Half the time we don't mind our business, right?
This is a place where you read everything and anything, right?
I say we, 'cos we are all in this together, right?
Right? No one's answering me o...
Right? ;)
I gossip. You read. So we're all culprits.
Oh dear, this is such a naughty naughty post. With absolutely no malice intended here. This is just a fun post, please no one should take it personal or think there's any ulterior motive to this. It's just my usual gossipy self...lol

Modenine and Ruggedman on stage
I'm sure some of you know there's a beef going on between two of Nigeria's most respected rap artistes; Rugged man and Modenine. The beef has been going on for a while now, but Mode recently took the whole thing to another level when he dedicated a whole song to Rugged on his new album Paradigm shift, titled Death Blow pt 1.
I read the lyrics of Mode's song to Rugged in Encomium magazine this weekend...I had to bring it here...lol. Of course Encomium used the words with permission from Redeyed Records.
These two fellas are my friends, known them for many years so it's nothing personal and I'm not taking sides. And no one should either, just read, smile, laugh, be amused, do whatever...and move on ;)
Now see what you did to you
Ama hop back in the lab and bring the ether to you
I got more respect for your dancers than you
Heard you sacked a few cos they refused to sleep with you
No wonder there's no one left in your crew
Suave Nomoreloss, Jafar and T boi all left you
Now you wanna pull a p-boy (plan b) coming at me
Boy you're getting destroyed
I'm talking to you, the track was a decoy
Take my advise, read boy, stop faking
You said I'm lame, but I go take you out
You said I'm lame, but I go take you out
You're pitiful, ridiculed, stop making noise, listen and learn
My fire go burn, my tire go turn individual lyrical
Shut up you little ass worm
You claiming that you have dough, you still skinny,
Cocoa yam head, long neck like a guinea fowl
I told you before una go bow, I vowed not to blast you
I rap pass you.
I’m bringing a wrecking ball for your sand castle
Built to out spit, out wit and out last you
My delivery bangs like letter bomb parcels,
Spit in your face and shake the hands of KENNIS
Now you’re contemplating suicide like Ayeni
Look Napoleon get ready for your waterloo today
Ama prove it mic wise, you got nothing to say
Wild like a baboon under the moon…nothing to say
You’re going ape shit right now you don’t want it
The joint you did with nice was nice ‘cos 9ice was on it
Boys don’t spit, boy dey vomit, boy are sick
Built to out spit, out wit and out last you
My delivery bangs like letter bomb parcels,
Spit in your face and shake the hands of KENNIS
Now you’re contemplating suicide like Ayeni
Look Napoleon get ready for your waterloo today
Ama prove it mic wise, you got nothing to say
Wild like a baboon under the moon…nothing to say
You’re going ape shit right now you don’t want it
The joint you did with nice was nice ‘cos 9ice was on it
Boys don’t spit, boy dey vomit, boy are sick
Boys are not smiling we no well oh
SWATROOT, baby those are tight rappers hello
You rap for mechanics, I rap and you panic
You’re manic depressed damn it, I’m too nice.
I expose you, now your covers compromised
Shames on you now pull your head warmer over your eyes.
Take it off, eh hen!! Modenine is with the prize
I’m bigger than you lyrically, forget about size
Heard your third album is gonna be your last album…bye bye
Hustling to sell it to shoe makers, dem no buy
Waka waka waka was a track nobody felt
OJB rap better than you, you need help
Know your secrets but I won’t hit below the belt
Huuuuu @, do I hear a sigh of relief?
Too easy I thought son was nice with the beef
I’m the rap pugilist, knock the plaque out ya teeth
You ain’t banging, you’re a firecracker
I’m the shit man, you’re the shit packer
Rasqie was wack, but your new shit’s wacker
Ama Rhymzo that ass, you’re a boomboclot
Head warmer in the sun, what you are
Don’t let me 50 Jah you
End your already ending career and discard you
Let me help you out, you got a little money
You rap for mechanics, I rap and you panic
You’re manic depressed damn it, I’m too nice.
I expose you, now your covers compromised
Shames on you now pull your head warmer over your eyes.
Take it off, eh hen!! Modenine is with the prize
I’m bigger than you lyrically, forget about size
Heard your third album is gonna be your last album…bye bye
Hustling to sell it to shoe makers, dem no buy
Waka waka waka was a track nobody felt
OJB rap better than you, you need help
Know your secrets but I won’t hit below the belt
Huuuuu @, do I hear a sigh of relief?
Too easy I thought son was nice with the beef
I’m the rap pugilist, knock the plaque out ya teeth
You ain’t banging, you’re a firecracker
I’m the shit man, you’re the shit packer
Rasqie was wack, but your new shit’s wacker
Ama Rhymzo that ass, you’re a boomboclot
Head warmer in the sun, what you are
Don’t let me 50 Jah you
End your already ending career and discard you
Let me help you out, you got a little money
Maintain got more money than you, ain’t that funny
No, the funny thing is you’re a dancer now
Trying to compete with Kaffy and Suzie howww
Mr Penguin, happy feet just got served,
Banging didn’t bang, no nice words
It was wacker than your freestyle for Silverbird’s 25th anniversary
Daddy Showkey took you to the nursery, mercy me
Now you wanna kick a verse for me
No courtesy, I just aired him out
Tysonized him, with his ear in my mouth
I got more verses dude, I no fit shout
We can make it personal, you know what I’m talking about
I got some info on you, incriminating no doubt
Many former close friends and they all ratted you out!!
No, the funny thing is you’re a dancer now
Trying to compete with Kaffy and Suzie howww
Mr Penguin, happy feet just got served,
Banging didn’t bang, no nice words
It was wacker than your freestyle for Silverbird’s 25th anniversary
Daddy Showkey took you to the nursery, mercy me
Now you wanna kick a verse for me
No courtesy, I just aired him out
Tysonized him, with his ear in my mouth
I got more verses dude, I no fit shout
We can make it personal, you know what I’m talking about
I got some info on you, incriminating no doubt
Many former close friends and they all ratted you out!!
Talk till fade…
Ruggedman's Response to Modenine

"Now lets check the Ruggedman he is talking about. I have done more for myself and the industry than he can only dream to do. Last year alone I won the awards for best rap album,best rap artist and best indiginous video concept. What did he get? I have more awards than he can ever dream of. I have rocked more shows than him, I have made more money than him.
I have more popular songs and albums than him. I have touched and helped more artistes. I am and will for ever be more relevant to the Nigerian music industry than he will ever be. If he continues making the kind of music he does and continues with this type of attitude, he will not get anywgere.
Acts bigger and richer than him are humble to a fault. He says I claim to have dough and I am skinny. Its funny really Coming from someone that has no car or home of his own. He has been squatting with different people till date since he came to Lagos and I will say their names later if need be. It's mad funny I tell you.
Meanwhile I have run through a BMW 3 Series, A Nissan Murano, A Mercedes Benz C Class, A Volkswagen Toureg and I dedicate my new Chrysler Crossfire to mode9, its to inpsire him not to give up, he still fit make am."
If you want to read Rugged's full interview, go here...
Thought of the day
When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.
That's the end of my amebo...lol
Don't tell anyone you read it here o...
I'm out.
hahahahahhahaa this was hilarious
rugged man totally finished mode9 to the ground ooooo lol
mode9's own was very childish and petty like a female cat fight while rugged man served it like a man
hahahahaha thak u linda u have made my day mwaaaaah
They are both childish, to be real rugged baba need to step up, his wack especially lyrically.
I was expecting him to come harder, lol he went on bragging about material things
just another publicity stunt for 2 dying careers. lol
i didnt find this ish funny one bit!
is the recession affecting their brains or sumtn??
Rap beef is so playedddddddd out and even more played out coming from 2 nobody ajepako rappers.
ok i'll cut rugged man some slack. @tleast he is known but who d hell was d first mugu that wrote an epistle for sum1 he considers a nobody?? hissssssssssss NEXTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
one last word of encouragement for these two children.
Get a friggin life or just go & eat amala or sumtn....anything 2 stop u from making unneccessary noise.
im out....
Rugged Mode. Very funny. I've been following this their beef thing for some time now and i think Mode started it all; taking indirect shots at Rugged and Rugged finally asking him to man up and call his name. Now the whole thing is getting messy. I think Rugged's response seem more real save for the constant reminding us of all he has done for the industry and how much he has achieved. I think Rugged is right when he said that Mode is angry cos the person and many that he thinks he's better than is earning so much and him so little. We can only sit and enjoy the game while it last, but i think i know how all these will end eventually.
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!...That was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny!....BUt I thnik Mode is being childish!.HABA!!!...That was just too harsh!..I loved d way Ruged handled it tho. I think Hes done alot for the rap music industry and hes prolly one of d Godfathers....He done soo much for himself too and Mode had no riht to say hes got money but still sknny!!..Haba!!!...Mode is an ass..He just wants to sell records...Bush man!!!...Pls leave my Ruged man for me jo. ..
Linda baby!!..Ur doing so well...luv ya!!xxx
Ruggedy baba,d pillar of nigerian rap music...U R MA HERO.
4 anybody who cares to know,rugeddy paved way 4 any rap artistes bin talkd abt now..mode9 needed a new strategy 2 sell his album dts y he is pullin all dis stunts. i want 2 see where his(mode9) fat mouth will get him to.
He needs a life nd he knows only ruggedybaba can giv it to him..SIS LINDA THANKS 4 BRINGIN DIS TO US..
if it aint on linda's blog, it can't found anywhere else
Linda ur blog rawkssss!!!
if it aint on linda's blog, it can't be found anywhere else
Linda ur blog rawkssss!!!
lol! omg! i think modenine won that round.. ruggedman is just being defensive.. ok actualli.. i like modenine more.. i dont like ruggedman at all!
Mode lyrics was so WACK and WEAK it wasn't even funny, i read through the first and second paragraph and thought nah eff it.
Quite funny indeed but I feel as friends when things go sour, learn to make excuses for one another. It has a way of eradicating hatred.
Mode Nine's verse was boring as heck and not very clever, sounds like he copied from El Dee's verse to Freestyle. If he must look for trouble, at least he should do it properly.
i can't believe you guys are buying into this publicity stunt /marketing scheme...
both of dem are childish rappers and dying ones they cant make it again ive always noticed that from ruggedman since but with dis i can see mode 9 to is at dat level too anyways if dey want trouble make dey try brag lyrics 2geda with M.I. dem go just finish their career totally if anyone of dem makes dat mistake...
both of dem are childish rappers and dying ones they cant make it again ive always noticed that from ruggedman since but with dis i can see mode 9 to is at dat level too anyways if dey want trouble make dey try brag lyrics 2geda with M.I. dem go just finish their career totally if anyone of dem makes dat mistake..
both of dem are childish rappers and dying ones they cant make it again ive always noticed that from ruggedman since but with dis i can see mode 9 to is at dat level too anyways if dey want trouble make dey try brag lyrics 2geda with M.I. dem go just finish their career totally if anyone of dem makes dat mistake..
Buy The Paradigm Shift!!!
I love ruggedy baba.He's done a lot for himself and by himself too..Who is Mode9?I don't even know this dude...
men..this was hilarious..both talented goons n i have enuff love n respect for both of dem..hope they keep it up..
if beef if wat it take to churn out lyrics like dis..then so be it..
mode9 is too childish for going to the studio to record that,he should have writing a lovely lyrics that will sell so he can change his dress. he should have work hard to change that T-shirt and Timber land shoe he as been wearing since 2006 and he should think taking alot of supplement cos he sweat alot. Ruggedman as achieve alot more than him, his rap is so smooth.
Modenine is a good rapper, but let's be factual about this: most of us wouldn't have known about him if Ruggedman didn't clean things up. Still funny though.
Am sorry this guys rap lines are weak they both need to stop spitting and kiss the mic good bye cause with thoes lame ass lines keeps my mind real wavey making me sea sick and rugged chill with the car droping cause what you drove aint shit to brag about...... and if your niggas really want to bring it i will teach you some word of knoweldge to help elevate your rhymes to all new leavel............ your beef is on realistic and if y"ll really want to battle fight it out on the streets one on one one luV....your careers hasn't even started before before it starts y"ll gona flop
anyway,they are my brother 4rm other side of my mother.mode 9 should not be blamed 4 its action b/c rugg have started it earlier by beef anybody in d industry dat try 2 do things on own his way.peo dat make peo luv naija music,they used lil resouce they aahad,they brought global attention to naija music but one day ruggedy wake up start beef eedris,tony & maitain dat is too childrish my brother,even its lyrics is too local,rugg 4get dat music is not all about money but passion.hip hop has it own ethics across the globe.hip hop is all about consciouness,it preach reality not for club.rugg should takes mode advance'boy read,listen and learned' my brother read about KRS ONE.We fans of Hip HOP we do listen real hip hop even b/4 evolution of hip hop in naija.lastly as hip hop fans mode should adopt diff technics,we are 4rm naija let him show the world we he come 4rm-Ruggedy Advanced,very nice one.both em shoud dat MI now is D'kING
anyway,they are my brother 4rm other side of my mother.mode 9 should not be blamed 4 its action b/c rugg have started it earlier by beef anybody in d industry dat try 2 do things on own his way.peo dat make peo luv naija music,they used lil resouce they had,they brought global attention to naija music but one day ruggedy wake up start beef eedris,tony & maitain dat is too childrish my brother,even its lyrics is too local,rugg 4get dat music is not all about money but passion.hip hop has it own ethics across the globe.hip hop is all about consciouness,it preach reality not for club.rugg should takes mode advance'boy read,listen and learned' my brother read about KRS ONE.We fans of Hip HOP we do listen to real hip hop even b/4 evolution of hip hop in naija.lastly as hip hop fans mode should adopt diff technics,we are 4rm naija let him show the world we he come 4rm-Ruggedy Advanced,very nice one.both em shoud know dat MI now is D'kING.I respect Ruggedy enough is unique on his way,at least million Nigerain can listen to his music and understand.I listen to his music very much.ruggedy is Good,is hard but modenine is harder..if care is not taking he will start beef MI..b/c he want everybody to be like him is not like dat...ANYhow 3 kodos 2 you guys,u making us pride globally in terms of music..unlike Noollyhood
u see ba, dis is a rap battle so,if ruggedman is gonna b talking 'bout his achievements & all,make it a rap.rapwise,i'll say i give it 2 mode9 not lyk am trying 2 b bias or smthing cuz i gat luv 4 both of 'em dudes bt its hiphop yo-lyrics & flows,dats wats it kip it real.1 luv
You guys seem to be missing out on one important point. Linda wrote what Modenine spat on a track, while the one from Rugged man was from a Magazine interview. There is a big difference here. Ruggedman replied with "Banging" and like Modenine said, the tract didnt bang.
i knew dis two guys even b4 they made their debuts on TV. Modenine needs style to catch up with d changing trend of rap music.he hasnt made a good career in hiphop cos he is seeing himself bigger than the market he wants to sell to.though, rugged man also needs to be cautioned at dis stage cos those cars he's braggin abt aint wot successful rap artistes drive. one word for Modo...go bck to d drawin board bro & respect d wish of d pple u want 2 sell to
I dont know what Mode9 is about, but i have always loved Ruggedy. I heard that Modey is even calling M.I. a generic version of Lil' Wayne, haba... Somebody wants to die...
Now that you ruggedman's rugged children can see what's happening to your dad,hope una go keep shut.a mode9 and 9ice ish might come out to Mr adultery.
Mst of d pple dt cided wth ruggdman here r his fans & quite common wth dem r lyricaly shallow. Dey only undrstnd shallow lines lyk wt ruggdman drops.
2b sincere Mode9's game is way 2 advncd 4ruggdman. & Contrary 2wat one writer wrte here, Mode9 wsnt takin shots @M.i, Mode9 & d Abagas (M.I & Jesse) r gud frnds. Jesse jagz producd Mode9's award winnin "Nine", and Mode evn gve a shoutout 2 M.i on dat track "M.i word up" (nine by Mode9).
M.i acknwldgd Mode9's lyrical prowness & calld himself "Mode9 of d year bst rap single, oder rappers sound like condom jingles... (mogbono feli feli rmx by M.i)
and 4ur info ruggdman tuk d 1st shot @ modo on d track he did wth 9ice sayin "...him dey rap lyk oyinbo...", he confirmd it on a radio interview he ws on l8tr.
As far as we rap headz r concernd Ruggedman is a rapper nt a lyricist, Mode9, M.i r ont0p!
By Phoenix.
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Cheers for your help
I love Ruggedman dan mode9
Ruggedman is d best no mata who cum nxt £ he wil always be i trust him £ like dan othas...
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