I will get back to regular blogging in a week or so... bear with me abeg!
One woman, two men
Meanwhile someone made a statement some days ago that I just had to bring here for discussion.
She said "Any girl above 25years old should never have only ONE boyfriend. If you are 25years and above, you should be in at least TWO serious relationships and even have one guy on standby incase one of the boyfriends messes up. This is because 25 and above is when a woman needs to start thinking seriously about settling down and putting all your eggs in one basket is the most unwise move for any woman. Because if after 1,2,3 years of a dating a man and it doesn't work out, it means starting all over again. And before you know it, you're in your 3o's still looking for a husband. But if you have two men and one messes up, the other is still there, and if the second one also messes up, you have your standby to fall on to. With this tactics, you're guaranteed to be married before 30"
When she said this, in my head I thought, it's hard enough sleeping with one man, how do you do two at the same time? Especially if the guys are 100% faithful to you. How do you satisfy them? Well you can, but then you always have to have a hand fan around to blow cold air at 'you know what' (like I saw a girl do one time) 'cos its always going to be on fire...lol. Besides if both men find out you're cheating, you're most likely going to loose both of them...so what's the sense in that? Maybe there is?
What do you guys think?
Fun Stuff
President Bush funny pix

The first photo was taken when the Chinese president went to US.

The second photo was taken when Bush went to China
Stay away from my wife...you...? lol
World's funniest tattoo?

This person must is crazy...lol
Crazy Road Signs


Pre-haggling at its finest...

We woulda tied for 2nd if it wasn'tfor that muffin accident...

Always try to big

But why? lol

If you're already in here, well, okay
During a wedding reception; the groom was called upon to give his vote of thanks to his guests and this is what he came up with:
1. I want to first of all thank the Lord Almighty for creating my wife And to also thank the pastor and his wife for lending us their wedding rings.
2. Special appreciation to my landlord who lent us his car.
3. I am most grateful to my boss for approving the loan I used for the wedding.
4. Big thanks to the committee of friends for the appeal fund they raised on my behalf.
5. Also to my brother's wife, thank you for lending us your wedding gown.
6. Am so grateful to the cake designer for the cake. I promised to return it tomorrow morning as agreed without cutting or eating out of it.
7. Special thanks to my friends who brought food from their homes to help me feed you all. Please for those who were served food good luck and for Those who didn't get any, well we will make it up to you during our child dedication ( hopefully next year).
8. Very big thanks to my parents for bringing the village cultural band to supply the music as well as entertain us all here, today.
9. Not forgetting the church marriage committee, thank you for persuading my wife to marry me.
10. Appreciation to the married men in the church for rushing me into this marriage.
11. The women are not left out, thanks a lot for teaching my wife how to dance.
12. To the youths, thank you for sweeping and decorating this venue with palm fronds.
13. I am also grateful to my teenage friends for helping with the Zobo drink
14. Appreciation to my co-tenants for contributing money for the cameraman
15. Well, I wish you all safe journey and I pray you don't experience what I suffered for this wedding. Thank you.
Interview by NASA
NASA officials were interviewing three prospective astronauts to sent to Mars on a dangerous one-way trip. Only one of the three would go, and that candidate would never return to Earth. The interviewer asked the first candidate, an engineer, how much he wanted to be paid to go."One million dollars," replied the engineer, "and I want it donated to my alma mater, Rice University."The interviewer asked the next candidate the same question."Two million dollars," answered the doctor, "and I want to give one million to my family and leave the other million to medical research."The third candidate, a lawyer, was asked the same question."Three million dollars!" replied the lawyer."Why so much?" the interviewer inquired.The lawyer replied, "If you give me three million, I'll keep a million, give you a million, and we'll send the engineer."
Red Light
Two elderly women were out driving in a large car - both could barely see over the dashboard. As they were cruising along, they came to an intersection. The stoplight was red, but they just went on through. The woman in the passenger seat thought to herself "I must be losing it. I could have sworn we just went through a red light."
After a few more minutes, they came to another intersection and the light was red again. Again, they went right through. The woman in the passenger seat was almost sure that the light had been red but was really concerned that she was losing it. She was getting nervous.
At the next intersection, sure enough, the light was red and they went on through. So, she turned to the other woman and said, "Mildred, did you know that we just ran through three red lights in a row? You could have killed us both!"
Mildred turned to her and said, "Oh my! Am I driving?"
Ways to spot a millionaire

There's a lot of craziness going on around the world right now. The Burma Cyclone, China Earthquake, then the pipeline explosion in Nigeria which happened a few days ago...over 130 thousand people dead and missing in just a few days...God help us!
The harder you work...the luckier you get! Embrace your dreams!
Bye for now.
haha tactics indeed. that is why relationships and a very happy one at that doesn't mean anything to nigerians. i think it is this mad mindset that makes our people put thier heads and lives into relationships where they see other people and children rightly settled.
there is nothing as ugly as a cheat. yes that is what it is. that is why we have created a sad cheating and stealing society like ours. whoever cheats has bought the lottery ticket for being cheated period. whatever you sow you reap.
good luck in all you are doing young lady. see you at the top. wale
linda, you can have "spare tyres" without cheating now lol. you don't have to sleep with any of them. when the most serious one marries you, then he can sleep with you...abi??? that way you'd have no need to "fan" ya punani. lmao!!!
no stone throwing o abeg. lol!!!
Aww Linda best of luck in all your projects God will not sleep on you! Keep blogging oh ne forget us for here!
This is just too funny.
Wishing you the best with your magazine.
thats an extremely stupid advice/..
marriage is not do or die...settled my yansh
i dont think u have to sleep with every guy u are dating thats why its called dating getting to know each other and then i think u can date more than one guy cos u know guys fuck up. as long as u are upfront about it to all parties involved and may the best man win. linda all the best. may God crown ur hardwork
wow! which pipeline xplosion again?? God help the families involved in all of the tragedies thru this times.
with regards 2 d one girl 2 men question; the lady who made that comment sounds very um...um...um...um whats d word im looking 4?? im kinda blanking out at the moment. yea she sounds BLANK.
she made no sense whatsoever. i guess shes one of those types who do not marry 4 love. she's just looking 2 bear the MRS title.
Sha sha to each his own abi??
i am guessing d folks who r leaving comments missed the memo or just dont know what a SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP is.
the lady said u shld be in 2 serious relationships by 25. she didnt say dating.
that would have been a separate discussion entirely.
na so them dey fail exam oh!
and like Wale mentioned that is basically CHEATING. it is cheating... it is cheating.... it is cheating! the unnecessary euphemization must end!
nigerians keep twisting things to make it sound better or make themselves feel better.
there shouldnt be any SHAME IN UR GAME. Call it what it is. a spade a spade abi??
and pls never have i heard that it is okay 2 tell a man u are with that u are in a relationship with another person and so "let the best man win" lol basically implying that it is a competition or what???
unless the guy in question is a BIG MUGU or could care less abt u in the first place.
and that how 2 spot a millionaire thing is like 97% accurate. lol
Zobo drink: Did that one happen in Benue state? No offence, just asking. Linda, you are a funny chick. Dating is for whites mainly and sleeping together after one date is for blacks mainly. (ok, my head is getting ready to be chewed off. Oh yea chewers, i am just too ready.)
I don't know what kind of serious relationship your friend is that she has time for two. I personally just don't think its feasible, if in a serious relationship, you have to call you bf everyday, you spend so much time with him, so or else one of them really does not require a lot of attention.
Sleeping with two men at a time, just use condoms + pills so you don't get pregnant, could be a major problem.
Besides it is cheating, but if you can sleep with yourself at night, then go ahead.
There is a good chance that you will get caught, because they both know where you live, work, know your friends, and you will end up with no one.
Just my opinion, its one thing to be talking to guys on the side, another thing to have multiple serious boyfriends
ha ha ha,i cant get somebody thereby to join me-what a speech by the groom.
@ paris
'na so them dey fail exam'
thank you my sister! priceless comment lol
I have seen situations where a woman have 2 men and at the end of the day she gets to choose who is better than the other.
You must not sleep with them unless you choose to cuz you wouldn't want to marry a man that can't satisfy you.
Basicly this world is full of cheat and all that. If you choose to be with a man you really luv and he chooses to experiment with you and other ladies we all end up at the same spot.
Guys chaet and ladies too.
For me if i find two men that love me i will try to find out who loves me better and who i find compatible with.
For some people dating could mean getting to know each other well , to know the person u want to spend the rest of ur life, have fun and feel love from some one
For others it could mean just going out together, nothing reall y serious.those involved could be seeing someone else bla, bla, bla
I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So thhose who used dating fell in the first category of people i mentioned.And you fell into the second category.
two serious relationships, jeez, the headache you get from one is more than enough and the fact is, back up plan or not, its stil not right, you dont go into an exam hall with books just because you're not sure what'll come out at least i've never been able to, i'm one of those people who think the day i cheat, i'll definitely get caught, same goes in a relationship.
two serious relationships, jeez, the headache you get from one is more than enough and the fact is, back up plan or not, its stil not right, you dont go into an exam hall with books just because you're not sure what'll come out at least i've never been able to, i'm one of those people who think the day i cheat, i'll definitely get caught, same goes in a relationship.
It is rather interesting for me to read the blog. Thanx for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.
Julia Hakkinen
escorts in donegal
I definitely want to read a bit more on this blog soon. BTW, rather nice design your blog has, but don’t you think design should be changed from time to time?
You are not right. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
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