Michelle Obama’s fashion hits and misses.
By Jennifer Romolini, Shine staff

The first lady of the United States of America had an amazing, whirlwind week. She traveled through multiple European countries, met heads of state, attended official dinners and concerts, sat with the sick, gave inspiring speeches to children, embraced the Queen, AND she wore many, many different outfits. Lots and lots of people wrote about those outfits—some folks were extraordinarily angry about her sartorial choices. Others raved and wept and basically declared that Mrs. Obama was the best thing that's ever happened to fashion. So, what does it all mean? Why is it important?
The truth is, Michelle Obama, through her words, actions—and, yes, her clothes—is setting a new standard for what we think of as an American first lady. She's approachable, she's warm, she's highly educated, she's African American, and what she wears is unlike anything you'd expect from someone in such a prominent position. Mrs. Obama (much to the chagrin of luxury labels like Oscar de La Renta and others in the fancy, American-designer establishment) is using her profile to champion the fashion underdog. She wears clothes by little-known labels, often the work of first-generation Americans of Cuban, Thai, and Taiwanese descent. She loves J.Crew, a brand that many of us grew up wearing.But perhaps what is most interesting about Michelle Obama's style is it seems honest, real, and relatable.
It's fashion with a sense of humor. She wears comfortable shoes. She makes mistakes. She doesn't always know what to put with what. She's like us. She falls for a favorite belt and puts it on with everything, even when it sometimes doesn't match. Her clothes are stylish, yes, but somehow informal. Last week, when designer Oscar de la Renta slammed the outfit Michelle wore to meet the Queen, stating rather snottily, "You don't...go to Buckingham Palace in a sweater," one could almost hear our first lady saying, "Why not?"And saying it with a smile.
Check out a roundup of all of the European outfits and others she's worn over the last few months.

Awesome!!! she is in a class of her own...and a real life example of "man makes the money, money never makes the man"!!!
I def. like her fashion sense... she' one of a kind...
I personally don not see anything wrong with her dress sense, i though noticed that it seems that she likes pleated skirts a lot, which may not be in vogue, but then, its not out of fashion!
She is just lovely woman, who i am sure does not believe the attention should be on her appearance alone, i am sure she pays more attention to her actions and words.
God bless Michelle Obama, Amen.
i thinks she's got syle
she is a living prove that women can be IT all... we can be smart n still beautiful.
I looove Michelle!!!! One thing we both have in common (apart from great taste in men.lol) is TARGET baby!
As to date, I simply do not, cannot find anything wrong with my first lady. For the most part, we can all relate with her dress sense.
Who said you can't wear a sweater to see the Queen??!! Oscar de la what???lol
We met her in Prague and found out if you're going to wear a bow, make it a big bow...the whole conversation displaying her character can be found at
or on Mrs-o.org at
well, while i like her and truly admire her, the truth is that this woman is definitely not a naturally elegant woman and she could definitely dress a lot better too- can you imagine baring your arms outside downing street on a cold day? The black and red long coat she wore in France was terrible and looked too busy on her lovely figure. In short, her dress style is really no different from that of other American women
i love her style....it's more bohemian chic. You can never have enough of Michelle Obama's style attitude and what I love most about her body is the perfectly toned arms she's got...I don't know too many women in that age bracket and even younger ones who sport such fashionably toned arms..I like her support for unknown fashion designers and i think most people especialy americans would cry out loud if she's caught weraing all the Gucci's, Oscar de la renta's of this world during this global financial crisis.
she has a ice figure and her dress sense is on point...but seems like she always had a bad hair day
dear linda
the First Lady of US looking splendid in all her formal attires.
Thumbs up!
take care.
That is my chic, let the Republicans and the rest of the haters jump into River Niger.I love me so Barack too. Let my husband catch me...
i love d fact her style is unconvectional, thats d CHANGE we r talking abt, Mrs Bush neva got half the attention in 8yrs, Michelle is getting,in less than 4months ...ok and also d campaign period...her style is inspiring!
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