What kind of feminist are you? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 25 February 2017

What kind of feminist are you?

There's no internationally accepted definition for the term 'feminism', it means different things to different people. It is a spectrum that can range from the empowerment of women to the emasculation of men and everything in between. Feminism is a loaded word but political, economic, personal, and social emancipation of women is the common goal. Even among women, what constitutes feminist ideals is a topic for debate.
Take abortion for instance, while some women say feminism is pro choice, other women who identify as feminists and are perfectly independent and empowered say they are pro life.

On one hand there's the radical woman who burns her bras and frees her nipples, on the other side of the divide, there's the calm, calculating strategist who doesn't assert herself as forcefully but is no less powerful.

Depending on your view, feminism is not gender exclusive, men can be feminists too, after all there are men who want the absolute best for the women in their lives, men who don't hold them back, men who don't feel threatened by their achievements.

Feminism benefits from having more men on board and they sign on when they realise feminists aren't rabid man haters. You can be a feminist without knowing it. Feminism is not misandry, it is the equality of opportunities and the freedom to choose our destinies regardless of gender. What type of feminist are you?


  1. Wrong!

    If you believe in equality of all humans irrespective of gender, religion, sexual orientation, race, class, tribe etc, then you are an EGALITARIAN.


    If you believe in equality as it concerns WOMEN, then you are a FEMINIST.

    Feminism is sexism. It uses public funds to focus on the issues of one gender only. It disregards the issues facing the male gender.

    Use your dictionary and learn something new!

    1. You are an educated retard.

    2. Egalitarianism is the word. I'm proudly and Egalitarian!

  2. I always feel a female will do anything better

    ...merited happiness

  3. I am a feminist and i believe in equality for all sexes. A man is never superior to a woman and a woman is not superior to a man. We are equal. Let us create a healthy balance.
    Using you linda as a case study. Your school tour. Good idea but as i pointed out seperating the boys from the girls is totally wrong. Empower everbody both male and female.
    Because if we empower only girls they would still mix up with the men who are not empowerd and then your empowerment has made no impact.
    As you educate ladies, you educate young men see omotola's powerful words in the bigbrother house. We need to empower our youths both male and female because we need each other.
    It is not a battle of the sexes as you know most feminist are married. Omotola, chimamanda,stephnie linus, beyonce, Oby and my humble self. We love our men and respect them. Those feminist that hate men well i do not think they are feminists.
    Linda post this comment!

    1. I have always said that feminism contradicts itself. How can a woman say she wants to be equal to am man. That trying to upturn nature,it's impossible. This same women still want to be treated right by a man nd still want all those nice things men do to women. It's a selfish cause. You can't tell me just because u are a woman some juicy political or social post should just be handed to u. If u merit such post whether u male or female then good for u. I hate feminists! And don't get me wrong I believe education of women nd all that but don't tell me u are a feminist. Especially if u think American feminism is cool. Finally, I'd say the only women in the world permitted to be feminists are indians. Go nd find out why! Nansense

    2. Lol I like what linda is doing with empowering girls but to say as she educates girls somehow boys are educated too is just plain wrong...we need men to do what she Is doing for young boys but linda is only helping the female gender and she has the right to do so..please don't patronize be accurate and concise

  4. No matter what, female cannot be equal with men, that's my comment this morning...Feminist should point at making men first before female.

    1. First of all its women* cannot be equal with men Od females cannot be equal with males*..Please gets your thoughts together before you say something..saying women cannot have equal opportunities with men is a fallacious statement

  5. Feminism is the cancer of the modern world and we must obliterate it before it settles on this continent. Feminism feeds on the dumbness and insecurity of women. It masquerades as a means for equality, but in reality, it is just another push for a gynocentric society. one thing I must state is that, those women who call themselves feminist are plagued by moral decadence. It is preposterous to think that men and women are the same. When in fact reality tells us that men are superior in many things in the real world. Just look at everywhere around you, in all continents, in all civilization that has ever existed. Men build civilizations, Build shelters, Farm for food, feed society, invent new technologies, and move society to the next level. If this piece of truthful information breaks your heart, then don't blame me, blame your delusion.

    1. Don't go far look at animals male ones are stronger than the female..it doesn't just state superiority it's is nature and biology...same way women are superior to men in some instances... for all men strength he is not able to bring a child into the world by himself...feminism is some crap men are better than women at some things and women are better at others

  6. Might sound rude and disrespectful but females cannot be equal to men.....y'all feminist should take a chill pill

  7. I have always said that feminism contradicts itself. How can a woman say she wants to be equal to am man. That trying to upturn nature,it's impossible. This same women still want to be treated right by a man nd still want all those nice things men do to women. It's a selfish cause. You can't tell me just because u are a woman some juicy political or social post should just be handed to u. If u merit such post whether u male or female then good for u. I hate feminists! And don't get me wrong I believe education of women nd all that but don't tell me u are a feminist. Especially if u think American feminism is cool. Finally, I'd say the only women in the world permitted to be feminists are indians. Go nd find out why! Nansense

  8. My Feminism means I can't go to work do all the things my husband does or even work longer day that him and still expected to go and cook or do all the domestic Job coz I'm a female. Feminism means no discrimination in terms of sexes

    1. If u want to be treated like a women with love and respect, act like a women, otherwise we are all men. Wetin u see u take

  9. My idea of feminism is the equality of men and women. Anything a man is involved in a woman should equally be able to take part in.if a man is a president a woman should equally be able to be in that position. If a man can inherit properties as the first child or the only son a woman should also be able to inherit properties being the first child. Any body can be a feminist as far as you believe that a woman can do what a man can do. Coz today we have female scientists, female mechanics, female astronauts etc

  10. I see a very wrong interpretation of feminism. Feminism Is an approach that distinguish a male experience from a female experience eg what a man can do a woman can do it better

  11. MTCHEW
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  12. Stupid men saying women cannot be equal to men so you are our masters?do you hear yourself speak you chauvanistic idiots! What makes you superior is it your prick? Cos we breathe the same air and have the same mental abiities and if we look at it from physical look we bring you men to life! Well from your mame hamed you are muslim so you are full of shit! No man is superior to a woman. Insecure motherfuckers! Are you more superior to the queen of england? If you see her wont you bow? Are you more superior than angela merkel. African men mentality stupid insecure pathetic things.

  13. There is absolutely nothing wrong with feminism. Those who think otherwise are suffering from the same mental illness of the whites who enslaved the blacks. No matter what you tell them, many of them will not change. They will die ignorant. They will use every idiocy to validate their point.

    I applaud every men and women out there who dare to think differently, who stand out and continue to value human life regardless of their gender. God bless you and your generations to come.

  14. Wrong the definition is different from what I'd practised..Ive live in canada since 17 and although pm Trudeau wants all men to identify as feminist..I say capital NO I'm no feminist simply because I won't be party to a grand conspiracy to emasculate men..the first and second wave of feminism was alright but this 3rd wave is a effing disaster

  15. I think feminism or equality is synonymous with progress. In ancient history, kingdoms are created by the sword, even recently guns, food is generated by manpower. It can be a stereotype but on average women move away from violence and less success in manual farming than men. Ancient history especially Nigeria has a lot to do with who has the bigger dick and less about who has the best brains. The problem with a self delusion tour is that it is trying to take a few girls over a fence instead of opening all gates of the fence for women. If your president is chosen because he has a bigger dick and less on brains has our history has shown women will still be discriminated on. If you can become rich based on street smarts, hustling, men on average will be richer, yes women will be rich but on average men will be richer. But if their is fairness in business, meritocracy, intelligence and most importantly businesses actually provide value(solving problems or making things easier where you do not need a dick) then women will thrive. Most business now try to solve a problem (making things easier) as long as their are new ideas or products to make things easier women have the brains and intelligence to succeed. So one can't blame the oloshos, it is the card they are dealt. As we progress the world will move away guns and arrows to become a little bit more feminine.

  16. Feminism is not wrong but my greatest mistake was to marry one. She wants equality but didn't wanna input anytin. Wants me to practically make d meals and care for d kids cos I close earlier yet I pay all d bills. Have 2 maids all in d name of being tired from work. Soon d girl children we have dis days won't know how to cook at all talk less of knowing how to kill chicken.

    1. Thats not feminism, she is a lazy woman using feminism as an excuse, even in USA where equality of gender is allowed, women pay there bills, even if she has a rich bf, and both parties always contribute to the bills and the up keep of the house if they are married


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