This is what I read...
The problem with kissing...

The singles scene can seem like a minefield. That's because just kissing can lead to three types of sexually transmitted infections. You stand a medium risk of being infected with Herpes, Syphilis and Gonorrhoea....
Getoutofhere!!! These Oyibo people have come
Is this for real or are they just trying to scare people off kissing?
What do you guys think?
he! abeg ooo!!
thats the only thing u can do without a condom, and now we shud stop too??
Well you can get mouth herpes commonly referred to as "Cold Sore" and you can contract syphilis and gonorrhea orally too.
So, if you are kissing someone who has these diseases on their mouth, sure you can get it ;-)
LOL...It is absolutely true, Which is why you should beware of kissing someone with a "cold sore" because it might lead to something else, e.g. some type of Herpes , etc. Although, I m not a medical Doctor, I am positive that most medical doctors will agree with my otherwise layman opinion.
It is true that you can get Herpes from kissing...usually if there are cold sores on the lips.
Gonorrhea and syphylis bacteria affect most of the places in the body with mucous membranes. That includes the genitals, the anus and rectum, throat, and possibly the eyes. The bacteria pass from secretions of any of the affected areas. Once your mucous membrane comes in contact with secretions of an infected person, you may contact Gonorrhea or syphylis.If the bacteria has invaded the throat of the infected person, a kiss will transfer it. If such a person performs oral sex on you, you will get Gonorrhea.
Gonorrhea complications-
Gonorrhea is a disease, which is better avoided. if it is left untreated, it can cause infertility in both men and women. In men it may even close the urethra( from where men pass the urine) , infect the testicles and create other complications, In women it may infect the fallopian tubes and may cause PID- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.
WTH????!!!! hmmm. . .this is serious o!
Linda, outside empirical evidence everything could be but speculation. At least in Africa, Malawi to be precise, where I come from, this culture of kissing is only intimately expressed by those in love on special moments not as a habit as I see it here in Europe. Funny enough, one does not hear of any side effects or health hazards through such a common kissing practice. Thats why I contend that only research can prove this claim true or otherwise. You and I should know better how the three ailments you mentioned get transmitted. I do not remember hearing anywhere or reading anywhere for that matter that kissing can transmit these ailments. Oups, I am not a health expert and I can not claim any authority in this.
It's not a new discovery. It doesnt make sense to engage in 'casual' kissing. if u know what i mean. Also, if ur partner has a sore in the mouth, its better to avoid kissing till it heals up. Simple. Herpes spreads like rashes.
Yup its true, you can even get Flesh eating disease from an infected person that dont know...look up flesh eating disease...
Na wa o......we can't even swap saliva in peace anymore!!!!!!!!
It's true, but I think the person has to have the gonorrhea in their mouth first....not sure
Cold sores (or Herpes Simplex virus type 2) can be passed on to the genitals through oral sex, which results to Herpes type 1. Even if the cold sore has healed considerably, it is still infectious until the scabs and everything about it has completely disappeared.
Herpes stays with you forever and flares up when you're stressed, have a cold, malaria or when you're feeling low. 90% of the people in the world today either have Herpes type 1 or type 2; (think about how many people you've seen with sores on the corners of their mouths or lips) so its best to be careful and avoid oral sex if you can. Also, avoid sharing your lip gloss and allowing people kiss your babies on the mouth (having said this though, family are ALWAYS kissing my baby on the mouth- i don't shout tire...LOL).
I'm talking from my medical background, so i'm 100% sure of what i'm saying. You can Google this up to be sure.
Hope you're good girl. BTW why didn't you reply my text? Did you get the stuff i emailed you also?
Take care babes.
Your friend in London. xoxo
Nah y'all are getting it wrong. Yu cant get any of those from kissing.
it says 'medium' chance.
It gets worse...
and simple indicates that we shouldn't try to go round bends/cut corners when it comes to sexual purity...
I believe if we truly understand the real spiritual implications of promiscuity...and adjust ourselves accordingly, we won't be bothered much about these physical effects.
They just wouldn't be for us.
@ elsieolson 2:47PM
I nominate you for Surgeon General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Be warned, you'll have a lot to do! May the force be with you!
lol it is very possible if u can swallow 8 gallons of spit whilst kissing.
However it may not be a good idea to kiss someone who has a sore on the lip...just 2 be on d safe side.
Pls be very careful of what u read/see these days on d net. The perpetuation of myths is becoming an epidemic.
Just like in the movie JENIFA the fake ajepako Doctor said Gonorrhea leads 2 AIDS. SAY WHAT???
I swear People tend to underestimate the power of the media. Do u know how many folks in naija that are probably walking around thinking Gono leads 2 AIDS.
hmmmmmm[cratching head and shaking head in unison]
Dear Linda
I just want to say i am very sorry.I am one of the anons that leaves nasty comments for you.Mine was borne out of no reason but a wicked mind.I despised you over nothing.I dont want to go into details as its unnecesary.But somethings have gone wrong in my life and its made me pass the anger just happened to be one of my "victims"
Now i have decided to end my life and i am apologising to everyone i might have ever hurt either directly or indirectly.
Please say a word of prayer for me Linda and forgive me.
You are a wonderful lady albeit a lover of gossip--but which woman doesnt love gossip.
You will go far in life linda,and most of us are only angry that a young woman like you is a go getter.
All the best
and i am truly sorry
Quite funny
for real linds i heard abt the hepatitis B thingy thru kissing. its freakin scary- but wat d hell-we stil cant live without "MUAH MUAH"ing- or can we?? cheers!!
@anon 7;31, i hope ure joking about wanting to end ur life...please i hope ure just playing...
now kissing too?? am CELIBATE from hence forth. damm lynd. wats a gal to do now huh??
Hi Linda, I sent you another set of questions on your gmail account over a week ago and I haven’t heard from you. Did you get it pls?
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