I'm so so sorry for being so so naughty. My 'I won't be blogging for a while' was just a joke. And everyone bought it...hey yah!!! Make una no vex abeg, I was just playing...see all the loving comments I got. I even got a comment from Nigeria Politricks, he's never left a comment on my blog before, that was an achievement. Set and Lurlar, I deleted your comments by mistake, with the way I'm craving for comments, loosing two was very very painful...but I saw your comments and I appreciate it.
Sweethearts, Linda ain't going nowhere, I'm here to stay. This is what I love doing, and I'll keep doing till I can't do it anymore.
I was just teasing, people. I actually wanted to achieve two things, tease you and have so many people pray for me. You put me in your prayers, tell the truth, tell the truth.lol. I've been laughing all day I'm sorry you guys, I told y'all I was a little crazy abi?
I even got an email from someone who said he almost had a heart attack when he read I won't be blogging for a while. The
But seriously am I a genius or what? lol. I hope I am the first blogger to play this trick. Any other blogger done this before? Yes? No? I'm sorry if I got some of you worried. I know there are a few of you out there who care about me even though you do not know me. I promise I
To compensate y'all, I've posted 35 of my modeling pictures. I'm sure some of you don't know I was one of the top models in Nigeria in my time. I started modeling at age 17 in 1998 and quit in 2005.
I modelled for every designer who was actively involved in the Nigerian fashion industry. I travelled to all parts of Nigeria and some West African countries for shows. I featured in several calendars, billboards and TV Commercials. I miss those days.
60% percent of my pictures are gone. Either through journalists who did interviews, took pictures and never returned them, or friends who took them when I wasn't watching. I also lost so many memorable pictures when my album was beaten by rain, but I was able to salvage some.
Here are some of them, pardon the untidiness and bad quality, it all came from an almost damaged old album. If you aren't interested: SKIP. If you are: ENJOY!

My first fashion show. Silverbird International Fashion Show June 1998

Silverbird International Fashion Show 1999

For Meggitto, Nigerian Fashion Show 2000.

For Jimi Delaja, St Moritz Style Selection 2002
For Nigerian Broadcasting Commission, Abuja 2000. I'm 3rd from the left

For Regalia
For Elegance Ankara

For Tiffany Amber

With some of my models after a photosession

For Labanella

For designer, Rose of Sharon

For Rose of Sharon

For Monami, for St Moritz Style Selection 2001

For Zizi Ethnic Clothing

Nigerian Fashion show 2000, for designer Meggitto. She won that year's competition for Designer of The Year. This were the outfits that clinched her the award.

For Bijoux Boutique

For one of Nigeria's most successful designers, Mudi


For Dakova

with John Fashanu and top male model, Tunji Oni

My prestige billboard

With one of my best friends, Denrele Edun. Unilag 2000

As an usher for 7up. 1999

with my

For Rimali billboard

For Mudi
My 21st birthday. 2face is standing right behind top Nollywood actor Emeka Enyiocha. Faze is standing beside Jazzman at the extreme left. Sound Sultan, Lexxy Doo and LD Extra large are also in the pix

The launch of my company, Blackdove.

My Magazine Launch, with Chief Mrs Opral Benson and Ohaneze ndi igbo of Lagos

My Last fashion show, Red, Bold and Jazzy 2005 for Frank Osodi

This was the last time I went to the studio (2005). I need to go back and take real professional pix and let y'all see it.
So I fine or I no fine?
To anonymous and co who say I've been dropping hints that all's not well with me, trust me, everything is well with me at this point in my life. I feel blessed and happy with myself. I 've made over 500 new friends (my site meter tells me that), I have a man in my life who deeply loves and supports me, my business is growing, my mag is about to hit the stands, all my loved ones are alive and healthy, what more could I ask for? Ok...I can ask for more comments. So I'm asking! lol
I'm off to go have me a crazy, loving weekend.
Have a fun filled weekend everyone.
See y'all later
1 – 200 of 223 Newer› Newest»yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee have always known you had something up your sleeves,naughty girl.Meeeeeeeeeeeeen you are hottt!
Meeeeeeeen I clicked on your pictures to enlarge them.I must say you are gorgeous Linda!
Linda, you no serious o! Why you dey pull this kind stunt? If you try it again ehhnnn ...
BTW, this is probably the largest "Linda Ikeji" pictures collection. Nice nice pictures. Ah ah, see all the adverts and stuff ... no wonder they say you're the "Highest paid Nigerian Model". Abeg show us the way o!
okay welcome back..............and for making us panic,you are hereby sentenced to a lifetime of blogging.
Linda! Ur not serious oh! what kind of stunt is that one?????? ehn!! when it is not april fool day!!! Good one sha but it wasnt funny jo! Hiss!
Now lemme just say,
I LURRRRRRRRRVVVVVVV MOST OF UR PICTURES!! (lol i like to be honest jare).But dear you are gorgeous.If not for the fact that I know that nigeria's modelling industry isn't that great,I would have asked why you stopped modelling sef,but you got yourself a good life as you said so,keep on rawking it!!!
cant say welcome back!u dont deserve that one jo!
Lovely pics. I wish u well in ur endeavours.
Linda Linda, quite contrary fooled them guys they all went funny...You do well you hear!! I was just telling my friend that you would not be blogging for a while and she was already becoming worried for ya. For me to check your blog, wetin I dey see...welldone you hear. You sure pulled a strong one there :o)
Your pictures are ok despite the rain bless and you look gorgeous. I am wondering why the picture of you on Vera's blog is not among these ones on display. That is a fine picture and I have it for safe keeping in case I would want to feature you in my blog (hope you will not mind?) I will let you know when that time comes but in the meantime, keep doing what you know how to do best. (No more pranks abeg).
Take Care now!! Cheers.
U dis girl and your tricks. Even b4 logging in your blog dis morning, i knew at d back of my mind dat u're kidding. I wonder how mr. F copes with your tricks, i'm sure dis is what keeps your relationship going. Make u no do dat again o, yeye small girl. I looooove those pics, i especially like d Rimali one, where u wore a mini red dress. So sensational. Try taking new pics and make sure keep them safe dis time around.
Nice, lovely pics and well-shaped too...hmmmm...:)
Yow were not a top model in your time.You were the best model in your time.I followed your career for five years before leaving Nigeria.Tope Brass was my friend. Everyone agreed you were great on stage.This pictures tell nothing of the career I know you had.
Nice one.Great pictures!I googled your know and read about your modeling.Some of dem pics aren't clear but now I see why all the noise.I'm officially now a fan
Top Model huh? u got a great figure. Sad ur taken
You are crazy Linda, I had said that I wish you all the best before, something told me the rate at which you blogged, I knew you would be back sooner than later.
Anyways it was a good one. Your pictures are really nice. I am glad that even tho you are no longer modeling you are helping others to achieve that dream. But when you were modeling i can see that you left a mark.
Linda na waa for you, am glad you are back, though. loving your pix. the one with renle reminded me of us in lag. If you see Tunji say hi to him for me. memorable pix, welldone babes.
hmm LINDA!hmmm..ok! ur pictures r very bunz!lol n derenle lookd so cute in dt 1 too...hav a nice wknd..
i can see denrele just "DEVELOPED" his "sense of style£..puke factor..100
Wow-ooo! I can't believe you tricked us...You're soooo wrong for that! LOL!...Anywayz sha, I guess our prayer worked. Glad to see you're back again...I've always been a fan. Nice pics you got there!!!
you deserve all the happiness you get.You are such an inspiration
expensive JOKE. great shape. nice weekend
What's gwanning now, Linda? We no fit leave comments on your updated posts o. Abi, u drink too much champagne with mr. F dis w'kend? ;)
Hmmmm....and d comments wey u dey get d past few days about your pics be one kain o. I hope mr. F no mind sha.
You look really good linda. Fresh faced in ur younger days (smile) but really nice and sophisticated now. I'm jealous!!! Do you eat at all?!?!?!!? LOL!!!
Linda must be having the time of her life with Mr F.
Nice pics. THE PHANTOM
liked some of the pics. especially the one you said was your last show
Nice pictures girl, or are you just photogenic? LOL!
@mimi.no vex o!lol
@ugo daniels.thanks
@naija vixen.whats bunz?
@angel.i no mind the sentence
@n.politricks.nice to know uve always been a fan
@mommy.anytime ure ready
@martin.nice butt?thanks!
@calabar gal.i eat o, but weight no gree come.im hot?yeeeeh!thanks girl
@anon.i hope denrele doesnt giv u nightmares o.
@wienna.i like to spice things up
@nyemoni.i think im photogenic.but i fine small for real life
dat waz mean
had told ma frends dat no more jist for a while moreso i just introduced a frend to your blogpage.great anyway
Gosh! You have come a long way!!! Success is healthy... Keep it up.
This is my fav picture; 'For one of Nigeria's most successful designers, Mudi'
Christopher Bolarinwa Marquis (CBM)
Silverbird TV Lagos
(Sundays 23:30)
Dan Foster get taste sha!
Nice pics.I love all your pics.Great legs too.
Girl you rock!My fav pix is the prestige pix,you go girl!Nice blog too.
@cbm.long time no comment.how are u?nice to hear from you again.
yee i'm happy that you are not going anywhere. I totally love your blog, although i was not hooked till a few weeks ago. You do your thing girl. I love your blog
Thanks for sharing all your pictures and work !
How inspiring !!
Linda, the Danlere u referred 2 as ur Best friend, is he the same dude that is a journalist or sommentator of something that dress crazy?...lol..i like him for being unique and not conforming to the "norm"...it seems as tho he's been like this from the get go.
BTW, how tall are u (in Feets)?
about the pics....i liked ur last fashion show pix...it truly shows a transformed exit.
BTW, is Dan Foster of cool fm ur man?
dont u daaaare dogde this question, cos i'll keep askn. lol.
Your heart will tell you where to go with future photo shoots.
you are a beautiful girl,I hope you know that.Denrele also looked cute in that in that picture
awwwww u suck and to think I was alreayd going through rehab for nothing.. Gosh!. I have a lot of catching up to do.
ok now I can comment properly, LMAO! ur group shot with faze, 2 and em! gosh!. they looked soo errm SKIIIINY hahahahahaha.. but still cute tho.. Do you know wot ever happened to Kesi Jabari. gosh seems like he just dissapeared off the face of the earth.. Least I heard he was in NY. BTW ur pictures are nice..
@naija dreams. Thank!
@anon.yes that's the same denrele. yes!
@Toni payne. No vex abeg!
@John. My crystal has already told me
@Toni P.Heard Kesse now lives in the US with wifey Sabina Umeh and their son.He just packed up and left Naija at the peak of his career. but im sure he's doing well in the US
lol...You are funny girl. You pulling lots of tricks on your friends there, thats cool. You see, your friends know you very well.. You got lots of sense of humor, thats cool..
Anyway, later dear.
lovely pictures, but y did u do that now... well done
Hey Linda, first of all, abeg my dear don't play dat joke about taking time off again oooo.. as dis ur blog dey tooo sweet...u are a very pretty girl and i really admire your confidence. I've been reading your blog for sometime and i must say it's very interesting. I like the way u approach "da haters" with words. keep ur head up girl and i believe ur journey to success has just started.
linda that last picture in red, ogini! See oppression. Why did you quit modelling at only 24? Sha at least you had a plan that you're following through on. Go girl
Nice pictures but i love that prestige billboard foto to death.
beautiful gals inspire me to paint only second to God.
It's either I marry a beauty or i don't marry at all. lol
lool...dnt mind me...i slang too much,Bunz..as in hot as in its rockn..u get d drift now...lol?
Nice pictures o Linda.Keep up the good work.
Just stumbled on ur blog and I must say ur blog is da bomb,U r also a very pretty girl,welldone.
you're absolutely beautiful babe
Thaks for visting my blog. I must say that I love your blog. My dear your are simply gorgeous. YOu have been at to the blog list.
You are a JEWEL...You are GORGEOUS...To me U are simply the most beautiful gal/model in Naija i betcha! Even a Blindman will see that u are d most beautiful and elegant lady around...Ur Guy is a lucky dude meeennn!!!!!!!!! Keep riding high Sis..
Rawk On Chic.. Nice shots... Love the gold event pics.. sharp. Keep at it ;)
Linda baby. Kedu kwanu? Omalicha ... i na - ebi! I maka kwa nu. Nwanyi manari. Omuma asa aru. Leather handbag umu nwanyi. Ugegbe eji eme nkili. Nne biko na - aga na anyi so gi na - azu. Na you biko!!!
Take care sweetie!!!
lily u r cute.............i knew dere was something about dat face........pls dnt retire from d run way........i was thinking will it b nice 2 do a run way show 2 raise funds 4 uncle yinka craig....n u r still owing me u havent checked my blog. www.kemydamosy.blogspot.com
kisses n hugs..........kemy
Hi..Linda nice to know ur doing well n still looking good.O gurl! its my first time dropping a comment on ur blog o! n i really like d whole concept n ur playful attitude!! which makes d whole thing unique..Anywaz those kool pixs of urs reminded me of way back in niaja during my dayz as a model as well! u n i met on several occasions in one casting or d other n u were kool then guess u still are.. Its been yrs now so guess it wld be hard to picture my face n all dat..but not witstanding it gives me joy knowning ur still n will forever prospere..
Hey!Linda,nice blog u gat here!! n kool concept.Its my first tym droppin off a comment oo!! those kool pixs of ur's reminded me of way back in niaja!! as a model aswell..u n i met a couple of times during one show or the other n a few times during castings..its been awhile now so guess u wldnt be able to picture d face.
Nevertheless,it gives me joy knowing ur doing well n ur still dat kool headed fellow u've always been..N neva trade ur person with a danm good fight..KIP IT REAL N ALL D BEST..
nice pic u have there,please marry me marry me marry me please i beg, from ema
i see linda every day i never new she was so known, any way wen i get to see u again i may hug uhooooooooooooo, so better expect it any time, just joking from ema
am losing my mind pls can u help me,i never no say u get mouth like this, the problem be say u no dey show say u get moni, na wow u re hottt wen re u going to be cold from ema
linda idey hail u.ino say u don marry.but sha u fit make imam even pastors make dem commit adultery.even me we be pope dey trip for you.
see linda dont even try it or else i would kill myself.........sammy
These pictures are tight!!! U go girl:)
My sister, Fatima is the tall model with you in the 7up ushering/modelling.Good pictures. When I saw that picture on her facebook, I was excited and I told her I love reading your blog. She has a boutique in Surulere now.
Linda going see your old pictures and year this post was published has shown that indeed you deserve all the success you have achieved in onlineEntertainment News publishing I'm impressed.
Wow...dunno y some haters call u a failed model, this pics dont look failed to me.....thumbs up.
Wonderful, i just Want to congratulate You Linda.
I so much love and appreciate Your Blog.
Nigeria Universities And Polytechnic News
damn! you have come a long way lin lin
The many faces of linda ikeji, you try sha
Bravo...............Thanks for updating us on who you were before now. So many peepz can't tell their story let alone displaying their pix. Anyway, i like your enthusiasm. Keep it up girl.
Lindibaby,u r too much,lovely pics,u r indeed blessed,may God continue 2 grant u ur heart desires ijn Amen.
I bless God for you Linda. Really what more can you ask for?
Aunt lindsway all am intersted in is d Man oh...who's is he?#shikena#btw pls show us d bday piks of ur papa na
Linda use style talk say na throwback you dey do, we know say na Thursday. *zoomsin*
Lovely !!! U r such an amazing lady
Congratulations Linda.ur d best blogger in nigeria
Na whaoooo ... Such a long journey ... Breakthrough requires patience and perseverance not get rich quick syndrome of nowadays
WOW! Lovely pics. And I like the fact that you have done a lot with your life before you even ventured into blogging. I guess that's why God had to pay you big time. You have paid your dues BG TIME. You definitely are an inspiration to me. I wish you more success.
Linda see your small bumbum dat time, when I saw it I knew it was you. lol Proud of you girl.
So u went out wit Dan Foster??hmmmmm....u nah nawti bigz gurlz o bt me likey cos me very nawti too. All da best dear
u fine small,with that your tooth pick leg..lol
All real good!!!
Love u Linda!
Am sure u trip 4 big dicks...mine will surely fill u 2 d top!!
*Long Dick*
Gosh...Linda, this brings back memories. Seeing comments from Overwhelmed Naija Babe, Calabar Gal, Kpakpando et al reminds me of those good old blogging days and the crazy bloggers we had back then. I wonder whether they all still blog? Remember Chameleon, Ubong Da and that other babe's crazy blog (can't remember her name now) that you were addicted to cos of all the 'ahem' in it? Linda, you are so naughty, you taught me nonsense on that blog! Lmao!!! I'm laughing so much right now! It has been 7 years...can't believe how time has flown and how much has changed since then. You've achieved so much girl, God bless you.
Nice foto...
Hey Linda welldone n I so love u n ur blog!!!
Hope to meet u someday... U inspire me a lot.
She has a MAN... Please*eyes rolling*
Lmao, funny how life changes. That's what we call ambition. And you did have it in you..
Linda you sure have come a very long say. Proud of you dear.
I like the way u shared ur personal stuff, like the lovifng weekend, and the factor mentioned names on commenters on your blog and apologized for mistakenly pay deleting comments.
Now I knw ou have a lot of people commenting on your blog, however it would be very nice if you mentioned some of your top fans and commenters o n your blog.
Proud of you babes!
Linda you sure have come a very long say. Proud of you dear.
I like the way u shared ur personal stuff, like the lovifng weekend, and the factor mentioned names on commenters on your blog and apologized for mistakenly pay deleting comments.
Now I knw ou have a lot of people commenting on your blog, however it would be very nice if you mentioned some of your top fans and commenters o n your blog.
Proud of you babes!
Linda no wonder you've got guts. I really appreciate you a lot. Can't say more than this but keep up Ï„̣̣Ñ’Ñ‘ good work. I believe God is with you. I Love hard working women.
Hello guys this is the no.1 LIB fan from the future! @linda you're such an inspiration!
Linda pls marry me. I hope u won't mind cos I'm a woman? But I can't help myself. I love u soooo much.
I really admire your tenacity and attempts at diverse arts, I must say it the way it burns in my heart, you are a TRAILBLAZER. You succeed at all dear. Am inspired by your legacies. Am hooked on your babe.
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Lin lin has come a long way. May God's Grace continue with you.
Btw, I couldn't help but notice you had a man as at that time, God who did it that time will do it again. AMEN.
Ok didn't like d one for MTN,but d rest are simply beeeeeautiful!
happy 4 u, u gat gooooooood history keep it up , iwo ni gbogbo oju yi nwo oh
Yes Angel I like that. DD
lov this, oldies and current affair.
Linda u r such a naughty babe joor. DD
linda, love u a great deal. U are a lady of happy ending. I pray u marry d bone of ur bone and the flesh of ur flesh. U deserve to be happy.
linda, love u a great deal. U are a lady of happy ending. I pray u marry d bone of ur bone and the flesh of ur flesh. U deserve to be happy.
Linda u are a hard working lady and u have paid ur dues, so you deserve to 'chop' life...Ride on hun..
*Faints, wakesup and faints again* Haba Linda u sha can keep secret
Linda u are a hard working lady and u have paid ur dues, so you deserve to 'chop' life...Ride on hun..
the young is already grown hahahahahahahah.
will always love u Linda. u have been hardworking and it pays off. u r not lucky but blessed. keep it up and dont derail
Seeing thru these pix, i can now deduce one or two things about you. But One major thing is, You are one of the few women who understands the principles of getting to the top.
Looking at "For Zizi Ethnic Clothing" I ve to say you and Jim Iyke look good together...
Linda welldone and nice pix I must say even tho dey r old....bt I just want to ask, were u ever married or d ring on ur finger in d last pix is just a fashion.lol
Now Linda, u r beautiful and we all know that but you seriously need to reproduce. I ain't saying get married but u need a kid.
i must recommend u on a gud job done so far.keep it up.
some people cannot see sha.....she has a man in her life that loves her dearly...............sha we cnt wait>...ghen ghen
Lindiway ur so so hot in dose pix... Tonto take note!
Lindiway ur so so hot in dose pix... Tonto take note!
Wweldone Linda,you are just doing good and. Will acheive more..like the spirit of hardwork in you....you sure inspire me in many ways + I share the same name with you..
The man in your life God bless him and you together to achieve greater thing in life.
meen you rock! dont mind the haters calling you a failed model, this is just a starting point u will excell more and more IJN *hugs*
meen you rock! dont mind the haters calling you a failed model, this is just a starting point u will excell more and more IJN *hugs*
O! Linda God has truly blessed your hustle. so you knew Denrele from way back. pls what makes Emeka Anyiaocha top nollywood actor? he is one of the reason people like me don't celebrate naija stars in public we boarded the same flight i hailed him and he was snobbish.
those were great pictures abd u are truly an inspiration to a whole lot of people (myself included). More grace to your elbow.
Best blogger ..today 2mro n. 4reva.. Wareva Lin.. Kip going up Up uppp
Awww....see wen linda used to reply comments... Plus i noticed that people were really nice back then...now we've got lots of bitter people waitin to launch an attack on their unlucky preys. It was more of a family den, no hate words, tribalism and curse words.. Btw linda u are one beautiful lady!
Linda it have tee.... (lol) no be today yansh get center parting. God will grant More years of fruitfulness. You are a true example of someone that has spent time in what she likes.
I love u Linda. I just love hardworking women. Its good to know u're getn paid for what u rightfully earned. All dose hardwork from way back finally pays off. May God continue to take u far beyond ur aspirations.AMEN
U re a goal getter,ladies like u inspire me
Well done Linda! God be with you always. Amen.
and som crooked ass want to beef u nw for earning a living from blogin not knoin hw much uv sweated since 2007 or earlier even.more grease dearri
Hey Linda, I am among d models n d pix wit u for Elegance fashion show dat we had in Ibadan...am d gal on d red and white maxi ankara :) posing at d far edge right. Thank for putting up d pix.
hmmm.. so you have Man.. good.
Wow, amazing how far you've come Linda. God bless your hustle.
Dose modelling outfits and pose are killing me.....ROTFL....buh am happy to see Linda Bigger And better....More Blessings....
An interesting tour through your enchanting odyssey from modelling to blogging!
Keep repping excellence, girl...
Kudos to you Linda.
You are such my bad habit now Linda, sometimes I wish I never checked ur blog out lol.... So addicted
Good to see your drive and Gods reward.God bless you.
Now,no wonder you don't have anything against gayism(side eyes)
Next,you started modeling @17 and back then models,artists,footballers etc were sort of considered no gooders by our parents who wanted only doctors,lawyers and engineers as kids.where I'm going with this is that at kylies age before iPad etc,you would've been considered back then as wayward etc especially cos of your choice of career,people didn't beat you down for it and we believe you everytime you come on here and talk about not selling your body.
We defend you out there and champion your name.its horrible to be bullied and have people that don't know you or your personal struggles call you names and suggest you are a slut.I hope you get the message Linda.
Congratulations again.
Good to see your drive and Gods reward.God bless you.
Now,no wonder you don't have anything against gayism(side eyes)
Next,you started modeling @17 and back then models,artists,footballers etc were sort of considered no gooders by our parents who wanted only doctors,lawyers and engineers as kids.where I'm going with this is that at kylies age before iPad etc,you would've been considered back then as wayward etc especially cos of your choice of career,people didn't beat you down for it and we believe you everytime you come on here and talk about not selling your body.
We defend you out there and champion your name.its horrible to be bullied and have people that don't know you or your personal struggles call you names and suggest you are a slut.I hope you get the message Linda.
Congratulations again.
Not bad. The size of your head though. lolllllllllllllllllllll
hardworking woman that is all i can say.
Linda,it been 8 yrs since u posted dis stuff were is dat man dat deeply love u,we neva still see am ooo
Onyi diesel
INSPIRED... The fact that you have done a lot with your life before you even ventured into blogging is a sign that Hard Work pays indeed. God bless ur hustle
Nice modeling pics
Wow! That was a handful. I remember seeing the prestige touch nd MTN ads b4. It's entertaining.me likey.
Linda oooo see as you hot fine and correct with your straight fresh legs.
e don tey edun denrele dey kolo shaa...see 2face neck shaa
e don tey edun denrele dey kolo shaa...see 2face neck shaa
Wow!u really wrkd for sucess,kudos..
Wow!u really wrkd for sucess,kudos..
Linda baby, you're a hard and smart working lady.
Hi Linda, my respect for you just went up from 65% to 110%, please don't do anything bad to bring it down. I am proud of you and oh you just made it to my top 10 women role model list. May God continue to crown all your efforts (Amen)
Nice one, more power to Yur elbow.Kip up d good wrk.
I luv Linda ikeji
Linda do rub cream o. See how she black before.
waoooooo!! This is Totally Inspiring!! Love you for everything you never knew u were doing!!..... WCE!!!
this Linda na complete local champion. next she shows a pic to compare with either Kim or Genevieve.
Blog: Yes
Beauty: Capital No!!
for the first time i am leaving a comment here....Linda you are truly inspiring......Anytime your name comes across my mind, the only thing i think of is determination, hardwork and success....God bless you Linda for inspiring young Nigerians.........P.S.
Uhmmm, quite impressed you have done something with your life knowing what you want and being successful. But please stop asking silly question, you are not fine, just an average looking very successful blogger.
So sorry i don't now how to psych people or lie to people, simply because i'm not yoruba and will not lie to you.
Linda you are a very strong woman, I love your dreams and desires in life. You have paid the price. Enjoy.
I love U scatter, inspired by U, don't worry about haters, they will always be there, more Greece to Ur elbow
Go linda!
nice one, you try sha ooooooo
nice one linda, well done, you try sha oooo
Going down memory lane. Wasn't there but felt so part of it. Comments were so friendly and most were from real friends that you can afford your precious time to exchange banters with. Now thugs, trolls and terrorists have joined in alongside the lovable, brilliant, funny and downright kinky freaks. Add that to your persistent MISCHIEF and we have a mix that's more addictive than cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth combined. Babe it's that serious o. Success is your only option, Linda. Luv!!!
The future holds great things for those that work hard
I am a linda Ikeji fan who rarely comments, but i had to place a stamp on this one. All i can say is good job and remain blesssed. please continue to remain an inspiration to the young ones and remember you still owe me an interview on www.madamesolange.com.
You've inspired me much,thank you.
You've inspired me much.Thank you, God bless you
Aunt linda, God bless ur hand work but be careful n always be prayer full, love you loads
Dreams come true. Yes! With patience, perseverance, preparation and prayer. . .sucess is assured.
Linda is an inspiration. Keep living life mi lady!
the story so far for you linda...nice one
Linda you beautiful and blessed for real, good for you, i want to be like you and independent Strong lady. I like it when women are successful in their different careers. I pray that God bless me to be one someday. Of cos with a supportive man who would add to your growth.
Linda you beautiful and blessed for real, good for you, i want to be like you and independent Strong lady. I like it when women are successful in their different careers. I pray that God bless me to be one someday. Of cos with a supportive man who would add to your growth.
linda u get mind ooo!just revovrin frm dat ur trick. wel dis ur pic ar wort my faintin sha.i lik dat I hav a man in my life part.cant wait to wer my ashoabi!hehe!!my lindodo aint goin anywer.yaga!!!!!
hawt linda
Wow...no be today o Lin Lin,,, e din tay.. keep going my love
Proud of you Linda Ikeji!
Really amazing I loove u
Nawao no be today Denrenle spoil!nice nice pix!
Can't wait for wedding bells ,congratulations dear keep it up.onye chi mere eze odighi ga anayara ya .don't mind jealous people.
Sorry to derail.
That really dark guy in your Elegance Ankara picture was my friend in ABU-Zaria. I lost contact with him after I relocated to US many years ago. I have tried every possible means to locate him. Do you by any chance have his current contact info? His name is Azubike
Omg see my Linda ooooh. Honestly God is not a wicked God, you've done practically everything legal so why wouldn't HE bless you? Babe, I swear you never see anything this is just the beginning of your blessings and career you're definitely gonna superceed Opray Winfrey. I just beg you in the name of God marry a man that will support your career so he won't have to cut you off from your passion. I love you is an understatement and I honestly look up to you. God bless you more Linda!
This is my first time to comment and I must say that I have always read your blog and enjoyed it! When you had issues with Google I was so sad because your Blog keeps me going!
For the prank you played I loved it! I saw another creative side of you! Thanks for sharing your life,you are an inspiration! GOD bless.
Amazing Linda.. Amazing.. Good work. U'v cme dis far
More blessings Linda!
God bless you,Linda. Your hard work has been making ways for you.
babe you got me ooooooo. abeg no try am again you hear. We cant afford to miss you. Can you see that that prayer i prayed for you on 31st January that you will find a man to love you is happening now? call me a genuis and i dont make empty prayers.
Still Jane Ike Winner of LIB 2015 N100K
wow, thanks God you not leaving, cos i told all my South African friend that if they need to know anything going on in Nigeria they can come here and they alway do. So linda dont do that agn
Linda nwa Ikeji you have paid ur dues joor ....enjoy
Linda u bn beautiful a long time
U have really gone far o, chai! C as denrele small 4 dat pics. God as really bless ur hustle my dear
Lmaoo. See Linda ooo. Luv u plenty joor
Nice one linda. You are indeed a queen. Keep balling!!!
hardwork sure pays.......nice stunt
I'm so speechless...
So e don tey wey Linda don dey this line, me just got to know you in 2013. You are such a damsel, that pix with Denrele though. denrele the baddest the maddest
Go gal...can see u frm down here..though I hop to be up there with u someday...guy gotta hustle...luv u to bits
omo e don tee when God bless u...may God continue to empower u
Nimelda said so.......
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