Adaeze Igwe, one of the most beautiful beauty queens in recent times is in a sizzling romance with top footballer, Joseph Yobo.

Adaeze and Joseph Yobo
She confirmed her relationship with deputy captain of Nigeria's Super Eagles and top defender, Joseph Yobo of Everton. In her words "We are in a relationship and it is not one of those frivolous ones. It is a serious one that my mom even knows about. This is for real."
Abiola also spoke with the famous footballer who corroborated what Adaeze said. "It is definitely a love match of two celebrities. One an ex-beauty queen, while the other is a famous Nigerian footballer"
They look like heaven together. :-)!
***Adaeze's beauty routine.
"I use Elizabeth Arden on my body. Then I use Bobbi Brown face cream on my face and Bobbi Brown make -up products. But my beauty routine actually depends on my mood. If I'm down, I might just do without make up and when I'm happy I put a lot of make up. I go to the gym every morning, because I eat anything I want, and also because I have a tendency of getting bigger everyday. But I'm trying to cut down on my eating habits."
she's a pretty gal, but she should stay away from all the lace front wigs. I think it takes away from a girl's natural beauty. Her mom is gorgeous, gosh, she looks like her sister. I'm loving how Nigerian women are starting to take care of their bodies after having children.
She's pretty know doubt but she needs a professional hair stylist. Her hair always look scruffy one kain whenever i see her pics.
Wienna again,
when will you ever give a genuine compliment without adding a criticism? WHY ARE YOU FULL OF HATE FOR BEAUTY QUEENS AND MODELS?
The fact that u can never be one does not mean you should spend live ur remaining miserable life in HATE.......
POST YOUR WOWO pics and let us compare your krokro infested, rat chopped, mama iyabo looking hair.
She is a very pretty girl but I hope she does not follow in her mother's footsteps especially regarding commitment to a realationship.
she really deserves MBGN.. yeah!!!
i thought she was studying Law in abuja? They dey study Law in one year...I wish the best of luck but she should stay foucs!
She might be in the r/sp for moneyand i thot she was in school already...too much lies
haters sipping on haterade as usual. what has her mother got to do with what she will become? Nigerians and your judgmental ways, yet you all carry Christianity/Islam on your heads. God will deliver y'all. The girl is beautiful and her reign is over so please can she live her life.
Wienna please fast and pray for beauty or just jump off a cliff.
She did a diploma programme in law, shikena.
gosh tis Anonymous chic? yabbing Vienna shld either be Adaeze's rep or some angry person!!! Take it easy!!!!Adaeze isn't paying u I suppose? and where does Chrisitanity come in this one now?
I really like her personality,its good to know she is doing good......anyways my name is yemmy and I would love 2 get 2 know u better.thanks.
awwwww! cute couple.... this wienna person whats ur own? this is beef o! cus anyone that knws Adaeze igwe, knws she"s always on point with her hair. congrats to em shaa.
yes this anonymous babe/guy...plz no one is paying you. stop calling people names here and stop bringing religion where it is not needed. I dont think that wienna meant any harm with what she said and i don't know who gave you the authority to attack her the way you are. You need to calm down jor, u def. sound like an angry black woman. And wienna is right, i have seen so many pics of her hair not being on point...its just a point that she's in the limelight so some things are just necessary for her (yes like having her hair on point). any way.....
they make a lovely couple, the girl is HOT HOT HOT (no homo) and Joseph Yobo is fresh (at least when its comes to dressing). And her momsie...lets just say i wanna be more like her when i grow up :-)
yeah she is pretty and they fits
yeah she is pretty and they fits
I tink she is all a lady wld wnt 2be
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