of this list? And does anyone know how I can contact that Djebril guy? lol - just kidding!
my ibo boys be repping...mehn i need to land in america and land myself one of these guys. but that didier guy is just too much...mehn shouldn't boris kodjo be on that list even tho he is married sha...don't worry linds GOD will help us find men like these men...AMEN! CHRIS ATTOH IS JUST EBONY BEAUTY SOOO HANDSOME.
i cant lust after these men until i know how tall they are.
I love me some chocolate men. How can I seriously get in contact with Chris Attoh? Is he here in the States or Ghana? Why don't I see fine men like these around, like on a regular day. Geez, all I see are some naija men, is either they are like super short(especially the yoruba ones) or they are just too hard looking(the ibo ones),and the fine naija men are taken. I don't care about height, as long as they are not 5'6ft and under. I need to cross over, Ghana here I come. Linda, I'm expecting my questions to be answered about Chris Attoh.(wink)
Nigerians can't always take over everything, the naija men on there is enough. There are many good looking men in Africa. The last pic, i think from Tanzania, are we sure he's not a boy, bcos I don't want to look at him like that.
my igbo boys can "know how to fine" Igbokwenu!!!!
u missed Ngo...he is a model with an awesome body!
Girl, are you serious about Tuface and Dbanj being on this list? Abeg, no make I laff die o! PERSONALLY SPEAKING (do not crucify me all you people who might think these two are "sexy") Tuface may be charming (look at the amount of women he's strung along, gave children to and never married) but he is NOT sexy. Dbanj is NOT sexy either, hell why do you think he hides behind those shades indoor and out?
Even this list sef get as e be for some of the individuals but beauty no be dem sey dey the eyes of the beholder? My eyes behold sey some of these people no dey sex unless boy next door na the criteria dem use but as per dripping hotness, hmmmm den I will say some folks (the nigerian basket ball player, the cape verdian, that other one in jeans and timbs sitting on the floor, old boy from mali looks gay and his name sef come follow be "gaye", the ethiopian bobo, chris attoh) on here are NOT anywhere near sexy but THAT IS JUST ME O, JUST ME PERSONALLY SPEAKING NOBODY GARRA FOLLOW ME ABEG, what is sexy to me does not have to be sexy to anyone.
@Dana: Have you seen Ngo lately? He's hasn't put on weight or anything but he's not looking so fresh anymore especially in the face so nope! You must be going by old pictures from way back when.
I just thank the lord they didn't put Ramsey and Van Vicker on this list, I don't tire for them too abeg.
@ nonimus iya...kwenu...kwezionu!
After the first guy, my mind just disintegrated... I can't even judge whether the rest deserve to be on the list cos I can't focus right now... DAMN! We need men that look like that around more often... LOL @ Hellish restricting her lust until she gets height information... So true! Who wants a man they can't wear heels around...
luv the naija in the mix and thr didier owwwww.and for hellish ditto. My man has got to be tall.
The Nigerian dude on the US soccer team ought to be here, he fyn.
one man's food is anoda poison...dis manuel lopes or watever does not fit wow,check out dat kenna guy...he's hot hawt gbono feli feli......and pls....tuface,i agree but dbanj...hell no.
na wa for you oooooooooooo. what is wrong with yoruba guys. i hope u'r still young sha you girls and tall guys. if you are quite young, you can choose. but on a more serious note, is not how a guy look that matters but his inner beauty and character. most good guys are not always the best in character. beauty will fade.
Amazing blacks wow!!!
Good that you noticed my homeboy...Ali Kiba! Break the sky Ali!
they are indeed hot! but no foootballers this time around, no southern africans either hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! well well well
The Djebril fella looks like Tyson Beckford and that is a very GOOD thing LOL
I think Debrij guy is the cutest of Some of the guys ain't all that, to be honest, love the first three dudes first.
Whoever nominated Cape Verde & Tanzania as sexy needs to re-think again. Some of them seem 'gay' to me. I'll have to go for Mali & Ghana. Chris Attoh is a symbol of black beauty. Loved him in Life & Living It.
Hmmm...Linda, you're calling D'banj sexy. Aki and Paw-Paw nko?
Exactly!!! Peter isn't on there? bleehhhh
OMG!!!My blood is boiling. So fine!!!Thank you....thank you...thank you!
The first guy is a lil too much for me. He kinda of reminds me of Tyson Beckford, he's aight. I don't like pretty boys or small boys, or ones who try too hard, I like me some real men. So, Chris is my favorite, he seems like a simple guy that I can totally take home to meet my mom. His lips are so tempting(muah).I wish I can see his whole body, but he just seems like a down to earth guy (my kind of guy).
na wa ooo.some gals or ladies will talkin as if their guyz re finer dan d'banji and co or all dese models.why not apprct them.well,all u gals re admirin dem. jus da d plain truth. 9ja babes una pass person lol
Abeg, who says the Yoruba guys are too short? Pls, let's be realistic, no sentiments here. The Yoruba guys are handsome, Ibos are no go area (sORRY BUT THAT'S THE TRUTH and u need to check out the Hausa guys especially the Fulanis, so handsome. Mind you, not all noetherners are Hausas....And what's wrong with Dbanj again? He is sexy, simple. Bad Belle, sorry ooooooooo.There's no crime in wearing eyeglasses.
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