In the past few months, most of the songs making waves have been from new Naija artistes. Songs like Morachi's 'Hapuya like dat', Sanchez's 'Pick it up', Stereoman's 'Ekwe'. Beautiful songs from relatively unknown artistes. These guys are blowing our old artistes out of the water...
As a mark of appreciation, I'd like to introduce some of them to y'all. Some, you might have heard about, some, you might not know but be rest assured that these guys and girls are very talented and putting out Naija's 'Baddest' hits at the moment.
Here they are...

Artiste: Sean Tero
Artiste: Morachi
Genre of Music: Hip Hop
Popular Song: Hapuya Like that (Leave it like that)
Artiste: 9ice
Genre of Music: Hip Hop
Artiste: Nigga Raw
Genre of Music: Hip Hop
Popular Song: Obodo Artiste: Laura Ikeji
Genre of Music: Hip Hop
Popular Song: Get Down
That by the way is my younger sis. Fantastic rapper and dancer. Laura will give Ciara a run for her money anyday...for real. You should see her on the dancefloor...incredible! I used to think I could dance...but put me to shame lol. She will put alot of professional dancers to shame...
Anyway, there you have it. Some of Naija new artistes making waves. I know I missed a lot of names, can't know them all, so please feel free to send names of new artistes in Naija who are blowing people away with their songs.
Meanwhile, I watched 'Stomp The Yard', this weekend. A dance movie that features finest black actor ever (ok since Denzel) Colombus Short, Chris Brown, Brian White and Ne yo. It's the best dance movie since 'You Got Served'. Now, I can't make up my mind which movie rocked most. In terms of story line, I'd give it to Stomp The Yard. And in terms of dance sequence, I'll give it to You Got Served. Over all? I can't decide. Those of you who have seen both movies...what do you think? You haven't seen any yet? Go check it out!
Let's know other Naija new artistes making waves.
All pix, thanks to Purefoto.
linda i didn't know that you had a sister who sings. are you the oldest among your siblings? i think she's cute though...i love those boots 2.
Hmmm...i see say u dey yarn for your sister small-small. Next thing, we go hear say u dey manage her. I never heard any of her songs yet, maybe u should upload am one day on your blog. As for d new artistes, i like Nigga Raw's Obodo, d video is so tight as well. And i can't stand dat Konga song. I've heard of a few new female artistes as well, can't remember their names now sha.
Ohthank God..fresh faces and talents since the same old same old...2face,D'banj and co.
Djinee i know of...totally love Ego...but that's the only song I know sha.
Who the hell is Obiwon???..and i thought i was current with my Naija music.
Bouqui her Gospel singer.
Soul E baba de ya-the best on the list...FAB artist...2 Baba watch ur back oh..Soul E is up 2 international standards.
Konga-Is funny!!!..I love Baby Konga...ju kpa kpa ju kpa....bloody rude song...but still loving it.
Dunno Niola,Black Solo,Sean Tero,Guitar Man(more like boy!!) Morachi,Spider man,Stero Man,9ice,Indespensables.
Oh nice one on ur sis...Linda add a video link or something...lets see ur sis strut her stuff.
I agree about the new artist showing themselves. I think 9ice is about to be the next bigest thing out fo naija, mark my words. I just did an interview with him here I have a good eye for these things and I am hardly ever wrong. I predicted 2face was gonna be huge and would crossover with the right management. well I was 90% correct... lol.
Ah so u have a sister that sings. You should let us hear some of her stuff.
Pure photo is doing a great job and im sure you are so roud of your sis!
Yeah , I love Ego but my eight year old daughter loves it more.You just need to hear her sing it considering she's been to Naija just twice...and she sings Sony Nneji's Olukati sorry, i am not yoruba)but we sing it.
I have just heard Chinwe Ike by onemixed race girl ..that's quite refreshing.who is she,Linda?
i thought Djinee's Ego had been out since like over a year ago?is the song just making heatwaves?anyway i love the my my linda,what a talented family you must have :)
So, linda, when r we going to hear u sing as well? Was watching Bisi Olatilo show over d w'kend and they featured Segun Odegbami's daughter, May7ven. Dat gyal is HOT, she can dance and sing abeg. And wait for it.....she's got a great 'budunk', as TP would say. lol
I LOOOOVE NiggaRaw! Every yung pple party here in NYC play his songs especially "HipHop Giration" and once they start playn that very song everry single body goes crazy, and at this point we all pool togetha at the middle of the dance floor and have a crazy dance off with each person doing some funny dance and us all singn along. He is the ish don here o..infact we have to organize something with him come nxt summer men.
BTW, Linda, i like ur sister's sweater...i have one like it in a diff. color
Why isn't RESONANCE on that list?! They're like one of the biggest groups in naija ever! and on my top 10 best grps....meeen all dia songs are soo refresn and they are very original. LOVE 'EM!
i loooooooooooove niga raw.his song rocks!
@anon the second oldest lil sis is hot!i'll load her songs one sing? u wanna make them beat me lol proud of her
@tp, i'll let u guys hear it 1day
ok... i have never heard of any of this singers/rappers before & really one is called spider man??? Why choose such a name??? Maybe he has watched too much of the spider man movies. its depressing.
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