Well, for reasons best known to Katherine, she also decided to grant a tell-all interview to Encomium magazine.
I know I talk too much lol, but this couple have taken the crown.
Here's what Katherine had to say about her husband and marriage.
Headline: "Frank Edoho is a beast. He batters me at the slightest provocation" - Wife

Katherine "No. You could see snippets of temper then, but that's where it ends. Do you think if I had seen this I would have entered? He is a generous man but because he is generous does not mean he would beat everything he has given me?"
So, what actually caused this last beating?
"He said I wanted to run away with his kids. I told him I wanted to travel so that we could take a break a little. I told him I was traveling to Brazil because I didn't want him to trace my whereabouts until after one week. Perhaps he would have enough time to calm down. I was expecting him to sit me down and ask "Why Brazil?" instead he started shouting, saying I want to take his kids from him. He got violently physical, he took my box from me. I travelled without anything. He trailed me to the airport to beg me and I said "Don't come near me, you cannot be a mad man in the morning, and you are sane in the afternoon. He was coming close to me, I was moving back. He said why are you moving back? I said you are asking me? Do I know the next thing you would do here?" Then, I was bleeding, because he pushed me and I cut my leg somewhere. I was not supposed to travel with our son, because he was dragging him with me. I started crying, telling the cabin members not to leave me behind. So I was running and putting pressure on my leg and bleeding the more. When I came back, I told my younger brother "Please, the kind of beating they gave me before I travelled, I cannot take it two times. Help me to come and pack my belongings, just your presence alone...if you don't come with me, I'll take police to go and pack my things from the house because I need peace. For now, I cannot have it at home. When we reached home, my son said "Mummy, didnt daddy say you should not come back to the house?"
In the course of those beatings, have you ever retaliated physically?
"It's instinctive, I grew up with boys. Somehow I'll fight back or push, but you can't compare a woman's strenght to that of a man. The last beating was something else. I was busy dodging my eyes because Frank punched me as if he was fighting with his fellow man. For many days I couldn't make use of my left eye. I wore glasses throughout my stay in Cameroun. I kept crying and shouting "my mummy o". The headache? It was migrain times ten."

Frank also said he doesn't like you mingling with unmarried women, don't you think he has a point?"
"Like what? I only have two unmarried friends. One is my brother's fiancee, the other is Thelma, my colleague in NTA."
"Whats the reason he gives for not wanting Thelma by your side?"
"He says he doesn't like her aura, and I tell him I don't like your PA's aura too. I dont evidence against his PA, but there is something about him that is not just right. I am perceptive. There is something about that guy that is not quite right."
But the bible says women should submit to their husbands. If you do away with these single women, dont you think there will be peace in your home?
"I just told you that the last time he beat me was because we were supposed to meet somewhere at a particular time. I was delayed somehow, so when I got to a place, I didn't see him. He later called me and said "where are you" I said I was at home. He said, "Liar". I told him I went for salsa that I had gone home. He didn't believe me. Now, what has single girls got to do with that?. I don't involve my friends in anything about my home. I've left home, I paid for a place I wouldn't want disclosed. He sees the kids in their school."
"Like what? I only have two unmarried friends. One is my brother's fiancee, the other is Thelma, my colleague in NTA."
"Whats the reason he gives for not wanting Thelma by your side?"
"He says he doesn't like her aura, and I tell him I don't like your PA's aura too. I dont evidence against his PA, but there is something about him that is not just right. I am perceptive. There is something about that guy that is not quite right."
But the bible says women should submit to their husbands. If you do away with these single women, dont you think there will be peace in your home?
"I just told you that the last time he beat me was because we were supposed to meet somewhere at a particular time. I was delayed somehow, so when I got to a place, I didn't see him. He later called me and said "where are you" I said I was at home. He said, "Liar". I told him I went for salsa that I had gone home. He didn't believe me. Now, what has single girls got to do with that?. I don't involve my friends in anything about my home. I've left home, I paid for a place I wouldn't want disclosed. He sees the kids in their school."
What do you think would serve as a solution to all these?
"He's making a move for reconciliation (shows this reporter two different text messages from Frank) "I apologise for having slapped you, I really admit that what I did was beastly. But please come back, I've learnt my lesson". My sister, it's not coming back, it's how do we stop that?"
She went on and on...I'm stopping here 'cos I'm tired of typing.
Seriously, I don't know what to say...except that I'm a little disappointed that Frank hits women (His wife can't lie can she?). I remember inviting them to my Magazine launch last year and they both honored my invitation. I sat beside them and thought they made a perfect couple. Young, good looking, with great jobs.
Well, I guess it's not always as it seems...right?
What do you guys think?
"He's making a move for reconciliation (shows this reporter two different text messages from Frank) "I apologise for having slapped you, I really admit that what I did was beastly. But please come back, I've learnt my lesson". My sister, it's not coming back, it's how do we stop that?"
She went on and on...I'm stopping here 'cos I'm tired of typing.
Seriously, I don't know what to say...except that I'm a little disappointed that Frank hits women (His wife can't lie can she?). I remember inviting them to my Magazine launch last year and they both honored my invitation. I sat beside them and thought they made a perfect couple. Young, good looking, with great jobs.
Well, I guess it's not always as it seems...right?
What do you guys think?
did i make no 1?this is so sad? whao now i ll neer judge a book by it s coer frank?hit a woman?whao!!!!!!!!!i pray pray pray God touches him and he turns a new leaf
linda am in real shock but judging from the guys comment bout single girls last week the guy is a cave man
am not shocked at all,after all it was this same guy dat said his wife should not have single friends
haba,linda p;s lets see the whole interview
Am dissappointed in Frank. I thought he was learned and should know better. Too bad. Guess not all that glitter is Golg. Frank you no try at all. Shame on You if what your wife says all true....
y did u stop typing?...abeg continue joooooooo
too interesting!!!!shame but thats whats happening in most marraiges at the moment!
makes me glad am single oooo at 26
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i pray all works out well for this couple and Katherine is a very respected personality,I do watch her presentation on NTA,I never knew she was the wife of our''Who Wants to be a Millionaire'' anchor.They both make a perfect couple but the thing is between Husbands and Wives we have to be very careful because it's only God that can see their INBETWEENS....
they obviously..have fundamental issues....the fact that they both have the urge to help increase shareholder's profit at enconuim(or watever it is called)...
nobody wants to know their business.....people run away from junk journalists...but to actually grant an interview...means they are ATTENTION SEEKING INDIVIDUALS....God help them
Didn't I say the comments sounded like an abusive fellow
I believe the wife,for her to admit that he hits her in public tells you how much she must have endured from him.It is really sad that we dont have laws in nigeria(if we do they are not being enacted) that protect wives from their abusive husbands or we dont have a culture that denouces it strongly.I applaud her though for taking a bold step to end it,abuse is not o.k in any form.
this is so wrong in soo many ways!!! So wrong! Why did she grant the interview to begin with? To receive help from people or what? Pathetic. Now I understand what her single friends have done to her!! One sided story I'd say
who is the USELESS interviewer to be putting blame on her friends (well, tryine) and also trying to talk about submission
Aren't there better ways to do this sort of thing? They r both very silly and immature to be this stupid- I don't care who is right or wrong, or if he did beat her or not, that's not the point. The issue is propriety, which both of them are completely throwing out the window. I mean why do people act so dumb??? Talking about their marital problems (detail by detail I should add) as if it is some TV drama. lol. What do they both hope to achieve by going public with their madness? Is it helping their careers or their marriages? They want to scatter their lives and that of their kid, no doubt. This one pass be careful, for real!!!!
what a shame!!!!!
people still go about exposing themselves in this manner? a big shame to this married couple
Wait...So in addition to the man being shallow, he is a wife beater too?
Uhnm...............This is food for thought.Why but Why!!!!!!!!!!
Two very respected personalities in their own right.Have they thought about their life's,careers,families and marriage if it exists after this.I do not condone abuse be it physical,emotional or domestic as the case may be its a NO!NO!
Nevertheless there is a How to everything and definitely not on tabloids plssssssssssssss.
Their avenue for venting is totally wrong.Above all they need.Sad Sad Sad
You guys are funny. it's this culture of silence aka 'suffering and smiling' that will kill Naija women. She should not open her mouth...she should shut up until her husband kills her,abi?? You ppl have gotta be kidding me!!! It's good she spoke up and exposed her husband for the brute he is. I dont care what she said to him or how many single friends she has, wife-beating is a no-no
na wa for this guy ooo.It's obvious he's got anger broblems.He really looks sweet and i'm shocked that he is that audacious to raise his his hand on a woman he claims he loves.Is this love? it's quite shameful that the issuse has deteriorated to the extent that they are both granting interviews to the press on the issue.His actons are quite uncivilized and barbaric judging from his level of education and exposure.May God save us from this marriage thingy.
oh well,couples do have issues,but if its true the idea of beating a woman is not acceptable.i hope this is not the end for frank and his wife he can still change and make ammends,for the kids sake abi would he stand for any man to beat his daughter if no then he shouldnt do dat!
hope they can sort it out sha
She has not submitted to her husband as a christian.
Quarrels and fightings happen in marriage, it would make them closer. I am sure he apologised. Katherine just messed up by granting the interview. She's not strong at all.
My parents do fight and we are all still living together. They have been married for 25years now! what they need to do is just make up. simple.!
toluwalase better pray that God gies u the man he has chosen for u dont use this as an excusei m married to a wwonderful man i must e about 15 friends too who re married like me and i tell u we lay at least 85per cent claim to hapiness that s 4 the least happiest among usso this is an isolated case not the mum and i still trust God to ammend and perfect that marriage[amen]
Linda, Im glad u could not be bothered to keep typing!! Those 2 should take their story to JERRY SPRINGER! They are a real mess, I used to be good friends with Frank and to my knowledge they DID NOT HAVE A MARRIAGE, all of a sudden he went crazy!! They should just stop blaming others for their wrecked marriage!They are most definitely a SAD case!
Na wa o. So dis is d famous wife of his. i usually see her in The Super Breakfast show on AIT. It's a shame they both had to drag their private and marital affairs to d media like dis. I hope they'll both be able to settle their differences for d sake of their children sha.
I have to go with SassieCassie here. I don't think anyone should judge Katherine for speaking up. As SassieCassie said all this 'don't talk about problems openly' is what really kills us at home, especially women. Women are victims of multiple oppressions and the more we stay silent, we internalize our feelings and everything just snowballs into this HUGE problem, hence self-esteem issues, depression, etc.
I love the fact that Kathy spoke up. I just think that she should make this out into something positive and not just leave it as another gossip topic for Nigerians.
Hmm. Na wa o. That Frank must have been showing abusive/violent traits before they got married. May be she was in denial then. There is no point in going back to a wife beater 'cos one day monkey go go markrt e no go come back!
well i am not surprised..coming from some1 who made such a barbaric comment abt single women. i mean wat do u xpect???
i knew the douche bag was/is beyond insecure.
so as 4 d wife...true, dishing ur shit to the tabloids is not d best way 2 go abt it but truth remians that she's fed up!
hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn they say.
i mean if she feels xposing his dumb ass is d only way 2 help herself..then so be it. she has probably tried alot of thins and they didnt work. u know naija and its, submit 2 ur husband even if he kills u madness. i mean whoever conducted this interview needs 2 be bitchslapped.
i am so sick and tired of many nigerian women who happen 2 be in abusive relationships pretending as tho they r the happiest women in the world but yet dying in silence.
i kno so many nigerian men that have killed their wives due to their abusive ways and gotten away it after shedding a tear or 2 all b'cos of our country fails 2 realize its very stupid nd pointless beliefs.
if a woman is 2 be guilty of such charge...well u and i know what consequences await her.
goodluck 2 these folks.
linda i really try 2 check this blog daily but men its a difficult task tryin 2 do it with my crazy schedule.
let me go see what i have missed.
Shouldn't there be a ruling for Violence against women in our criminal code? Dude should be arrested!
I can tell you that it happens in most celebrities marriages and they just prefer to keep their dirty linen away from outsiders.All that glitter is not gold,ask girls who are married to famous guys privately and you will be amaze when you hear the crabs their husband give them but its their choice and must stick with it
mmmmm, Still no comment!
hey Vera Ikeji!
tomorrow (November 9) is the birthday of a follow blogger
please won't you stop by to give your best wishes if you can
I tell you what,they shld end all d media campaign, marriage is private, they may be celebrities but children are involved here.
If i was a Vicar,as long as one partner can ask to be seperated then the marriage shld be annuled.Every marriage has its own problems,and it must be worked at.
its xmas buy him a punching bag and gloves it will help his anger management.if it is true ni.
hi linda,
this is disheartening but before i conclude i think he also deserves to be heard (let's give him some benefits of doubt) but if if is true it is might really affect his career (take it or leave)it might just be the beginning of his down-fall if he doesn't turn a new leaf.
Linda pls could do us the honor of writting the entire interview.pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I think they shouldnt air their dirty linen inpublic.
Well... there is always 2faces to every story,but to say the least, i think any man married or single who lays his hand on a woman is a DEMENTED and CONGENITAL BEAST...Women are d weaker opposite sex so why should any right thinking man turns his GF or WIFY into a punching bag? I think the scumbag called Frank or whatever his name is should go and practice his fucking boxing skills on Mike Tyson then we see who's d real man...And i think Frank is the controling type, manipulative, egocentric and full of inferiority complex typical of many naija men...yes, u can advise ur wife to steer clear of some bad influences but dictating to her like Abacha not to talk to single ladies is out of context..Did that Frank go to college at all? I think he should get a life and stop bashing is wife around, how would he feel if i were married to his sister and kicking her butt smashing her face around?
If this babe's story is true indeed, i think Frank needs a therapy or whatever but most of all, he needs to locked up for 5 yrs!
Any man that hits a woman is a coward...
And to those saying why did she grant the interview...WHY NOT? I am tired of Nigerians believing that we have to shut up about every thing. We do not have to shut up. While i do not think that married couples should air their laundry but if this woman wants the world to know that her coniving son of a biatch husband is a wife beater. THen there goes it. Go head!!!!
If it was an oyinbo woman now, yall will say GOOD JOB, WHAT A STRONG WOMAN. But when its our own, then its WHY IS SHE TALKING.
She should leave his trifling ass. Cute for nothing mutha fawka!
Gawd damn i am heated!
I pray you read this Frank.
When I saw the single girl post and read the comments, I was like Okayee...For her to leave him and grant an interview on physical abuse takes a lot of guts. Kudos to her.Maybe this will help another woman to leave an abusive marriage.As for those of you saying she should not air their dirty laundry, pray you do not have a husband who beats you and when your neighbour finally calls the police, other people will chastise you for "airing your dirty laundry".
No matter what a woman does, no man should hit her, a real man knows to leave the house, talk to her when he has calmed down, and ask for help. If all else fails,file for divorce.
Let us all continue to "hide our dirty linen" our daughters will learn from us that your man does not love you unless he hits you.
Physical abuse does not happen in itself, there is more often than not mental abuse involved.
Joy, Toronto.
Is Encomium a gossip mag?
thot it was creditable!
anyways, God help the marriage
the so called interviwer wrote that a womman shld be submissive 2 d hubby and according 2 d bible and does the bible also said dt if a woman is not submissive that she shld be battered by her man?
All comments here are as shallow as those behind them. Just looking at the Katherine woman, i can only conclude on one thing, she should be allowed to go to where she beleive her is right for her. As for Frank, my advise to him is to take things easy, women this part of the world can make one do the unthinkable. Dont be surprised that all the comment posters here casting aspersions will do more than what Frank has done given the same situation and the exact same scenario.
Can I know who conducted this interview? Which magazine can I get the full interview from? Some weeks ago, I read an interview of these same couple where Frank vehemently denied ever beating his wife. Even his wife said that her husband has NEVER raised a finger on her before, so what is it that I'm reading here now?
this is a family issue let not conclude by judgment.
it may start were we listeners do not know
but if it is true FRANK is not right i m FRANK but i don't do my things like that.!!
never judge a story from a single perspective, my father always warned when i was growing up, can we hear the other side of the story, behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining
I don't subscribe to wife beating. But i detest more the fact that Kate had to go to the tabloids. It is the worst place to dry your dirty linen! I am tempted to think that family is not founded on prayers and christian values. Let them seek God and it will be well with their marriage. Two celebrities together? Hum! tough job. I am sure there is something really good about Frank that Kate loves. Let her try to help turn his weakness into strength. Frank on the other hand should be willing to be helped. May God help save that marriage atleast for the sake of their children. Once you have a broken home, take it or leave it, you have a broken life. Let's not be carried away by civilization. It is better if you had remained single. Once again, may God help them.
This is more than hard to believe.
If it is true, then it really is a big problem for the superstar presenter.
this story could be false...to d owner of ds blog, u shldnt have printed a story from a soft sell magazine as frank cannot be called a beast except proven guilty. u culd be misleading a lot of pple with this story on ur blog. note that a family is at stake if this story turns out false!
besides when did soft sell mags like encomium become so important?! id rather wait for true details before i jump to conclusion.
miss linda ikeji, i advise u to take this story off ur blog because even though its attracting people to this page, its not fair!
except of course uve got alterior motives!?????????????/
frank's wrong for beating her but we should take out time and check this story again, he said she's always hanging out with unmarried female friends which points to the fact that she might actually be a lesbian(i can bet on that!) or she might be into extramarital affair(s)and for jeez sake,how can any sane woman plan to travel to brazil without telling her husband. she needs a hard cover 890pages manual on "how to be a good wife" instead of shooting her mouth to the public about her family!!!!
if he hits a woman, then he better goes to MFM to see the pastor or he pulls himself together and controls himself.
it should have never been heard that a celebraty like him that ought be a role model beats his wife or does he not know the manner of popularity he commands?
it is a shame.
if you think that i would attack the man and leave the lady, you are well mistaken.
she oughht not to have granted that interview or to escape, she should have played the effects down.
next question
would we have known or be writing here or discursing about her case if she had not granted that interview?
she has some faults and one of them is talking toooooooooo........ much. doubt it, why are we writing?
she needs to see reason with her husband and try to work things out with him not running away.
as a matter of fact, this medium could be used to apologize to the husband and as our help was solicited in brutalizing the mans image, we could use it also to apologize on her behalf.
we need luv and pease; please.
I Think it is barbaric for somebody to hit a lady, regardless of what she did. Those are some of the immunity that men are enjoying in Nigeria,that will put you in jail overseas. The lady should also respect her husband and be committed to him, any man will want to keep such a beautiful lady to himself.
Your name sounds like my name (Dimeji) and we share the same astrological sign... a lot of too many things in common. your web site is beautiful and I cannot believe how much materials you have in there. You are bold,beautiful,and smart. People like you makes nigeria attractive to people living overseas. Continue the good stuff. dimejib@hotmail.com
the deal is yes, every problem is 2-sided. but there is absolutely nothing in the world that gives a man an excuse to hit a woman!! there is no excuse at all... she probably has her own faults, no doubt!! but beating a woman is INEXCUSABLE!!!
am not suprised that frank wld do such a thing, whoever has thelma as a friend ought to have seen it coming. that wretch who thinks she is it, will get wats coming to her and it will be worse than kathys'. frank i guess you missed your punch go 4 thelma next time you hear, lol
am not suprised that frank wld do such a thing, whoever has thelma as a friend ought to have seen it coming. that wretch who thinks she is it, will get wats coming to her and it will be worse than kathys'. frank i guess you missed your punch go 4 thelma next time you hear, lol
Is she tired of the beating now???
Hopefully they donot have girls as it will be unfortunate for them to think its right for a man to beat a woman. and their sons thinking its ok to hit a woman.
Na wah
The man should call on taiye eleshe at ketu busstop and prove himself to be a man...he will cry home like a baby...
They both have problems,but that is not enough for Frank to beat his wife regularly, i hope they finally break up this time before their case becomes that of the guy that killed his wife. those of u that said why did she grant the interview, what else did you want her to do? keep quiet? it is good that every one see's Frank for what he is, and those of you that are praying that they come back together, i wish you the same (abusive marraige).They should go their seperate ways, so every one can rest.
Most of the comments on your blog are from single ladies,now i want to state a man's opinion,it is sad that people draw quick conclusions on one whom they have not heard his own side,the poser is,why does he beat her intermittently,why cant she abide by his rule of avoiding single ladies,why does she make it a habit of showing up late for dates,and does not call him to explain the situation on time,taking into cognizance that he is an impatient man.Marriage is a union of two different minds,coming together to be one with different social upbringings,it is built on the alter of sacrifice and understanding,parties must bend over for it to work,If the husband feels his wife single friends are poisoning her mind it does hold water,it has shown time and time again that single women envy their married friends and can go as far as causing acrimony between both parties with the fables of,'Them sey,'she as a dutiful wife should ask his reasons,and do his bid for peace in the home front and not cast aspersions on his P.A,it is very obvious from her comments she is not submissive but wants to be lord in the Manor,No disrespect intended,i do not condole the beating aspect since it only shows he cannot control the animal instincts in him,all men feel insulted when their Ego's are trampled upon by their wives,however it is note worthy that the strongest of men simple walks away and avoids confrontation,it is also important to state that some women would run after them drag them by the shirt or pants,and begin to rain punches or slaps on them,this then might provoke unwarranted reactions,since for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,assuming the man were your brother and you are present viewing him calmly walk away from his wife after she has assaulted him first,what then will be your response,'She don cook vegetable for my broda,'let us thread wisely and carefully in our comments,i believe if it is not working let them settle peaceful,since their union was contracted in the same way,and if a man says he does not want his wife around single ladies,respect that and abide also friends stay off,if you get the vibe the man does not like you,forget this nonsense of being learned,we as individuals know what this empowerment has lead to,a corroding of our societal values,were women now treat marriages as an extension of their dating lives,shamelessly cheating on their husbands without minding whose ox is gored,my apologies to faithful wives.Blessing to all marriages and may our women begin to take the positives from our mothers which brought about healthy,and strong marriages that conquered all in-fractions,since no marriage is void of such,there are always trying moments,but seek compromise and pray,all will be well.
4 yrs later the story is still the same. hmm.
Dont mind toluwase she would soon be linning up now to marry Frank. Abeg Happy that you are single at 26, your mates have found good husbands and are having the third child.
PPl died years ago in a Unilag and Lasu shoot out why dont you say that you dont want to go to school again. RUBBISH!I hate liars. Pray for God to send you a good Hubby jare
Anon 1.00pm you dont give someone some benefits of doubt.
Poor Katherine, I don't think a beautiful lady like her deserves her predicament but life sometimes is unfair.
If divorce is the alternative I think it is better done now than what we'll all regret later, remember the guy that killed his wife? God forbid sha.
ANON July 13, 2011 12:07 PM
If a woman cheats the solution to that is to lose your manhood and batter her.
Ladies if you like marry this ANON..iya ni o fi se ori oluwe.
Wife beater !!!!
Whatever the issue maybe-- a man has no business hitting a woman. To me, if a man hits, he indirectly insults my father who raised me,paid my school fees, changed my diapers, made sure I was educated. Na a husband come borrow the wife from her father- that a man paid dowry does not give him any permission whatsoever to hit or beat a woman.
Moreover, a man who hits or beats a woman is a weak one- probably has a small inferiority complex- hence the reasons why he will hit and beat his wife. Even if a wife misbehaves- Man has no business beating her, simple. And to the anonymous who wrote that long essay--- you should not sit there and think that you can justify Mr Edoho's behavior. What you are saying here is that you, yourself is more likely to hit and beat a woman. I feel sorry for the woman that marries you if you are a man; and if you are a woman, I feel sorry for you.
People should stop using the holy bible to justify evil ugly behaviors. Simple, Mr. Edoho is an ugly man inside. He needs to spend time and love himself(as to reduse the level of his inferiority complex); Mr. Edoho- need to get the beating of his live from Mrs. Edoho's brothers(men)- let me see him try and raise his hands again; Mr. Edoho will still be ugly inside after Katherine is no longer his wife; He is a wife beater and he needs to acknowledge it and do something about it before it gets outta hand(at least to show good examples to his children).
@leo, a beautiful woman like her does not deserve it?
i guess ugly women deserve it,abi?
@anon 12.07pm,i am a guy like you and i am not a saint.However i have a problem with all this rules made by men for women oppression.a quck question;it is okay for her not to have single friends but it is okay for him to have single girls as friends abi?
Katherine mbok leave this beast of a Frank before you end up like the banker lady that got killed by her insane butcher of a husband...
You have a kid to keep you strong. I'm not married and trust me battery marriage isn't worth you losing an eye for or dying sef.
NO WOMAN deserves to beaten up no matter her looks,if you understand that she is now one flesh with u, why should a Man then beat his own flesh but should treat her like his own flesh.There is a consequence for every Man that mistreats his wife vice versa.
As far as I'm concerned.. A man who hits a woman... let alone his wife does not deserve any respect at all.
Such a shame! No matter what she did.. it should not led to beatings!
$ those saying she should not have gone to the media with her story, ehhh where should she have gone to? They dated for 5 years, n have been married for almost 10 years, how long do u guyz think sh has endured the husbands beating. was it not in d news a few weeks ago we heard a wife beater killed his wife and mutilated her body. We should welcome the culture of speaking out in these kinds of abusive situation cuz it could get worse.
People can say all they want to say, nobody was there with them in their marrige, but let me state here that no matter what a REAL MAN should NEVER lay his hand on a woman. That is why marriage is not for boys. If i may ask, was she not single b4 he met her? There are very responsible single ladies out there and cheating bad mannered cheating married women. Their foundation was faulty from the beginning, they both dont trust each other. I will say, they should go on seperate ways if they cant settle b4 it lead to something else. Frank should be ashamed of himself, haba! I wish them well. Media is not helping too.
Its a big shame!! Frank forgot who he is to the Nigerian viewing public sepecially the youths. This may mark the end of his glorious reign. Will not be surprised if MTN reconsiders their program anchor....Shame!!!
Woman watch it if u are not faithful 2 ur husband, u are disobeyin d word of God. Y shld u put thelma first b4 ur family & y is it a big deal 4 u? God is watchin. & u wife beater, dnt u see men like u 2 fight wit? D 2 of u shld seek d face of God.
before i start talking can you 'Lynda' also post Frank interview if there is any so that some realist like me can know to to begin. Cos is isnt fair to blame one person without having the full gist. Pls lets have Frank's interview like kate to make everything interesting cos i know frank talks alot. Keep the gist work up. You are close day by day.
Disapponted is how I feel on reading this. I used to think Frank was as refined as he looks.But then again, I've learnt overtime not to judge only by listening to one side of the story. Howeve, I am still disappointed, he has no reason whatsoever to beat up his wife.
frank that is calling his wife a liar for not being at their meeting point, what was he doing in palms at 11p.m. during the elections when he was supposed to be at home. he and his friend where eating ice cream and gossiping about people. some midnight-chics where there as well dunno if they were there to get some. didn't know he was a hair as a baboon. i was walking out from shoprite and needed to sit down for a bit. so i got to the bench and asked if i could join them only to realize it was frank (but trust me, i know how to deal with this celebs who like peeps screaming when they see them), i just sat down when he moved and pretended like i was eavesdropping. i just said to myself, so this na the hand wey dey beat this chic? Gorilla
Yes! The story is so true. He is a wife beater. I knw him and he has serious attitude problem. I HATE THE MAN!!!
The two people involve here are adult and they can both make decisions base on facts and with good reasons best known to them.So Katherine whatever decision you want to make at the end of the day, i will advice you sit down relax and take your time before taking does decisions
Its really crazy....I am of the opinion that they call of the marriage asap. I have experienced same thing too...i was beaten up 4 weeks after my marriage. na hand and leg i take run relay because i no fit use knife and fork chop suffer. This one no be say we don marry for 5 yrs ooo. Just 4 weeks!!!
We have not heard both sides of this story. For all you know the woman is crying wolf. She is notorious for her mood swings and erractic behaviour! See how she was sacked from every station - both TV and Radio that she has ever worked in? Come one! There is definetely more to this than she is protraying!
@August 12, 2011 4:37pm, true talk my dear. @Sept., 17, 2011, thumbs up! All these single n divorced babes wld nt hesitate to move in with Frank despite these rumours. Since when has Encomium become a credible Magazine. People should nt believe everything they read in these rags. Only Frank and his wife know the truth. So, folks, shut the f*****k up and mind ur businesses! Mscheewww!!
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