His 15yr old
This week, his estranged wife, Joanne (Mother of the 15yr old) and Ernest granted separate interviews to Encomium Magazine (Monday 3rd-10th 2007) telling their own sides of the story.
They were interviewed by a journalist called Azuh Arinze, one of Nigeria's foremost entertainment journalist...meaning that everything he said they said...they probably did.
Read their interview...
It's so disheartening...
First is Joanne (Who is based in the UK...the interview was via phone)
One of the hottest stories in town is the allegation that your estranged husband Ernest Obi, impregnated your daughter, Vanessa, how true is it?
Joanne "It's true. A friend of mine (Titilayo Oyekola) called me that my ex-husband had sexually abused my daughter and even gotten her pregnant. I didn't believe it, moreso a child he raised, a child who knew no other man as her father but him. What happened was that at that point, Ernest had called me that my daughter ran away from from. My response was that 'you are in Nigeria, she is your daughter. You don't expect me to leave England to look for her. This is a child you raised yourself, why should she have the effontry to abscond. I didn't know that something else was happening.

Was it a one off thing or did she tell you about other that he took advantage of her?
J "She said mummy I cannot count how many times. I asked where I was the first time it happened and she said 'I was in the hospital ' (At that time I was in Nigeria). I said how long did it continue? She said it went on and on until she took ill. When she took it, she started going to the hospital, finally, she discovered she was pregnant."
Did your daughter tell you the hospital Ernest took her to, or the hospital she went on her own?
J "She said she went with a girl called Chioma. Ernest knows this girl"
Where's your daughter now?
J "Right now, she is in Lagos. She just came back from Ogun State because I told her to go there. She hasn't been to school, I didn't know Ernest was not paying her school fees anymore. So, I sent her to Ogun State."
Don't you think that you didnt handle the matter well when you got the complaint that your estranged husband was allegedly violating your daughter?
J "I blame myself for everything that happened. Oh my God! My intention was to come to Nigeria and unravel the whole thing. My plan was to come to Nigeria and hound him behind bars. If it were in England, he would suffer. I failed in my duty to protect my child because I didn't believe her father would violate her."
How long were you married to Ernest?
J "officially we were married for ten years. And we have two children together. I have two other kids from another man, Vanessa and Emmanuel"
How long ago did you leave his house?
J "I left Nigeria on November 6, 2004"
How is your daughter handling the situation, considering that it has become a public issue now?
J "A lot of stress. All through yesterday, she was crying, I was crying. I cried because it will not go out of her for the rest of her life"
When was the last time you spoke to Ernest?
J "That was this week (Last week). He said there was a publication in Encomium on front page. He said you guys wrote that he impregnated Vanessa twice and aborted the pregnancy. He called me again yesterday and said he had lost a contract of N36m. He said he just won Chairmanship of AGN, that he wanted to go ahead and resign, that Vanessa said he raped her constantly. I said yes, Vanessa said so!"
What about Vanessa's father?
J "I didn't have the nerve to tell him. He lives in Lagos. He is aged"
When you confronted Ernest about this allegation, was he remorseful?
J " He was not remorseful"
When did Vanessa tell you that Ernest had been violating her?
J "It was in November last year. From what I understand, she ran away from home last year
You knew about this since last year, how come the press is just getting to know about the story now?
J "First of all, I was too embarrassed. Too ashamed of what happened. I didn't know what to do?
When you were in Nigeria, did you at any time suspect them?
J "No, I never. There was no sign of anything at all"
Considering the situation of things now, are you making plans to come to Nigeria to see one or two things you can do to remedy the situation.
J "Three times I had tried to come to Nigeria, once in February, July and last in October but I had a lot of problem. Actually because of my kids here. The social services wanted to know who my kids are going to be with."
You said your daughter told you she will commit suicide, don't you think it would be nice to come back as early as possible so that she can stop thinking about that drastic step?
J "Yes, I actually told somebody that if it means moving back to Nigeria, I will do it. I will do it (Starts crying).
End of Joanne's interview.
Let's move to Ernest reaction to the whole thing
According to Encomium...
On Saturday Dec 1, 2007, the star actor kept his words by coming to our office. And he was here for over three hours, explaining why he couldn't have slept with a girl he calls his daughter. Ernest Obi, at a point, broke down and cried. And this much he said
Ernest Obi "I will start first and foremost by saying that whatever they told you, go ahead and print it. Do not remove a word from whatever they said. I do not want to join issues with them. I just want you to realise something. The same man she's painting as being evil, who she said raped or slept with Vanessa severally is the same man she went to when she has nowhere to go. When nobody wanted to accommodate her, I took her in with two kids who are not mine. I took them in, trained them in school, I even trained the boy in University in my house, even after Joanne left.
She left me and we knew it was over. So whatever story she tells, well, that's too bad. And they still were in my house for two years after she left. Does that not tell her anything? Because there was nowhere else for them to go. If it makes her happy to to say things like this, I say more grease to her elbow.
But if I was Joanne, and heard that my daughter was raped, I will come back home and lock that person up. That is what I expected she should have done. That is why I said she is the lovely mother that she is. Joanne, pls come home, com and find out the fact; find out the hospital where the D&C was done. Where I took her for abortion, bring your witnesses, arrest me, and I will not argue with you. I will not say anything evil about you.
I'm the new AGN (Actor's Guild of Nigeria) Chairman in Lagos. There is nothing anybody can do about that. I have reported this to my guild, national and state and I'm sure they believe in me as I believe in myself. whatever anybody says that is their business. I'm saying this out of respect for this magazine, for calling me to hear my own side of the story. And I'm happy it is all out. I didn't want to say anything before because there are children involved, but now it is obvious it does not matter. She can go on, keep the shame factor on. I'm okay. God bless you"
The End!
I have only three things to say...
1. If I was accused of raping a 12/13 year old girl, and I'm innocent...this is not the kind of things I will say when I grant an interview. I won't take it so calmly. If I never touched that girl, heads will roll. When I say heads, I mean heads. I will get everyone who mentioned my name arrested, hospitals, doctors, tests, the alleged witnesses, friends, associates, extended families will be picked up. Everything and everyone will be exposed and the issue sorted out with the police and I will not rest until the truth is uncovered, because being accused of raping a child is so deep, so treacherous, so offensive, that I will probably have nightmares for the rest of my life if I'm innocent...not to talk of defamation of character...the stain stays with you forever.
If that's all Ernest had to say...then I wonder!
2. Only an insane person will accuse her step father of raping her if he didn't...
So she's either deeply insane or she's telling the truth.
3. Apart from Ernest and Vanessa, there's someone else who knows the truth and that's God. May he prevail in this matter...for that child's sake, may he prevail!
What do you guys think?
wow! this is a serious issue.May God save us. Cynthia!
things happen..nawa o
thats just too bad.. There are a lot of sexual deviants in that country, all these old papas chasing high school girls in uniform..creepy sons of u no wots.. Im sure if they do a house help survey, you will begin to see the scale of this problem.. for his own sake I hope he dint do it, but then again something tells me......
Linda, your two cents on the scandal I support 100%. One do not give that kind of respond to such accusation. The State, by now, should be in it in a big way to get to the bottom of accusation. It should not be left to be played out in the media.
Remi Bailey
I tire oh, I guess Ernest is guilty as charged. He was just too calm over such an oversensitive issue. Moreso, he kept recalling the good he did them. Meaning, he slept with the girl as his payback for doing them goooooood.
I guess Ernest is as guilty as charged! He sounded too calm over such an oversensitive issue. Moreso, he kept on telling us all the good he's done the girl and her mum. Meaning, he was sleeping with her as his payback for doing them good!
I guess Ernest Obi is as guilty as charged! He was just too calm on such an oversensitive issue. Moreso, he kept on emphasizing the good he's done the girl's mum. It's like he slept with the girl as a payback for the good he did her mum!
i have met ernest personally, and he does not strike me as that kind of person at all. if this was actually true the mother should be ashamed of herself for not running back to nigeria right away. her daughter is knocking from pillar to post and she is still in england claiming that social services are hassling her. if she had explained the situation to them they would understand, furthermore she could take the other 2 children with her and the nigerian network is so large in england, she would not live here if she did not have some one in her famil also here to lend a hand. i think it is something cooked up either by a deranged mother or a child seeking attention from her mother who has neglected her. that is exactly what she did neglect her child. shame on u joanne
I think the girl's mother is a poor excuse for a woman/mother. One of your children tell you that they were raped and you don't bother to come back because you want UK papers? She is beyond pathethic.
I think it is too early to judge.
a)If the man spent over 3hours at Encomium granting the interview, I dont believe what what was published was all he said. All that can be said in less than 5minutes.
b)Secondly, I dont think the story adds up. If the mother of the girl has been aware since Nov 2006 that her daughter was raped and she has not made any attempt to see or even go and see her daughter then something is wrong somewhere. It is either she is lying or she is an irresponsible woman.
What a story? serius issue though, The slanderous stuff people say these days just to get stories out and make money, I'm not trying to take any sides but I find it hard to believe.
The girl might have been truly raped, however based on the fact that her Ernest is separated from her mother, her mother might instigate her to spoil his career now that he is the guild president. Not everyone is violent, sometimes violence does not resolve the issue. he is calm does noes nott make him stupid but if i were him, vooddoo and jazz dey now.........lol, Just kidding oo God forbid but on a serious note... i guess he is just being level headed and does not want more wahala,in that this woman might even go extents to pay her informants to s;peak against him. I am not being prejudiced but from what i read, i guess its a way to just pull him down... like i said initially it may have happened but from his own side of the story he did not seem liable for rape.
something doesnt smell right.
ernest is not a violent man despite some of his characters, he is a well spoken, softly spoken man, not because he is calm makes him guilty
I have known ERNEST OBI since the early days of Nollywood when we acted in the same movie and the last time I saw him was early this year on locations in Lekki and Surulere, Lagos. We were there with Emeka Enyiocha, Francis Duru and Patience Ozokwor.
I stand by ERNEST OBI's story.
I know the estranged "wife" and I have never gone close to her even when I was still in Nollywood. And I am not surprised if she is now desperately attacking him.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"?
If you scorn a woman, she can do anything to hurt, harm and tarnish your life and reputation. That is why I beware of women and black women in particular.
God will help ERNEST OBI to overcome this trial.
Cheers and God bless.
This is a very sad story to hear but things just don't add up. First of all,to say that ernest is guilty bc he is too calm is wrong in my own opinion. People handle things differently. He made a good point though about J--why didn't she come home immediately to do something abt this--how can you hear that your daugter was raped and you're still in UK doing whatever. Anyway, she is the person to blame most bc she's not handling the case well at all. I haven't heard that the clinic or hospitaland the doctors and persons involved in this issue have been contacted or interviewed. They should have done that b4 they start running to the press. This man has so far proven himsel a kind man to have taken her in with 2 kids and continued to raise them even after she left. The other and daugher have not shown enough evidence to convict this man. Now from my point of view--something has gone terribly wrong with the daughter-- don't know what, but she definitely needs help and comfort for now until all these are well sought out. The mother is definitely not keeping in contact with the daughter--she ran away w/o telling her mother--they don't seem to have good communication or close relationship at all. How come she was alays the last to know?? But we can never underestimate the power of a scorned woman--they might have cooked up this story. But then again, the daughter mght be telling the truth in which case,ernest should be castrated. In conclusion, I wouldn't convict ernest just yet bc sometin' seems fishy and until that is cleared up, we should all thread carefull and not jump into conclusions.
I hate d fact that a lot of people already assume that he did it. I am a Law student and we c this sort of cases all d time. Many times it culd b that d girl fancies d man and he is not giving her face which is why she culd make up such a story. pls let us not judge. i am a female by d way so its not like i am taking sides.
@anonymous who said ernest does not strike you as that kind of person.There is no kind of person oh.A lot of rapists,pedophile are normal,decent looking people so remove that from your mind that there is a ki9nd of person.I thin he did it.In Nigerian society being raped,molested is so shameful that for a girl to say it it's usually true because no one wants to draw that kind of negative attention to themselves.This is a huge problem in Naija.I wish the laws were like here in yankee and that morraf.... would be behind bars and definitely not AGN chairman or whatever.
linda,this one beats my imagination,ernest obi used to live close to my house in festac and we all grew up knowing him and his wife then,if she is the same lady he married.they seemed so happy together.but come to think of it how would a woman leave a man and leave her kids with him,knowing fully well they aint his biological kids,that was her first mistake if u cant stand living under the same roof with him why leave ur own kids,if they were his thats a completely different issue.and did anyone notice he said if i did it.isnt that statement implicating.and as for his wife which social services,how many ppl travel everyday and leave their kids with relatives and friends till they return unless she cant leave the country for other reasons then we understand.if a woman hears her kid had being molested i expect her motherly instints should get the better part of her.this is a really serious issue i hope its properly investigated.cases like this go unresolved in niger alot and if its true its high time.culprits like this are brought to justice and as for the girl i really hope she is telling the truth.like linda said she is either insane or telling the truth.oga ho
linda,this one beats my imagination,ernest obi used to live close to my house in festac and we all grew up knowing him and his wife then,if she is the same lady he married.they seemed so happy together.but come to think of it how would a woman leave a man and leave her kids with him,knowing fully well they aint his biological kids,that was her first mistake if u cant stand living under the same roof with him why leave ur own kids,if they were his thats a completely different issue.and did anyone notice he said if i did it.isnt that statement implicating.and as for his wife which social services,how many ppl travel everyday and leave their kids with relatives and friends till they return unless she cant leave the country for other reasons then we understand.if a woman hears her kid had being molested i expect her motherly instints should get the better part of her.this is a really serious issue i hope its properly investigated.cases like this go unresolved in niger alot and if its true its high time.culprits like this are brought to justice and as for the girl i really hope she is telling the truth.like linda said she is either insane or telling the truth.oga ho
Uhmmmmmm.... A lot of stuff really happens around you know,
like they say theres nothing new under the heavens. I wont be surprised if he is guilty as accused but I suggest he be given some benefit of doubt cos if its true....
He will be a grave danger that should not be allowed to walk freely......but if itts true, I think the mother is as sick as the father, why should a woman let a daugher out of her sight for whatever reason at a period whhen she need a mothers guidiance.
Whats really hapening to this generation?
I think we have a lot to review as far as our values are concerned honestly!
before we kill the man.......my cousin made the same allegations against her step-father, of course the mother left him as soon as she heard, and a family meeting was called.......about 2 months later, my cousin changed her story and said she only made the allegations because she wanted to go live with her real dad, whom her mum doesn't get along with. so, ernest obi being calm..........doesn't mean he's guilty, but lets wait and see.
I have said this before, but parents in Nigeria really have to step their game up! Children here and there without proper care and attention, after, when "old age" sets in they will expect to retire to the village and the children that they hardly brought up, should pay for their "retirement". If kids are not in boarding house, they are with uncles, aunties, house girls, house boys, various relatives all over the place. It is a damn shame, and then when something like this happens, they will be crying like fools. What the hell do you expect? The mother should get her ass to Nigeria and take care of that child. Lazy ass muther fucker! and if Ernest did this, then he is a sick sick bastard, but ofcourse, innocent until found guilty, one thing is for sure though, he is a horrible parent as her mother is!
Oh, and if I know that country right, everybody will be concentrating on the "Ernest Obi scandal" instead of getting the child the help she needs. What kind of treatment or help is she getting now? I did not read anything like that in the interview. Sick people!
Oh, and by the way this comment,
"I'm the new AGN (Actor's Guild of Nigeria) Chairman in Lagos"
How that one take enter matter? hissssssssss
? Weird!! and sickening
you know how guys always get away with rape in nija, thayt is what I see about to hapen here.
one cannot conclude that this story is true right now. However the notion that the mother made it all up to finish Ernest's career is far fetched-why? which 15yr old naija babe will agree to say she was raped & ABORTED twice to satisfy her mother's ulterior motives...its farfetched jere
I know of two women who were raped by their fathers (BLOOD) constantly from about the ages of 7-10.
We need a rape crisis centre in Nigeria. Infact we have one, but more publicity needs to be drawn. People need to know there is help.
we need the right equipment and personnels to evaluate & take care of these things.
We need Councellors.
We need LAWS that help women fight against rape.
These are the things i will fight for and this is the only thing i have chosen to give back to my country.
Nigeria, i am coming. All you rapists, i dey come.
Again please people, lets not shift the issue from Ernest being a phucking RAPIST to the girls mom being a bad mom.
You dont know what issues are preventing her from coming back. Sounds to me that she might not have money or might be an illegal alien...as in she has kids in jand and if she comes home, she may not be able to return.
She will have big decisions to make.
Either move her daughter out there or move her family back there.
This is besides the point.
Fathers are RAPING THEIR DAUGHTERS in Nigeria.
That my people is the PHUCKING ISSUE!
I don't know how believable the mother is at this point given the fact that she still hasn't bothered to see her child one year after she first heard the allegations, and the child has been threatening to commit suicide????? She's not making any real efforts to protect the child, instead just sending her up and down possibly into the hands of more predators and splashing her name all over the news so she can be further exposed. She's a pitiful excuse for a mother.
And that woman sef how can you leave your children in the care of someone who you have blood with and they share no actual relationship with the children, her family nko? No grandma or aunty can pitch in?
You were told that someone was abusing your child and the child ran away and at no point did you feel the urgency to resue your own flesh and blood? Someone you carried in your body for how many months? Tufiakwa!
I wonder if she told her daughter's father before granting this interview. Her actions show that her children, this daughter in particular, are low on her list of priorities. What is she crying for, get on the next plane with your children and sort your other children out!
It's possible that the child was sexually assaulted by somebody/some people including her mother's ex-husband. However, I don't know that Ernest's reaction paints him as guilty. Personally if he reacted the way you think he should react Linda I'd take an even closer look at him sef, because the ones who make the most noise usually have something to hide in my book. But again nobody knows what truly happened.
My theory is that if Ernest Obi was sexually abusing this child, the mother was aware of it and pimped out her daughter for their "comfort" like many women do.
I think a lot of people here are missing the issue. The important thing right now is not whether the girl's mom is a bad mom or the best on earth. That is besides the point. The issue is - was she or was she not raped by the guy. That is what the problem is. Its amazing that a young girl has complained of being raped and having abortions, and people take their eyes off the accused and focus on the girl's mother.
i think this is a false accusation esp by bad belle pple who saw that he is now the chairman of AGN...excuse me ...u got a call that u daughter has been raped by her stepdad and u didnt do anything abt it ..u intended to come but u stayed put in England....i dont think that womans story is credible...its such a pity and i hope the truth prevails who ever it favors...it will be such a shame if ernest didnt do anything and ur name has been dragged in d mud .i hope they investigate,the friends mom who called the mom to tell her shud be questioned,the hospital where they went,the chiome girl,everyone should be investigated till d truth comes out..this is a serious allegation....
well said kpapando its not nice that pplp re already crucifying ernest i e heard so many such cases that i made up my mind dt until both parties re together with facts dont rule ther was this case where a friend kept accusing her husband of being impotent and neglect etcand based on what we cld clike the guy always traelling we belieed her she was so misrable we decided to talk to d guy who's also a friend he acted exactly like ernest and we just concluded it had to be true at the end of the day when all fact came oyt turns out the lady was cheating on her husband got pregnant and had abortions on two diff occasion and when we asked the guy why he did nt tell us all the while he said he did nt want to dry his wife s dirty linen in public he earned my respect so dont judge ernest cos he did nt thraeten brimstone and fire why is d woman comin out now that he s d guild president?after yr what kind of a mother wld do that i m a mother i know how mad i ll get if anyone does anything close to that to my babies so im sorry but i dont beliee her butthat is not to say the matter shld be swept under the carpet let the police be inited let eidences be brought go to the hospital talk to pple get the girl tested before arriin at a conclusion- Titi
Ha! nsogbu...
Bobby, the rape crisis centre in Nigeria, where is it? hopefully it is in Lagos, please Linda being that you put the story up, could you try to reach this girl and take her to the centre or any other well meaning Nigerian in Lagos. Frankly I dont give 10 hoots about Ernest or the mother, we have a victim here and she needs help.The family is obviously not helping. The story may or may not be true but now is not the time to debate it.
And waffarian, aint nothing wrong with boarding schooloooo, I went to one, had a great time and still have an amazing relaionship with my parents.
an utterly speechless...its only God who knows the truth and He's the only One who will judge...I feel for the girl
Hmm...Interesting but i am more interested in the reaction of the mother. Can i just say that when things happen, we need to ignore emotions and be rational. I am not a mother yet but i know that if my mother even heard a whisper that anything was wrong with any of her kids, especially something so serious, she would not be in London, she would be back here and would be spitting fire and brimstone...In fact, the police would be called on my mother because she would so go off
Secondly, the story just doesnt add up
I hope the truth comes to light soon
Linda, You should not judge anybody. People's reaction to things can differ. I actually like the way he responded, but it doesn't mean that he is innocent neither does it mean that he is guilty. There is an atom of truth in every rumor, but it might not the raping part. The mothers action is very suspicious, how can ur daughter be raped and suicidal and u r still in the UK? and whe she ran away? all she could say was "She is ur daughter too, y should i leave the UK to find her when u r there?. That don't make no sense. to reply directly to my statement u can call me Brown sugah. Later.
the whole story does not make sense to me.a girl was constantly raped and had two DnC's yet she did not tell her mum?the mother has the nerves to leave her teenage daughter back home since 2004 without worrying or coming home? na God alone know the truth of the matter.
sebi you're a mother, if anyone did anything to hurt your own child, are you telling me pali palava will keep you away for a solid year to getting your child the help they need? You mean a whole year later her comfort is still more important to her than her own child's health and well-being? Her timing and actions are not painting her in the best of lights at all.
I don't know that I believe Ernest Obi is innocent; but I believe this momsie had full knowledge of what was going on and chose herself over her children.
Azu arinze and enconium are not known for printing truthful stories.
That said, if this story is true then ernest obi is a bastard of the highest order and should be put behind bars.
To think that this guy is actually one of favourite actors
I am very disappointed with the girl's mother. She has given her excuse for not helping her child but I think it is unacceptable. How can she console her daughter over the phone? She exposed her to this in the first place. I am not blaming her for Obi's alleged misbehaviour, but she has not helped her child in any way....
Bobby could not have been more correct. Where is the legal system in Nigeria? Why is Ernest Obi still walking the streets a free man? He should be charged, and prosecuted. He can then prove his innocence in front of a judge who would hear his side of the matter. Our society can never progress if huge and fundamental problems such as sexual assault and rape of a minor are left to play out on pages of gossip newspapers. Rape is a huge problem in Nigeria but no one seems to care. On the civil side, the victim needs to sue him for everything he’s worth. If he is innocent, he will be acquitted and if not, he will have to pay. Going from the mother's interview, she sounds like she cannot leave London based on immigration issues. She will definitely not get mother of the year but the alleged molester is Ernest Obi and not the mother. She maybe a bad mother but Ernest is a danger if indeed he is guilty. HE IS A DANGER TO EVERY WOMAN WALKING THE STREETS OF NIGERIA. "Andy"
What a story! I don't want to make an error of judgement here..According to the law..(am talking about penal codes in civilized countries)An accussed person is innocent until being prooved guilty by the court of law..But in naija the reverse is the case am sure by now millions of hypocrites ignorants nigerians have already jumped to their kangaroo hasty conclusions..that Ernest did it!
There's two sides to a coin. There's element of true in every rumours..my take is that God is the ultimate judge! Let him use his migthy power to unravel this puzzling SCANDAL! Period!
Linda should i send down my LIE Detector?
How could Joanne have known that her husband would rape her daughter? She left her duaghter with him in trust. How she have known that a man who had perhaps adopted her child as his own (since her child was 3years when they got married). Ernest Ob must be severely punished by his creator either here on earth or in hell.
Why is it that people never believe females when they say they have been raped? One of the reasons why girls dont complain is cos people never believe them so they suffer continously. Its a shame tho.
she heard her daughter was being assaulted over a year ago and still kept mum because of social whatever? Is she for real? She was in a good position to prevent this matter from escalating to what has happened and she has the guts to grant an interview to absolve herself of all blame. If I saw Joanne, I would trash her first and foremost for that rubbish.
This story sounds like something's seriously amiss here. We do not have all the facts of the case so I reserve my judgement.
We should not forget the victim of this crisis in all our dialogue. She needs help right now.
Linda and Orinkinla I would advise that being in the public eye as you are, you do not make judgemental comments like BEWARE OF NIGERIAN WOMEN BORN AFTER 1970! as O said and for Linda taking sides without knowing all the facts. Believe me, in your line of work, it would do you a world of good so reserve some comments. Let your watchword be "innocent until proven guilty" You do not have the anonimity a lot of us have to say as we like. I feel I need to tell you that. Cheers
excuse you...the story doesnt add up at all...and pls enconium of all useless magazines in nigeria..and linda u are a person in the spot light,i think u should know better than running to your blog and printing out what is the latest gist in nigeria esp when its a sensitive issue that concerns a public figure...!!
@ all those saying we should not focus on the mother, abeg, tell me, are you going to take care of the child? are you going to comfort her at night when she has nightmares? are you going to stand by her side at court and support her when the time comes? are you going to take care of the medical bills? who the hell is supposed to do that? abeg, if you are ready for that role, send your number to Linda a.s.a.p!
The girl's health should be the priority right now, did you all miss the "suicide" part? As far as I am concerned, that child needs all the help and support she can get right now and YES, SHE NEEDS HER MOTHER!
waffarian I beg to differ at this point but I have to ask the inevitable question WHERE WAS HER MOTHER WHEN HER STEP-DAD WAS MOLESTING HER? Fighting with the British authorities over regularization of papers EVEN AFTER she had heard her daughter was allegedly abused.
Not good enough I tell you. The girl needed a mother far earlier than now, I personally know the trauma of abuse so she shouldn't have waited until her daughter took in before crying foul, For me, it's too little, too late!
You don't choose when to be a mother, you just are when you are. She made a choice long ago that getting her papers regularized abroad was far more important than her own kids so she should wake up and smell the shit!
lets not judge anyone....the way i will handle things will differ from d next person...it doesnt mean one is better than d other.
i blame d mom who left her children with her ex who is not their father and from her interview, it seems ernest is paying d school fees?....so what is she doing abroad? whats d bullshit about social service not allowing her to come....thats a LIE! i am a social worker and we mind our buisness unless theres child protection or child neglect case...dosnt she have friends that she can leave d children with for a week atleast...truth is she sounds very irresponsible...thats my opinion....and i am entitled to it!
i dont condone what Ernest did, or didnt do......yes lets the truth be told....if she wants head to roll...let her investigate b4 she makes judgement....15yr olds are not kids anymore..atleast not the ones i see in the UK....they are capable of lieing to get their own back o...so lets all sit back and watch
To adepeju
i guess everytime people say u did something u didnt do u usually explode rite. so becos Ernest has not started swearing for pple then he did it.
abeg oh u pple should wait b4 judging.it mite have been
a. consensual sex which amounts to statutory rape as she is below the age of consent
b. ernest actually did rape her without consent
c. the girl is a big fat liar as is the case sometimes. This girl mite have done it for attention.
pls the bible says let us not judge so we may not be judged. Let us wait and know d full details b4 casting aspersions.
P.s Linda i must say I luv ur blog but this is not a medium for tarnishing pples images. Those pple who mite not have heard of this story now see it becos they are addicted to ur blog. abeg make sure u use this blog for good and not for evil.
Kpakpando, you are right, i am a mother and Godforbid if my child told me that my ex raped her, paper or no paper, i will land naija with two gats, filled with superior ammo and spray the mutha fawka to oblivion. You get?
While i feel the mother has her own issues, the fact of the matter is that Ernest could have possibly raped her...and that the girl needs HELP.
Its like we forget that there is more than one person responsible here.
When everyone says "I BLAME THE MOTHER" are they now saying that the reason why Ernest Jolly wolly might have mescafumbled and raped a young girl is because of the mother?
If this story is true, then the reason why the girl was raped is because Ernest might be a sick bastard and we live in a sick society that breeds sick people because we have no laws.
So while i feel the momsie has her own part to play in the whole yawa.
The fact of the matter is that Ernest should know better (if he did it)
This is the kinda thing that makes me want to go and make friends with Osama and borrow some of his bombs.
I would do drive by's on OKADA's and be throwing bombs in peoples houses.
No be only Sina Rambo, na Sina Bobby.
No be only Osama Bin Laden
Na Osama Bin Bobby
Why would someone discuss such a personal issue about a child in a public space? I don't agree with that. Do seek justice, but protect the identity of the child. She is a victim.
I think Ernest did it... Whether we like it or not things like this still happen in our society.... So many kids are been harrased, molested, raped and even abused by cousins, uncles, family friends and even fathers and cant even say it to anybody. I remember when i was a child of about 4years, my cousins friend was over at the house and he molested me...... i never told anyone until now that am grown that i say it. I cant even remember his name or what he looks like cos i was only a child, i only remember he was my cousins friend.... i av neva even mentioned it to my cousin. SO believe it or not, dt girl was molested by her step dad so many kids go thru that. So mothers, Sisters , brothers etc be aware,always keep watch on Children.... They need it. Am talking from experience
I read this article last week.If its true then that guy needs to be assessed by a psychiatrist. Also what kind of mother would leave a vunerable child with another man? The mother said something about social services. Why would social services want to know who would take care of her kids when she goes to 9ja? What has she been up to? Social services get involved in people's matter when there is a problem. Has she been abusing her children? Has she been accused of child neglect before? She needs to explain this bit. I go to travel a lot and the social services has never asked me such questions before.
Yes u are right, social services don't get involved like that. She must ve had case with them before. Besides she can always travel with them.
I think she may ve problems with papers. A lot of Nigerians are stuck in the UK cos of illegal status unable to travel for fear of being allowed back.
She has to choose between paper and kids.
Based on experience as a victim of child molestation by a 'trusted,soft-spoken,innocent' family member,I would like to say child molesters do not have a type i.e. you will never know who amongst us is one.Nigerian culture is such that when issues like child abuse occurs,the family of the child involved tend to hide and say theay are acting under the pretence of protecting the child from shame in the community.Doing this automatically accuses the child of being guilty.
It is time for Nigerians/Africans in general to tackle this Child Abuse issue head on by naming and shaming offenders.There are a lot of sick people out there.An example of such is the case of older men raping children as young as 10months old because they believe they will live longer....I don't know about you but I think these kinda people need sectioning.
A lot of people left comments on this page...What I would ask of them is not to try to exonerate Ernest as innocent because he is the president of so and so or because he was calm about the issue...but to take my experience as an example of how easy it is for people like him to get away with things in that God forsaken country.
Child abuse is real and very rampant in Nigeria.We all need to encourage victims to speak up and we must listen.It is hard enough for them to have to go through pain at the hands of their abusers.We shouldn't add to the pain by accussing victims of making up stories to cause defamation of character...Ask yourselves this..'What does the poor girl have to gain from making such serious allegations?'
This is all a lie Ernest Obi is my uncle (my mums blood brother) i know him and know he would never ever do anything like this my Aunty joanne is not serious i know if she was told vannessa was rapped she would have went to Nigeria to investigate.
I can't believe the filthy lies coming out of this woman's mouth!
She is so ungrateful, after all my family has done for her! My uncle deserves someone better and someone who is worthy of him. Not someone who, when their 15 minutes of fame is over, they cannot bare to see someone else succeed. I feel sorry for my cousins who are involved. They shouldn't have to live with a mother like that. My uncle is soo down to earth and would never harm anybody!
And for those of you so called fans, you don't know him as well as I do. In this time of need you should be supporting him and not putting him down. I doubt my aunty even knows who the fathers of all her kids are, but my uncle doesn't even mind that!
This is a lesson Learnt, never help people who do not want to be helped! I shall stop now, because talking about Joanne just makes her feel worthy and big headed that people are still interested in what she has to say and I say SHAME on YOU Joanne! I hope you get what’s coming to you and I truly and deeply mean. You’re a worthless human and a disgrace to our race and country! God forgive you……..!
From Princess aka Diva aka Black Beauty AJ
I can't believe the filthy lies coming out of this woman's mouth!
She is so ungrateful, after all my family has done for her! My uncle deserves someone better and someone who is worthy of him. Not someone who, when their 15 minutes of fame is over, they cannot bare to see someone else succeed. I feel sorry for my cousins who are involved. They shouldn't have to live with a mother like that. My uncle is soo down to earth and would never harm anybody!
And for those of you so called fans, you don't know him as well as I do. In this time of need you should be supporting him and not putting him down. I doubt my aunty even knows who the fathers of all her kids are, but my uncle doesn't even mind that!
This is a lesson Learnt, never help people who do not want to be helped! I shall stop now, because talking about Joanne just makes her feel worthy and big headed that people are still interested in what she has to say and I say SHAME on YOU Joanne! I hope you get what’s coming to you and I truly and deeply mean. You’re a worthless human and a disgrace to our race and country! God forgive you……..!
From Princess aka Diva aka Black Beauty AJ
I can't believe the filthy lies coming out of this woman's mouth!
She is so ungrateful, after all my family has done for her! My uncle deserves someone better and someone who is worthy of him. Not someone who, when their 15 minutes of fame is over, they cannot bare to see someone else succeed. I feel sorry for my cousins who are involved. They shouldn't have to live with a mother like that. My uncle is soo down to earth and would never harm anybody!
And for those of you so called fans, you don't know him as well as I do. In this time of need you should be supporting him and not putting him down. I doubt my aunty even knows who the fathers of all her kids are, but my uncle doesn't even mind that!
This is a lesson Learnt, never help people who do not want to be helped! I shall stop now, because talking about Joanne just makes her feel worthy and big headed that people are still interested in what she has to say and I say SHAME on YOU Joanne! I hope you get what’s coming to you and I truly and deeply mean. You’re a worthless human and a disgrace to our race and country! God forgive you……..!
From Princess aka Diva aka Black Beauty AJ
From the content of the interview published here on Ernest Obi's alleged irresponsible conjugal visit to the inappropriate quarter, one can hardly infer proper judgment, even though none of us is qualified to assume an arbiter in questions of morals today. But let's not loose the sight of the fact that the world today is gasping from the suffocatingly suffused embrace of sexually polarised atmostphere, where the possibility of the allegation stands higher chances of hitting positive in the truth test. Inasmuch as I strongly condemn lapses in moral of this nature, I am still shocked at the responses of the contributors in this weblog. Some come with phony shocking comments, others, judgmental. The prposition is: whoever that has not haboured impure thoughts to an inappropriate quarter is the best candidate for the guidiance of our gates of morals. All we shall require from him is a permission to look into his akashic records.
I stand on justice. If the allegation is true let the offender be brought to justice.The life of such violated gal worths more that decades of evil wrapped in fame through Nollywood.
Washington DC
United States 4:37:00 PM by Maamah Delete
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Shame on you linda ikeji..for taking up d role of judge,jury and executioner, thank God I never believed you, if you have or had a personal problem with ernest why not just let us know, for your information since you dnt take out time to get d rit information, joanne has confesses recently that all she said about ernest was a lie,she called azuh amatus of the sun newspaper to confess the truth, asuh is not a dream character I am sure you know how to reach him and purge yourself of all the lies you helped spread about this actor and I hope you will also be honourable enough to post and give the same level of publicity about the truth just like you did about the lies.
Yea! It entered there bcs the allegation could stem from it probably to defame n strip him of d juicy postition he acquired. My mind tho.
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