The Hypocrisy of President Buhari and Elrufai, His Mini Me By Reno Omokri | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 25 February 2017

The Hypocrisy of President Buhari and Elrufai, His Mini Me By Reno Omokri

With President Muhammadu Buhari's lawyer's ₦500,000 'gift' to Justice Adeniyi Ademola while the certificate case was being tried before that judge and with the Secretary to the Government of the Federation's Grasscuttergate scandal, can we all stop pretending and accept that the anti corruption war is dead?
I believe I now know the reason why God allowed President Buhari to come back to power. It was to expose him for who he really is. Not a saint, but a hypocrite!
A hypocrite of the highest order. A so called anti corruption crusader who writes letters to cover his corrupt Secretary to the Government of the Federation and whose lawyer gives gifts to a justice that is being tried for collecting gifts from others. Do as I say, not as I do!

Things were already bad enough until the President's spokesman released his statement trying to justify the 'gift'! 

When Femi Adesina, President Muhammadu Buhari's spokesman, says PMB's lawyers ₦500,000 payment to Justice Ademola was a 'gift' not a bribe he must think that Nigerians are on the bottom of the ladder in the rational thinking food chain!

So if I take a bribe and call it a 'gift', according to Femi Adesina, it automatically transforms from corruption to 'gift'? So President Buhari believes in the Transformation Agenda after all! Who would have thought so! 

So why can President Buhari's lawyer give gifts but Andrew Yakubu cannot accept 'gift'? The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission should just release everybody they are trying because they took 'gifts' not bribe. After all, President Buhari and his lawyer have shown us the way!

The Justice Ademola that is currently being tried is accused of taking bribes because people gave him gifts. So why were their gifts proceeds of corruption and Lawyer Awodein's (Buhari's lawyer) a proceed of friendship?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a bribe is defined thus:

  1. 1.
    persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement.

Now if you consider the favorable way the certificate case against the President has being going for him in the matter before Justice Ademola, you may be forgiven if you quote Proverbs 18:14 and say "a man's gift makes room for him". 

With all apologies to the publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary let me say that they have to alter the meanings of some words in their dictionary. 

With Nigeria's situation on my mind, I suggest the following edits to the definition of the word gift

1. New word for BRIBE as approved by the current President Muhammadu Buhari led Nigerian government for exclusive use of All Progressive Congress members.

And while we are at it, I am feeling some generosity to my readers. If any of my readers will like a GIFT, then they should send me an email. But if they would prefer a BRIBE, then they should send me a hand written letter instead. If you as my reader does not know the difference, then contact President Muhammadu Buhari's lawyer! 

Everybody gives gifts but some gifts are more equal than others. For tips on giving EFCC approved gifts, see President Buhari's lawyer! The DEODORANT has been sprayed on Lawyer Awodein and the INSECTICIDE is being sprayed on Justice Ademola. Now I understand Shehu Sani!

But this President Muhammadu Buhari knows how to code better than Mark Zuckerberg! Look at the code word his team used for the payment made to Justice Ademola. The 'gift'! 

I am tempted to ask what else they have coded? Is the 2017 budget codedly (I invented the word codedly since we are all making edits to the Oxford English Dictionary) padded? Have they coded INEC to produce only inconclusive elections? Is Babachir's grass cutting contract a means to get more resources to provide future coded gifts? 

In fact, I am reliably informed that APC members give GIFT while PDP members give BRIBE but if you were once a Peoples Democratic Party member and you are now in the APC you give GIFTED BRIBE! Now we understand why Rotimi Ameachi said he never gave nor received bribes. As an APC member, maybe he gave and received 'gifts'. After all, there is nothing wrong with that! Our leader has shown us the way!

And President Buhari is not the only hypocrite in town. His mini me, Nasir Elrufai, the unofficial Vice President and Khalifa of the Buhari personality cult is as hypocritical as they come.

Many Nigerians were shocked to find out that Malam Nasir Elrufai, the Governor of Kaduna state, instigated the arrest of Audu Maikori, Nigeria's version of Jay Z and the CEO of Chocolate City, a man who has made many stars including Africa's number one rapper, MI Abaga.

What is Maikori's crime in Elrufai's eyes? That he erroneously tweeted false information that he had been by his driver who misled him for the purpose of obtaining financial favours from him. 

When Maikori realized he had been duped, he immediately apologized. But that was not enough for his Governor. He was accused of incitement because of his tweets!

But the thing is that the Elrufai that is now so sanctimonious is actually by far guiltier than Audu Maikori in what he accuses him of. In fact, Elrufai is the grandfather of making false an inviting comments on Twitter and other social media platforms and I will prove it.

On November 25, 2014, Nasir El-Rufai, the current Governor of Kaduna State, in a tweet questioned whether then President Goodluck Jonathan was traveling to Chad to plot attacks with the Chadian President. On September 8, 2014 Elrufai, via a tweet accused then President Jonathan of funding Christians who masquerade as Boko Haram and accused the then President of the Christian Association of Nigeria, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor of being the commander of the so called Christian Boko Haram. On the same day he also tweeted that pastor Ayo had been paid ₦50 billion and a jet for the purpose of his Christian Boko Haram whose purpose was to "tarnish the name of Islam". 

On July 24, 2014 Elrufai, via another tweet, accused then President Jonathan of meeting with his terrorists from Nasarawa state. On January 2, 2014, Elrufai alleged that he was number 6 on a list of politicians to be assassinated by then President Jonathan. He also claimed that the current President, Muhammadu Buhari, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and Rotimi Amaechi was on that list.

On November 9, 2013, as then President knelt praying to his God, Elrufai tweeted a picture of the President and said (and I quote) "many prayers of the lazy, docile, incompetent, clueless, hopeless, useless leader!"

On July 15, 2012, shortly after then President Jonathan had issued an Executive Order to the military to fish out killer Fulani herdsmen that had turned some parts of Plateau state to a theater of war, Elrufai tweeted the following:

"We will write this for all to read. Anyone, soldier or not that kills the Fulani takes a loan repayable one day no matter how long it takes."

On January 28, 2013, this same Elrufai had tweeted thus:

 “If Jesus criticises Jonathan’s government, Maku, Abati or Okupe will say that he slept with Mary Magdalene”.

On October 2, 2010, Elrufai posted on facebook the lie that the Jonathan administration had spent 64 billion Naira celebrating Independence Anniversaries during its time in office. His exact words were as follows:

“This is the APC/PMB change we voted for. Independence anniversary expenditure for the past five years: 2011 – N13bn; 2012 -N15bn; 2013 – N14bn; 2014 – N22bn; 2015 N70 million"
Well, a Freedom of Information request was made by activists to the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation and even though this administration hates the guts of former President Jonathan, they were forced to admit that Nasir Elrufai lied and that the Jonathan administration spent only N333, 600, 000 for four years to hold independence day celebrations. An amount that is less than 1% of what Elrufai claimed was spent.

As I write this to you, Nasir Elrufai HAS NOT apologized for shy of these strings of lies!  

Yet, this is the same Elrufai that has now instigated the arrest of Audu Maikori for allegedly inciting the public by spreading lies. This the biggest act of HYPOCRISY I have seen and I urge you my reader to individually Google these tweets and facebook posts. Do not take my word for it.

When a man who has a history of falsely attributing such deviousness to Christians (as he did with his September 18, 2014 tweet accusing Christians of being behind Boko Haram) becomes Governor of a state, should we be surprised at the fate that has been visited upon the Christian people of Southern Kaduna?

If you can believe that Christians were behind Boko Haram to "tarnish the name of Islam" as he himself tweeted, who can tell what he would do to get revenge on them when he finds himself in a position to do so as Governor?

If without power Nasir Elrufai showed open bias for the Fulani people as he did in his tweet of July 15, 2012, can any reasonable person expect him to be objective while he is in power? That would be like expecting a man who cannot keep his hands off a woman when he is dating her to become chaste with her after he has married her. It is not possible!

Knowing the manipulative tendencies of Nasir Elrufai and his Machiavellian, the end justifies the means approach to power, I will not be surprised if he starts sponsoring articles against me as a Fulani hater, so let me be preemptive.

I love the Fulani. They are perhaps the most beautiful Black people on planet earth. I am now a pastor and have been faithfully married for the last thirteen years to the same woman who I expect to stay married to until Jesus returns or I die, but before then I was in a relationship with a Fulani from Taraba state. I do not need to go into too much detail but suffice to say that I did what most young people would do in a relationship (this was before I re dedicated my life to Christ).

In the course of that relationship, I visited and spent time in Taraba, in Gembu and Nguroje to be specific. My time was spent with a beautiful clan of Fulani people who would not have minded having me as an in-law. They taught me some Fulfulde and I remember them and my time with them with nostalgia. I still have pictures from that time. 

There is no way I could have gotten so close to the Fulani and even contemplated becoming their in-law if I did not and do not admire them.

Moreover, perhaps my best friend while I was in Law School (1999-2000) was Abbas Ibrahim, a pure Fulani from Maradun in Zamfara state who now works in the Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja.

This article is not targeting the Fulani. No. rather, it is identifying one of them who has, perhaps more than anybody else in Nigeria today, sown seeds of discord, hate and division by his words, actions and writing.

Nasir Elrufai is not an example for Fulatanci and this may explain why he tries so hard to show loyalty to virtues and traits that are a given to the well brought up Fulani I have come to know and respect intimately. His Pulako is doing great harm to the Fulani Peoples of Nigeria.

Finally, let me end this piece by saying that I was so glad to hear President Muhammadu Buhari's voice as he spoke to Governor Ganduje of Kano state the other day. I hope by this call, people can leave the man to "rest" in London and not disturb him with their eye service visits to him.

To those who have done so and to others who are contemplating doing so, I hope and pray you get treated like the Guardian Newspaper reporter who was almost arrested when the residents of Abuja House (President Buhari's current residence) called the police to help get rid of him. But just in case you do not get arrested, permit me to write a new version of an Old Nursery Rhyme for you.

Old Version:
Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat Where Have You Been?

I've Been to London to See The Queen

New Version:
Sycophant, Sycophant, Where Have You Been?

I've Been to London to See Buhari!


  1. We know all this bro. I just pity those that voted for this kind of change

  2. O boy see epustleooo! Anyway make una read after me i go follow comment. But the fact remains that anti kwaraption war was dead even before it was born.

  3. If Reno and his masters had made the country a much more better place than they met it, we would not have turned to look for another(Buhari) to salvage the nation. Their time came and they messed it up. Let Buhari also do his best and we decide in 2019. Buharis lawyer Buharis lawyer, I wonder how he became a SAN with only Buhari as his client?

    1. This is the only time in history we are taken aback.

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂. The last sentence killed me. 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌.

  4. If Reno and his masters had made the country a much more better place than they met it, we would not have turned to look for another(Buhari) to salvage the nation. Their time came and they messed it up. Let Buhari also do his best and we decide in 2019. Buharis lawyer Buharis lawyer, I wonder how he became a SAN with only Buhari as his client?

  5. What shall we say again the handwriting is on the wall

  6. Burahari, is the worst things that happened to man... May God grant him access to the great beyond...

    1. Joan, god wil punish u idiot. U don't even knw u & buhari who wil die first bastard

    2. JOAN PLEASE WATCH WHAT U SAY. You may die first before him.

    3. You will die before joan.

  7. i think the injury of defeat sustained by Reno of PDP from APC in 2015 election has not been healed, that is why reno who is part of people that crumble our economy to the present sorry state we are can not keep his mouth shut and seek forgiveness from nigerians, reno, economy destroyer pls keep quiet and allowed economy builder to work, shameless man

    1. Why not comment on what he had written instead of showing how u failed tirelessly at answering comprehensive passages.
      Has he lied in all he wrote here?
      A man talks about what is happening in the country at the moment and you are talking about election defeat.
      So lame of u.

    2. What has that got to do with the 50ok bribe we are talking about bribe here bro

    3. Seriously Ayinde? Your comment reels of myopic prejudice which I dare say is irresponsibly fired by disgusting ethnocentricity. Common show some maturity and address the issues raised and not the person. I would like you to pick holes on any of the evidential issues raised. If you can't, then zip it and stop your childish buccal flatulensce.

  8. SoFT,SoFT.9ice write Up..

  9. Just wondering how much this imbecile pays Linda that every single useless info about him is been posted by her.. Every thing he whispers Linda puts it up.. Linda won't u let us break lose from this man??

    1. Don't distract us from the issues raised. We are wiser than that. Ok

  10. Just wondering how much this imbecile pays Linda that every single useless info about him is been posted by her.. Every thing he whispers Linda puts it up.. Linda won't u let us break lose from this man??

  11. Jonathan left this country better than he met it. But the APC propaganda machinery was too strong that you guys didn't see Jonathan's good works. His administration built more schools, power plants, military hardwares,etc
    There is no anti corruption war in Nigeria.
    Now the narrative is Buhari's lawyer not the man Buhari Abi.
    Open your eyes it was Bihari that bribed the Judge.
    Gift..........Bribe.....hehehehehhehehe. Different strokes for different animals.

  12. The life we live here in Nigeria is full of fear. Fear of ourselves, fear of one another, fear of the Eastern, Western,Northern and Southern, all in our different bloodstream running and these have made this country unproductive, undeveloped and uncared for. Today as always, from one executive propaganda to a classified information to keep us fooling each other without Cross examine ourselves where will all these lead us. Is so funny and funny indeed that we the young ones are not seeing clear what these people have done to our generation. We can not fight our fight because they have created much fear in us. They have destroyed our union and there is no hope for the better in their heads. Call it anything so long as they live and keep controlling or remote us with fear,we will have nothing.

  13. I have said it before. Nigerians are poor students of history that's why they voted Buhari. In 1984-85 his first tenure we nearly died of hunger til Babangida pushed him out. The same thing now- people are down and out , some committing suicide. Reno is right. God allowed Buhari to win to expose him for what he is. Look at his tenure- corruption, religious bigotry and nepotism are rife. Look at the new Directors in FAAN. ALL Northerners. ALL muslims. Look at the Minister of Transportation, Rotimi Amaechi who raped his state and used the money to establish APC and make Buhari President. Can you hear his voice in Aviation? No. The only voice heard is the Minister of State a Northerner. God is really helping Nigeria. The way he moved Abacha out of the way he will move Buhari so that this nation can progress.

  14. Keep speaking the truth a d the Moslems sycophants will continue to support Buhari and elrufia! That is what they are taught. To hate the Christians!

    One day, nemesis will fall in elrufia and there will be no hiding place.

  15. Buhari is now the gift get to lawyers a d other we are yet to uncover. In Amaechi voice "I have never given bribe or collect one" but we now know! He gives and take gifted bribes!! Oh Buhari.

  16. only a fool will believe that Buhari will instruct a judge to be bribed,when all through the tortous electoral tribunals he had been to,he did not do such.Reno OMOKRI is still suffering from defeatism fever.Most people who hate Buhari are people who were used to getting access to free money without any commensurate work,and the down right CORRUPT individuals and their supporters.Anybody who says that Jonathan left Nigeria better than he met it is either an illiterate, or an unapologetic liar.Despite facts and figures reeled out by Sanusi lamido Sanusi,Charles soludo,madam EZEKWESILI and other seasoned economist during the Jonathan era,about the way and manner the resources of the country is being handled and it's possible consequences, still some ethnic champions who don't know their left from their right will come here and say rubbish. Abeg,make UNA park well jare. Farmers are turning to MILLIONAIRES as we speak,that's the way to empower people, not through corruption.

    1. You're the latest fool of the century! If you are not, you will argue based on the facts before us. Recession will soon catch up withh you. Ode!

  17. At least he came back your former boss never will

    1. It would have been better for him if he didn't. What has he achieved now that he came back. The best thing for him is to die in London and never come back. We are better off without him
      Ethnic bigots like you!

  18. Reno Omokri has been in government circles for a while. I'm sure he knows the amounts that circulate as bribes. Isn't it more plausible that the 500k was a gift? It's common knowledge that the judge's daughter got married and it's our culture to dole out cash gifts to support. There must be a code of conduct for what is permissible as gifts to judges and from's likelier that the judge is in breach of his code. Reno's daily desperation to validate Jonathan's administration is confusing to me. No qualms with his social criticism but the vast amounts being recovered from players in that administration is evidence that there is some truth in the rumors of the rife corruption that was perpetrated then....

  19. Reno Omokri has been in government circles for a while. I'm sure he knows the amounts that circulate as bribes. Isn't it more plausible that the 500k was a gift? It's common knowledge that the judge's daughter got married and it's our culture to dole out cash gifts to support. There must be a code of conduct for what is permissible as gifts to judges and from's likelier that the judge is in breach of his code. Reno's daily desperation to validate Jonathan's administration is confusing to me. No qualms with his social criticism but the vast amounts being recovered from players in that administration is evidence that there is some truth in the rumors of the rife corruption that was perpetrated then....

    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  21. The mini me is truly evil but if there's one thing I agree with him, GEJ was weak and that is the reason a hypocrite is now in power

  22. My deep concern is withe the boldness with which fulanis are linking and nothing is being said Abi it.. The president obviously champions this course.. The one that happened at enough last year was swept under the carpet. So yes reno has a valid point here. Nasir rufai is on a against Christians... They should not preach in public, no morning cry but does not tell mosque to pull down their megaphones and speakers....... By the what was the rational behind the so called gift??? As for the person who said the lawyer acted of his own accord... Really?. Has he been removed from Buhari service??


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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