Say hello to Pax Thien Jolie Pitt, Angelina and Brad's new son.
His name means Peaceful Sky - Pax is peace in Latin and Thien is sky in Vietnamese.
Jolie and big brother Maddox picked up the little boy, three and a half years old, yesterday Thursday March 15th in Vietnam.
This little boy's fortune has changed for the better. I'm sure he doesn't know how lucky he is yet. From being an orphan to being adopted by the world's most celebrated couple, who are both stupendously rich. Why did Angelina Jolie single him out? What was special about him? His father or mother or an ancestor must have done something right in the past. Their goodness have manifested in this boy's life.
Sometime's when we are blessed, it's not neccessarily because we are good or have been good, it just might because of something someone in our family did a long long time ago. How many of you agree with me?
'Sometime's when we are blessed, it's not neccessarily because we are good or have been good, it just might because of something someone in our family did a long long time ago'. That is 'bollocks'! There's no such thing as that. U are lucky is u are..thats it! Anyway,i think Angie and Brad are doing a good job. Weldone! I hope these kids dont bite the fingers that are feeding them when they grow up cos sometimes, 'life' can be 'funny'
I really think Angie and Brad are doing a great thing adopting all those kids and changing their lives for the better
Those people are so kind to be raising all those children
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