Domestic Violence Awareness Walk: Titi Arowolo in Mind | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 8 September 2011

Domestic Violence Awareness Walk: Titi Arowolo in Mind

Yesterday Sept 7, 2011, some men and women remembered all victims of domestic violence and especially late Titi Arowolo by walking in their honour in an awareness walk against domestic violence organized by Project Alert and a network of NGOs.

Two groups walked simultaneously yesterday: The Island group walked from Falomo roundabout through Awolowo Rd to City Mall, while the mainland group walked from Maryland to Mobolaji Bank Anthony to police college, Ikeja.

Domestic violence is not a private matter, it is a public issue, it is a crime. Let's talk more about it. And my blog is available to anyone who wants to share their story or expose their violent partners...

More pics of the walk when you continue..




  2. First here. Yay!!!
    on a serious note, whatever happened to her barbaric husband? I hope they haven't just let him go because somebody used "connection" to get him out of police custody. Great Job Project Alert. Well done!

  3. Great initiative, but what's with the gory picture of a corpse.

    Domestic violence is what they are marching against, not cold blooded murder. A battered woman and a dead/mutilated woman are two different things.

  4. wini syno is speaking8 September 2011 at 10:45

    Project Alert you people have done great in creating this awareness and thus echoing the voice of countless women out there who are being battered by the beast i men they call husbands. Pls ay woman that is facing domestic violence should not only take a walk but pick race out of such union. Titi may you rest in peace as you await that day when God will call and you will answer, as that beast Arowolo you might think that you have escaped the long hands of justice, but you will surely be repaid for God himself said "vengeance belongs to me i will repay" thus says the Lord Of Host. I rest my case

  5. I am really happy about this awareness! a lot of women think its a normal thing for their husbands to beat them... some are so used to abuse that even when its going to the extreme they dont bother calling for help.... may God deliver us from barbaric men! and men with low self esteem so much so that they take it out on their innocent wives... men that have no self control... men that should be caged not let to walk around sane people!

    To the men out there that still beat their wives and some their girlfriends... its horrific and you might kill her one day just like Mr Arowolo... so be careful and be warned!!!

  6. Why would someone beat up somebody they claim to love?
    If you dont feel love anymore for that person, why dont u just send her packing or (if u are too chicken livered to do that) pack ur own load and run away from her?
    I read somewhere a woman asking if her sister's husband might have joined the league of wife batterers after he slapped her for the 1st time

    Do these men stop once they've started???

  7. They should have walked to ikorodu, mowe, oshodi environs. Gone to markets etc.

  8. Hello pls i will luv u 2 Appreciate Life
    Do not burn any bridges in life. Appreciate life, people, everything
    around you. Learn as much as you can from every person you meet.
    Do not turn people away just because you do not agree with them. You
    never know, the very people you turn away may be the very people that
    come to your rescue during a time of difficulty.We re all Born 2 your best n let people see you as there a motivational writer n speaker i luv 2 make people hapi n kn whr dey n whr dey re going becoz we re all Born 2 Rule in life...2 kn mor abt me ..facebook God bless u all .....

  9. Thumbs up Project Alert for once again being the Voice of the voiceless. Domestic violence is a crime!

  10. Am not surprise if a Man hit on a woman he claim he loves.....Men reason with their DICK and never with their Head............that is why they are called "DICK HEAD"........oys make una yab una sef,,no be me........*walking away,,going to become fully lez*....Am not surprise if a Man hit on a woman he claim he loves.....Men reason with their DICK and never with their Head............that is why they are called "DICK HEAD"........oys make una yab una sef,,no be me........*walking away,,going to become fully lez*....

  11. kudos to this, i am proud and glad that women are finally standing up and claiming their rights, people, a man or woman will only treat you in a way YOU permit them to treat you. usually, a man wont just hit a woman, it starts with emotional and verbal abuse, which we tolerate with a bit of begging, it then escalates to a slap, two slaps, four slaps and a punch, next a kick is added, then the beating starts and progresses because the abused have neither spoken up nor retaliated. my relationship was once abusive, i was verbally and emotionally abused, cheated on and made to feel worthless, i nearly lost my self confidence. it took a lot of will power for me to step outside myself and appraise myself. i am a full woman, beautiful in and out, educated with three degrees, an enterprising business woman, a fantastic mother of three girls and a boy, i deserved better. i stood up to my man and told him to respect me or get out, he wouldnt and proceeded to hit me! the worst mistake of his life, i returned the slap with three days of fight, from broken furniture to trousers converted to shorts and long sleeve shirts to short sleeves, shoes lost a leg, their were bites and flying pans that led to stitches for him. i poured water on him each time he attempted to sleep, it was a battle he didnt bargain for. i then reported him to his very learned family, the shame was too much, he left home for nearly three months, it hurt badly, but i stuck to my guns, there were days i cried myself to sleep as i coped with the children alone, but i knew i had to go through this for me and for the children, when he saw i wasnt sending people to beg and i seemed to be having a nice time travelling with the children and opening up two more businesses, he returned home a sober man. its being 5years since then and counting, we still disagree sometimes but its quickly resolved, no more shouting, name calling, malice, cheating and of course, no more beating. when a 5foot 2inches woman takes on a 6ft 3 inches man in a do or die fight, the man sef go know say e cross border! the moral of my story, women or men (as men can be abused too via nagging etc) should not let the situation get out of hand, try dialogue, always include prayers, if beating enter, show the person say khaki and leather na different materials, if it gets worse, take a walk, mr and mrs no be by force, if you tackle it from the beginning and your partner sees that you wont condone it at all, trust me, it will stop, never forget to pray as well. i rest my case!


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