She spoke to Stella Dimoko Korkus on her new lover

E "Thank you, I didn't go out of my way to say 'hey meet the new man in my life."
So how serious is the relationship with this new man?
E "Am I supposed to answer that?"
Are you just friends or is it deeper?
E "Oh yes, we are friends."
Just friends? i thet where it ends? No sex?
E "Christians are not supposed to have sex when they are dating."
Is your new man an older or younger? People are assuming you havae joined the clique of those who fall in love with younger men?
E "I don't know how to put this in any better way but I don't date younger men. It's not my style. My new man is in my age range. He might have a baby face but he's not younger than I am or older than I am"
How old is he?
E "Gerlad is 37 and he is a fine man"
How long have you been seeing him?
E "Long enough for me to be able to show him off in public"

So are you certain there are no girlfriends or wife that will show up and cry wolf now that you have officiall shown off your new man?
E "By God's grace, I hope and pray. He assures me that there's nobody else and I am the only sugar in his tea"
Is Gerald rich?We don't want someone running off with your money again, do we?
E "I know what you mean. I will not make a mistake a second time. Gerald might not be a billionaire but he's a promising young man and soon enough what he's made off will surface"
The dress you wore to the NMA, what was his impression of the dress? You were almost naked and there has been a lot of negative reaction to your choice of outfit. So he stood by you and smiled all through?
The dress you wore to the NMA, what was his impression of the dress? You were almost naked and there has been a lot of negative reaction to your choice of outfit. So he stood by you and smiled all through?
E "Yes, he likes me like that, the way I am and his eyes are on me all the time. He likes me to dress up so that he can look at me all the time. He supports me 100%, so whatever anyone thinks or says makes no meaning to me..."
Well said UK.
Pix thanks to Niyi Tabiti
Pix thanks to Niyi Tabiti
Tee A's Old Skool Party Pix

The two men left to battle for president come Nov 4th 2008.
I had my doubts...but he did it! To me, Obama is the man of the decade and hopefully America's first black president!
God bless America...!
God bless America...!
15yr old girl stabbed to death

Arsema Dawit, who sang in her church choir, was stabbed to death on Monday, two days after her 15th birthday. Read the sad story here...
The real Hip Hop

Arsema Dawit, who sang in her church choir, was stabbed to death on Monday, two days after her 15th birthday. Read the sad story here...
The real Hip Hop
It’s like a rain of dance competitions right now. So much that you will keep mistaking them for each other. The buzz cant seem to stop amazing us because just about 2 to 3 years ago, dancers were jobless, unserious layabouts but the new emphasis and respect is amazing. Some says it’s as a result of the Nokia Danceathon competition where we broke the world record. Other says the industry has just grown to appreciate these artistes more. But for whatever it is, its a very good development and it has moved on from background/back up dancing to dancing as an art on it’s own for appreciation.
All over the world, dance has always been some kind of unifying factor and even identification for different groups with the kinds of dances they do. Its fun and at the same time very healthy sport. Different dances are by the day creeping in on us and they are fun. But the age long hip hop remains the most prominent and it has even diversified into different parts. From crump dancing to popping and locking, bugaloo, B-Boying, Steps, etc. Hip hop is huge and most young people are in tune with the songs and dance moves America IS OF COURSE THE HOME OF THIS DANCE and every now and then some competition or the other is hosted around dance. About 7 years a ago, a group of young guys who have been running the dance scene in America and release top dance movies like “You got served, Honey, Stomp the Yard, Step up” came together to stage a world dance competition in America and as expected it’s grown into bigger success as the years went by with no participation from Africa until 2yrs ago when South Africa came on board but that’s still not Africa. The biggest black nation wasn’t there yet. So, in 2007, Testify Music Group secured rights for Nigeria at this prestigious competition. As opposed all other competitions, HHI is clearly defined. it has five categories :
1, B-Boy
2 B-Girl
3 Popping and locking
4 Bugaloo
4 Bugaloo
5 Crew Battle (Junior, Varsity and Adult)
But being that this would be our first year, we will only be competing in B-Boy/Girl Popping and locking and Crew battle (Adult category)HHI Nigeria is setting different standards from that of every other dance competition because this is an event with the founders of hip-hop, well defined and structured unlike other competitions that are going to countries with hip hop roots and without clear definition.So Nigeria will be represented in this competition live in Vegas, USA! Now, no games. Its live in Vegas - one crew and one Bboy will be fully sponsored, to Vegas for the final competition where they will be competing with the world. As much as 30 countries are in the competion this year. And you stand a chance to win an American video choreography, Paul Mitchell 1 year gift pack and other cash prizesSo do you 'dare to drop' at the Hip-hop International, Nigeria competition? You've got to get registered on
Auditions will be held a on 7th June 2008
Partners of this event include Chocolatecity, Hiptv, Nigeria international and Lucozade to boost the dance energy!
Registration closes 0n the 6th of June.
Partners of this event include Chocolatecity, Hiptv, Nigeria international and Lucozade to boost the dance energy!
Registration closes 0n the 6th of June.
For enquiries call 08052333810.
Gloria with other famous bloggers (Pincessa and Tayo Odukoya) having fun at the Palms...
It's been a blast having her here in Naija...
A child in SS Peter and Paul, Anifowo
She was asked to make a sentence with distinguish
Teacher : Make a sentence with distinguish
Student: dis tin wish u do me i dont like it.
That's it. Will be back tomorrow
BTW, if you want to make any anouncements, advertise something you're doing, product launch, share pictures, etc, etc and you want it on my blog...let me know!
Don't worry, it's free of charge...
Kisses everyone!
Hey Linda,
Just saw the blog with your pics without make-up.
You look really good without make-up, honestly. Really good.
I am begging you to forget about adding weight. Please, forget about it. You are fine the way you are. Even after you add the weight people will focus on something else.
Besides, trust me you are going to look back and regret all the time you wasted trying to put on weight. Besides, a time may come when you will be trying to lose weight which is just as stressful.
You look amazing. Many bloggers who comment are hiding behind their comments and when you see them in person you will be shocked. Let's leave that one.
And those who are your friends and family are just commenting but they really love you the way you are.
Chioma, London
Linda, i like Denrenle, he is a unique individual. I pray that SOME Nigerians get to accept & aprreciate his individuality (2 A's) and can STOP putting him down. He comes off as a nice chap beneath his so called weird dressing (which i even think adds to his indviduality; good for him.) Eucharia Anunobi has guts, she's a fighter, she never gives up - i like that. The tea party photographs looks nice, the concept is different. It is quite impressive.
You go on girl with your fine self. Take care...
Linda, you are very naughty. lol.
Good on Eucharia for the answer she gave to the interviewer who was asking what her man thought of her outfit. I don’t understand why people should be frowning at her "almost naked outfit". It is her choice and she should not be made accountable to anyone for her choice of wear. Although I am baffled with her choice of tights. Was there any need for that? (LOL)
heard some 'famous bloggers' pics were put up, so did a sprint down here.
gloria looks mighty fine.
Okay I definitely recognise Princesa...and I thot she was out mourning bulldog, Tayo Odukoya and wink wink...but Gloria, a Famous blogger? I'll see. How you doing Linda?
Me 1st!!!!advertise my blog!!!
Eucharia should learn to show one thing at a time. That being said, this weight is killing her beauty. Who remembers her from was it glamour girls 2? Damn, those legs,that body, that skin. She is still fine but could stand to lose a little.
@ mommy, gloria is not a blogger o. don't mind naughty linda lol.
Who is gloria the blogger???
Linda, I am not one to judge people but I thought Eucharia is a born again Xtian. When her husband left she cried and cried and repeatedly said that she is born again. My question is how could a born again xtian expose her breasts in to the public view. I guess finally God answered her prayers and gave her a man that she has been begging for and now the born again thing jumped throught the window.
I am just appalled by the tights she had on. Not necessary if you ask me.
errr...Chioma from London....whats wrong with her wanting to put on a lil' weight? She's pretty already,but i dont think she'll look n e less pretty if she decides to do so. Besides, from all indications (her tryn fruitlessly to put on weight et al..)Linda seems like she's genetically built to be thin, so whatever little weight she adds on now wouldn't do n e more harm in the future.
Linda if thats what u wanna do...biko g'on...stock up on those carbs esp....but remember to stay healthy while at it o.
BTW, is it jess me or is Stephanie Okereke in every freaking event nawadays?? While its nice to socialize, too much publicity could hurt a little.
born again nigerian style abi. every dog and fowl in naija or is it chicken now are born again these days. niyi featured another shameless gospel singer the other day too.
make them go sit down jare
hi linda,
this is santiago(
really i think that you are one daring blogger that many blogges have to emulate cos i belive that blogging is about being expresive in a manner that encapsulate your total8ity and individuality, its either you have it or you dont and over time, your blog has become like a morning pill, i always have to take a peep before doing my own blog, i love you sincerely and its really a priviladge for me to work with you ...
hey and dont mind the haters, believe me, deep within thier hearts they wish they could be as bold and confident as you, go girl friend, and keep being you consistently.
Love Eucharia, but I dont get the second picture...Anyway, its hers.
Gloria is looking hot ooo....pls tell her to come back to london. we miss her.
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