PENGASSAN threatens total oil production shutdown | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 11 January 2012

PENGASSAN threatens total oil production shutdown

The Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has directed all oil production platforms to be on red alert in preparation for total production shutdown.

In a statement issued today, the PENGASSAN President, Mr. Babatunde Ogun, said this was in response to the callousness of the federal government, in allowing matters to deteriorate so far that the current paralysis in the country has entered the third day.

“We believe that a Government that is alive to its responsibilities will not allow this strike to degenerate thus far,” he said, noting that as an affiliate of the Trade Union Congress, and fully in support of the current action as directed by the TUC and the Nigeria Labour Congress, no report is currently being generated from production locations to both DPR and FGN, one of the very first steps in a shut down process.

Pointing out that the fuel subsidy question is only the tip of the iceberg amidst a plethora of issues needing urgent redress, PENGASSAN reiterated that before the removal of the fuel subsidy, the following conditions must be met:
•Fixing of the four refineries and building new ones;
•Regular power supply;
•Provision of social infrastructures such as rail system and roads ; and
•The elimination of corruption associated with supply and distribution of petroleum products in the downstream sector of the oil industry.
It would be recalled that on December 23, one week before the federal government arbitrarily wiped away the oil subsidy, PENGASSAN urged the same government to investigate companies and other operators in the downstream sector of the oil and gas industry in view of the massive fraud.

Culled from Sahara Reporters


  1. I said it. It has started.

  2. It's getting hot in here! I see a revolution. Nigeria, it is now or never!

  3. Oh this is getting good. This is a democracy not authoritarian rule, leaders must listen to their constituents.

  4. An unexamined life is not worth living. We only exist but not living. God has done morethan enough 4 us.

  5. Weren't they supposed to have shut down operatios since sunday midnight?That is why the govt isn't bothered about the strike becos they are still producind and selling crude oil; and making money!

  6. now they are talking this is what they should have done from monday as this is the hen that lays the golden egg then we shall see when this affect the oil prices worldwide don't forget we are a large oil producing country and nothing to show for it.

    they say the economy is losing 158 billion naira a day really!!! so we make this much money a day and look at the state of the country what a big shame infact jonathan, ngozi, sanusi and dienzel and NASS and all the other FEC should go hide their faces in shame!!!

  7. Petroleum Marketers Fights Back, Exposing Subsidy Deals....

    Petroleum Marketers are fighting back by exposing some of the subsidy deals.

    They say Nigeria must know that Haruna Momoh the MD of PPMC and Deziani Allison Madueke Minister for Petroleum have been demanding and pocketing N50 per litre of Kero and petrol produced by local Refineries since Jan 2011 till date. The reason they gave to marketers is that it was marketers contribution to Jonathan’s election, but it has continued even after the elections.

    That the govt should probe Nezor SA and Tridax SA two companies owned by the Peroleum Minister, run by her junior brother. This two companies in the last 16 month of her tenure has from nowhere become one of the few companies lifting crude oil and one of the largest beneficiary of the subsidy.

    The marketers want Nigeria to probe the new list of briefcase companies now lifting crude oil because they paid minimum of $1 million to Momoh and Deziani....
    From "very reliable" source.

  8. We must remain resilient to this course and ensure that we bend the government to hearken to our request. Education, Agriculture and Security must also top our agenda. Each passing day our Jonathan is gradually becoming 'Naija Ghaddafi'. We shall overcome!

  9. Since Nigeria has resorted to mob rule, I think it is fair to say that a military intervention is not far of...

  10. I got a hard on...

  11. i now believe that this event is for the good of the nation.......there seems to be a unifying voice gradually........

    it is now or never.........if this protest has achieved nothing atleast the people now know that 2015 election must be for a change for nigerians.....good....

    jonathan has failed nigeria

  12. pasuma $ stevie wunder12 January 2012 at 00:02

    Su ince its shut duwn america wuld intervene yipeee

  13. I'm so happy to read this!! This is exactly what I've been screaming about over the last few days!! Investigate the companies that are involved in the fraudulent activities concerining the buying and selling of our crude oil! Its seems the government is turning a blind eye to that, which is baffling! I've seen reports flying all over the place with a list of the "cabals" taking this countries oil as their own and trading illegally! Wether the list is genuine or not what measures are the govtment taking to dig out the truth and bring these people to book? Removing the fuel subsidy and leaving it at that isn't simply enough! This further drives me to suspect that there might be people in govt involved in this mess that's why nothing is being done about it! This is why Nigerians are out there protesting! Everyone is just sick and tired of the bullshit!! How can just 1000 people people be living on the wealth of 160million people! Its damn right ridiculous!

  14. That's wusup? I pray 'we' dnt backdown on this fight oooo! Enough is enough we can't continue suffering while these incompetent leaders are smiling! God will surely intervene on our behalf IJN!

  15. This is the time for all of us nigerians to come out and fight for our now or never!!! We shud no longer take it gently but with all the necessary required force and never stop till we get what we want,so our children and their children will know that free and honest people fought against tyrants for their sake.

  16. That was d agreement b4 d removal of subsidy, nw why is he not following d was has being agreed already? GEJ ar u alone? I beg wake up oooooo.

  17. When we had ribadu in EFCC, the system forced him out. Everybody is going to pay for their mistakes

  18. Ghen ghen.e go hot.about tym

  19. Mehn wer's Naija headed 4..... Jonathan must be to the pressure if he doesn't want 2 suffer d same fate as Ghadaffi ....

  20. Mehn wer's Naija headed 4..... Jonathan must be to the pressure if he doesn't want 2 suffer d same fate as Ghadaffi ....

  21. Datz gud 4 d big gunz.

  22. God almighty is at work.Naija go better.

  23. Dis is a gud point 4rm d PENGASSAN PRESIDENT. All dis condition must be met b4 Subsidy of a tin. Mr President(Jonathan) is nt considerate @ all. All Universities Undagraduate are still @ Home due 2 Asuu Strike. Jonathan respond in time ooo.

  24. Which revolution?When planes have started flying,one just took off from caliber airport now.

    1. Planes have to fly. If you had a loved one who needs to go to India for heart or cancer surgery that cannot be done in Nigeria, then you would understand.

  25. they should be bold enough to support mr President for the fresh air he is about to bring to Nigerians and not doing more harm than good to the economy and people.

  26. the benefits of the removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria should be considered first before taking any further step.Labour should end the strike and go into negotiation with FG on how to reduce the effect on the citizens now.

  27. The Government will try to sweet talk the PENGASSAN by offering large amount of money as bargaining behind closed doors. All government officials are thieves and looters of pubic moneys. None of them is clean. Only God can help and save us all from these looters of public funds.

  28. HYPOCRITES! Where have they been since the petroleum Industry bill (PIB) has been hanging between the fat senate and the executive. why didn't they protest the delay and go on strike since? this bill is supposed to provide the enabling environment for investment and infrastructural development so that refineries can thrive, jobs will be created and fuel will be cheaper. THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US!

  29. Anon 12:14 the subsidy removal is to stop these 100 people from milking Nigeria dry. If the subsidy remain, these group of people would celebrate victory over Nigerians because you have just endorsed an open checks for them to keep eating. What we should think of now is what will happen to our children when we go. What Nigeria are we leaving behind for the next generation.
    We are looking at the immediate reprieve but not the future of Nigeria. Please guys, let us think beyond rice and beans. Some people are tired of living abroad. OkonJo Iweala is a gift to Nigeria. All other countries a looking for her to turn their countries around. She has no business leaving the comfort of America to come face the heat in Nigeria but for her to have left her lucrative job to serve Nigeria. It's a whole lots of sacrifice which some of the rogues in Nigeria cannot do. Their stolen wealth are stowed away somewhere. They don't even have the conscience of investing it in Nigeria. It's a pity. Now Nigeria is blessed with someone who can't steal a dime and we won't even give her a chance. We are busy following people who talk from both ends of their mouths.
    The only revolution that can save us is drastic measures like this, not bloodshed. How man people will be willing to die for Nigeria except by accident. The cost of civil war or revolution is too expensive for a country. My people. I know some of the people in government are rogues, but a few good ones there who are willing to stake their reputation for the development of Nigeria should be given a chance.
    Oil money is easy, that's why we have forgotten cocoa, gas, and even farming. Our dams are wasting. This is what Brazil use to generate their electricity but our own is wasting. This is because free money is flowing in without work. We need to give these few people a chance. It is possible. Dont be deceived. Let's look closely.

  30. chyke147@yahoo.com12 January 2012 at 23:22

    Occupy Toronto comin up on sat jan 14, 2pm at Dundas square.

  31. i love my pengassan


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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