Arsenal fan of 24 years writes emotional letter, Arsenal fans might want to read this! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 22 April 2016

Arsenal fan of 24 years writes emotional letter, Arsenal fans might want to read this!

An Arsenal season ticket holder and fan for the last 24 years Charlie Kenward, has penned a heartfelt letter explaining why he has sold his season tickets and how it hurts watching Arsenal either draw or lose. Read the letter after the cut...

I've been a season-ticket holder at Arsenal for 24 years and I've never felt so low about the club I love. Every year I pay a fortune to watch matches at the Emirates but I just don't get value for money anymore - and it's been like that for too long. After Arsene Wenger joined the club in 1996, us fans were spoiled with top players, attractive, attacking football, and titles and trophies galore. It's gone downhill since that day. I went to the Crystal Palace game at the weekend and it's got so bad for fans like me that you can now even buy match tickets on the day of the game. The last time I can remember that happening is when I was a boy - I'm 29 now. I couldn't bring myself to go to the West Brom game last night: I sold my tickets BACK to the club. I'm sick of going to watch Arsenal knowing we're going to lose or draw.
My dad has been a season ticket holder all his life and now even he is talking about getting rid of it. He's been watching Arsenal for 55 years and just can't take it anymore. Instead of going to the Emirates I watched the West Brom match at home with some friends. As the match progressed I found myself getting more and more frustrated. My friend turned to me and said: "You're the only football fan I've ever seen who is still going mental when you're 2-0 up". I'm sure I'm not alone among Arsenal fans. But how did we get to the point where loyal, die hard fans are simply giving up on the club? Simple: we're in this mess because because of our manager and the board. In American billionaire Stan Kroenke, we've got a chairman who doesn't appear to be a football supporter. And I'm sorry to say that Arsene Wenger's time is up. I love him, and he gave fans some incredible memories with the Invincibles season, three Premier League titles and six FA Cup wins, but he's had his time. He can't tell players off when they need to be told they're not performing. He hasn't bought a world class striker since Thierry Henry. None of The Invincibles have ever been replaced.
His press conferences after each game always seem to consist of him moaning the team was hard done by. In reality, that's just not true. They just haven't been good enough. It's clear to the fans that Arsenal is no longer really a football club, it's a business. The owner seems happy with a Champions League place each year - and that's it. It doesn't seem to matter to him whether we actually win anything, as long as that top four spot is secure. Arsenal fans are simply not being rewarded with trophies for the amount of money we have to spend to watch our team. The time has come for wholesale changes at the top of the club: we now need a new management team and a new owner to get us moving forward again, and to finally deliver the title that the fans crave - and know the club is capable of delivering under the right leadership. Jose Mourinho once said that Wenger was a "specialist in failure". I didn't agree with him at the time but now it saddens me to say that he was right. If Wenger stays I won't be going next season.
Source : Mirror UK


  1. Lol...Arsene Is Arsenal...4th/3rd is there trophy for 10 years now..tufiakwa...Chelsea all the way

    1. Eeyah! I can almost see the disappointment on his face 😯

  2. Who cares,πŸ˜•πŸ˜•πŸ˜•.,,I no readπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ™…πŸ™…πŸ™…

    1. Arsenal fans already resigned their faith to defeat all d way..........its the norm for dem...
      Take heart die hard fan

      Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB

  3. Hmmmmmmm Am no Fan...But I luv Asernal.....

  4. Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin22 April 2016 at 20:39


  5. Arsenal for life
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  6. Heart pouring words of a frustrated Arsenal fan.



  8. As a fellow Arsenal supporter,I feel his pain cos that's exactly how I feel about the club at the moment.. Very sad

  9. Nice one bro. Every word written there is just the simple truth we have to face. I have been an arsenal fan for 29 years.

  10. D's guy just penned down my heart

  11. Eeeyaah!! Very touching piece.

  12. Wenger OUT. We've had it enough pls.All fans please lets come out an support this. Wenger OUT Management OUT. Gunners for life. Tia says so

  13. U hv spoken ma mind dear,God bless u for this undiluted truth.

  14. Eya welcome 2 d lite! Dat yeye team wit full of disappointment !

  15. Nay. I don't agree with this guy and his emotional bullcrap! I like Wenger cuz he's the only old coach that brings all dem handsome guys to me YARD and I enjoy watching dem play....

  16. Na so he is specialist in failure, the fact is those clubs owners by americans is business including my favorite club man united, most of them don't like football.

    Download my mixtape at


  17. I can imagine the agony of this fan and I can imagine what he is going through and how he feels.

    I am an Arsenal fan too, an ardent arsenal aficionado and anytime Arsenal loses or even draw, I can't eat that weekend (dinner).

    I still cannot fathom how Arsenal can lose to watford in the FA cup quarter at emirates and imagine us now struggling to maintain a 4th position (our normal spot anyway) after doing our best possible to even surpass Leicester and win the league. Arsenal has been disappointing this season and they keep hurting me and to think Arsenal made me lose out of 15 million naira in my betslip because I played them to win Crystal Palace last week and they 'fucken' went ahead to draw and arsenal was the only team to ruin my ticket, I was crestfallen and shattered on that day.

    Oh Arsenal why? Why?????

    Wenger needs to go!, he has tried, but we have to tell him goodbye now!

  18. Eeeeeeeeeeeyah! Linda take note!

  19. Wenger is too old. He oughta go arsenal fans are crying machines, suffering in silence. This one spoke the mind of all.

  20. Am hurt too. Wenger time is up.we need change .

  21. That's why if you as an arsenal fan want to watch any arsenal match, you need to have a doctor by your side with oxygen in case of High BP . CHELSEA till thy Kingdom come.

  22. Well said, m tired too, Wenger is a good coach n all but I tink old age has goten to him,he shud just retire n allow a young vibrant coach to take over,in short dey shud sell d club to dangote as he is interested, I beliv he will buy top players to bring arsenal bak up.

  23. I feel your pain brother have been an Arsenal fan for 20 years now and I share his grief growing up I had great friends that were Arsenal fans we use to enjoy watching games together these days they Mock me that I have an 11 year old child that has NEVER seen me celebrate a real trophy. My friends have all left for other clubs. I won't stop supporting Arsenal but am taking a sabbatical next season to support MFM FC. I will watch all their games and even go to stadium to watch them play. Am not done with my dear club only taking a break it hurts.

  24.'s just football

  25. As for me I stopped watching arsenal in February when they gave up their top position at the table. This season Chelsea and Southampton beat them home and away. Even Swansea show them pepper!!!

  26. Mr man, go and park well.. If u like watch or not


  27. Real heartfelt and we'll said.he should so we can move forward.


  29. Kikikikikikikikikiki!good for u! Of all the sweet club in the world na arsenal u see,,, ur nyash there

  30. D man is right. My family members Re die hard fans of arsenal but now dey prefer watching eyimber play.

  31. I feel sorry for Arsenal fans now. I can relate to his pains. Wenger must go.

    Busy Fingers.

  32. You just re-echoed what MOST Arsenal fans have been saying! Forget the board, it also takes a good manager to command the respect of the board & stand his ground by dictating what he wants that will move the club forward... If Wenger doesn't go, there can never be progress in my beloved Arsenal Q.E.D!!!

  33. Really felt him all the way. Arsenal is really disappointing it's fans. The board needs to make a total overhauling of the club

  34. It's Arsenal fc and not Arsene fc. ..if Wenger loves Arsenal like he claimed it's time to let us move forward with Diego Simeon.If he refuses to resign am afraid we might resort to physical attack on him


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