Photographer who drugged and raped straight men after luring them to modelling shoots using social media is jailed for 11 years | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 12 August 2016

Photographer who drugged and raped straight men after luring them to modelling shoots using social media is jailed for 11 years

43 year old  Nigel Wilkinson, pleaded guilty to two counts of rape and three counts of administering a substance with intent to rape at Bristol Crown Court.  Wilkinson met his victims on the social network before inviting them to his home for ‘male fitness’ photoshoots. Once there he would ply them with drink and drugs – including class C date rape drugs Flunitrazepam also known as Rohypnol, and Nitrazepam which renders them “senseless and incapable”.

The court heard that he “liked to take the masculinity of straight men” and that his three victims had been left devastated by his crimes.
Detectives suspect the number of victims could run into double figures and said many could have been so heavily drugged they may not have realised what happened.
Sentencing Wilkinson, Judge Michael Longman said:
“You wanted to have sex with as many attractive men as possible. All the victims were much younger than you and entrusted themselves to you. You abused the trust they placed in you. The whole basis of their contact with you appears to be a lie.”
The court heard that Wilkinson promoted himself as a male fitness photographer and last summer set up a respectable-looking online enterprise called WilkoPhotography.
He would search for victims on Instagram and invite them to his house in Bedminster, Bristol, under the pretence of putting together a modelling portfolio.

Police were investigating him for offences against a 19-year-old man from Kent when officers attended his home in April to arrest him and found a second victim, a 23-year-old from Gloucestershire, asleep on his sofa. Both had traces of sedatives in their systems.

The second victim had no knowledge of what had happened but described it as “the most disgusting thing an individual can do”.

During the investigation, police identified a third victim, a 19-year-old from Wiltshire, who was also found to have traces of sedatives in his system.
None of the victims had any memory of the acts committed on them.

During searches of the house police found photographs of a variety of males, some of who were naked, on his computer.

Virginia Cornwall, mitigating, admitted Wilkinson had a “reckless disregard” for the men for his own sexual gratification.

He had behaved in a “selfish, reckless and damaging” way at a time when he had lost his job and believed he was suffering a terminal illness, which was not the case, she added.
The former shop manager has now written a letter of apology to his victims, which “shows he has an understanding of the enormity of what he has done”, she claimed.

Police are continuing to investigate Wilkinson’s background and want to speak to anyone who may have had contact with him through photography or dating websites.

Detective Constable Stacey Matthews said: “Nigel Wilkinson promoted himself as a male fitness photographer and last summer set up an online enterprise called WilkoPhotography.
“He’d use social media to identify men he wanted to photograph and would invite them to Bristol for a photo shoot. The men would often stay at his home and throughout their visit he would ply them with alcoholic drinks, some of which were laced with sedatives. While they were in a drugged stage, Wilkinson’s predatory nature would prevail and he’d commit sexual acts on them without their consent. On the surface Nigel Wilkinson was a photographer in male fitness models. In private he was a cunning sexual offender who used his photography enterprise as a cover and catalyst for his deviant activities.”

Source: SunUK




    1. 11 years only?

      Eva Da Diva...

    2. Cunt!! He ought to be jailed for more than 11years

    3. He should have gotten more years. Linda take note!

  2. Demonic man. The years should be extended

  3. ****************************life imprisonment would have been way sexier !!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. ****************************life imprisonment would have been way sexier !!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Hmmmm

    #Somebody must to love me tonyt!!!

  6. The court was lenient, they should have jailed him for life! #pervert

  7. Just 11yrs?

    ...merited happiness

  8. People should be very careful on the type of people they interact with online.This useless faggot...this is the type you just set ablaze.Nonsense!.

  9. What happen to life imprisonment mbok

  10. Bastard man! He should have been sentenced for at least 20years! He did it to several people..

    Na me talk am!

    Long Live Lib!!!

  11. All the fags in this blog una no wan comment thunder fire una ass holes disgusting sick perverted beings

  12. See the way this is reported.. Without using the country or origin but if it's our Nigerian blogger and the person happens to be a Nigerian.. They will write it there live and direct... 'A Nigerian man who did this, that'.. Learn to be a patriot please.. See how UK media reported it..

  13. Not funnyet but am sure we have some naija politicians that are willing to give it for free

  14. 11yrs is not enough...

  15. Any reason a fair legitimate question of your blogging practice-in regard to the gay Nigerian wedding a few days back- was censored (assuming you have had time to approve it?)


  16. I don tell una to de cut their prick.all dis gay men and their campaign of leading straight men to their path,God no go let their plan work

  17. 11 years is even too small. He should rot in jail for d rest of his miserable life..

  18. Good for men and their strange, queer, demonised sexual urges that they think they can just unleash their perversions on women and girls alone to swallow and claim nothing wrong... May such men like this continue to defile fellow men who wickedly think women are for assaults and abuse. Very good, let those men know what it's like to be grossly defiled! HYPOCRITES!

    1. You are fool,your existence is catastrophic mistake.

  19. gd 4 hm
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  20. If it was a black man who did such a hideous crime, do you think he will receive such a miserable jail sentence??? The american legal system is unjust and racially biased. So sad.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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