Cover 1

Cover 2
Oh by the way, FM&B is not strictly a fashion, modeling and beauty magazine anymore. We've incorporated lifestyle into it, mostly to expand our readership. So, in this next edition you'll find Love, relationship, parenting, gardening, decorations, travel, high profile interviews, events, inspirational stories, health, career, culture, general issues, jokes, puzzles etc. Basically everything that will guarantee you a good read.
Meanwhile, edition 2 is still selling. You can get it at Nu metro, Hair and Lidon pharmacy all on the Island. You can also find it @ Collectibles, Talk2me, Bobby's signature in Surulere. Opic plaza in Maryland, local and international airport and a few vendors here and there.
When I do eventually have enough money, I guarantee you this magazine will rock this continent...quote me...lol.
Ok, so what do you think? Which should we run with? And please tell us why.
BTW, that's Isio Wanogho on both covers. She's one of the top 5 models in Nigeria right now.
Hi Linda,
I would go for cover 2 because the girl's hair is not as loud as in cover 1. I don't like the red or it's blonde hair, it's take a lot from the cover. Overall, I am proud of you Linda.
BTW, whats up with picture 1?! Y is she holding a cigarette? what message r y'all tryn to convey? Besides, pic 1 looks amateur. #2 is way hotter.
answer my question tho.
cover number 2 is better
i kinda like the cover 2 better
Hi Linda
How can l get your magazine. l stays in Umuahia. Do u have an outlet where it is being sold in umuahia.
I love the second one also,it is kind of edgy and too madddddddddddd!. Okay can you tell me how i can be a model,cause every1 is telling me i have the body and all.I am planning to move to nija for good tho
To be honest,OMG NEITHER, it looks like a comic book, who ever came up with it should be sacked and why is the model holding an unlit cigarette in the first pic..
can I ask a question, do you do the covers yourself...
first???? Anyways i like both but i'll for cover one cos she's looking right at me and her eyes kinda draws you in dontcha think???
first???? Anyways i like both but i'll go for cover one cos she's looking right at me and her eyes kinda draws you in dontcha think???
oops!! sorry i take that back, i didnt see the cigarette. i dont think you should promote smoking on the cover of your mag, its not something everyone would appreciate.It would be viewed as quite irresponsible girlie!!
Hey gurl, really nice front covers but i prefer the first one.
cover one definitely...it just catches ur attention and its very very classy...dont chooose otherwise
i think you should use 1, but is that cigarette she's holding?
wats up with the cigarrete in cover 1??
If it was a cigar then MAYBE it'ld be more appealing but naah not feeling the cigarette.
lastly, d chick on d cover is hot o!! me likes her attitude.
eh linda i shld come model 4 one of ur covers..abi wat do u think?? lol
ok i think my work here is done!
i actually like the first one except for the cigarette in her hand. it is more eye catching.
i am feeling the first picture picture 2 with the tights looks tacky
cover 2
I like 1. The hair gives it more character...
COVER 1 NO CONTEST! keep it up linda luv the look!
Hi Linda, great job on the magazine. I seem to prefer the second cover, looks more edgy and sophisticated. All the best!!
How are you sweet? Long time. Been mad busy. Missed ya. Would def give you a ring soon. (BTW have you sorted out the landline? I'm sure you haven't lol).
I like cover one best and that model is BEAUTIFUL.
Stay cool
Both covers are tacky.The background and fonts are just not working. I like your second issue cover the most-looks more pro.
well i think the covers look the same but the first one is better, and the model is pretty but she looks kinda fat tho...
bOTH COVERS ARE FAB!!! But the text-font style is not good for a magazine of it's theme.
the first photo looks so much better in my opinion..the other isn't all that
I think the second one is better. i'm not digging the 'cigar' thing with the second and the red background on top makes it look like a Valentine Edition. Val's day will be way over before it hits the stands so that a con not a pro.
Thanks for asking.lol.
Number 2 rocks, are you kidding me?!
sincerely speaking, none of them..the pics with her hand in he head wering a Tee doesnt capture my imagination, there is no message.... The word combinations look like a junked piece of work with a search for space..like a mans magazine. :)
Preferablly, the first one!
,,,,linda,most definitely one.dont really like 2.she is really pretty though.
Linda, honestly speaking, i would prefer the model - Isio, to show some cleavage. I think it is one of her assets.
What i would suggest, that is, if it is possible, is to take another picture of her showing some cleavage; not tacky but classy.
Then you use that picture as against the one taken in cover 2.
Because the print (text) of cover 2 is quite nice and clear.
I hope that you are well. Take care, Linda.
HEll 2 da No on Cover 1. What message are u sending with the cigarette @ hand. I looked at all the cover topics and none depicted the reason for the cigarette. I know U are looking for the waoh factor but isnt it too extreme when we are trying to show the bad effects of smoking.
I think the second cover is da bomb. It is subtle but evokes the sex animal in us. the Layout is also better.
Good Job --- U go girl--Mightly proud of ya.
Cover No 1, Kindly change the oversized shirt,
Linda could you not use both male and female models, since it is valentine season is some funky / appealing pose.
I appreciate your creativity keep up the good work.
The first one
i dont like either cover,but i prefer 2
#1 - the fake wigs, da cigarette and the makeup is too much; all whitish face - bad choice!
#2 - good choice pic, if only she is not wearing that net leggings or how do u call it- she gotta be sexy, sultry, sensual and teasingly showing some cleavage - but it seems like u got a hooker there!
my pick - still #2, but get rid of those nets!
For peace sake,ditch the cigarette,change the font but definitely use cover one...and a word of advice...its ur magazine...choose what your gut feeling says...its rarely wrong
cover 2.
Number 2
Erm... I definetly prefer cover 1 ..the red hair and the direct look into the camera draws you in but the cigarette issue makes it a question mark for me?
I don't like cover 2 at all!The shirt looks funny on her, I don't like the pose and it's sexy but maybe a little too much..cover 1 is sexy without being over the top.
Nyways, good job though..I can imagine a lot of hardwork went into making them both
Perfer the first one aside for the cig,it's bold b'cos the girl is closer to the cam
No. 2 most definately
I kinda fancy cover no. 2. I don;t really like her holding a cigarette. The font on the covers is not really the best but all in all. Well done Linda!!!!
i no feel u at all,pls explain d cigar thing
Hey Missy,
#1 no am at all.I mean she has a pretty face but her fingers looks bad with d cigarette,abeg she needs a manicure.
Anyway,i think u're doing a good job and icheckout ur blog to stay informed aboutnaija gist.Can you have your distributor supply your mag to other african stores in laurel maryland,we have a alot of nigerians in that area that would appreciate your work.
Number 2. is the bomb linda.
The fonts will definitely be changed. My biggest problem is deciding what pic to use on the cover. If I get rid of the cigarette, will pic 1 be good to go? I kinda like that one
i think everyone is not approving pic1 cos of the cigarette but that picture rocks.whether with the cigar or without,the PICTURE ROCKS like hell.abeg use am but if the pressure to drop the ciga gets to u then drop the cigar but by all means use pic one cos its a sell out pic.the second picture is in a closet so a face people cant see they wont buy it!
good luck and all the best!
.............still waiting!
My take definitely is cover 2. the model looks innocent yet sexy in a sultry kind of way. Doing this without the cigarette sends better signals that it's not porn mag. Let's send out positive impressions. Means alot to the buyer(public)
its cover 2 for me!
Cover number 2 it is for meee!
Please to those of you shouting about ciggarette...dont you people buy magazines here with people sniffing cocaine and smoking gbana? Abegi jare.
While number one is sexy...i think that number 2 is hot.
And please my people, i dont think Linda is trying to send any message with the cigga thing. Abi is it a health magazine?
Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle...
Cigga is in the fashion scene heavily.
Just my 2 cents.
80% of babes in naija be puffing up in the clubes now adays sef.
If you get rid of the cigarette, Cover 1 is the winner.
In cover 2, I feel the sex appeal but the way the way she placed her neck was kind of awkward. I feel it might be a distraction.
no 2 most definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda, just go with ur gut feeling. U can never satisfy every1 equally if thats wot u're looking to do...it seems the opinions here r equally divided. I prefer #2 but go w/ #1 if thats what u r feeling...why da heck r u the boss-lady then?
And for pete's sake...abeg don't employ such a nasty, unattractive concept again...u come off as a non-smoker bcos i'm sure u know the consequences, so y try 2 promote it? to get a shock factor? bsides, smoking cigarrettes aren't even n e thing to raise an eyebrow for n e more...it'll get more like a "what da hell' typa expression. Stay true to urself...and don't loose ur self in the quest for fame/money.
I prefer no. 2 cos it looks more like her dan no. 1.
#2 is my choice
Like Safari chic, oops also lol. Didn't see the ciggie either. Based on this account, i hereby switch to pic 2 which is equally lovely.
Can't stand smoking. Dirty habit and it stinks and kills!!!
I wud say go with cover 1. I like the fact that she is looking directly at you. She has an engaging look and that is sure to make people snatch off your mag at the newsstand. But do me a favor tho, lose the cig pls. It doesn't send a positive message.
Cover 2 rocks, you said the fonts would be changed, Great!
I will definately go for cover 2.
It has more appeal and looks more catchy in my opinion
The pictures are not disturbing to me, maybe women can have a better opinion on this . But it is the fantasy fonts around the actual pictures. Seriously it make this cover look more like a flyer.This isn't a diss.It is ultimately wrong to use more than 2 fonts on the same page.and only 2 colour of the seme scheme at a time. No yellow orange should appear with such a strong black as a background. Please use the Pantone colour guide, there are soft feminine colours that usually match with the various skin tones of women of colour. You can repeat its use so they can be associated with the Mag itself.You have used a total of 13 fonts for one cover ? WTH*
now i have another critic for the logo. I hate to say this but i really feel, you simply choosed a font at random, there is always a serious typographic work on every logo, what is the little faux bevel on it and why is the actual logo title so massive that it clouds a 3rd of the actual cover.
ah and er.. No gradient, forget those they look good on real glossy paper ( only), they use too much colour 256+ colours are mixed to produce only 2 noticeable, it is a waste of ressource and it will show.
keep the space clean empty the actual subject must be centered with about 4 cm on each side left of empty space. the only time a face is supposed to be so close is when it is an actual portrait. one really have the feeling that the entire issue is a tribute ( i insist tribute) to the actual model.A few pages inside do not justify this.
PS* while we are at it i will add another critic on the fonts, no font should be recognisable by its name, i did identify many by their name because i print myself and i do a lot of web related work.The freeware fonts should be altered ( it make sense). Also your printer will not suffer while mixing all those colours because you only selected a few for a clear visibility.
Hi Linda,
I don't think it's the cigarette, that is the problem oh! So even if you get rid of it. I still think that the face, the hair and the over large shirt is not doing justice to the cover 1. Cover 2 is still the best in my opinion, it's sexy and stylish.
Ps, it's possible to get it in canada?
i'm glad you're going to change the fonts because i was going to recommend just that.
I wholeheartedly agree with anjugrasay and just browsing. Can barely read and your previous covers are way better.
@ Bobby: 80% of babes in naija be puffing up in the clubs now adays sef.
Sorry i have to use this medium to respond to that comment.
I would say 80% of the babes you know are puffing up smoke. There are lots of ladies (guys) out there that can do without and would appreciate cigarettes not being flung in there faces.
Another thing. Do you know the distance these magazines go. Kids get to see it and they just copy every thing we do. If seeing it on a magazine seems cool then it's okay for them to get into the habbit, and i'm sure that's not the message our dear linda wants to pass across. I'm not a saint but lets leave an enviable legacy for the generations to come.
Just my own 2 cents.
i like cover one because it show a really good photography work done and two is definetly hot but ild go for one. i want to be on the magazine cover too...sniff sniff
I love cover one, i actually tot the babe was Tyra bank. go for it girl and God bless you yafu yafu
Cover 1 by a distance
id go for cover one without the cigarette.
while both shots show excellent photography work, cover two shows less of the face, but is veeerrrry sultry.
so, cover one without the cigarettes.
its very simple, just crop it off. you wont lose much. thankfully, the hand is near the bottom of the page...
The covers are both nice,nice job to you Linda but and there's always a but, cover 2 looks so much subtle while conveying a message.I'd pick that.And yeah if u could change the fonts too.But go with ur instincts.We can only make suggestions and contributions but the decisions lies with you.
Cover 2 .... it shows her essence... sensual and sexy
She's a smoking hot babe so perhaps number 1 should be the natural choice...! but clearly by the posts naija is not ready...
The covers are good, except for the models.
The models are not photogenic.
The make-up artist and stylist have done little or nothing on the models.
The dress is not right for the concept of the cover.
See Elizabeth Michael on Victoria Island in Lagos, for tips on the cover model.
Elizabeth Michael is on Akin Adesola Street, Victoria island, Lagos.
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