Photos from robbery attack this morning at Berger, Mile 2 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 20 November 2015

Photos from robbery attack this morning at Berger, Mile 2

A man was attacked and robbed at Berger bridge, mile 2 at about 6:30 am on his way to work. Just as he was approaching the bridge, 3 boys about the ages 18-20 years ran to the vehicle and demanded for his valuables. He handed them his money and mobile phone. One of the robbers then used a big stone to shatter the back glass, looking for other valuables.

Just as the robbers were getting away, the man noticed they didn't have any weapon on them just big stones, he then ran after them and caught the guy who took his phone and broke his glass. He got his mobile phone back and was injured as a result of this incident.

The unlucky thief was beaten ruthlessly and handed over to Kirikiri police.


  1. The level of social vices are on the increase due to the severe hardship in the country well I don't want to say it will get worst that this if nothing g is done

    1. Daniel, please don't blame this on hardship.
      There are many things one can do in Lagos to at least feed himself. Stealing is never an option.

      Sincerely speaking the mind of Amadioha

    2. It is not hardship. It has always been there just more on the increase because most people are just getting lazier by the day. It's not poverty, it's just greed and laziness mentality

  2. Wtf? That man's just like me..I Def will not show them mercy. I prolly may even kill them.

  3. These charlatans keep robbing with impunity everyday. Ambode better step up his game. People's life are at risk here.


  4. These charlatans keep robbing with impunity everyday. Ambode better step up his game. People's life are at risk here.


  5. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 17:56


    Bad market 4d unlucky thief and wht a shame dat we r experiencing dis in our almighty Mile 2.

    Thank d Lord for d life of dis man!

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

    1. I pity u...u r very stupid!!!

  6. Lord have mercy. Robbery attacks everywhere. I think the lasg police should tighten up security now that xmas is around the corner

  7. these traffic armed robbers should be eliminated once they are arrested. Its just getting worst everyday

  8. I love the way he went for dem....useless set of people

  9. 18-20....i go cut dier hand wit cutlass....mtchewwww

  10. Good for him,hope his mates in the police cell will continue to panel bit him more.

  11. Another robbery attack?

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  12. This is interesting. Get more updates here

  13. CP Fatai, Lagos is fast becoming something else, when will you and your boys take action??? Linda take note!

  14. CP Fatai, Lagos is fast becoming something else, when will you and your boys take action??? Linda take note!

  15. These traffic thieves are mostly just dare devils and nothing more, if you are courageous enough you can tackle them.

  16. Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD ( November 2015 at 18:28

    Almighty mile 2 in d news....

    Those involved in dis high robbery should b punished accordingly so dat diswil serve as deterrent to others.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (

  17. Lol sharp guy. It pains me that these boys are young and should be in school

  18. The thief was mercilessly beaten and then handed over to the police!
    If the boy dies, the police will turn round to charge car owner with murder.
    Head or tail, the motorists are losers.

  19. Wow! Very brave man. I think the penalty for robbery should be at least 25 years.
    **She is an orphan. She was raised by a single mom. They were homeless for years and spent a great deal of years squatting with friends and family. Through it all, her mother ensured she went to school. She hustled, worked, begged for money, took loans but she ensured her daughter became a graduate.
    Fortunately for her she was retained by the company where she served during her NYSC.
    This made life somewhat easier as she was able to rent a small apartment for herself and her mum. They had their own space. They were best friends and kept no secrets from each other. They only had each other and stuck together like glue.
    Unfortunately, her mum took ill and died...... clickhere to read more.

  20. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Nna this boys are into many things o.... Rubbish sets of individuals though.....

  21. We need to know their identities are and where they came from. We know the kind of people living in that axis of lagos and the atrocities they perpetrate all over the southern part of the country. My cousin was going to work around 6:30am sometime ago, he just got employed by a bank and was posted to mile 2. He was accosted by 2 young boys on a bike. My cousin was going with his laptop because he had some training materials saved on it. The bandits were actually targeting t laptop. He manage to escape by running into an estate.

  22. The man tried nd I like his courage. Mr senate president Bonario Nnag, robbery incident is on the hi side in Lagos state right now, and every motorist in Lagos need to protect themselves nd armed themselves with weapon whenever they are goin out or goin home. I Irabo bobby fera favor, somuch move this motion as a senate leader of this hallow chamber of LIB. If u are in support on this motion say (I) if u are against it say (nay).

  23. That serves him right!

  24. Tyga and Kylie Jenner has broken up!!!

  25. I guess they read on LIB people keeping stuff in the back/boots. People have started to fight back. Majority of these boys are punks!

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  27. I would organise some days prayer concerning this consistent robbery.. when I do I want you all to join. Micah 2:1

  28. Something needs to be done bout this traffic robbery asap....

  29. We Neva see anything sef. Shebi people just dey born dey scatter children all over di place? No work no school no skill no fear no God no money no govment. Di population pressure just dey start.

  30. Rich Men Help the Poor. High Fence at Home does not guarantee High Fence on the Road. Invest in your Neighborhood to make Nigetia a better place. Poor people stop attacking innocent poor people like you. The man you see driving that car may still be owing house rent and school fees even though he drives a car.

  31. Dear Gov .Ambode. What r you doing about all this criminals . It was not like this during fashola time. #sighs


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