Olubukola Adefisayo claims that she had endured a life of torture by her mother.
Photo and story by Patience Ogbo
"I am the murderer, I am not the suspect, I will tell you the truth, I killed my mum because she is a witch," said 26-year-old Olubukola Adefisayo, who is in police custody for allegedly killing her 62 year-old mother, Adedoyin Adeife.
The suspect was arrested by the Aguda Divisional Headquarters Area C Surulere on August 21, after report reached the police that she had killed her mother at their Number 2/4 Bola Bumi crescent, Aguda, Surulere.
The suspect is a graduate of Accountancy from the Oklahoma University in the United States of America. She confessed to being a cocaine addict from the age of 9 and was sexually abused by her uncle at the age of 3.
"I have two children age 3 and 2, but I gave them up for adoption. When I came to Nigeria, I started working for my mum as an estate agent. But she will not pay me well. I got angry because she is very rich. I see her writing cheques in million to her sister, but anytime I asked her for money she will not give me.
"I am sane and I am the murderer, I killed my mum after I discovered that she is a witch and had been sleeping with our 12 year old house help, Segun," Miss Adefisayo said.
She said she was jailed in the US for attempted murder. "I was living in the US and one of my neighbours had an issue with me over the laundry machine. After that issue, I went to jail and I decided to come back to Nigeria."
Miss Adefisayo indicted her mother for her drug addiction. "My mum introduced me to cocaine at the age of 9 and since then I have been an addict. After taking my cracked cocaine one day, I had a flash back on how my uncle raped me when I was 3 years old. I began to cry and I asked our house help, Segun, if anybody had touched him in a way he does not like. Segun told me that my mum did and my mum had also given him cocaine.
"I said why should mum have sex with Segun and it got me mad, we used to be poor and suddenly, we became rich because my mum used Bunmi, my sister for money rituals."
The suspect said she used a sledged hammer to kill her mother. "Segun told me that my mum also initiated him into witchcraft. I got really angry. I used white clothes to cover the entire mirror in our house; I lit seven candles and waited for 9.45pm which is spiritual time. When my mum came in that night, I asked her if she was a witch, but she was reluctant. I threatened to kill her with the hammer and then she said yes she is a witch and she killed my sister.
"My mum tried to collect the hammer from me and we started fighting. I overpowered her and hit her with the hammer on the head, she just slumped and died," she said.
When the suspect saw that her mother had died, she said she told the house help to pour acid on the body.
Police spokesperson, Frank Mba confirmed the incident.
Mr. Mba said: "After committing the crime on August 19, the suspect took the house help and they went to lodge in a hotel. She put a call to her sister in the US telling her that she had killed their mother.
"The case was reported to the police two days later and they went to their house and saw the lifeless body of the victim.
"From her confession, it is a combination of many factors. She need a psychiatrist and we need to decide if she committed the crime in her lucid period or as a result of the drugs she has been taking.
"Meanwhile, the case is been handled by the homicide department in Panti."
is this naija?
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so sad... what are they (Police) investigating? She confessed to it, she is obviously sick. she is an addict, partially deranged from her abuse and the death of her sister; she needs to be remanded in a Psychiatric home not a prison this is more of a medical case than a criminal case.
naija is the bomb
Apparently she is sick, there s no other explanation..........
she should be taken to a mental home
She's obviously sick.
Why would a parent keep a mentally disturbed person in the house when she could afford her medical care and the Yaba Psych. Hospital is so close by?
Sometimes, its the price people pay when they put public reputation over and above safety and security.
It's incredible...!!
I still can't believe this, I went to school with her. She is obviously sick,. It's so sad.
LMAO..she really needs a psychia..but pls Naija now has Homicide department??...LMBO,the girl is just ghetto!!!
LMAO..she really needs a psychia..but pls Naija now has Homicide department??...LMBO,the girl is just ghetto!!!
Linda, why didnt you upload my comment about the Grace this girl needs from God. Wont judge yet, your conscience will tell you if you got it or not and if I was advising you on the truth or not. Up to you.
What Grace does she need from God now. Why didn't she get grace by getting an exemption from been born by this crazy mother.
I think the bad nigerians abroad who go back to nigeria are responsible for a lot of rubbish crime like this one and homosexuality. such a shame. Her case is just a withdrawal syndrome from cocaine. i think her mother wasnt giving her money as she spends it on coke. sad story.
nawo o i know, know se naija get liver like this oh (cocain addict, Murderer,etc what next we go soon get Suicide bombers)
This calls for reality check on how we bring up our kids. 'oh i dont want them to got through the hard stuff i went through while growing up' but the reprimands and discipline should be exempted. 'the evil that men do first kills them, then lives long after them'. Becos im sure she might not be remanded in custody but let off the hook for being insane- till i hope she does not kill another fella. This naija- no this world sef! Who understand i beg?
flaming heck!!!
Father Lord...this is so sad. Whatever be the case, i hope the naija police handles this case with care and sensitivity. She obviously needs help and i hope she gets it.
@ uche you are very DAFT for your comment!what is funny about this situation...this is a girl who has suffered and had been abused and you are sitting there and laughing
Her mum caused everything and thats nemesis catching up with her but this gilr needs to be treated medically not to be put in a prison.
@ anon 7:48, your ignorance is glaring. i bet you are one of those who believe that being gay is unafrican as if african's are incapable of 'perversion', not that i belive there is anything wrong with being gay, it is not my place to judge.
@ uche, i wonder why you find the story funny? and why do you think there is a big deal with naija having homicide dept.? i bet you are one of the many idiots that make pple believe we still live in mud huts. Are you also shocked that we have a president, senators and house of assembly? i bet you didn't know that either.Goat!
Either of two things are wrong with this lady: either she is clinically insane or mentally unstable. I believe its the former.....
I think the girl is sick mentally. it could be as a result of hard drugs or bad childhood upbringing. Whichever, Nigeria is gradually tending toward heinous crimes as obtained in other countries, this I consider a dangerous trend.
There are some ignorant people on this forum, Anonymous what do you mean by the bad nigerians abroad? The issue of homosexuality has been in Nigeria from time in memorial, the hausa's are King pins in this kinda thing and mind you most hausas dont live abroad they rather come and spend Nigeria's money abroad. I went to school (sagamu)with MC Weird and she has always been tomboyish, rumour has it she's gay (not judging, anybody) what has that got to do with Nigerians abroad?
Then the advent of the internet that everybody uses widly in the world, Nigerians can get their info about all these issues through this medium, so what has that got to do with Nigerians abroad, the girl should be pitied and not criticised, there are lots of addicts in Nif=geria aka Area Boys and armed robbers, do you think they can carry out their operation without been high, pls just limit your ignorance to youraelf, the world is a gloal village. It is this same Nigeria i meet people that have never stepped on the plane wanting to talk like Oyinbo! Pls i beg your pardon, anyone can fall victim to whAT SHE IS GOING THROUGH IF YOU ARE IN THE VICINITY OF DRUGS, THATS WHAT IT DOES TOP PEOPLE, ITS THE HARD TRUTH. I pray to God to help her and not people sterotyping others.
Anonymous that is referring to what grace does she need, every human being is important to God irrespective of who gave birth to you, so pls show compassion and not aggression. May God help us all.
i was in panti wen the girl was confessing, the girl needs divine intervention
@anon 12.21pm, i like you already. There are some ignorant and annoying pple on this forum. What do they mean by Nigerians abroad?. Homosexuality and perverts have been rampart in Nigeria which dates back to our forefathers days.
Just because the western world gave it a name "homosexuals, Lesbians or gays does not make it a western disease. Please pple watch your ignorance here. So is child abuse and domestic violence a problem that was brought by the Nigerians abroad?.....
Anon 2:45 who went to school with her, and Gbenga who was in panti please could I have you contacts; we're doing a story trying to understand this girl's life and what must have led to this as a cautionary tale for others, and would be grateful to talk to you anonymously please.
This is very Sad... Sexual abuse on a child at a young age is very damaging and destructive. I have been a victim of such and have friends who have experienced such. I can tell you, their reasoning and emotional balance is completely different from those who havent. This one was bold enough to mention it, others wont. By the way, where is the shameless uncle who damaged this girl so badly? If her story is true, her mama no try at all! Did someone say something about bad nigerians abroad? Pity statement! !!
Well....if her story is true, I think the mother just fell victim of her own madness, which also stands as a lesson to other parents who are into it.
Its funny how everyone is calling the girl sick...
Are you guys not seeing that her mother gave her cocaine at the age of 9???
Her mother deserved to die.
This is extremely disturbing, as i use to go to the same church with her here in the States. I have done several shows with her including fashion shows, award shows etc in Chicago IL, USA. This depresses me, Bukky was a good person, fun to be around, very funny chic, had a personality to die, always energetic, she put a twist on thing to make it more fun but i knew she was on something to stay as energetic as she constantly was. I thought it was just marijuana but cocaine is even worse. I feel for her family as i know her sister very well. I recently saw Bukky at church in Maryland, USA last year and she looked great! i thought she had stopped the drugs then, cause she had cleaned up so well. We exchanged a few words and said our good byes. My heart goes to their family. Please keep them in your prayers. Let us not judge anyone. None of us can validate ore repute Bukkys story since we were not there, but Lord please send Bukky healing, console her family in this tough times, give them the strength to forgive and move on with their lives in Jesus name. Amen
Make all of una come down oh there are four sides to a story! The two parties’ side, the audience and the truth. To those who say’s her actions is justifiable you might be right and to those who say’s what she did is wrong you are also right. First of all, no one knows what happened to her or her mother, she might be lying over those entire allegation so that the jury and media would feel sorry for her and not condemn her too much or she might be saying the truth; but one thing I would say is if you have the hearth to take away someone’s life knowingly or deliberately you deserve to face capital punishment or be executed. So to all who are feeling sorry for these murder you have no case.
@Anon, 5.40, who knew her in Chicago. Thanks for your comment. exactly my point - I am trying to do a story on this so people see the human sign and understand what this family went through instead of jumping into conclusions.
I think it will be very helpful to fasmily and to young girls.
how can i contact you online please just to know what you know of them. It could be anonymous
If anyone else knows this family and can talk to me anonymously, please i would appreciate your email addys
Hmmmnnnn.... How sad...
I knew Bukky very well, i knew she was unstable but didnt think she would go this far.
Bukky also lived in Atlanta for sometime before moving to Chicago. She actually, worked at a furniture company. Bukky was such a lovely girl... very respectful. One thing I remembered was her bitterness towards her mum. Each time we ask about her mum, her reply is always that wicked woman. Well, am definitely going to be praying for her.
I knew her from Chicago. you can contact me at dramaqueenme016@yahoo.com. I will try to be as much help as i can...
Thank you so muchj~! Will contact you now.
I met this girl about two weeks before she commited this crime.
I was on the beach, at one of the bars when it started raining, and we all had to sit in the same area.
Buky smoked wrap after wrap of weed for the two and a half hours I was there. One could easly see how she may be charming, butfor someone who has tried a joint or two in the past, watch her that day was like watching some drink 3 litres of Vodka. Some thing should just not be possible She picked a fight with one of the waiters and continued to insult him at the top of her voice as my party and I left.
I have since been back there, and the staff have had a few things to say about her.
Based on their stories, I wouldn't entirely accept her story hook line, and sinker. She is a litle unstable at best, and the drugs have done a number on her.
My thoughts go out to her family who have to deal with the loss.
Killing ones mother is unjustifiable.
@anoy 11:38 and 7:48: u two are big fools and very shallow human beings, because if u have been outside the country u wld understand dat dis she is just being plain stupid and also i know u still live in a mud house Fucking RETARDS!!!!
By-product of drug induced schizophrenia
I am one of the very few people this case has affected very badly. I never dated Bukky, but she was once my best friend. We attended the same colleg back in Oklahoma. Bukky is the sweetest person you can know. Very smart, diligent and exceptionally clean. On the contrary, she was very unstable. One minute, she is smiling and laughing and in a wink of an eye, she would start to cry profusely and uncontrollably for no apparent reason. She went down the drain when she began to do drugs. I pray the. God delivers her from this mess. I will try to visit her in jail when I return to Nigeria.
no one should judge.. i know a woman who has tried everything to kill her son just to get the inheritance her husband left b4 he died. some stories r unbelievable but never doubt that some mothers are unbelievably wicked to their children. she maybe she s unstable due to abuse. only GOD knows the truth... i wonder where the houseboy is..
Cool post as for me. I'd like to read something more about this matter. Thnx for giving that information.
You're all CRAZY. i'm nigerian and a homosexual. you can't blame me. i was born in america and have been back home plenty of times...OBVIOUSLY all y'alls need hlp cuase you don't know jackshit..but you're right about this crazy chick needing help
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