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Over 700 people killed
Nigerian authorities say more than 700 people were killed in last week's clashes between police and a militant Islamic sect in the country's north. Government and health officials have been clearing bodies from the streets of the northeastern city of Maiduguri which saw the heaviest fighting. Government officials say most of the dead have been buried in mass graves. Most of the people killed were members of the sect.
The sect leader and deputy killed I am sure you have all heard of the death of the leader of Nigeria's Islamist group,Boko Haram, 39 year old Mohammed Yusuf on Thursday night. There are conflicting reports. Some papers reported that he was killed in a shoot out with security forces, while others say he was killed in police custody after he was captured and interrogated.
I hear some human rights activists/lawyers say the killing is unlawful and some are actually planning to take up the case, while others say his killing is justified.

The first reaction of Nigerian Information Minister Dora Akunyili to Mr Yusuf's death was to say, on the BBC's Network Africa programme: "What is important is that he has been taken out of the way, to stop him using people to cause mayhem." However, she did go on to say that the government did not condone what she called "extrajudicial killings".

What do you guys think of the killing of the sect leader in police custody? If he was actually killed in custody. Is it unlawful and uncivilised or is it justified?
I think the killing is justified, after all the foolish boko harem terrorist did not give his victims the right to defend their choice of religion/way of life before killing them.....good riddance to bad rubbish. This will serve as a warning to anybody trying to do the same. Thank God!
I don't know enough about the history of this particular conflict but IF, as alleged, Mr. Haram was executed by police then it is wrong. He should have been brought before justice and the people. IF he was martyred, then his legend will only grow.
An opinion from Canada...
I think the killing is justified...pls see all the people that have died...
Honestly, I'm speechless. I really don't know what to say. Africans kill people like bunch of animals. Africans are the same people who destroy their own. Africans have too many issues that I don't think it will ever be solved, so i guess i should be used to this and expect more.
I'm always very thankful and grateful to be on the other side of the world, because these kind of things will drive me crazy if i was anywhere close to it.
I hope he was killed trying to make a run for it because otherwise they just made him a martyr and the problem will never go away.
In as much as extrajudicial killings r an aberration,negotiations wt terrorists or elements of such r unacceptable.D tide had 2 b stemmed b4 it got out of hand.We as a country must unite to fight and win to kip our democracy.insanity cnt b allowd to thrive,we r free,lets remain dat way,niger delta is enough,we dnt nid more lunatics seekin money tru amnesty.Pls,lets rest dis issue.
Good riddance to bad rubbish. But, all the same the police should be investigated to ensure that such extra-judicial killings don't come up again.
I think the sect leader was killed to cover up a terrible secret that may be led out if he were interogated. We are in Nigeria, so I am sure the financiers of this Boko Haram are powerful men in the society who couldn't afford to let their secret be known. If Mohammed Yusuf was arrested and released in Abuja by January this year, then we know that he has high profile sponsors. Let's just pray their wont be a resurgence.God bless Nigeria.
@ tokunbo
true talk.that guy was being sponsored by northern bigwigs.
this will come up again.
I believe that all the killers will be held accountable for killing of these innocent people. God's punishment will be upon all those who took part and even the ones who cheered them on such as those who are posting comments here. All you wicked non believers shall taste humiliation and defeat in this life and eternal hell fire in the after life. This is the promise of God to you just so that you know.
May Allah have mercy on those Muslims that were killed and put his wrath upon the non believers who are responsible.
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