I love my job! lol
Hope everyone's doing so well.

Our Mag's fourth edition is finally out...it took forever didn't it? lol. Well, we encountered a few problems along the way. The advertisers weren't ready at the time we were ready to go for printing...so we had to chill. We also increased the number of copies, and the cost ran into well over a million and you know how long it takes to raise a million plus. And the printers here don't release magazines until you've finished payment. (Thank God I do other things, otherwise this magazine will wreck me...lol)
Anyway, we finally did it! And it only gets easier from now on
From next year, it will be a bi-monthly magazine...one day it will be monthly...God help us!
The fourth edition will be hitting the stores in a couple of days. As soon as our marketers and distributors spread it around, I'll let y'all know where you can get them. Please support your girl by buying a copy for yourself and a friend. You'll love this edition I promise.
One of the hardest things in publishing a magazine is getting adverts, especially if the mag is relatively new... but we managed to get a few. I'd like to say a big thank you to all the companies that believed in us enough to give us adverts.
Amigos Hair

Gentle Touch


MARS Cosmetics

Lacasera Drink

Silverbird (These guys are doing so much for us it's stupid...gracias!)

Prestige Cosmetics
BTW, I shot this job for the cosmetics company. I came up with the concept, provided the model, the costume, did the make-up, took her to the studio, directed the shoot and produced this. I try abi? lol
We've already started working on our fifth edition which we hope will be out in December/January, so please if there's anyone out there who will like to write for us on any topic whatsoever, reach me at lindaikeji@gmail.com. We really need help. Many thanks.
Choose a cover
So here are the two options we have for the cover for the next issue
Which cover should we go for?
Pls say cover 1, pls pls pls. You know I go with your opinions so don't break my heart.
Cover 1

Cover 2
The girl on the cover is Oby Ezenduka, one of the top models in Nigeria currently.
Note: This is not the final thing...we might be changing background, colours and stuff, if you have any suggestions pls feel free to pass it on and if there's anything on the cover you think needs to be improved on...please let us know.
So what do you say? Cover 1, or 2 and why?
Cover 1 baby!!! Cos i think it's sexy.
BTW hit me up with a call girl. Gat hot gist for ya...
I think cover 2 will attract more people,both "conservatives" and "liberal".Tho sex sells ,...but some people ,especially in 9ja,will not want to be seen reading a mag with a half naked woman on it's cover.
If i were to purchase cover 1 for my aunts,they'ld probably discard the magazine because they might wonder what such magazine would even have to offer with the image, even though its not nudity rather total nudity.As a result cover 2 might be the best option.
However if the magazine is just for young people, i guess cover1 will do....
It depends on everyones opinion though.
Cover 2 is it! She's looking so tensed and scared in cover 1.Go for C2
Cover 2-- The main feature appears to be Oby and the photo works well with the main feature, plus her smile is great! Second, on the far left upper corner, you have one of your headlines as Top 20 Stylish Must Haves. The cover with Oby actually wearing an outfit that appears pulls that headline together to create a consistency.
I am confused on the themes. You have several headlines that appear unrelated. What is the theme for FM & B publications? Do you typcially have a theme per issue? I would suggest a theme so that you are telling a story throughout the publication and then you can have an "extra" part that adds all the jara stuff still on the cover.
I still think there are way too many headlines on the cover. If you keep all, then maybe a different lay out so the cover does not look to crowded. Finally, don't forget the bar code. I think Naija mags have them?
My 50 kobo for all it's worth. :)
One more thing, Coer 2 looks perfect because it is not too much headlines on it. The design layout is perfect. Cover 1 looks like it has way too many headlines going on.
Lynda,sorry to disappoint you.I prefer cover 2 b/c she looks happy and confident where as cover 1 looks like she was shy,innocent and naive.She's a pretty girl,and its not b/c she's naked,i just think cover 2 is better.
Cover 1! 1! 1!.
Number 1
None of the covers- cover 1 is 2 much nudity- not exactly great for someone who intends to b a lawyer and cover 2 just doesn't pop. If you dont have any more options- i guess option 1 will sell me
Re the sweetheart perf ad- sorry love, but its a lil bit tacky for me:-)
Cover 1
I have never commented on your mag cover but this time I had to.
Cover 1 cos it is daring, sophisticated and very elegant/beautiful.
The second cover looks tacky. But cover one is just IT
* I work in this industry and I know what I'm talking about*
Well done. I know in the US, its pretty hard to find advertisera and having interned in Vogue US, I know how our editors run around organizing advertisers. So well done for pulling this off...and pulling it off nicely!
I like number 1 BUT since you are a new magazine i would say start with something less riskie!!Later on when you have grabbed lots of attention you can start going outside the box (just my own opinion)Because trust Nigerians some people can see it and think since there is a semi nude woman in front that is this another version of dauda the sexy guy.
And i don't know if it is the lighting or maybe a shadow i think i can see just a touch of her boobs under her arm.
cover 1 is like a head on a tree..Seriously..it is so bad..she aint got (showing) no curves, no facial expression and the lighting to the face is poor... noting....noting..
Cover 2 is like a deeperlife woman..noting noting.
Bring another cover...
Showing a lil bit of skin but with a smile.
Yea, Cover 1 absolutely, its sexy and inviting...lol
cover 1 is just so gorgeous!!! very classy and the color scheme is lovely!!!
I say 2 because its a nice contrast to the last cover (wider shot) and it seems more appropriate for the dec/jan holiday/festive season but one is also good.
What does FM&B mean if I may ask?
I wish I could say cover 2, cover 1 is doing it for me,
I have one advice.Bear with me . The typo, I still think your underestimate the power of good typography. I know you limited the number to 2 fonts this time around that's a good thing. on cover 1 ,you should use a more feminine font, "femifonts" as I call them have curves, especially when you are using a slender model with finer features. you should use a darker background with a white , grey and red coloured typo.Trust me it will enhance the cover. the caption is not supposed to match the model's skin, this is cheesy by today's standard.
cover 1's great, way better than 2 but there's just too much details on it. u need to tone it down a tad bit. it kinda takes away from the model.
@ED love, u sound so angry,did I offend u? I only asked ur opinion...why the nastiness??? I thought u loved me??? na wa o.
And sweetie, my mag doesnt have to werk for u...I can live with that.
@at everyone else, I definitely will reduce the stuff on the cover...i appreciate all ur comments. I want to hear more cover 1 abeg lol
i think cover 2 is better than cover 1 ...cover 1 is quite tacky, too suggestive and lack lustre..it takes down the validity of ur mag a few notches and takes away from the wholesomeness and quality of the magazine in my own opinion..
HI Linda,
Been awhile i've been here...howdy?
think enuf has been said bout the covers for u to make a pic...my growse however is with one of the issues u discussed. "Autism" whats with this new disease from childhood..i'm sick of all this medical people coming up with different stuff..
First it was malaria, then Aids, Then Hepatitis, just when we were beginning to get over all this they come up with Autism....
Look Linda u r doing a good job but beleive me this is Naija and not US or any other place where we take delight in reading mags with naked women on the cover,cover2 works 4 me. Linda u shouldn't be supporting pornography.
Linda... I say it should be somewhere between 1 & 2.
Cover 1
LIke: I love the backgroud color and font. I love the the model profile shot. if she did the same pose but a cloth around her or something to be a bit conservative for the Nigerian crowd I guess, it should work.
Dislike: Too many headlines.
Like: The headlines
Dislike: She does not look like model, she's too professional, and the layout background/color did not catch my attention like Cover 1 did.
My verdict: Take the headline layout of cover 2 with the background of cover 1 with a re-shoot of the profile shot of cover 1 where she maybe has a cloth around her but in the same pose.
kai human beigns ooo...abeg linda babes,someone just drew my attention to this as i had "supposedly" left a comment.
my dear,no be me o..you know me,if i really HATED it i for yap u well but in a loving way...and wouldnt give a holy fuck with sweet baby jesus and all the angels guarding you if you take it lightly or not..AND would reply you again and yapp u more.i just dont have time for some things these days.
im not really into the whole blogville world anymore,so if some bogus cunt wants to start impersonating me i say to the bitch/dick---i'll take it as an honor..abi??
as they say
as for you watever floats your boat---its your mag,if you want to have a thousand nude nuns sucking the popes cock on the cover so be it.im not really bugged--i only wish you the best because no matter wat you come across as a trooper and always aim for things.
and abeg nobody should call my name into any jagbajantis issues o..
godbless you all
kai human beigns ooo...abeg linda babes,someone just drew my attention to this as i had "supposedly" left a comment.
my dear,no be me o..you know me,if i really HATED it i for yap u well but in a loving way...and wouldnt give a holy fuck with sweet baby jesus and all the angels guarding you if you take it lightly or not..AND would reply you again and yapp u more.i just dont have time for some things these days.
im not really into the whole blogville world anymore,so if some bogus cunt wants to start impersonating me i say to the bitch/dick---i'll take it as an honor..abi??
as they say
as for you watever floats your boat---its your mag,if you want to have a thousand nude nuns sucking the popes cock on the cover so be it.im not really bugged--i only wish you the best....and abeg nobody should call my name into any jagbajantis issues o..
linda, na wa for you oh. so you didn't even respond to my tag even though i told you since yesterday? if na you there, i go quick respond. neways...
lol linda, i wanted to ask you if you'd offended our ED as well. you know, it's been kinda dry in blogville for a while and ED always pops up at the right time to liven things so allow her oh lol.
btw i agree with anon about the sweetheart perfume. sounds like what a groundnut seller would wear lol.
C2 mehnn.. 9ja is not ready 4 C1 (or d 9ja i left in December, maybe things don change)
Big ups to LadyB for her comments mehn.. some helpful stuvs i'm even stealing hehe (don't worry Linda, no competition here)
Keep up the good work Ms. Linda and more power to you.. I wonder what the pricing range for ur mag ads is.. abeg holla...
well 2 be honest. i dont like either of d 2. maybe its just me sha.
on d other hand if i MUST pick, ill go with 2 just bcos she looked pertrified in d 1st. like it was freezing or sumtn
What is wrong with having both covers (50-50 production- if the cost differencial is minimal then why not), from a business perspective, you will do much better, you will be catering for all strata of opinions.
I am sure some international magazines do this or have done before.
Good Luck
Think of the Nigerian Market. If you wre selling in the west, Cover 1.
I would never be caught with a that cover in Nigeria. Will attract wrong attention and t No matter the content.
Change the picture but cover 2 definitely since she wants to be a lawyer, no client will ever hire her after seeing her semi-nude shots!
Linda, do you want SSS and Senate to SHUT you business?????
@at the real ED. jo ba mi nu...was really surprised when i saw ur name there. This anon in particular has been sending me real nasty messages. Im glad its not u.
Ok, im going to work on two more covers and let u guys see it
Hi Li,
Being extremely busy but got excited when I heard the 4th edition was out & the 5th is in process so I had to give ma 1 cent ''' just remember 2 keep ma 3 Copies ;-)
I think U shld take Ladybrille's constructive suggestions. At least she is in the field.Theming the Mag will be fantastic too! but that will be later down d road.
Like I always said You are a GEM not a lot of people ur age (residing in Naija)will have d guts 2 do what u are doing. U HAVE A WARRIOR'S HEART(told U dat b4) Thatz why I will always encourage U. With time and "EGO' U will get there.
I would also extend ma own appreciation/gratitude 2 the advertisers who are supporting you now. It aint easy in Naija 2generate the awareness and funds u are creating.
Any criticism is like A DUST OFF UR SHOULDER - especially the HATERS - dont take it personal. Just choose ur battles wisely. Sieve through d informations and make ur decisions.
Personally, I think the 2nd Cover is Excellent. Maybe one of these dayz U will publish an issue channelled towards Romantic,Sexual, and erotic fantasies which will prompt you to use one the pictures that complements it.
U are still creating a niche 4 urself and need as many readers as possible and U know Naija and our 2 goody shoes atitudes -- gradually we will get there!
Email/Buzz me if U still want an article 4 d magazine or maybe I will do that.
U Go Girl and Keep Stumping!
1 is good but its not werking for me
if u can do a few tweeks to 2
it will sell
linda, i thought i'd taught you how to trace comments. many of these anons don't know that they are not really anonymous. when we talk again, i'll show you how. you won't believe how many "nice" bloggers masquerade as evil anons.
ttyl. xx
Girl i'd have prefered cover one but for obviose reasons bothering on our society, so i'll go for cover 2 but make sure the pix on cover is inside the mag.
Linda, now u re making me feel nothing good can out of a model,when u were just bout changing my mind ,comon waht does nudity ve to do with it?u pple shld stop making women look cheap,away with nudity i beg ,i dont mind being crucified i ve said my mind
Na wa O! Linda what did you do to that ED person...did you steal her boyfriend or refused his proposal,that is if he is a man.
Anyway sha,don't mind that person.
I'd suggest you use neither covers. Come up with something that has a mix of the two...a happy girl and a dare devil woman all in one..and definitely more clothes on but if you must use either one of them,go for cover 2.It's the safer choice.
You are going places girl and no one or bad talks can stop you.I am definately getting a copy and so will all my babes.
saluting yr courage, Linda! its not easy to publish a mag in Naija.lol
i pick cover two cos the colour and the design is richer and more creative
1st and foremost...Pls keep the theme colour of cover 1...it's very warm and enticing!
I love that cosmetic advert...very bubbly!
For cover 1, the model looks very vulnerable...makes me want to flip through each page of the magazine and find out what all the stories that cover has to share.
Cover 2: the colour theme is not very embracing...but the model looks like a girl-next-door with a sunny smile! :-)
1st and foremost...Pls keep the theme colour of cover 1...it's very warm and enticing!
I love that cosmetic advert...very bubbly!
For cover 1, the model looks very vulnerable...makes me want to flip through each page of the magazine and find out what all the stories that cover has to share.
Cover 2: the colour theme is not very embracing...but the model looks like a girl-next-door with a sunny smile! :-)
Cover 2 will help your brand... as you grow you can dare into the unseen world of cover 1
Cover 2 - distributing in the UK yet?
cover two, it looks more inviting
I say 2. Think of your target audience plus the environment in naija. The girl is really pretty too, nice pick!
my sentiments exactly Ladybrille
Cover1 is toooooo busy and the babe looks scared.
Eventhough, people might think nudity will sell better because that is what we constantly see around, but it actually doesn't sell. I do not like any of the cover, but I will not bash you out, bcos I believe there is always room for improvement. I do prefer cover 2, because it is more sophisticated. I will suggest, if you are going to do something like this, you should first think of it appealing to old, young, conservatives and liberal. Sophistication, classy, elegance, and let it look very professional. I guarantee u,it will definitely sell.
Cover 2 has more commercial appeal, this is a business shebi?
Linda dearie this magazine is your baby you should have the final say some of you anons have no respect for hardwork you live abroad and dont know how tough it is here this young woman is doing better than most of u haters,if u have nothing good to say shut up
u inspire me linda
I think the first cover is not okay for obvious reasons.
I'll pick the 2nd one anytime.
dear Linda:
appreciate what you are working on and it sure aint easy. Credits to you on many issues concerning people and problems.
unfortunately, both covers are not v impressive. why not try shooting a model in traditional wear in a sexier way or style...
good luck!
cover 2
cover 2
Linda.. both covers are good but it depends on the context of the edition.. you should know better and take the right choice...
but i will go for cover 2.. dats wat Africans will fully accept.. dis ma first comment on ur blog :)
NONE, do another cover
cover 2 - she looks gaunt in cover 1 - perhaps its the angle but cover is FRESH!
Go for cover one and make sure you dont put any deep colour as background. you need to keep it classy...less is more. go for the first one...brighten it up a bit...dont put too much blurbs on the cover, and make the blurbs just black...and your mag title black also. Thats class...take my word...ah ah ah. Good luck
Here is the deal Linda, You need a new Cover.
Cover 1: While this cover has the potential to be good, it lacks the life and excitement seen in Cover 2. She simply looks blank. Also the nudity does not connect with any of the numerous topics (to say the least) you have on the cover. Plus since this model is going to be talking about the model industry (assumption is based on the title on the cover),I doubt that this is the image to want to portrary to your readers. A lot of people will definitly see this as NUDITY = MODELING. sometime nudity works, but just not here.
Cover 2. this cover is good, better than cover 1. Its fresh, Lively, there is a sort of excitement going on. however, this cover lacks that UMPH :). While this cover shows a very beautiful lady, it does NOT show a model.
Side Note: I personally think that you need to revise the topics on your cover, they are way too unrelated. My recommendation: since your main topic is going to be on the model Oby, you need to focus on topics that tie into modeling, like fashion, style, and beauty, then throw in your exclusive. Topics like, "look like a model on a budget", "how to break into the industry", "unleash the model in you", "Styles and fashion for the season and christmas". Unless you are releasing another edition before christmas, this one should have included things about christmas and the holiday, you can focus on christmas fashion and style etc. Come to think of it, you can have your model in a christmas do:).
Ok i think I have said more than was asked of me :), but simply you need a new cover.
Linda, I think you are doing great things now and will do even greater things in the future, so keep up the hardwork and continue to inspire.
GO OBAMA. I voted :):)
I am organising an event called GIDI CONNECT. We need for your support with
marketing through your blog..
Below is an outline of the event.
Look forward to hearing from you with your comments on our request.
Kind Regards
Gbolade Okeowo
GIDI CONNECT 08 is the launch of the Bounce NG campaign to showcase the new Career and
Lifestyle opportunities that Nigeria now has to offer its young people in Diaspora.
**A networking event for young, skilled Nigerians in Europe and North America to be
informed of new career opportunities in Nigeria. This event focuses on the wealth of
Career/ Lifestyle opportunities in Nigeria and how young Nigerians abroad can develop
skills that will make them marketable in the increasingly competitive and highly
rewarding job market in Nigeria today.
**A Panel of well-regarded professionals from the Telecommunication, Oil and Gas, Banking
& Finance, Civil Service, Entertainment and Manufacturing sectors are going to use
themselves as case studies of Nigerians who once lived abroad, gained and improved their
skills whilst abroad and still came back home to harness these skills in the Nigerian
Some members of THE GIDI PANNEL include:
**This event is also an opportunity for young Nigerians to exhibit their current creative
NAETO C(KINI BIG DEAL) and much, much more.
**Objectives of Event:
To showcase the new challenging and highly rewarding career opportunities in Nigeria.
To reassure young Nigerians in Diaspora that leaving the comfort of a good job abroad to
come back home is worth the move.
GIDI Connect is the force to inspire, educate and motivate young Nigerians to come back
to Nigeria
The Bounce was established in 2005 in Hull, East Yorkshire UK. The Bounce successfully
organises fashion shows, music concerts, dance and lifestyle coaching. Apart from
connecting Lifestyle clientèle and Fashion/High Street retailers like Gap, Topshop and
Republic to a young, skilled and vibrant community of students, the founder of The
Bounce, Gbolade Okeowo was applauded by the British Council as a regional runner up, UK
International Student of the Year in 2007. In the same year the founder of The Bounce was
also applauded by the British Government when he received the highly coveted MV Award for
his service as the founder of The Bounce signed by Ruth Kelly MP.
Now with over 120 active associates Bounce operates through its UK arm (The Bounce) and
its Nigerian arm (Bounce NG) ?
Bounce NG operates under the directorship of GBOLADE OKEOWO. He completed his LLB Law
degree at the University of Hull. Since graduation Gbolade has worked on marketing and
new business generation for multimillion dollar clients in Europe, North America and West
Africa through his role as a New Business Development Analyst for SPG Media PLC, London.
What is the theme of this magazine? I see very broad topic and I thought it was fashion and beauty? I think like nollywood people are taking classes in New York Film academy, you should get some more magazine publishing.
I watch a show called Stylista (produced by Tyra) on Elle magazine and the thought process and professionalism in magazine from writing to layouts and 'TYPOS' making is wow!
Goodluck. I admire your ambition!
Thanks Ladybrille and everyone here. I'm definitely going to take your advice seriously. We learn every day. We are already working on another cover, will let you all see it when it's ready. thanks once more
@ladi, fm&b is no longer strictly fashion, modeling and beauty...though we have all that there but there's so much more in it...it's more a lifestyle magazine now.
I think Cover 1 is the best and for those that think its near nudity,oh pleaseeeeeeee!!!
All those that are forming "stuffiness" read sports illustrated with barely there underweaar or even cosmo and i recall there was an issue of mode with Genevieve in revealing poses and that edition sold out.That says quite a lot.
You really cant please everyone anyway,so far as you have interesting articles to read about and the publication is colorful,yu're good to go
The layout is lovely,the colors well blended and eye catching.
The cover 2 doesnt do justice to the model at all,she looks too covered up
Thats my piece sha
I think Cover 1 is the best and for those that think its near nudity,oh pleaseeeeeeee!!!
All those that are forming "stuffiness" read sports illustrated with barely there underweaar or even cosmo and i recall there was an issue of mode with Genevieve in revealing poses and that edition sold out.That says quite a lot.
You really cant please everyone anyway,so far as you have interesting articles to read about and the publication is colorful,yu're good to go
The layout is lovely,the colors well blended and eye catching.
The cover 2 doesnt do justice to the model at all,she looks too covered up
Thats my piece sha
I think Cover 1 is the best and for those that think its near nudity,oh pleaseeeeeeee!!!
All those that are forming "stuffiness" read sports illustrated with barely there underweaar or even cosmo and i recall there was an issue of mode with Genevieve in revealing poses and that edition sold out.That says quite a lot.
You really cant please everyone anyway,so far as you have interesting articles to read about and the publication is colorful,yu're good to go
The layout is lovely,the colors well blended and eye catching.
The cover 2 doesnt do justice to the model at all,she looks too covered up
Thats my piece sha
i would have liked cover one if she was wearing a tank top....her naked state doesnt have anything t do with the headlines on d cover...however her nakedness doesnt look vulgar or tasteless!!!it actually is classic....maybe they can photoshop a tank top on her or something...the second cover is too busy!!
that sweet heart advert no make am at all!!!i must commend your effort sa!!there's room for improvement
Plenty of advice already. I like cover one but don't think the Nigerian market is ready for it. It's yet early days for you. Leave that till edition 10 or so.
The sweetheart advert, is there a possibility of changing it? It would be okay but for the way the girls breasts are spilling downwards...makes her look like she has an 8--something year olds breast. I know, its gravity but aesthetically, it ain't pleasing.
Let see the other twoo you have. It's good that you are getting peeps to critique your work. You are basically sampling for free. Excellent strategy. And I was reading through, Tyra Banks came to mind, you easily are the Tyra Banks of NGR. Good job. Keep it classy.
hands down cover 2 it is more universal and will sell up north :) keep up the great work linda!
cover gal 1 mos def. r u sleeping??? lol. ul see it wil be sold off before u BLINK linda. cheers.
COVER 2!!!!!!!!!
God Bless You Linda! http://www.bummyla.com
Gooood one lindodo
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