Video: Check out Uche Jombo's closet on Jara TV | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 8 September 2011

Video: Check out Uche Jombo's closet on Jara TV


  1. When people struggling to look for money to buy gari see this kind of thing, they feel angry and begin to plan robbery. Which is why many of these celebs get stopped on the road and get robbed. I pray it is not her portion now that people who can't afford those things see this. She has really good taste in jewellery and shoes I must say :)

  2. Stupid showing off your material possession in a country without security. When the Real Owners call to get their thing back, you will start to cry.

  3. What the hell happened to her hair on the sides?? She looks weird...

  4. this is quite different. they are allowed to have whatever they want. a bit more arrangement in terms of presentation would have been great!she has earned it.

    im sure there will be an onslaught of comments about how "children are suffering and how its a show off" all of which are unecessary for this clip.

  5. It's all the wigs they've been giving to her to wear in movies. She's not the only one. She's supposed to wear wig cap first but I guess they don't. She should start though before it gets worse.

  6. Why is everyone been so negative? Uche is a celebrity who has worked so hard for her money. I know this because I know her storyb and where she is coming from. We all know there is poverty in Nigeria, but what about all those girls that go around with brazillian hair, blackberry, etc and they are very humble background. Please free Uche, she has worked hard and should enjoy her money. Plus she didnt go and call Jara Tv to show off, they went to her.

  7. yaaaaaaay! This is fantastic. I disagree with ppl saying its vanity/stupidity. For someone like Uche, i want to believe she mst have been so pushed for her to grant this kinda coverage. And she need all those stuffs she got cos thats the industry! lots of shows, premieres and all.

  8. To speak phonetically is not a must. Uche Jumbo sounds like she has a very poor command of the english language, I mean 'a nice pair of wrist watch' Say what?


  9. yes she has very nice pairs of wristwatches...choi...abeg they she have helped edit that part

  10. Am sorry but did she just say ' HI-pad' as opposed to ipad? :s.... oh well still love her.

    So because every1 is suffering, she should feel bad about her hardwork and achievements? Hiannn una don come with una mumulity.

    Y dnt u guys who are opposing her, donate all ur monthly income to d charity then. And who said she dsnt give back to the less-fortunate??

  11. A pair of wristwatch huh.. lmao.. wow!

  12. SHUT UP GUYS!!!! look at y'all...what do u know....let her be and go mind your buisness jor! typical nigerians with their 'I too know' attitude.....meanwhile you are all no better.....shio!

  13. All I want to know is - where are her eyebrows?

  14. I met her recently at a hotel room recently in London during a shoot for the premier of her BORING movie, and boy she looked so so tacky and not a hint of perfume, so am guessing all those accessories ain't hers.

    PS: an accent reduction program would help this 'nne'

  15. Alicia...says...said...8 September 2011 at 13:27

    yeye peeps leave her alone to show it! she earned it! atleast it makes her better than all our politicians! puleasee the first anon and yemi should siddon inside gutter! i love her shoes and her wrist watches :) Uche jumbo is a big babes ooo choi! babe keep representing juh!

  16. Whatever!!!!! Y'all are haterz. Uche has worked so hard to be where she is now. Go get yours if u can't stand another's success. I will totally take her to mama, if I were a guy. Nice job, Uche.

  17. Please please please...IT IS NO SIN TO HAVE THE GOOD THINGS OF LIFE..There's absolutely no sin in it. I love hardworking women. So if God blesses you, you shouldn't enjoy the money or what rubbish are you people saying? Jealousy's the ugliest trait. Besides, she gives back to the less y'all talking trash should go and sit down. She has a bad command of English but she earns more in a month than all of you who speak correct grammar will ever have in your entire life. So please STFU!!

  18. yayyyyy Uche Jombo has finished me oh....a nice "pair" of wristwatch...choi!!!!

  19. This is utterly pitiful and disgraceful.

    A Razzistic closet.

    This is disgusting. I am not surprised she is not a neat person.

    When did this show start - abeg leave copying Hollywood - you are not there yet.

    Nigerians are so vain and materialistic.

    You need to use some of the so called money you got and get you some Rogaine for your receding hiar and fix ya teeth.

    If you want a real closet - try MARIAH CAREY closet you Razz Girl. I dont want to see this disgusting stuff again next thing you know they will be showing us Oge Okoye, Anita Joseph or Tontoh Dikehs closet.

    Utterly disgusting - your closet UCHE is like a garbage dumpster.

  20. No wonder she majored in mathematics and statistics - cos i definately know English was not her major in university.

    Cant speak english to save her life, always struggling

    Its amazing how you nigerians kiss asses of these non entities

  21. See judges and stone casters. AFRICANS! learn to give credits instead of HATERations!!

  22. this girl has serious esteem issues, who shows off their closet for goodness sake? to what avail exactly is she showing off her closet? is it so that ppl will respect her for what she owns? is she really in her right mind or is she smokin something? how despicable and classless! and on top of that she is a hideous actress with her face contortions and screaming spells. Pls go and sit down somewhere and get a life madam uche forcing guy!

  23. mgebeke feeling funky, i though Nigerians could tell who has class and who doesn't, i also thought we knew who knows how to act and who doesn't obviously that is asking for too much!! for ppl to praise this girl they must be blind and lacking any kind of taste! smh!

  24. Hmmm,interesting, I soon lost count of gbagauns. Good concept all the same, but the same old story of Copycatting.

  25. comes across as an air head..

  26. Nigerians never cease to amaze me. Please give the girl some breathing space. She has worked hard for her money; so she is entitled to spend as she please and what she pleases.

  27. I don't care what she has. She must learn English. She is allegedly a writer of movies. It is no wonder Nolly movies suck ass in the grammar stakes. I am happy for her that she has made money to spoil herself. I encourage her to keep on but that place looks like a market. Her house needs better furniture and better colour co-ordination and the less said about her hair and dress, the better.

    Just sort yourself out. Money can't buy class.

  28. with the spate of robbery in Lagos today, should she be showing off so much?? i am not saying it is not good; of course it is good no big deal in it. at least she has the balls to show what she's got...

  29. i think she looks nice without make up.some people cannot go without makeup cos they hv got so used using heavy makeup and the diff btw their faces with makeup and without is too clear. shes looks good.

  30. We came with nothing and would go back with nothing. Food for thought.

  31. There is CONDOM in that bag!

  32. Naijas are not the neatest ppl. Look at her closet so untidy. Maybe instead of everyone doing fashion blog someone should start one focusing on HOW TO BE NEAT AND ORGANISED IN YOUR LIVING SPACE.



    very typical of Uche., what i saw is what i expected.

  33. Bad belle dey for una gene. Let her show off what she gat!She deserve to show case her unstructured rented domain.All she needs na HGTV design.I can't believe how peeople thinks about people trying to move up!Growup guys!

  34. OK did she just say a nice "PAIR OF WRISTWATCH????" and "my HIPAD" jeez girl!!! and i still HATE her facial expressions wen she talks. its disgustin btw, is she REALLY engaged??? wow. cos i noticed d ring. NICE house by the way. i like it

  35. Alll I want to know is why Linda keeps calling her jumbo? Even the video has Jombo

  36. Why are Nigerians so hateful of success? She has obviously done well for herself and she needs no special rights to show it off. If you don't like it, keep it moving or jump in the nearest stool infested lagoon.

    There will always be poor people and that fact doesn't mean rich people shouln't live or enjoy their hardwork.

  37. Common guys!!! lets stops all the hating!! she has worked very hard to be where she is. she deserves every bit of what she's got and even more.. U GO GIRL!!!! we are proud of you.. keep it up!!

  38. Ask ur self Linda out of all the diva's closets JARA has done why did they post Uche Jombo's? Because they are impressed she doesn't have "airs" or chips up her ass like the rest....d insults or vanity comments will not remove any shoe or watch from d clip. I just love this girl and as for that. Fool asking if Uche said hi pod bla bla I am sure she was using it before you even know what it was, so wash out ur ears to hear clearly. I am personally upset with the way pple dis repect the hard working ones in nollywood.

  39. In between Uche is not showing off, jar a has done lots of closets watch them on tv or wait till they upload anyone they feel can make you hate actresses more. Hissssssss

  40. It's Diva's closet what the heck did you expect her to show? Why the heck do ppl get riled up over these things? Even if she was to give away all her money and live like a pauper; the poor, unemployed, underemployed and sick would still exist.

    If that is her true home then she lives quite modestly. Her many shoes and accessories are necessary because she is in an industry where image matters. The average everyday person like myself requires far less because we are not famous and don't need to be on a red carpet or at public events every weekend.


  42. Wow....u deserve it gurl! U worked hard for that money.

    Wondering why people are so negative. She needs to work on that hairline though.

  43. i won't hate on her for her possessions,and frankly speaking i expected more considering the big big cars they drive and the creme de la creme of the society they move with.
    however i do t want anyone to tell me how unsafe nigeria is if they snag h her bag tomorrow expecting to find the iPad and blackberry or rob her house in order to get the jewelries it was unnecessary showing off the jewelries the clothes and general layout would have been ok.

    btw the arrangement was moo okoish see the handbags and her shrine of pictures no other friends or family just pic frame of hers lool


  45. Nothing one can to please Nigerians. Even one's family members get jealous of their own talkless of non-relatives. She has worked for whatever she is showing on TV. Please, let us not critique negatively. It does not make sense at all.

  46. She seems like a nice enough lady...I mean, maybe she has security in case people come to rob her?
    But abegi, let's leave the bling bling mentality to Americans biko.

  47. You Nigerians are so small minded like what the heck celebs in the US show off their items too but are still humble let the chick be sheesh!!!!!

  48. she has nice things..she worked for it so why not abi?? my concern is for her edges wetin happen? Soon it will look like naomi campbells, shes gotta fix that it looks like traction alopecia.

  49. stop braiding or putting tracks in your hair.

    You look fresh. keep it that way

  50. is it me or does she have a face accent and poor diction... Naij Celebs forget that they have to be on point...

  51. i just don't get this girl.
    her acting,fashion sense, lack of command of the English language etc.

  52. Na wa....

  53. chai...see haters..biko,make una go find another job and stop hating on a sista who obviously has more money than u.i bet if it was rihannas closet they showed some of u wont be talkn rubbish like this.abeg,appreciate ur own!

  54. free her ooo! habba her hair is this, her command of english is that, her fashion sense is this....nna men one thing i have learnt is that you can never please anyone oo..if she was rocking brazillian hair everyone would say this and dat now she is rocking her natural hair everyone is complaining about her hairline one stupid idiot even suggested she wear a wth? naija peeps una bad belle too mucch

  55. @theteamuj; thank you oo dont mind them badbelle peeps!!

  56. pls my own is that at 1:36 she said PAIR OF WRIST WATCH!..hahhahahhahaha!..wth!..

  57. You people are so sad! why do you take delight in abusing people just for the heck of it? Abeg go siddon jor! No wonder you are where you are and she is where she is! Gosh! Such venom! All for what? Cowardly sons of b***tches! hissss!

  58. Dont hate! Appreciate!

  59. a very nice pair of wristwatch?????????????????? makawhy na?

  60. Sometimes i feel so ashamed to be associated at all with Nigeria! This girl suppose to represent the few good things about Nigeria and yet she is a disappointment. Whenever you see people show all they got to the world, they have no substance at all. Only thing i can tell about this video is that Ms. Jumbo is suffering from high level of Colonial mentality. I did not understand a word she said.


  62. the problem is that as discerning as nijas are supposed to be, we swallow any kind of vomit shoved down our throats, be it in ridiculous actors/actresses, musicians, fake foreign products and so on..we are heavy consumers of anything crap that comes our way..anyone that thinks uche jumbo is a good actress must be in an alternate universe. The reason she appears successful is simply bcos she constantly features in nija home videos, and everyone keeps watching, which translates to money in her pocket.

    I mean there are all kinds of things wrong with showing people the contents of your closet, it is in the poorest taste, stupid, childish, and ridiculous, and quite frankly enough already!

  63. Anon 4:36, what do you mean by Nigerians not being tidy? I feel so sorry for you, because that statement just shows us all what sort of person you are.
    You must have lived in a pig sty all your life; to not expect anything better from others!

    Uche's house was not untidy. I can see how the wall color may not go down well with a lot of people.
    However, it's her wall,her house and her property.

  64. i watched this with my jaw wide open. go figure.

  65. @whyAskWhy, you are a piece of shit. Big goat. Howw dare u say stuff like that? Rotten beak u call a mouth. Can u create anything?

  66. Uche Jombo is simply fantastic. Even without her showing her closet, you dont need a sooth sayer to tell you that she is comfortable and has worked hard to be and have have what she has today. Its either you accept it or be the looser that you are

  67. I love this video and uche jombo is simply the best. All those of you beefing her should please check out the next video because it is not compulsory to watch this one.

  68. Who the hell created english? And who told you that even the english that you speak is correct? If you were programmed like a robot and told this is how you should speak english then you need to do a check up

  69. Please if it is not a pair of wrist watch then can you please give us the correct English word? We Nigerians should learn to love what we cannot change. Uche jombo is a super star and you will continue to see her on your screen. Take it or leave it

  70. Well like you all know, fame comes with different haters and while you are hating Uche Jombo, she is busy making more money while you keep wallowing in poverty. Change your attitude guys and be reasonable for ones

  71. Quit hating people.. I'm sure a lot of you wish you had half as much. Even your houses are far more disorganized and your accents are just 'original' fakes.
    If you do not like what you see, just move on to the next post please

  72. UCHE JOMBO IS THE BEST and if you feel you have so much compassion for charity then carry your monthly salary and go give them

  73. For you that is calling this vanity, please you should go an exist is another planet because earth planet is not for you

  74. ndi oboakpor! tufiakwaa! LASTMA beta pass all of una wey dey beef Uche!

  75. money talks...


  76. ÄžBAGAUN!!!!GBAGAUN!!!GBAGAUN.......if una don get headache finish for Uche matter,,make una no forget to use PANADOL or ALABUKUNÄžBAGAUN!!!!GBAGAUN!!!GBAGAUN.......if una don get headache finish for Uche matter,,make una no forget to use PANADOL or ALABUKUN

  77. "a very nice pair of wristwatch.." Really!? LMAO!!! Local chic. U can take the goat out of the bush...

  78. as long as its make up do not sleep wit it, no matter the time u get back from club, no matter the time u get back from set, i mean an who speaks like this, and u are in the public eye.

    This girl is a bonafide agboro, lacking in simple diction, and she clowns calling it hating, what is hateful about observing mistakes? u just worship and adore your fellow human beings like zombies! if u choose to be in the public eye u better be ready to receive constructive criticism.


  80. Dont you think some of you are just jobless looking for attention? Uche Jombo doesnt even know you exist at all and you are here speaking Buh ha ha

  81. Did you just say when the real owners come for it???? Come for what??? It is you that the real owners will come for. BULLLLLSHITTTT

  82. uche jombo, i like you as an actress from the days of co-staring with mofe damiju that is why i fear for your safty now for this display of yours in a country where security matters are taken for granted. one of the commenters made references to celebs abroad do show off their closets yes they do, with a lots of security even at the tips of their fingers. can you say same for this country? careful uche.

  83. UCHE JOMBO did not go to JARA to ask them to film her but JARA called her up so please haters free her alone

  84. uche jumbo, u look like a lesbian, r u one? especially wit dat hair of urs, its awful, secondly, u dont wear a PAIR of wristwatch, u wear A wristwatch! whats wrong with u? mtcheeeeewwwww!

  85. Ehnnn, dis arguements r inconsequential, did i just hear her say '...a lovely PAIR of wrist watch'???

  86. You guys here r useless and idle minded set of human beings in this world. why the hate on uche jumbo? she is a celebrity for crying out loud. you guys will not complain abt the mtv cribs you watch on mtv and their useless way of spendin, and everythin.becos its oyinbo people abiand Are the not poor peeps in america as well? Foolish sets of human beings. Nigerians you guys need to change. thats y we r never moving forward. This is the 21st century for crying out loud. uche jumbo at her stage and level in the movie industry, she is meant to be enjying the fruits of her lobour.if your strugglin to look for money as yemi said go and look for what to do wit your life. All hands are not equal.All haters go and hug transformer or DIE. Idoits.

  87. Come on people, Uche Jumbo is not English and can pronounce ipad as Hi-pad or sanitary pad if she wants to.

    No wonder robbers stole her jeep recently. They knew she could afford to replace it.

    She only has one child and could afford to buy several wristwatches. As you make your bed, you lay on it. If somebody else prefers to have 8 children then that is his or her business.

  88. "A pair of wrist watch", that is the English the average Nigerian graduate speaks these days. Own up! Hands Up!

    Uche forgot that wrist watches are not earrings, that are normally in pairs. Take it or leave it, she is very rich! Uche, please change the boring green wall paint.

  89. If you understand what being a star is, some of you will not open you dead mouths to say rubbish about uche jombo. She has the only Divas closet that has been done on Jara and come to think of it, she is a great person and your negative words cant change it

  90. Uche Jombo has been blesssed by Gid and what ever she has today, she worked hard for it. Some of you have been wishing you were and because you cant you want to run her down with you bad mouth

  91. Uche Jombo is already a super star and a mega one at that and your comments really makes no difference. Leave the fine chic alone

  92. Even if she made an eror in english, is english your father's language and who the the fuck made a law in english and defined it that this is the way it must be spoken? Leave uche Jombo alone

  93. This video is awesome and uche Jombo i love you so much and i wish i could be a star like you

  94. I LOVE THIS VIDEO AND EVERY THING. Uche dont mind all these people beefing you, they are just being jealous

  95. You that is asking ic uche Jombo is a lesbian, May the almighty God forgive you. I love you UCHE JOMBO and I am your big fan

  96. Who said uche has one child? Na you give am the belle? Jara did bad edit because she already said a wristwatch before trying to explain which they could cut off but didnt which leads me to think its all about makn jumbo look bad but they just made me love her more cos this girl too real pls.

  97. Uche is a great person and no matter what you say about her, it doesn't and will never make any difference

  98. One thing you beefers dont realise is this. No body is perfect and She first of all said wrist watch which should make some daft people understand that she speaks proper english

  99. Uche you are the best and its obvious that her crime here is not the fact said a pair of wrist watch but some of you are just beefing her for no just course. What in the world will we ever appreciate? UCHE I LOVE YOU and you are good

  100. I love you uche Jombo and your divas closet is beautiful.Let those beefing you go and hug transformer

  101. I LOVE YOU UCHEEEE and your divas closet is nice. Keep it up

  102. Uche uche uche uche. How many times did i call you? Keep up the good work and i love this Divas Closet. Wether mistake or no mistake, you are a good actress

  103. I love you uche and everything you have, you worked for it so flaunt it any how you want to. Carry go Jare

  104. uche is good and if you don't like her it doesn't change the fact that she is a divas making us proud

  105. all of you talking if you have the money you would do same to , she's a celebrity who has worked hard and itz part of the celebrity lifestyle
    what about kanye west that has over 600 pairs of shoe's, or rick ross that has over a thousand pairs of designers shades? what about our politicians stealing and building mansions with the money, who is better uche or them? u rock uche

  106. She's worked hard and she should be able to enjoy it.

    My only problem is, security issue. When celebs show off their houses on MTV Cribs, at least they feel safe that armed robbers will not attack them.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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