Chine Ezekwesili apologises to his Mum on Twitter, she responds | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 23 October 2015

Chine Ezekwesili apologises to his Mum on Twitter, she responds

Eya! Chine has apologised to his mum - Oby Ezekwesili for dragging her into the drama he had with Ohimai earlier today. She has replied, forgiving him. Nice! More tweets after the cut...


  1. What did this toddler drink today?

    1. See his big forehead. Calling sm1 who is his senior, a grasshopper. Shameless boy

  2. Wow! The heart of a mother is a deep abyss ,out which you will always find forgiveness.
    I luv this woman & I truly understand her son's position. Not funny seeing your mum insulted mehn

    1. Sensible comment.

      I can't believe a lot of people on here think Ohimai was right to insult Chine's mum who is old enough to birth him.

      He who the gods wants to make mad.........

  3. Eeeyah! Buh I likk d guy o I won't lie!

  4. D drama was just off it and doesn't worth it mostly d person concern was lik a family friend.

    U don't hav to b disrespectful bycalling him name "Grasshopper" - can u imagine dis...? So dis respectful.

    Indeed charity begins@home.

    1. He has acknowledged the fact that he was wrong ,that is why he apologized. People make mistakes sometimes.That is why we are human.What more do you want.Smh.....

    2. He has acknowledged the fact that he was wrong ,that is why he apologized. People make mistakes sometimes.That is why we are human.What more do you want.Smh.....

  5. Family matters get resolved via twitter and facebook now

    1. Before nko.... footballers resign via social media now, bosses fire people on social media even though it didn't work for meek mill... I am still waiting for someone to propose on instagram

  6. Linda you get time, Wheep Social Media Drama

    Its time for prayer, Catch ya later

  7. He is a silly child for even referring to Ohimai as a grasshopper in the first place because Ohimai wasn't checking for him. Little child feeling overtly opinionated and rude just because, twitter. Arrant bs. Mscheww!

  8. Thank God you've realized ur mistake

  9. He is a silly child for even referring to Ohimai as a grasshopper in the first place because Ohimai wasn't checking for him. Little child feeling overtly opinionated and rude just because, twitter. Arrant bs. Mscheww!

  10. That's their own cup of zobo...they have it all so they can do as they like abeg

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  11. Good to know.

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  12. Common sense has been applied, if u no get wok....there are lots of homeless children to feed Arund u.

    The gods are wise

  13. Good,but I still believe that inside the mother it is not yet finished,he should have kept quiet . TIMILEYIN BLESSING

  14. These guy again! Next post mbok


  15. These guy again! Next post mbok


  16. phew! social media. what it will cause in our world.
    We throw so much out in the open,this issue should actually rest for now.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  17. linda are you eating comment? since morning! the most important part of reading the news are the comments afterwards. duh!

    1. Lol, duh.
      You go kill person with lafta oooo

  18. bla bla bla bla bla what ever family of betrayal CEO of bring back our girls

  19. Disrespectful little piece of shit!

  20. Chine Ezeks, ma mehn! thanks for giving it to that hungry Ohimai. mchwwww.

  21. chine abi na chune and bello elrufai are two spoilt insolent brats.with their uglee faces and larger than life heads.
    im not saying this cos i like mr fixnigeria. that one ehn, his ego and impropriety is detestable.before,during and after the elections.he thinks he is the backbone of pdp abi?
    this is what intelligent Nigerian youths waste their time doing on social media,fighting, insulting and calling out peoples mums and dads,using subdeliveryman to beef,having random unprotected sex instead of gearing up to be leaders and advocates for a better Nigeria
    now we are stuck with the likes of audu ogbeh and lai mohammed- men that are already grandparents, that are already missing at least two teeth each just tired sha

  22. Now I know madness runs in the family of the okwesilis. What a shame

  23. Oby u were busy in politics you forgot to train your kids. Shame on you

  24. Run along little boy. Its way past ur bedtime. Rubbish!

  25. good for them# inspired by Linda

  26. Their Pot of Ogogoro.................. "Unto d Next One"

  27. Prodigal son, why u go call that man grasshopper

  28. Make dem go sleep ni, attention seekers.

  29. Chinne,very nice of you to have apologized to your mum. The Guy Ohimai is just an attention seeker. He is no grasshopper but a locust hopping around aimlessly looking for next bush to prey on. Hold your head high up. You have proven yourself a bigger person

  30. CUTTRED MEATLOAF 125 October 2015 at 02:48

    Some individuals cant handle the existence of modern technology!!!!!!!!! TWITTER,FACEBOOK,INSTAGRAM,WHATSAPP,even BBM etc....SHOULD BE KEPT OUT OF THE REACH OF KIDS..PLEASE!!!

  31. law abiding citizen26 October 2015 at 11:03

    Sincerely I think this young man is only being nice or his parents have called him to order and as an obedient child he heeded their call. no one can shade my mother on social media or any forum under the sun and go free. in fact I will not only hit the person hard on social media am gonna get his throat slit if I lay my hands on him. and to all u critics of the young man I can see how valuable to u ur moms are. dumb heads


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