Beyonce's Baby Triggers Church Vandalism -- Blue Ivy Is 'Satan' | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 11 January 2012

Beyonce's Baby Triggers Church Vandalism -- Blue Ivy Is 'Satan'

This is absolutely uncool...calling a newborn Satan? Ahn, ahn! Below is how TMZ is reporting it...
Beyonce's new baby Blue Ivy Carter is the devil incarnate -- this according to some heartless vandal who defaced the sign in front of a North Carolina church yesterday ... writing, "Beyonce had her baby. Satan is on Earth."
The pastor at Beulah Hill Baptist Church in West End, NC tells TMZ, he discovered the vandalism yesterday after receiving numerous complaints from locals -- and removed it immediately.
The pastor insists, the church had nothing to do with the apocalyptic message ... it was simply the victim in a random act of mischief.
Blue -- Satan? No. Illuminati? ALMOST DEFINITELY.

All these Satan, Illuminati name calling for a new born is a little silly!
Meanwhile, Beyonce's sister Solange is becoming fed up with the ridiculous rumors surrounding the birth of her niece and expressed herself on Twitter two nights ago...


  1. I can't believe someone can call joy and a gift from God satan may God forgive them

  2. ppl are so silly... calling God's creations satan. may God forgive them!

    1. This creation u are talking abt, hav u seen her? (blue Ivy Carter)

    2. I want to c dis babies face.

  3. This is too bad and so sad. I actually blogged something related initially but I never imagined it would come to this.

  4. LOL

    Satan came to the earth long time ago when he and his followers lost the war against God in heaven. Revelations 12:11-12 says:

    "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

    Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." (KJV)

    So Linda, you are right. The baby is NOT Satan but she is definately illumanati since her parents are worshippers/followers of the baphomet which is satan himself. Gbam!

  5. The truth is bitter but it has to be said. Un2 them a devil is born

  6. Yes now! I concure, d baby was brought straight 4rm hell, 2 come n continue wat her earthly parents r doing. Let's face d fact n say d truth, we al knw dat satan can manipulate tins, even BABY ILLUMINATI is nt left out. 4 al ya fans of d couple wish u gud luck wit ur nu goddess.

  7. Critics/hatesr, here they go agn....let's remember them in prayers n they shld be strong in prayers too!

  8. So tru ohh! Na "lucifer filia" na him she be nw. Wen d mother is I AM n her father is OVA, wat do u expect? "FILIA" na dem go born nw. Google it n see.

  9. Well ivy blue spelt backwards means lucifers daughter in latin. Who knows ? It could have just a coincidence OR..... NOT!

  10. @anon 8:34pm You are in idiot which latin do you know that blue ivy spelt is actually latin let alone lucifer in latin. Oniranu

  11. ivy blue is not lucifser daughter in latin.

  12. @ anon 8:12, i agree wit u joor, bey n jayz don bring nu 1 come 4 una, unto their fans devil is born. OVA even sang 4 his babi ILLUMINATI cald it "Glory".
    @ anon 8:34pm , it is lucifer filia. Anon 8:14 n 8:20 got it, nt EULB YVI, google oh.

  13. All the people saying blue ivy spelt backwards is lucifers daughter where did u get ur facts from, illuminati is a publicity stunt that the world has eaten up hook line n sinker dnt u see it DOESN'T EXSIST for crying out loud!!! Its all a publicity stunt!! Please these people live very orinary lives d constant barraging is enough! We call dem illuminati but we listen to deir music n follow dem on twitter if dey r so evil why do we listen to dem its jus a publicity stunt which from the number of hits dey get on deir websites show its working..Pls b wise the only thing that exsist is masonry. Enough with the illuminati bullshit pls get ur facts right illuminati was an ancient group made up of scientists PERIOD!!!

    1. Hadiza i like ur post, u read alot u'r right abt d origin of d ancient group called illuminati

  14. Know ye now dat 12 is a spiritual number! This is 2012! Jesus had 12 disciples. Your clock shows 12 numbers. We have 12 months in a year! Wat doz dis mean? Every evil done underground must be brutaly brought out 2d open! See wat is happening in Nigeria now! By 12-12-12,u wont believe wat wd hv happend world round. I'm not a prophet,but mark my words. Brow-raising revelations wil greet us all. This is d year of TRUTH! As for Beyonce,JayZ & charming Ivy,i luv u all!

  15. Wow ! Blyme!! I'm an idiot eh? Never knew u were related to d knowles family :0... ofcourse I know no latin! I go to a school where words like oniranu are taught all day ! :D and I remember typing 'spelt backwards'.... Typical Nigerian!

  16. Satan was God's creation until he rebelled against God and he was thrown in the lake of fire.
    Satan is not just some two horns shooting out of his ugly head, he can come in form of a man too.
    Any one who is not of God is of the devil.

  17. First it was Obama, now it's Beyonce 's baby.......plssss
    These people need to rent a life.

  18. Ivy means no-4!olodo.becos d baby's parent worship devil doesn't mean d baby will be like them.9ja o na sabi talk sha.I hail o na

  19. Ivy means no-4!olodo.becos d baby's parent worship devil doesn't mean d baby will be like them.9ja o na sabi talk sha.I hail o na

  20. lmao Jesu is king!!! hia werrin be dis one naw? *jokes* BUT seriously??? okay im not a beyonce fan but this sh*t is getting way too old sha!

  21. may God help it's people and 4give us 4 our sin

  22. Y'all ignoramuses should shut the hell up!!! Even the bible said judge not so that ye shall not be judged! If she wasn't a star shey it wouldn't have been like dis! It woulda been 1 of those names! Nw she's a star n u pipoo r opening ur mouths to talk trash! Let her be!!! Its her bizness wat she does and d last time I checked, there is freedom of worship!!!!

  23. platinum upgrade11 January 2012 at 23:52

    @linda,i see ur blog's reform so we can reply mumus directly, @those calling d baby satan you would know because u were all initiated together in hell. Be careful or else ur illuminati elders will flog u 24 strokes tonite at d meeting if you dont stfu

  24. Shocking: Pastor With Blue Ivy Satan Sign Speaks Out!

  25. Linda be careful what you day and I mean one day you will be sued for defamation. Illuminati...definitely? What's your proof? Show your reader's a proof that they are Illuminati worshipers. You forget that these are humans too and you have no evidence you shouldn't accuse them with such authority when your words are consumed by a large amount of both knowledgeable and IGNORANT people. Jay-z has said it that he's not part of Illuminati, do you think the occult would tolerate that, if he was?

    So post this comment and then provide the evidence you have confirming that they are members of the Illuminati. Remember we reap what we sow, so be careful of false accusations.

  26. Beyonce got too many controversies surrounding her

  27. May God bless and keeep beyonce and her baby. Enemies are going to keep hating.she had her baby naturally and peaceful and dat is what pple cant understand, its sad how americans can make u and break u. But dis chick is unbreakable.

  28. hw kan u people crucify a baby dats nt even up 2 wiks?pple kan b so ignorant.even if beyounce had named her piken jesu pink,people go stil nt blame d child 4 d sins of her parents,says d holy book

  29. hw kan u people crucify a baby dats nt even up 2 wiks?pple kan b so ignorant.even if beyounce had named her piken jesu pink,people go stil nt blame d child 4 d sins of her parents,says d holy book

  30. Meanwhile is blue ivy, nt ivy blue. U latin translators. Remember dis is hw they ridiculed n persecuted MJ till they drove him to his untimely death. Now is B n J turn. These are some silly white supremecy idiots purportuating these things on thm cos they are blk. They can't be on top. Why white celebs are nt ridiculed lk this.wake up n supprt ur kind. I hope BnJ remain strng

  31. What is the meaning of the sign that Jay Z usually do whenever he wants to sing,well i don't have the power to condemn the new born baby but all i know Jay z is attached to the Illuminati.Check your youtube about Jay z and church of satan

  32. O ga o.devil's daughter?Auzubilahi Mina shaytani Rojim.wal asri don come,pple worshipping devil.end time is near o.

  33. What's wrong with folks these days? Especially people that profess to be christians. Did the bible tell us that the antichrist would be born by a celebrity couple? I get sick, ill and mad when a rich couple has a kid and people label him/her the devil. Cmon, we should do better. A child is a gift from God! And I wish the parents and the new baby all the best!

    Dr. Otis Redding

  34. the couple s evil...they are satan worshippers, rihanna n kanye west are also part of the baphomet/baal/satan worshippers...christians shine ur eyes and dont be deceived...carefully watch their videos n listen to the lyrics of their songs with an unbiased mind..u will most def see it.God bless you

  35. Satan or satan,ivy is God's gift and must be seen as that.Satan cant create any human being.So judge ivy not until she's found guilty.

  36. really i cant believe it............

  37. I.......ILLUMINATII

  38. Gbagaun.........

  39. This is bullshit omo 9ja stop spreading rumour, this is always the case of superstar, people must talk

  40. This is bullshit omo 9ja stop spreading rumour, this is always the case of superstar, people must talk

  41. Liny honey, love ur nu website, so dat we can yarb d do-do's n okiri's. U r indeed d best. KISSES :-)MUAH!

  42. @ otis the thing tire me o
    I feel sorry for our generation
    Esp if most of the commentors above me are not joking
    Like wtf are u guys for real?
    The devil child common now?

  43. na wa oh. Linda u beta mind wetin u dey write.

  44. erm @anon 1.05, the Illuminati talk wasn't written by me...that's from TMZ. i was very clear on that.

    Read mine after the write up.

    I think calling a new born satan or illuminati is absurd.

  45. whether the baby is d devil or not, its not our business. Make we face d one wey dey do us here.

  46. The sign is it

  47. @ Linda, I am anon 1:05 and I apologize, I read in a haste and thought those were your words. Thanks for not responding rudely and again, accept my apology.

  48. For those of us who are knowledgeable about all things holy (bible), please go a step further by following the recommendation of the bible also by praying for them, since your eyes are perpetually opened to discern spiritual things. Dont sit there condemning a new born baby that isnt even up to 10days old and pray. If not, i recommend that you shut your mouths and find something to do with your time instead of spending it condemning new born babies. I wonder the kind of christianity we practice these days!! God forbid bad thing! Judgement will surely begin in the house of God

  49. na wa o! jayz and beyonce have used a lot of satanic symbolism in their music videos, does it mean they are devil worshippers? I don't know! are they simply being provocative? Who sabi? if it was found out that they are indeed devil worshippers which explains their fast tracked success as well as why beyonce stopped giving thanks to God in her acceptance speeches...i wouldn't be shocked either.

    at the end of time, everyone would have to answer to God for their actions on earth, let me focus on making my path.

  50. Naija Christians! Naija Christians!! Naija Christians!!! How many times did I call you???!




    Your hysteria and paranoia knows no bounds. Any superstitious feeling that passes your mind you treat it as gospel truth. How are you different from those killing poor and vulnerable children in Akwa Ibom? Your 'spiritual radar' can catch 'winches' but does not catch theives of humongous proportions (poli-thief-shans) when the walk in to your church.

  51. Judge no one.....who made you a judge?

  52. The bible says any1 dat doesn't do d will f God is of d devil himself.So let's not b quick 2 condemn,are u pure enuff 2 castigate 1 n cal 1 an illuminati...The baby might even grow 2 become a pastor,gud child f God.

  53. Anon..Jan 12 6;09... God bless you!!!
    sometimes i wonder which Bible my fellow Nigerians read!! the hidden things belong to God a dn all judgement is His alone....

    Do not sin with your tongue unnecessarily.. this is an innocent life the Most High God has created.. an innocent life!

  54. The truth is always true. Those who are saying illuminati does not exist pls do ur research before u open ur mouths and talk.
    Beyonce and JayZ are so illuminati who worship the demon - Baphomet which makes their baby soo illuminati and hence a child of the devil.
    People should grow out of their ignorance. For those of u who have these so called celebrity as ur idols and imitating the their signs and gestures, u r
    Unconciously pay alleigance to Baphomet the demon the worship. These things are out there and they confess it in their songs. If JayZ openly said he is an illuminati, who u come be to say he is not.
    It is also publically known that JayZ calls heself 'hova which is the short form of Jehova and beyonce calls herself 'I ‎​Am" this info are all out there for u guys to read.
    So if u are not aware of this things ask questions and not open ur mouths and defend them.
    Also check out rihanna,lady gaga and so on.
    Baphomet must be publically paid allegiance to.that comes with d package of their fame and fortune.
    You guys can browse on: signs and symbols of the illuminati, sex slaves of the illuminati,blood sacrifices of the illuminati, truth about aliyah,2pac's, micheal jackson's death.
    Look up this things and decide if the will remain ur role models or not and also watch for ur kids too.

  55. Its very funny how people come to conclusion over certain things they know absolutely nothing about. As far as am concern, if God didn't permit it, Beyonce wouldn't v gotten pregnant and delivered cos God alone has the power to give children. So that child can't possibly be satan. Its even possible that the signs used in their videos are just for publicity and to create controversy (for those that won't mind their biz, make dem c talk talk tire). If at all the parents are devil worshipers, that is their biz cos they will answer for it. Besides they can even repent at the dying minute and make heaven while the busy bodies will be too busy judging Beyonce and Jay Z that they will forget about their own life and go straight to hell. Jesus said in the book of Matthew: before u tell another man that he has dirt in his eyes, remove the dirt from ur own eyes first!


  57. Whether na lucifer pikin or illuminati born am, that one concern them. Me sef I just born, no body dey talk oooo.

  58. all dis foreign celebs r evil weda u pple blive it or nt,dt we cal dem evil doesnt mean we r perfect bt d truth has to b told. @mumy jason or woteva u cal ursef, u no knw say devil de giv pple pikin?de dere make pant de wear u.

  59. jay z and beyonce are satanist,so what do u expect

  60. is it because they are rich, they work hard for their money and they decided to spend the way they wish including in style delivery of their daughter or what? why all these rubbish talk abt satan, 'Illuminati' etc who give u the right to judge? is that what the holy books teach us? and is it fair to call a baby satan? if the baby's parents has shortcomings or whatever, why include the innocent baby ? and what abt you haters shortcomings? do u hear yourselves guys? May God have mercy on you haters! let them be.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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