Recently, you launched your clothing line. Tell us about it
G "It's not just a clothing line. I actually launched my fashion brand, St. Genevieve brand. I am going to be branding a lot of stuff not just clothes."
Why did you decide to go into fashion?
G "By thinking I have met the right person to do it with (Iconola). But it is something I have always done silently by myself. I made my clothes myself for a while and when I found the right dress maker to work with, we hit it off and I said it is about time. Again, I thought I had enough time on my hands."

What gives you the inspiration?
G "I am actually giving a lot of myself out. What I am giving is my style. I am bringing out my style to the public. So I influence myself. That's who I am."
Do you consider yourself a very fashionable person?
G "I consider myself a fashionable person, but it is a matter of opinion"
Who are your all-time fashion icons?
G "I can't figure anybody in Nigeria. I have always loved Halle Berry. Her clothes are awesome. I love Angelina Jolie as well, very elegant. A couple of people who simply dress well and let their personalities speak for them."

An actress now managing a clothing line. How do you relate the two together?
G "TV is glamorous. Clothes are glamorous. Obviously they go hand in hand. So to be a TV personality, it means you are out there in the public glare. You just have to have an idea on how to look great"
And they WENT there...
You once said you have no reason to marry now
And she ANSWERED...
G "It is because I have not seen the man to marry. That is what it means..."
And that my dear friends is the end of the interview.
I admire her greatly. More success babe!
Pix thanks to niyitabiti...
Julius Agwu finally weds

Star comedian, Julius Agwu has tied the knots in an A-class wedding which was held in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Aba-Port Harcourt, Rivers State on Saturday, May 31, 2008, with the reception at the main hall of Civic Centre.
Here's wishing the newest couple in town a very happy married life!
Ikenna wanted to get married. He was having trouble choosing among three likely candidates [Ifeoma, Nneka & Ngozi].
He gives each woman a present of N650,000 and watches to see what they do with the money.
Ifeoma does a total make over. She goes to a fancy beauty salon gets her hair done, new make up and buys several new outfits and dresses up very nicely for the man. She tells him that she has done this to be more attractive for him because she loves him so much.
Ikenna was impressed.
Nneka goes shopping to buy the man gifts. She gets him a new set of golf clubs, some new gizmos for his computer, and some expensive clothes. As she presents these gifts, she tells him that she has spent all the money on him because she loves him so much.
Again, the man is impressed.
Ngozi invests the money in the stock market. She earns several times the N650,000. She gives him back his N650,000 and reinvests the remainder in a joint account. She tells him that she wants to save for their future because she loves him so much.
Obviously, Ikenna was impressed.
He thought for a long time about what each woman had done with the money he'd given her.
Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs.
Ass! LOL!
'Men are like that, you know. You can never tell what they base their judgement on'
We'll continue tommorrow. I'm tired!
please. what hair style is that model rocking. i love it?
can anyone give any clues including the hair type? kinda looks like what TY Bello has.
Lol! Na true talk. Lol!
Lets see, "Genevieve influences herself... Does not "figure" anybody in Nigeria as a fashion icon... and admires Hallie Berry and Angelina Jolie' styles. Yet her models are wearing designs from the streets of Lagos and other cities in Nigeria. Fabrics that are worn by Nigerians(btw will never find neither Hallie and Angelina dead wearing)."
Wow! this is the problem with our young women this days. They are so rapped up in the western world and what the see on tv and magazines, that they are almost ashamed of who they are and where they come from. Women from other parts of Africa admire the way Nigerian women dress. This girl is selling African cloths made from African fabrics to African women, yet there is absolutely no one in Nigeria who ipresses her fashion wise?! I'm soory, but this girl is a trip. I know she is a good actor and all that, but she really needs to get over herself. "I influence myself" You have got to be kidding me!
I really admire Genevieve She has done really well for herself. She is a beautiful hard working young lady.
She is also an inspiring positive role model for single mothers, as she's an example that you don't need a man to become successful.
Way to go girl...
That joke was a true hit.
Have a sweet weekend.
I like Genevieve's clothing line or brand as she calls it. I am feeling her style.....She chose some nice models to showcase her creation. Good job G.
i am not impressed by that clothing line or brand or whatever she called it. Every one of those outfits has bn worn and made b4. and i agree with anon 9:28 am, sometimes Genevieve says the wrong things in interviews and fuels the notion that she is stuck up. She's still beautiful and has talent either way but not when it comes to designing clothes.
ANON @June 6, 2008 9:28 AM.
I feel you on this one. same feelings here.PUUUUMPOUSITY as my blessed mother will call it. this shows how mis- guided she is and sadly she ain't the only one.
anyway auntie linda, i am waiting for St. Linda 'cos i know your's will be very great. i like the way you celebrate the success of people without sentiments and envy.
all these "yeye" over hyped actress dont rock my boat.
happy weekend everyone
I love Genevieve! I think she is amazing!!!!! Azara loves :)
Anon 3 @ 9:28, you took those words right out of my mouth. This is the first I've ever heard anyone say "I influence myself". I am not suprised it came from Genevieve though.
Love... love the joke linda.
Mia :)
lol at genny. i wonder who will uy that line. i hope she continues 2 influence herself cos with that look she rocked to her own launch, (i mean look at the dress and her crusty feet) she won't influence anyone else.
Hey Linda...Nice Blog here!! Keep doing the good work!We are behind you. Can you advertise this blog?It's for the GCFR himself ALI BABA!!!Thanks girl!mmmmuah!!!
that is why i hate all these one man riot squad nigerians do.
she is truly influencing herself with that kind of dress
Representing Mba5. Genevieve is doing great, I still think she should stick with what she does fairly well - movies. Still..
Linda your jokes are always on point,lol.
Wow! Miss Nnaji nobody in Nigeria meets your high class taste. Honey you can act, without a doubt no question. However, there are three things you must not do again; Sing, This fashion thing and most importantly NO MORE INTERVIEWS!!! Honey you say the dummiest things and your arrogance is very offensive to people who think.
Angelina Jolie and Hallie Berry my foot!
great job.LABI
St G has my blessing all the way.labi
and whoever said Angelina Jolie has style./..pliz give me a break...Geneveive is a rzz goat...Angelina only dresses up when she is on the red carpet
Keep on keeping on and influencing yourself Genevieve Nnaji, as it is a great formula to not let anyone lead you a-stray. From where I am standing, you are doing a fine job of empowering women around the globe, esperciallly the single ladies. To all your negative critics: Get a life, already!!! Keep up the GREAT work Genny!
For fuck sake, give the poor girl a break, I have lived in england for over 16years, and its not that easy opening your own business. You bring each other down, instead of encouraging each other, you lots are saying she is too bloody bumpous, what the fuck is wrong with you fucking Nigerians, you lot make me wanna disowned my country, you need. To go outside so you can experience other places and know that its not fucking easy to get to where she has gotten, not to think of the fact that is bloody single for fuck sake, give her break you pricks, and pray you get where you are meant to be, cos you lots are critics fuckheads. Maybe she can't sing or but at least she fucking using African materials for her fashion to say she is proud of her country, and puting. a twixt in the designs, you corkheads need to fucking try to lift Nigeria up and not bring the country and its people down. I wish you lots can experience the live abroad then your fucking mentality and approach to life and things will change, fucking wake up
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