I year after: TB Joshua pays tribute to victims of building collapse, says their death is an unavoidable call | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 September 2015

I year after: TB Joshua pays tribute to victims of building collapse, says their death is an unavoidable call

In a post titled "An exhortation on Martyrs of Faith', founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations Prophet TB Joshua paid tribute to the 116 people who died in his church's building collapse which occurred on September 12th 2014. He said the death of the 116 people who were mostly South Africans was an unavoidable call and that nothing happens without the knowledge and approval of God. What he wrote after the cut...

"It is important to remember that we are members of a family - the family of God. Consequently, for an occasion like this, God should be the Invitee.

My people, we are here because of our loved ones, who fell asleep in the bosom of the Lord. Our faithful and true God will bring them with Jesus, a Rock against which you can lean even as the winds of mourning howl around us.

As Christians, there comes a time when we will need to say good-bye and sing a "requiem" for our lost brethren. It is right and noble for Christians to gather, pray and say, "Requiescat In Pace". That is, for the soul of their loved ones to "rest in peace".

It is now one year since our beloved brothers and sisters slept in the Lord. For those of us who find it difficult to let go, we must realise that their death is an unavoidable call - a call to our Heavenly home that no one can disobey.
Of course we all know that this has nothing to do with age, status, rich or poor or even the nature of death itself - as this happened to our predecessors, including the Apostles who paid the supreme price to bring the Gospel to all of us. Some were even beheaded at their prime age. Others were stoned to death in the course of the Gospel. Some others were even crucified upside down, not to talk of the ones that were dropped inside boiling oil.

For those who of us who cannot trace or touch the body of those who are resting in the bosom of the Lord, we must realise that such examples abound among God's Generals in the Bible.

If you have not yet said good-bye in Jesus' name, now is your fine grace to do so. You could write a letter to your loved one who slept in the Lord. Express your mind on the good and the bad. Feel free to do whatever you want with the letter. Read and seal the letter. You might decide to share the letter with either your church authority or pastor and do away with the letter as the Spirit of God directs. Once you have done that, leave the rest to the future with expectation as God holds our future.

My people, no mortal man or devil can supersede the plan of God for your life. As a Christian, once you understand and believe this, you set yourself free. Let us set ourselves free from this happening, as it is the will of God, which is unchangeable. When it is the will of God, it happens as His will. If you harbour offence, you cannot stay in God's will. Let us not harbour offence because it produces more fruit of sin, such as bitterness, anger and resentment, all of which are the purpose and will of the devil.

On a number of occasions, many of us have become victims of maltreatment in the hands of wicked men and women. Honestly you may have been treated unjustly and you get offended. But when you harbour any offence, you fulfil the purpose of your enemy, thereby being pushed out of God's will. When you free your mind and stop harbouring offence, you will maintain and stay in the course of God's will. On the other hand, if you continue to harbour offence, you automatically become a victim and captive of the enemy, thereby fulfilling his own purpose and will.

Remember that nothing can come against us without God's knowledge and approval. Let's face the fact - if the devil who hates us with passion could have his way, he would not hesitate to destroy us at will. You must keep this exhortation before you.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond limit (1 Corinthians 10:13).

Don't get offended, neither should you harbour any offence. This is the weapon to resist the devil. Remember the message of the Cross: "Father, forgive them," said Jesus. This message of forgiveness points to the future and not to look behind.

Finally brethren, I will not leave you without stating this simple conclusion - why are we rushing? Can we reach the end of this road without God's knowledge and approval?


  1. See this man. You had to wait for 1 year before you could pay tribute to your members. .pls do me a favour..gerrarrahere!

  2. May their souls continue to rest in peace.

  3. So why is it that what we could have prevented αи∂ we didn't cos of negligence αи∂ carelessness...αи∂ then somethn bad happens cos of it, we all blame God? Does God cause bad to happen to ppl? Isn't God a merciful father? Why then do we blame him when bad things happen????
    This man shld say another convincing thing abeg, I don't believe whatever he's blabbing here

    #it WiLL oNly gEt BeTTer
    #IT mUsT eND iN pRAiSE

  4. Yeah, their main target was the southerners...
    I'm quite sure they're over it now....Rest on to their souls!!

  5. I still don't get after a year this tragic incident happened, no one is still held responsible for it, this is an indictment on our judicial system here in Nigeria.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  6. Hmmm
    ~D great anonymous!

  7. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Rip.... #NowPlaying ask for it: boogey....

  8. U mean it's a year alrdy, damn time sure flies fast

  9. May their souls continue to rest in peace. Linda take note!

  10. May their souls continue to rest in peace. Linda take note!

  11. May their souls continue to rest in peace. Linda take note!

  12. May de souls of faithful departed RIP! Amen!.....TB Joshua u are God sent...may God continue to bless u IJN amen!

  13. Watched it Liiive on Emmanuel Tv,i juuuuust love this man abeg God would continue to increase him abeg!he hosted the family of the deceased and survivors and prayed for them,i praay our faith does not fail in our belief in God.

  14. TBJ my prophet of African and d whole world where have u been all these while? Been really long oo is he Ok? Our tots and prayers re wit the family of the martyrs of faith, continue to rest in peace Martyrs of faith

  15. Senseless and unavoidable deaths n u r calling dem martyrs.martyrs of wat?

  16. I hear u sir! U r special! God bless u

  17. I get very upset when so called men of God make themselves God and talk as if the people they are addressing are dumb idiots.
    How can he call their deaths "unavoidable" and call them "martyrs"?
    Him and his church have been indicted for failing to comply with building code which is a law in the land so certainly if his church builders had complied with existing building laws those people who came to Nigerian to seek miracles would still have been alive today,don't call them Martyrs sir,they didn't sign up to be killed by your substandard building!!!!

  18. A disgusting man. What negligence of life. Their death is in your hand, you murdered each and every one of them and now call them "Martyrs"

  19. Martyr of your builders' incompetence and negligence. Don't use God for this ignorance that was avoidable.

  20. What about the myth of mysterious plane as the cause of the collapse? This man of God wants to play with our common sense.

  21. Prophet T. B Joshua is real a man of God, he is doing what Jesus said, that if you want to follow me you should carry your cross. For sure, the man of God is carrying his cross. He is passing a lot of humility insults and whatever but he’s still showing love as Jesus did. Jesus was persecuted up to the point of being crucified, on the cross He asked God to forgive them because they did not know what they were doing. This is the same what the man of God is doing. Jesus wasn’t well received by His people, same to Prophet T. B Joshua, he’s not well received by the Nigerian people. The Nigerians are not giving valor to what God is doing through His servant, while foreigners are benefiting. Nigeria will wake up when it will be late, they’ll one day regret. May God the Almighty forgive the Nigerian people, in the name of Jesus. And it’s my prayer that God should open the Nigerians spiritual eyes for them to see the truth. May God anoint more and more His servant Prophet T. B. Joshua. In Christianity when you are being persecuted, know that there is something in you is troubling the antichrist. Man of God, you are a real God’s instrument. Let them believe it or not, God is with you and He will never forsake or abandon you. Go ahead with your faith.

  22. Truly, the man of God, Prophet TB Joshua does not make decisions due to public opinion. This is a man who makes the Word the standard for his life, he lives the word. What a man of faith. Anything closer to God receives attack. Just like Job he did not choose leprosy, Daniel did not choose the lions’ den, Joseph did not choose the dry pit, slavery, prison, the three Hebrew friends, Misheck, Shadreck and Abedinigo did not choose the blast furnace, Sarah did not choose barrenness, but they all chose to come out of their respective challenges stronger. Without any doubt, Prophet TB Joshua will come out of all this mess stronger than ever, judging by his credibility.

  23. It is only God who sees what his servants are doing for him …Men will always disapprove, judge and condemn but all of these are temporary. The reward comes from GOD. Where many will regret their sinful acts yet no time to repent anymore.

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  25. TB Joshua Busted!
    Aljazeera just opened TB Joshua's coverup on the collapse synagogue building saga. They revealed that TB joshua actually shared brown envelopes to Nigerian journalists not to report the truth about the collapsed synagogue building. Unknown to him that one of the journalist voice-recorded the conversations during the secret meeting where brown envelopes was shared by TB Joshua. Guess what ? The journalist handed the tape to Aljazeera.
    Aljazeera just showed a documentary on that.. and saying many Nigerian journalists practice brown envelop journalism. One interesting part of the recording goes thus:
    TB Joshua said : "...so now what are U going to report?"
    The Journalists chorused "... As U said!.as U said! "
    Aljazeera cited other issues and concluded that what ppl get from Nigerian press media are mostly far from the truth due to brown envelope journalism. #Smh.

    1. Old gist... Were u dead b4 ? Well lf u like bust it or not... Noting will happen to TB Joshua... Die incase can't be alive to see him shine....

  26. It was such a very sad event. May their souls continue to RIP.


  27. The man and his church is big time fraud scavenging on downtrodden and desperate people seeking miracles and quick fixes, without genuine salvation.

  28. May their gentle soul rest in peace...

  29. Only God can judge this antichrist of a demon, This tb joshua. Your cup is not yet full. It still has space for more water.

    1. I feel like cursing your whole family and generations out but I wont....., do you know why? *smiles*. I won't because datz not what I learnt from daddy(prophet TB Joshua) #LetLoveLead *smiles*

  30. my prophets i love you

  31. May their soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.@ Prohet T.b Joshua May the Lord continue to use you to bless His People to deliver His people from Bondage more than ever before.Amen

  32. May their soul continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.@ Prohet T.b Joshua May the Lord continue to use you to bless His People to deliver His people from Bondage more than ever before.Amen

  33. Continue to Rest in peace our departed brethrens..

  34. Lord Jesus you are the king of love. We thank you for your wonderful love you have for us by given us the man of God prophet Tb joshua. We say thank you so much. man of God we pray that the good lord will be with you and your household to the end. Man of God you have made the world to understand what LOVE is all about. Lord Jesus we pray that as this man Tb joshua is making the whole nations to know what is your love is. We pray that you will show him your Love too!!! For my brothers and sisters the victims of building collapse. The martyrs may their souls R I P

  35. TB joshua don sacrifice those innocent pipo to renew e jazz! Cus hw cn u explain d mass death? No wonder he said dia death was "unavoidable". He nd his church shud be charged wiv tripple manslaughter jor.

  36. TB joshua don sacrifice those innocent pipo to renew e jazz! Cus hw cn u explain d mass death? No wonder he said dia death was "unavoidable". He nd his church shud be charged wiv tripple manslaughter jor.

  37. Inevitable call to the coven where power was ordained? A late broadcaster once accused TB Joshua of being a Voodoo man of God on his programmer decades ago. Antichrist???


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