Response to Ango Abdullahi's Support for Quit Order On South-easterners | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 10 June 2017

Response to Ango Abdullahi's Support for Quit Order On South-easterners

Reno Omokri shared his thoughts on his Facebook page. Read what he read below:
Ango Abdullahi is a liar from the pit of hell for saying that the Igbo should quit the North and that Northern money was used to develop Southern Nigeria. This is a direct quote from Ango, "I mean none of the Western and Eastern regions had the money to effectively run the affairs of its region until they get financial support from the Northern region." How can a nation progress with dishonest and tribalistic elders as Ango? The British author and historian, Colin Newbury has detailed in his 2004 book, Accounting for Power in Northern Nigeria, that for years before the amalgamation, Britain had been subsidizing Northern Nigeria because of the deficit in her budget. Northern Nigeria could not sustain herself financially talk less of supporting the South. If you are from the North this is a fact, not an insult. Do not blame me. Blame history. In 1913, Lord Harcourt agreed to a proposal from Lord Lugard to amalgamate Southern Nigeria and Northern Nigeria so that, according to Newbury "custom revenues from the south paying for the projects in the north". Right now, we should be building unity in Nigeria, however, we must not distort history to do that. Southern funds were used to develop the North. This is a historical fact. As a matter of fact, here is a direct quote from Lord Harcourt, the then Secretary of the Colonies who in 1913 said "we have released Northern Nigeria from the leading strings of the economy. The promising youth about to effect an alliance with a Southern lady of means (referring to Southern Nigeria). Time Magazine in March 1963 wrote of Nigeria thus "the country numbered some 250 tribes and languages, three principal religions (Moslem. Christian, animist), and three big, traditionally hostile regions: the feudal, Moslem North, which claims half the entire population of Nigeria; the East, dominated by the astute, industrious Ibo tribes; and the West, richest and most advanced of all three, whose Yoruba tribesmen are Nigeria's most sophisticated citizens 
Liar Ango Abdullahi should note the words "richest of the three". Northern intellectuals like Farooq Kperogi should please research and verify if what I have written is fact and if it is they should please call Ango Abdullahi to order.


  1. To hell with Notherners, Nigeria and Reno. Reno was busy insulting the igbos last week, now he is attacking the North. Oh Lord give me Biafra, I am tired to live with those who hates us. All Hail Great BIAFRA, the land of opportunities and hope, a country where all men are equal in the eyes of God and man.

    1. The land of the rising sun.

    2. Another piece of shit from Reno as usual. Very biased, taking sides. Can they please clean out these tribalistic bunch of scatter brain.

  2. To hell with Notherners, Nigeria and Reno. Reno was busy insulting the igbos last week, now he is attacking the North. Oh Lord give me Biafra, I am tired to live with those who hates us. All Hail Great BIAFRA, the land of opportunities and hope, a country where all men are equal in the eyes of God and man.

    1. Lagos made Yoruba look sophisticated and richest.

    2. Lagos made Yoruba look sophisticated and richest to the unsuspecting white newspaper wrter.

    3. Lagos made Yoruba look sophisticated and richest to the unsuspecting white newspaper wrter.

    4. Lagos made Yoruba look sophisticated and richest to the unsuspecting white newspaper wrter.

  3. Hmmm one time sense making since all this years remo....any way u are sighted

  4. Don't mind all those foolish Hausa people,however I will call on my Igbo brothers and sisters to begin today to hold our govs and senators responsible and make sure that theybare giving us dividends of democracy, then make sure that power at d fed level is rotated and not only the north yr in yr out.period

  5. We already know this. The north and Islam is built on lies, to prove my point you need only to watch this current govt and its lie muhammad.

  6. Ango abdullahi to learn from history

  7. What do you expect from a country without a president.

  8. It is as u wrote it,this man is a liar,he is a demonic incarnate, all they are after is lieing to their people who did not see for corners of class can so called Ango Abdullahi say such nonsense,do he think we are fool's, Nigeria is product of Lie's and can not with stand truth.when Nnamdi KANU said he will destroy Nigeria with truth I don't understand but now I have understand.And I back ipob for separation,let the north go and continue lieing to their people who are fool's who cannot read and write

  9. Reno all is said right till I reached the last few lines. Yes indeed ur tribesmen are known to be the richest bcuz of marginalization and injustice on the igbos incase the world knows how industrious our tribe we are able to build a paradise with any case that's a reason there must be restructuring or WE GO...


    Pls where the hell is Freeborn??????

    1. Heard he died...months ago at UPTH. Can someone confirm and Linda shouls have updated on such a popular follower like him. What of that guy that upgraded from nokia to lumia. Sharumi

  10. Wasere Reno...correct

  11. I just like this Man....


    Daily Newspaper Headlines

    1. It is a known fact Yorubas are the most sophisticated, most advanced and richest in culture and all. We don't use uncultured un tailored obscene uncouth barbaric language when debating unlike some.
      However the northerners are cool, not show offs and not unnecessarily proud. They are also accommodating but do not take kindly to being insulted by the igbos. They only reacted to the incitement by Kanu and his cohorts. Igbos are industrious but foul mouthed and difficult to have dialogue with. They are strong headed and stubborn and would not speak for the truth. Niger deltas are brash but lovable and also speak without insults.. They are deep thinkers. We all need each other( without the insults please) however if a tribe insists they want to break a great country up, the truth of the matter, the koko of the matter is that they cannot have their cake and still eat it. It is just not possible to be welcome into the other parts of Nigeria. It doesn't work that way.

    2. Your write up is quite a senseless one. The northerners are the least tolerant of all tribes in Nigeria. Have this present government tried to dialogue with the Igbo and they refuse to have a sit down? Instead Kanu was thrown into jail. Did you not know that things will deteriorate to this with the action the government took against Kanu and IPOB. The Ibos have been marginalised for way too long. The government should have tried bringing all parties to the table to dialogue and not throw Kanu into prison like he is some terrorist. If truly the Nigerian government is very confident they should hold a referendum. We are suppose to be a civilise country practising true democracy.least I forget, there are also northerners living in the east and no on has asked them to leave. The northerners should stop acting like they own Nigeria.

    3. First of all nwokoro, you have lived up to your name/tribe, why throw insults... You guys are just impossible to dialogue with... How old are you again? Even children are trained not to throw undue insults.
      Now you said they jailed Kanu abi,... Have you read the kind of stuff he put out and said about other tribes and people in Nigeria in radio biafra? If you heard even you would be scared.. He was inciting full blown hate. What about the arms/ guns he stated he was importing into the country to prepare for war? Are you out of your mind? Him calling Nigeria a zoo with animals ie every other tribe? I will look for the list and paste it for you to read. He was not detained for no reason. He was detained for treason. Get your facts right.
      Yet again it is better there is a dialogue but quite honestly if you are not happy with Nigeria, rather than try to trade obscene language with you, you are better off leaving like your cunning selfish greedy and wicked master Kanu requested. BUT you will never be welcome in Nigerian wholeheartedly.
      You and your lot never even gave the government a chance... Always insulting people and everyone... Sick people

    4. OK today dated 10/06/17. I finally agree, it's official "my folks frm d east are so aggressive so difficult to dialogue wt and foul mouthed". I dnt knw, I tot ther was hope but it's now doubtful wt all dis hate and insensitivity

    5. U no just get the northner that always kill christains are now accommodating u be goat...

    6. Yoruba look sophisticated to the white man because he saw Lagos. Lagos was the capital and looks to the white man like the people are sophisticated and wealthy, but not knowing the people who live inside the Lagos are not only Yoruba. Reno is a scatter brain.

    7. Reno you came out last time blasted the Igbo people and now you're blasting the Hausas. Good for you, if you can do us a favour, can you stop writing this your biased crap and let peace and unity reign in Nigeria? You are not a role model, you are a one sided unfair ruffian. You write like a gangster, and not a scholar. Please do us a favour and diminish so that God will take over.

    8. Yoruba look sophisticated to the white man because he saw Lagos. Lagos was the capital and looks to the white man like the people are sophisticated and wealthy, but not knowing the people who live inside the Lagos are not only Yoruba. Reno is a scatter brain.

  12. They should allow me finish and leave before they start their madness o

    ... Merited happiness

    1. Reno did not write his epistle when the ragamuffin youths of the North put out the threat. He did not condemn it, it was FFK and a couple of northern elders that condemned it. Now that Ango has released his madness to say that the North were feeding the Yorubas, alas, Reno came to write to defend the Yoruba and to use the opportunity to tell us that the Yorubas were the "best" as usual. Reno can I ask you a question? What is your issue? That a section of the country is threatening to carry out xenophobia on another section or that the Yoruba tribe is being called out? People like Reno are not nation builders. They're the ones who does not look beyond the shortsightedness of their prejudice. They make bad leaders and are not always statesmen. They end up as people who throw tantrums from their little cocoon.

    2. Reno did not write his epistle when the ragamuffin youths of the North put out the threat. He did not condemn it, it was FFK and a couple of northern elders that condemned it. Now that Ango has released his madness to say that the North were feeding the Yorubas, alas, Reno came to write to defend the Yoruba and to use the opportunity to tell us that the Yorubas were the "best" as usual. Reno can I ask you a question? What is your issue? That a section of the country is threatening to carry out xenophobia on another section or that the Yoruba tribe is being called out? People like Reno are not nation builders. They're the ones who does not look beyond the shortsightedness of their prejudice. They make bad leaders and are not always statesmen. They end up as people who throw tantrums from their little cocoon.

    3. Reno did not write his epistle when the ragamuffin youths of the North put out the threat. He did not condemn it, it was FFK and a couple of northern elders that condemned it. Now that Ango has released his madness to say that the North were feeding the Yorubas, alas, Reno came to write to defend the Yoruba and to use the opportunity to tell us that the Yorubas were the "best" as usual. Reno can I ask you a question? What is your issue? That a section of the country is threatening to carry out xenophobia on another section or that the Yoruba tribe is being called out? People like Reno are not nation builders. They're the ones who does not look beyond the shortsightedness of their prejudice. They make bad leaders and are not always statesmen. They end up as people who throw tantrums from their little cocoon.

    4. Reno did not write his epistle when the ragamuffin youths of the North put out the threat. He did not condemn it, it was FFK and a couple of northern elders that condemned it. Now that Ango has released his madness to say that the North were feeding the Yorubas, alas, Reno came to write to defend the Yoruba and to use the opportunity to tell us that the Yorubas were the "best" as usual. Reno can I ask you a question? What is your issue? That a section of the country is threatening to carry out xenophobia on another section or that the Yoruba tribe is being called out? People like Reno are not nation builders. They're the ones who does not look beyond the shortsightedness of their prejudice. They make bad leaders and are not always statesmen. They end up as people who throw tantrums from their little cocoon.

    5. Another piece of shit from Reno as usual. Very biased, taking sides. Can they please clean out these tribalistic bunch of scatter brains.

    6. @anon 18:50,thank you very much for this comment, my mind exactly.

  13. the facts speak for itself.
    Well written Sir.

  14. Mr Reno I love you
    You always speak the truth with facts and figures regardless
    Please sir keep it up

  15. Fuck those northern lunatics.

  16. Oro po Reno Omokri.... I pray you get elected or appointed into government. You will eventually fail us...Good talk anyway

    1. Please stop praying that prayer, such prayers are evil.

  17. Thank you Remo, may your sperm always be thick like Lie Lie Muhammed lips.

  18. Thank you Remo, may your sperm always be thick like Lie Lie Muhammed lips.

  19. anako
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  20. My problem with Reno is, he is "double faced individual" Today he will glorify the Igbo, tomorrow he will criticise them, next he will glorify the Yoruba, tomorrow he will criticise them,also will glorify the north, tomorrow he will criticise them. Reno is not a straight forward guy, although some of his articles are true.

  21. What are the South West and northers acting so childish about am igbo and i reconize they have faults but please so does the North and South West non of us is perfect as for mr Reno the way you went about stating your facts you are not helping anyone in Nigeria to stay united , Yes the elder ango made a mistake but you too also did because its Very clear you have taken a side already , you cannot be for unity and at the same time be the one crying for war i know there is a better way of stating Your facts without insulting Another person or tribe we all are Very important to Nigeria, weather we are igbo, hausa,or yoruba. We are one What we need is restructuring in our govt Nigeria is too great for the likes of kanu,Reno,elder ango and whoever will want to break us up with hate speech will not succeed,we are one and one we shall be lets move forward with restructuring all these are Just a bump in the road to our greatness we are the gaint of Africa so that nor feel marginalize let every state manage their resources .

  22. Anonymous who? to be frank with you, I am from Ilesa Remo and my mother is from Kogi, I studied in the North, did my NYSC in Igboland (Okikwe). Go to all th universities in Nigeria, (North, West, Middle belt, all over) you will find 40% to 50% of Igbo students, but can you find as many Yorubas or any other tribe in all the universities? no. The only reason why Yoruba is what it is today is because of the geographical location of Lagos, Lagos has brought so much opportunities to Yoruba people as a centre of excellence,if not I don't know where my Yoruba would be today, Hausa would have been better than us, to be sincere with you, go memory lane, from my research, the Igbos are the foremost educated people in Nigeria, Industrious, even as Owo propounded for #20 pounds to be given to them, yet they succeeded. No tribe in Nigeria can survive in that situation. I have lived in Igboland and they are loving people, hard working and brave. Hausa-Funani shouldn't have been part of Nigeria, Southern Nigeria should be called one country without north.

    1. Kk omo, that's strange that you think majority of students in Universities are Igbo. There is a fair amount of students from all ethnic groups so don't get it twisted.
      Yes Lagos is where it is because of the location and the Yoruba people... Whether you like it or not. As far as I am concerned, Nigerians all need one another so it is best we are together but it is not by force

    2. I can manage the yeruba jealousy cos the igbos are doing well in the west m..*nd I hav many of them as frnd here in the east but I can stay with the northern blood sucking demon ..this people wil start killing other tribe @ a any given time....they even kill yeruba christain during all this religious crisis buh they wil not speak up cos of fear nawao

  23. @Anonymous 8:21, the Northerners are not cool esp some Huasas/Fulanis. They are parasites. They want u to agree with them by force. They dont like u expressing ur self or views, which is what any Igbo will do.What was IPOB(Igbos) offense? that they decided to come together to honour their heroes(dead or alive). should that be a problem for the insecure northerners?

    Whether u guys like it or not we got ur message we will leave the north for you and u are living the south for us. PERIOD. For the Niger deltans(as u call them), are only lovable as much as u suck them dry, if they say, No. pls stop its hurting me. They become brash.

    Imagine this abokis saying they are accommodating, how? who doesn't know how u guys behave. Instead of u people facing ur leaders that have impoverished u, u are blaming the Igbos for ur backwardness & underdevelopment.

  24. One Nigeria is what I prefer,If any tribe is agitating for self realization and Government well let there be referendum and things get settle according to law,although it will be sad that Igbos might have struggles because they will have to start afresh and definitely a foreigner to other region or state of Nigeria,why not call well meaning igbo elders and figure way forward afterall igbo leaders have been getting dividend of Nigeria resources and pocketing the milk to themselves.

    1. Very well said

    2. Well said bro..buh see northerner can never accommodate us they can accommodate u people cos u guys hav been submissive from day one....

  25. You simply cannot dispute how sophisticated the yorubas are. They are rich and stylish...not like the igbo's bragados. The only tribe that can exist as an independent republic in nigeria is the yoruba tribe. The igbos will implode (how many shops will you line up on every biafra road and who's gonna patronize those shanties..). Nnamdi Kanu is simply a fraud...Ojukwu was a fucking soldier and one who was not elected into any political post; so how can someone who wasn't elected be championing a honest civil cause for his tribe? Ojukwu's anger led to the death of many igbos simply because he was warring on selfish cause and God delivered them onto the hands of their enemies. Biafra was defeated! Nnamdi kanu should name his ideology a different name and stop darkening us with memories of biafra. He can never be a hero but another bad son who is about to bring doom on his people bcos biafra will always be a defeat song in our music library.

    1. Jealous is the only reason the yeruba prefer the hausa people.....u are just one yeruba tout who can not fend for himself, pissed cos other are making it...(the northner said we are one still they slaughtered over 3000. Igbos in the north so if u were iin ojukwu shoes wat would u hav done????...nothing cos u are just another slave to the north

    2. U wish.....two tribes fought against one tribe witth the help of Britain.....and we stil held them for 3years....omo yeruba ttthink twice igbos are powerful imagen wat we could hav done if we hadd guns like nigerians

    3. Sharap!!! Those shops have been sustaining us. How many Igbos are on the streets begging you money to feed them? Average Igbo person has a good house, so what are you talking exactly?

  26. May God keep Nigeria peacefully together in Jesus name. Amen

  27. Often I am amazed on how uncultured my people are in their reasoning and use of language. Please some one should tell me what Reno said here that is not historically correct. Even if he is wrong the solution is not in insulting him or his tribe in public domain. When you come out to the openvyou try and pretend to be cultured even if you are not. I am ashamed of the comments of the so called Biafran agitators in the public domain. They are uneducated,uncultured and abusive. You don't gain anything by demonizing others. Last week they were all out in the public insulting President Obasanjo for saying positive things about the Igbo's. Please what is wrong if Obj has changed his mind on the civil war? What is wrong in my changing my mind? The new generation of Igbo boys feels that it is wrong to do so. Shame unto you. For the avoidance of doubt I am full blooded Igbo from Okon Aku Ohafia. We fought the war, held Nigeria to Ransome till 1970. The fathers of these noise makers ran away. When that trouble you are looking for starts again, you and your parents will either run, sabotage others or make profit out of the blood of others. Meanwhile Mr Reno thanks for your objectivity.

    1. Ango claims his own is historically correct, Reno claims his is historically correct, who do we believe? And if Linda is too big to post comments, she should stop posting news and only give us her instagram dress ups. I'm tired of this. It is through here that we express ourselves. You're killing our vibes of commenting.

  28. @Anonymous who said he is full blooded Igbo from Okon Aku Ohafia, my device here told me that you are not an Igbo person, so stop using Anonymous to disguise yourself, there is no place like (Okon Aku Ohafia)fool

    1. @ anon 16.28 Why call the anonymous a fool?
      Wo fi se yin ni?

  29. Some sick people are insulting Kanu. Has Kanu killed anyone? No, yet he was arrested. Boko haram and foolani herdsmen have been killing people, yet no arrest has been made. The government paid a huge ransom to free the so called chibok girls.

    Youths, it is high time we use our social media presence to change Nigeria instead of spending time on social media liking big boobs, buts, and promoting immorality. Nigeria is on a time bomb.
    The Hausas gave igbos three months to leave the north, yet no arrest has been made. Dear youths, let us have a rethink.
    Nobody has the right to ask anyone to leave. Nigeria is for everyone. If truly they want igbos to leave, they should be ready to leave Igbo land as well. Furthermore, all the Hausas working in oil companies should go back to their village and the oil blocks belonging to them also should be returned. They should stay on their own and eat their cows and groundnut.
    They act like they own this country. Enough is enough!

    1. No you are the ones who is arrogant. You and your lot started this. I thought you said Nigeria is s zoo, you said you want your country, now you are saying Nigeria belongs to everyone.... You guys make me laugh... Make up your mind,.. If you still want to be Nigerian you need to speak up against what Kanu believes in otherwise you are deceiving yourselves.., you can't eat your cake and have it

  30. Anayemous 14:59 you must be in a dream land because I just read through and did not read of anybody insulting reno. The problem with yoruba and igbos is because the yoruba kept jealousin the igbos who already knew that they are being envied. If you jealous someone nothing the person does will look good to you just like you did not read and asuumed that the igbos are insulying reno which is not truth according to all the people that has made comment here. Igbo has done no evil to you neither have they had any known querrEl with you but looking at your hatred towards them one can easily dictect that it is a mere jealousy. But I want you to know that the igbos worked hard to earned weather they are in your govt or working in state house. If you had loved Nigeria like the igbos does you would also be found in other state contributing effectively in their economy. You are in Porthacult and all you do is to work in big oil companies, earn big salarms and take it back to the west. It is only the igbos that can live in any other state buy land build houses do bussiness make profit and invest it in the state likewise. You have people since over 30 yrs in Eket and PH and they have nothing contibuting to those states . Stop jealousing igboam and stating hatred towards them as this will not help you. You are now praising south south as if their son come out for president, you will vote for them. You live the way you and the north are chanting them in their oIL so it is better preferable to igbo during succession but outside succession they are all igbo gbogbo won. Stop your hypocrisy. Am sure that south south knows you as you cannot decieve anybody this is 21st century

  31. Anayemous 14:59 you must be in a dream land because I just read through and did not read of anybody insulting reno. The problem with yoruba and igbos is because the yoruba kept jealousin the igbos who already knew that they are being envied. If you jealous someone nothing the person does will look good to you just like you did not read and asuumed that the igbos are insulying reno which is not truth according to all the people that has made comment here. Igbo has done no evil to you neither have they had any known querrEl with you but looking at your hatred towards them one can easily dictect that it is a mere jealousy. But I want you to know that the igbos worked hard to earned weather they are in your govt or working in state house. If you had loved Nigeria like the igbos does you would also be found in other state contributing effectively in their economy. You are in Porthacult and all you do is to work in big oil companies, earn big salarms and take it back to the west. It is only the igbos that can live in any other state buy land build houses do bussiness make profit and invest it in the state likewise. You have people since over 30 yrs in Eket and PH and they have nothing contibuting to those states . Stop jealousing igboam and stating hatred towards them as this will not help you. You are now praising south south as if their son come out for president, you will vote for them. You live the way you and the north are chanting them in their oIL so it is better preferable to igbo during succession but outside succession they are all igbo gbogbo won. Stop your hypocrisy. Am sure that south south knows you as you cannot decieve anybody this is 21st century

  32. Anayemous 14:59 you must be in a dream land because I just read through and did not read of anybody insulting reno. The problem with yoruba and igbos is because the yoruba kept jealousin the igbos who already knew that they are being envied. If you jealous someone nothing the person does will look good to you just like you did not read and asuumed that the igbos are insulying reno which is not truth according to all the people that has made comment here. Igbo has done no evil to you neither have they had any known querrEl with you but looking at your hatred towards them one can easily dictect that it is a mere jealousy. But I want you to know that the igbos worked hard to earned weather they are in your govt or working in state house. If you had loved Nigeria like the igbos does you would also be found in other state contributing effectively in their economy. You are in Porthacult and all you do is to work in big oil companies, earn big salarms and take it back to the west. It is only the igbos that can live in any other state buy land build houses do bussiness make profit and invest it in the state likewise. You have people since over 30 yrs in Eket and PH and they have nothing contibuting to those states . Stop jealousing igboam and stating hatred towards them as this will not help you. You are now praising south south as if their son come out for president, you will vote for them. You live the way you and the north are chanting them in their oIL so it is better preferable to igbo during succession but outside succession they are all igbo gbogbo won. Stop your hypocrisy. Am sure that south south knows you as you cannot decieve anybody this is 21st century

  33. Reno is the same as Ango. Same o'l tribalistic bunch. Who can be neutral in their write up and analysis please? Reno stop writing, you write bullshit. Same o'l biased piece every time. Always taking sides when writing.

  34. Reno is the same as Ango. Same o'l tribalistic bunch. Who can be neutral in their write up and analysis please? Reno stop writing, you write bullshit. Same o'l biased piece every time. Always taking sides when writing.

  35. Check it whenever Reno wants to put out his epistle, he is either coming to attack either Buhari, Igbo, Hausa or Women. He has never written any thing that will bring about national unity. He is a biased person who cannot see beyond his prejudice and discover the good in people he hates. Reno you claim your epistle has historical facts and Ango claims his has historical facts. Both of you guys are very divisive and should not be allowed to have any opinion on national affairs. After getting education and schooling and someone's mind is still not disciplined to bypass racial, tribal and gender barriers, then the person is as good as not going to school at all. I heard you supporting US President Donald Trump, well, I was not surprised because I did not expect anything less from a person who spends time hating and dividing his own country. Why won't Donald Trump be your hero? Mind you, the major group of people who voted Trump are the non college white men. I guess you belong together. Please Reno do more to inspire youths, unify your country and educate, above all, try and look beyond tribal hate in your dealings in life. It will help you a whole lot.

  36. Check it whenever Reno wants to put out his epistle, he is either coming to attack either Buhari, Igbo, Hausa or Women. He has never written any thing that will bring about national unity. He is a biased person who cannot see beyond his prejudice and discover the good in people he hates. Reno you claim your epistle has historical facts and Ango claims his has historical facts. Both of you guys are very divisive and should not be allowed to have any opinion on national affairs. After getting education and schooling and someone's mind is still not disciplined to bypass racial, tribal and gender barriers, then the person is as good as not going to school at all. I heard you supporting US President Donald Trump, well, I was not surprised because I did not expect anything less from a person who spends time hating and dividing his own country. Why won't Donald Trump be your hero? Mind you, the major group of people who voted Trump are the non college white men. I guess you belong together. Please Reno do more to inspire youths, unify your country and educate, above all, try and look beyond tribal hate in your dealings in life. It will help you a whole lot. Thank me later

  37. Check it whenever Reno wants to put out his epistle, he is either coming to attack either Buhari, Igbo, Hausa or Women. He has never written any thing that will bring about national unity. He is a biased person who cannot see beyond his prejudice and discover the good in people he hates. Reno you claim your epistle has historical facts and Ango claims his has historical facts. Both of you guys are very divisive and should not be allowed to have any opinion on national affairs. After getting education and schooling and someone's mind is still not disciplined to bypass racial, tribal and gender barriers, then the person is as good as not going to school at all. I heard you supporting US President Donald Trump, well, I was not surprised because I did not expect anything less from a person who spends time hating and dividing his own country. Why won't Donald Trump be your hero? Mind you, the major group of people who voted Trump are the non college white men. I guess you belong together. Please Reno do more to inspire youths, unify your country and educate, above all, try and look beyond tribal hate in your dealings in life. It will help you a whole lot. Thank me later

  38. Thank you akin olabiyi; yours is a mature comment from a mature mind. Like you said, if one party is insisting on leaving the relationship why not sit down and work it out instead of issuing threats?

  39. I can't stop laughing; so Mr. Ango A. would have us believe that the north was busy developing southern nigeria with the north's resources and completely neglected to develop the north? I would have thought charity started from home - If I'm rich enough to clothe other people, I should also be able to clothe myself, eh, Mr. A.A.? You well so?

    1. And Reno just came to tell us that Yoruba is the "richest". These are the people we should get rid of. We need to rid our society of these cankerworms. The Renos and Angos are the problem we have they are local champions.

  40. Akin Olabiyi is the best commenter here. He has wisdom more than Reno and Ango. Keep it up my guy. You are indeed a noble fellow, that's how we know people who have big hearts. "By their fruits we shall know them".

  41. Akin Olabiyi is the best commenter here. He has wisdom more than Reno and Ango. Keep it up my guy. You are indeed a noble fellow, that's how we know people who have big hearts. "By their fruits we shall know them".


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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