Friends, family, and fans gathered yesterday at the Staples Center in Los Angeles to pay tribute to the
King of Pop, or as Rev Al Sharpton aptly described him...
The greatest Entertainer that ever lived.Me, you and over a billion other people around the world tuned in to watch it.
Check out some pictures from the memorial...

The Jacksons

Carrying his casket
Usher singing
Gone too soon
His children
Janet and Paris Jackson

Jennifer Hudson

Rev Al Sharpton

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
Usher Raymond

Corey Feldman

Chris Brown

John Mayer

Queen Latifah

"Britain's Got Talent" star Shaheen Jafargholi
Stevie Wonder

Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz
Brooke Shields and Magic Johnson
The Kardashian sisters

Mike Tyson

Larry King and wife

Wesley Snipes
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
i couldn't believe the tears coming down from my eye when paris jackson made her own speech,Queen latifah delivered well and also usher
Ummm- u and a billion ppl tuned in to watch it. I was at the Staples center, yo... lol!
Thanks for the pics girl! Gosh I cried like a baby. Had to keep it done cos I was at work! ...especially when his daughter (barely) spoke. Brook Shields moved me too. So many great moments, MJ will be beaming seriously now!!! I Love MJ, oh boy I do. And I wish I expressed it a whole lot more while he was alive. His music, his mind-blowing steps, his soft spokeness, his good heart, his efforts, his pain and his all can NEVER be forgotten. I believe the best of us are loved and appreciated more in death than in life. Take my dear Jesus for example. But the difference is that Jesus lives on (somebody say Amen! lol). Actually in different ways they both live on.
As said, "the king of pop now rests at the feet of the King of Kings". I've finally made peace with MJ's demise.
Ok why are the Kardashian sisters dressed like they are going to the club?? Why is Mariah Carey dressed like shes going to the BET awards?? Sad..
Hi Sweets,
Wuz up with Welsey Snipes? I really all is well with him.
Omo mehn..I watched and cried my eyes out
@anonymous 3.05am- How else are they supposed to dress?. Na their papa die?....I don't see anything wrong with what the kardashian sistas and Mariah wore?....
It was a well delivered and tasteful farewell for Michael and i know alot of pple will attest to that. There is no need for the fashion police to ruin things....
Mariah Cary and Lorenz did a great job; i was surprised to find out they've had this arrangement since about 15 years ago
why is Wesley looking that he ok?
The Kardashian sisters do not look like they are dressed for the club at all... They look decent enough!
well for me i think he knew he was going to die soon that was why he sang the song called "would you be there"i miss my mentor so much why him mj i will always love you till i die
he really lived a memorable life(uncontrollably large crowd of his fans)but i am afraid he might have a big problem at d gate of heaven,d michael dat God brought on earth was a black american,now hes returning as a white man;he may have some explanations 2 make in peace michael.
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