Golden Gates Building Sold Just Four Years After Owner's Death | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 8 September 2011

Golden Gates Building Sold Just Four Years After Owner's Death

Just four years after the death of Golden Gates Restaurant owner and philanthropist, Chief Solomon Ayoku, his family members, for reasons best known to them, have sold the The Golden Gates building located on Alfred Rewane Road (former Kingsway Rd), Ikoyi, to some foreign investors. I hear Sony Ericsson Company are the new owners.


  1. that was a beautiful edifice...why now? and what wl happen to all d staff?....o ma ga o...

  2. Whatever the reason is best known to them. But i believe it's best sold if the family cannot maintain the building. Rather than 'keep' the building in the family and let it deteriorate, the building will be maintained by the company that bought it over. Moreover, they (or the man) may have been in debt during his lifetime and now the family needed money to pay off the debt.
    Whatever, ohun to pamo, oju Olorun too!

  3. @Tycoon..i doubt Chief was in debt at all.Chief was not someone to spend carelessly.

    Also i am sure the building was sold because of wahala and stress from some narrow minded,shallow people who are probably making life difficult for the kids running the extended family members and some parochial half siblings.

    My only grouse is that this what always happens in polygamous families..patriarch works to accumulate fortune,he dies and heirs overnight undo what it took almost five decades to put together.

    There are so many people i know that sold off their patrimony and within a decade you will not believe if they told you they were privately schooled in the best of schools.

    Chief was and remains one of the finest self made men in Nigeria..the fortune was not made from cronyism,or government patronage.A real family man and philanthropist in every sense.

    My advise to the heirs is that before they start selling their inheritance off,they should remember their family friends that did same and today are the worst for it.

  4. Linda its ericcson not sony ericsson... Pls edit!! Lmao!!

  5. Is it the building they sold or the business. cos me i wan eat chinese rice ooooo this weekend.

    Who says Chief nor dey in debt...go and aks the banks

  6. Linda, i found this blog on the internet that copies your posts on your blog word for word. I don't know if you already know about this sha!

  7. @anonymous 12.46pm, ogaju. U know chief from somewhere?

  8. facebook/bollajie8 September 2011 at 15:31

    may be they are in debt

  9. hmm. not quite surprised, some of the kids just seem to know how to spend and party.

  10. I dont really know what is wrong with those people,I dont really know what is wrong with those people,

  11. anonymous is right chief ayoku a.k.a gbengbeleku was not in debt.i know and i am friends with bioye ayoku and his siblings and i can say categorically that the man left more than enough not hundreds of millions but billions in cash and billions in properties both in lekki waterfront and inside lekki including other parts of nigeria.he even made financial arrangements for the children to purchase shares in ups courier nigeria in case he didn't make it .
    the reason i reckon they are selling golden gate like anonymous has adduced is because of pressures from extended family and step for/sis

    in my opinion it is a credit to the family that as large and known as the ayoku family are,we have not heard any significant rumblings or fighting within the family on account of sharing properties

  12. noting wrong with selling.

    you buy.

    it should not be news.

    maybe they sold for bigger projects.

  13. It is better to sell it since it was not willed to one person than allow it to rot away. Maintenance is what matters.

    Nigerian businesses do not last up to or over 100 years like some businesses in European countries: where kids are groomed from the age of five to take over from their parents.

    Anyway, they do not suffer from polygamy; which is a backward factor for businesses.

  14. Now I know the reason why some wealthy people will their properties to appropriate charities and rightly so just give the children enough to get them started!!

  15. Linda its Ericsson not Sony Ericsson, they have had offices in Golden gate since 2009 where they rented 3 floors, they have only rented an additional floor.

  16. Its so sad when men labour and their kids toil away with the investment. So sad.

  17. Ericsson is only renting.... they didnt buy...
    More like some chinkos bought it, if truly it was sold... cos thy av been d 1 doing some renovations dere..


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