Top Nollywood actress Caroline Ekanem has given birth to a baby boy for her Hausa lover, Musa Danjuma, the younger brother to General Theophilus Danjuma rtd. The stupendously rich Hausa guy is said to be in his fifties. There are talks that the man spoils her silly and is planning to marry her. I hope he does. She's a really nice, down to earth chic. Congrats to her!
Madam Kofo's gele

Tuface and his baby mama, Pero Adeniyi, last weekend held a superlative birthday party for their daughter who turned one. Saw the little girl's pictures...she's the cutest little thing.

Also, top designer Zizi Cardow of Zizi Ethnic clothing recently added another year to her age and she had a mother of all parties on the Island. Here's wishing her many more happy returns.

Banke Meshida drops her dreads
Newly married, pretty make-up aritiste Banke Meshida has dumped her signature jazzy dreadlocks for a fresh permed look. Saw her recently, she had this certain glow that tells she's enjoying married life.

You guys remember top Nollywood actor, Kenneth Okonkwo's quote that I posted last week where the actor denied getting married to a certain Nancy Ekedo while still married to the daughter of CPM founder, pastor Ezekiel? Well, this week, the said second wife released pictures of their traditional wedding with members of his family in attendance. The woman was so mad that he denied the existence of their marriage. The story too long so let's cut it short by saying he's still denying marrying Nancy who made alot of accusations against him...long story...moving on...

Storm Music CEO Obi Asika is set to wed his girlfriend of many years Ngozi Oyolu, who he recently bought a Volkswagen Passat. The wedding is said to have been fixed tentatively for the second week of December. Obi is such a cool guy. All the best to him and wife to be.
Helen Ajayi's lifestyle solution

Nike Oshinowo is now being called
Mrs Nike Oshinowo Soleye confirming reports she married Dr Tunde Soleye some weeks back. There's already talk in the tabloids that Nike and new hubby are already having problems in their marriage. I read a story where they said she threw him out of their home because he tried to reconcile with his ex live-in-lover Omua, while Nike was out of the country. The story was long and dirty, and might not be true. So lets not peddle dirty gossip...we already did. LOL
Oh, by the way, Nigeria's most dreaded gossip journalist, Stella Dimoko-Korkus has started her own blog. You guys are about to be blown away. Stella tells it as it is. I'm sure those of you in Naija are conversant with her very controversial gist cafe column on one of Nigeria's leading softsell Magazine, National Encomium. Nobody does gossip better than Stella, so if you won hear wetin dey happen for Naija, her blog is the place to be. Its www.stella-dimoko-korkus.blogspot.com
Ok that's it for today, let me know what you think of all the gists and 'amebo'. Goodnight!
Am definately into d gele tying thingy. I can wear my gele as high as i want, nd i turn heads at parties....lol,but still can't beat madame kofo. i hope she brings out good gele,not too soft,nd not to hard. Ok i will be on d look out for it.Thnks Linda for d info.
Congratulations to Caroline and I hope her man marries her. As for Nike Oshinowo, how can such a marriage last when it was contracted by fraud and voodoo. Also did she think she caught a big fish. She should ask Omua Oni-Okpaku, Soleyes ex-live-in-girlfriend who had a baby for him. Well to eaxh is his own.
Nike is getting back what she deserves. i hate that woman.
I thot Dr Tunde Soleye was already married. So is she like settling for second wife? Wow!.. and Ehi is the cutest thing thank God all thanks to papa. lol. Why did I think Obi got married last year. Maybe I dreamt it up. Oh well.
I would like to congratulate caroline not of because of getting but catching a really big fish... LOL... I wonder if they are going to use the Passat as their wedding car.. I heard that it has a really great VW performance parts... I hope I could also be married to someone who can buy a Passat or even better a Porsche 911...
i heard the caroline ekanem's thing and thought it was just rumours? Did you say that the guy she had the baby for is in his fifties? Or did i read it wrong? How old is she?
I'm tired of that nike woman. she's old and desperate and needs to leave another woman's husband alone. she hasn't got her own life dats y she's trying to make other women unhappy. shame really!!! And wot is it dat those women see in dat Soleye. He's even got gray hair already...or am is my vision confusin me?
well done jare, i hate Nike with extra passion... she should go and sit down abegi...
Carolina ekanem...(how old is she)?
Tuface and Pero, abi? trust them to have a grand party(are they still together)?
Kudos to Madam Kofo, at last..
To u, make sure u answer my questions oh... kep it up.. my dear, u're right on points.
Everyone knows caroline is there for the cash. well...gluck to them.
As for Kenneth Okonkwo issue, the lady being denied can sue, can't she?
tell stella to update her blog. I've been there - no gist yet. (smile)
I love caroline Ekanem,girl is so pretty and also a good actress,no comment on Nike,Kenneth is a crazy wife beater,Tu face,just dont know for that guy,goodluck to madam kofo.
HOT stuff as usual girl...keep on doing your thing....congrats to Caroline...I really hope the guy marries her...love madam Kofo and her geles...hope she comes out with something real nice...
Banke Meshida is pretty!! No comment on the other stories.
Nice blog Linda.I'll be visiting your blog more often,very juicy naija gossip.I hope I can also get that on Dimoko's blog.
Hmmm...so Caroline wan turn to a stay-at-home alhaja now.
cAN SOMeone unleash the koko as to why this nike is so staunchly disliked? What has she done so terrible to others? I am not instigating I really want to know, I thought she was a genuine somebody.
Is it me or do people always have to call attention to the beauty that an object truly lacks? It would sort of go without saying and stating the obvious (such as Linda's fineness). Naijas pls stop with the consolation!
I also saw obi's wedding pictures from yonks, I guess that was the engagement, one tall darkish girl from storm.
What is going on with this baby mama syndrome in gidi? Very scary, truly tacky.
nike has been reaping where she did not sow all her life,well wat do u know?something is about to happen and she will get the reward of a thief.
tuface already has a 1yr old?how old is the second kid?BTW, his baby mama aint it.
all u player haters, leave nike osinowo alone.shes beautiful,classy and rich.she didnt come after ur husbands so whats ur problem
Nike Osinowo is a very pretty woman I dont understand all u haters beefing her.Its not fair now!
@gloria, what in d world does dis have to do with her being beautiful. So, what if she won d most beautiful girl in naija pageant donkey years ago? What else does she have to her name? Dis isn't about hating abeg. Let's get real here. D fact is dat she snatched what didn't belong to her. Na at d age of 40something she decided to marry and to a married man with kids for dat matter.
wienna,I understand your point.But dont men in Nigeria marry more than one wife?Since when did it become a crime to to marry a man who has a wife already.These things are very common especially among people in the south west,its no big deal.
congrat to carol ekanem. what become of her us base boyfriend?
Well, I guess all the haters hate is unfounded as there are no solid basis here. I could dislike her as well as I have relation with her mans family but its well known he's been out of touch with that marriage for some time so its the guy that has issues far as Im concerned.
I dont understand this trend with young men carrying belle and marrying old men.Wetin de sele now? Carol is just a gold digger!
About Mr. Asika- Its been over 2 years since those 2 broke up. Both of them have since moved on. It must be a mistake.
Its amazing how we all love to relish in other people's gist. Who cares about what nike is doing? how does it affect the price of tea in china? Abeg leave matter jare. Big up to Tu-face i'm one of his greatest fan but bros make una remember say it takes both parents being married to bring up proper pikin o. Obi Asika is doing a lot of positive things in the entertainment industry, lets focus on that. AYANA
i am bothered when i read false and damaging stories written about a person by another with conviction when it's a lie. obi and ngozi broke up about two years ago. he never ever bought her a car.you must have her mistaken for another. i enjoy reading your blog but please next time, confirm your stories before you write as ngozi is my friend and i know stories like this won't go down well with her.
Big Up from Kent- London- England o, my people, stumbled against this blog 2day and boy...did i laugh!!
So Nike my Surname-(namesake without the "h") is finally married to Tunde Soleye, is he the dude who owns the hospital somewhere in Ikeja? i thot he was married... My old folks used to use his "ile iwosan", Good Luck to her but i dont think it will last, enjoy the publicity while it lasts.you-GO-Girl!!!, As 4 di others, that home video guy in "Beggers never Lack" with the big lips, good luck to him 2
I have always been a fan of Madam -de Madam, it is a matter of Cash........i am so glad she is focussing on her trademark now.show dem jo!! do they still sell those tapes of second chance- if you know where i can get them let me know and you will be fully rewarded with " Mama Charlie's Ego"...laugh!!
God Bless Everyone and stay on top......
Hello Linda,
My nameis Ramson Oluwaseun, Please i really need ur help, i want you to contact mr Obi Osika, the CEo Storm Record, I found is name on hiphop award and i will like you to tell me, im very much interested to be a Dj , That is what i have hope to be all my life but i had no one to support me.. i will really appreciate it alot if you could be a help to me. i can be contacted on 08027821572 or emmy_ramsey1976@yahoo.com
Thanks so much
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