Female judge attacked in court by thug who disagreed with her ruling | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 December 2015

Female judge attacked in court by thug who disagreed with her ruling

A female judge was savagely beaten by a man who disagreed with her ruling today.
Justice Miriam Walsh was battered in a prolonged attack before Irish police restrained and arrested the thug.
She was relentlessly punched in the face until security and Garda officers managed to restrain him.
The incident occurred at around 1pm at a family law court sitting at Dolphin’s House in Temple Bar, Dublin.

Justice Walsh was taken to hospital by ambulance but has been released, the Irish Mirror reports .
It’s believed the judge was attacked by a man who was giving evidence in a case.
A spokesman for the Court Service confirmed the assault.
He said: “Security systems are in place and were operational. This allowed the gardai to intervene and make an arrest.
“The judge’s injuries are not believed to be serious. She has been discharged from hospital.”
Sources told how the judge was left helpless as the thug repeatedly beat her.

They added: “Tensions got high after the decision was made and he jumped from the dock at her.
“He also kicked and punched the court registrar who also needed treatment. “The judge was trying to defend herself from him but he was repeatedly hitting her in the face. “She was in a terrible state. She had to be stretchered off to hospital. “It would seem she suffered a broken nose and serious face lacerations.
“There was a lot of blood and she also received a number of cuts to her face. “It is believed the numbers of court gardai stationed at Dolphin House had been recently cut. Instead of five there are now only two.
It is believed the attacker was calm throughout the proceeding until Justice Walsh made her ruling.
“There are systems in place for incidents like these but questions will be asked as to why nothing was done sooner.”
Bar Council chairman David Barniville condemned the attack.
He added:
“Judges are impartial decision-makers whose work is driven by the pursuit of justice for all members of society. “The physical attack on Judge Walsh is an affront to justice. It is a new low and one I hope will never be repeated. “There must be a thorough investigation into the circumstances under which Judge Walsh could be attacked in this deplorable way.”


  1. Replies
    1. More time for him. Linda take note!

    2. Dis is serious
      He added more punishment 2 de one given 2 him b4
      Na so em craze reach so??

      # oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
      # oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#

    3. What where they doing, that they couldn't rescue her on time?

    4. If it where in Nigeria that thug should be expecting nothing less than a 100yrs imprisonment for that assault

    5. Hhhhaaaaaa end time vexin. Thug

  2. Kai!

    If truly security was in place, dis wouldn't hav happened.

    Comment frm ROYAL PRIESTHOOD (royalpriesthood007@gmail.com)

    1. Who told you dat security was not in place, finding faults everywhere...must you comment?

  3. Sorry dear. He won't find it funny

  4. I wonder what security operatives were doing that they couldn't stop him from getting close to her.

    Your comment will be visible after approval.

  5. The guy needs serious sentencing like 50yrs imprisonment, otherwise more cases like this will follow

  6. Well he just punched himself into a minimum of an additional ten years in jail. Ass wipe

  7. Na wa Oº°˚˚

  8. Kai...jus imagine wht d judge wld b goin 2ru @ dt moment.d guy need 2 b dealt wit seriously,den x2 sentence given 2 him.mama oni mama lona.

  9. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Sorry for her...

  10. So surprised no one shouted Naija!!! as if shots like this only happen in my dear country

  11. Now you can pass your judgement

  12. Judges can me mean at times. Some of their judgments are ludicrous. They are in a world of their own and are detached from reality.

  13. oluwafunmike bestcherish12 December 2015 at 08:17

    May be the judge is not been fair with her judgment, even if they give him death penalty the did as bn done by satisfying his conscience.

  14. I love that guy,should have killed the f.....cking judge.I hate corrupt and bias judges like hell.



  16. She met her waterloo… This woman denied me the right to renew my children's passports even after I had bought tickets to travel. She kept adjourning the case and told me to provide proof that I was not in contact my children's dad anymore, even when there was proof that he had been denied access and moreover lived in Nigeria. This is a man who abandoned me and my children in Ireland and I had not heard from him in a while. My lawyer then sent my ex 3 registered letters which he did not reply to, but she still refused. This went on for about 7 months and my God finally answered my prayers when we got to court and found out that she was on annual leave. I was granted a dismissal of consent of the father, by a male Judge in court Rm 41 and was able to apply for my children's passport thereafter.


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