Oh no! Doctor mistakes Tattoo ink for cancer, removes woman's uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes and pelvic lymph nodes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 13 June 2015

Oh no! Doctor mistakes Tattoo ink for cancer, removes woman's uterus, cervix, Fallopian tubes and pelvic lymph nodes

When a California woman with cervical cancer underwent a body image scan, doctors noticed bright areas in her lymph nodes, suggesting her cancer had spread. But it was only after surgery to treat the cancer that they realized the real reason for those bright spots: her tattoos.

The 32-year-old woman with four children had recently been diagnosed with cervical cancer. In November 2012, her doctors requested the imaging scan to check to see if the cancer had spread (metastasized) to other parts of her body.

"Findings of possible metastatic disease on PET scans can certainly change management," Eskander said. "We want to make sure that people understand that these false positives could arise in patients that have tattoos," he said.

The researchers did find that the woman had a small number of cancer cells in one of her pelvic lymph nodes, a condition that doctors call a "micro metastasis." But this micro metastasis was too small to have shown up on the PET scan, so it was only by chance that the doctors found it, Eskander said.
The type of scan the doctors wanted was a PET/CT fusion scan, which combines technology from both PET and CT scans, and requires that patients receive an injection of a radioactive tracer that makes tumors appear as bright spots on the scan.
The scan showed not only the woman's cervical tumor, but also bright spots on the lymph nodes in her pelvis, which looked suspiciously like cancer metastases, the researchers wrote in their report of her case, published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology.

To treat her cervical cancer, the woman had surgery to remove her uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and pelvic lymph nodes.

But when doctors later examined cells from the woman's lymph nodes under a microscope, they saw that the cells contained deposits of tattoo ink — not cancer. The woman had more than 14 tattoos on her legs.
"Those lymph nodes that were lighting up brightly on the PET scan were doing so because of the tattoo pigment that was in the lymph nodes," said study co-author Dr. Ramez Eskander, assistant clinical professor of gynecologic oncology at the University of California, Irvine Medical Center, who treated the woman.
There have previously been reports of tattoo ink spreading to people's lymph nodes and showing up on PET scans in patients with other cancer including breast cancer and melanoma. But this appears to be the first case reported in a patient with cervical cancer, Eskander said.

In this woman's case, seeing the brightly lit lymph nodes did not change the doctors' surgical plan, Eskander said. But it's important that doctors are aware that extensive tattoos could look like cancer on PET scans, because this could change the way they treat a patient. For example, if a doctor is convinced that a patient has metastatic cancer, he or she may suggest that the patient undergo chemotherapy and radiation right away, rather than surgery, Eskander said.

The woman didn't have any complications after her surgery, and she was allowed to leave the hospital after three days. She is now doing very well and doesn't have any evidence of cancer recurrence, Eskander said.

Yahoo News


  1. libers please help me thank God for adding another year to my life :)

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah... Until U read tru, right?
      * * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *

  3. That's very bad


  4. That's very bad
    God help her


  5. She should be grateful she survived

  6. Good for her, and am happy for her dat everytin went well wit her. Pls desist frm having tattoo's on ur body for God condemned it.

  7. At least she has 4 kids already oooo.. My heart rate increased seeing d heading n thinking her hope of having kids are forever shattered. But who makes such a big mistake any way? Jail straight

    1. Jail straight ke! How was the doctor to know.they are only now getting to know that the ink gets to the lymph nodes.when treating cancer the doctors never take chances if those bright spots were actually cancer any time delayed can take d cancer from a stage 3 to 4.who sent her to ink her body from top 2 bottom? Is her body a blackboard.we shuld take care of our bodies n do only wat benefits it.eat right, excercise, detox,sleep well n pray let God handle d rest

  8. Oh Dear!!! Thank God she survived.....

  9. Loving Boyfriend Disguises as Girlfriend to Write Exams for Her ....http://goo.gl/a9Jkir

  10. Olodo doctor!

    Linda cogitate

  11. Nothing good or beautiful about tattoos. Another reason not to get one.

  12. ok


  13. Not too bad tho...atleast,she already has 4kids.d onli time dere is problem is if she changes ha husby

  14. Tf! What now???


  15. Repercussion for drawing tatoos on the body. Smh

  16. Well, thank God she's already a mother. This shows that doctors makes mistakes everywhere in the world.


  17. She tried... I hope other women will learn!!!

  18. Morale of the story: stop getting tattoed. More importantly though, these doctors need to be sued for negligence. How do they explain such mishap to the patient, family and the medical community? Hasty removal of the patient's female organs speaks to the absence of thought nor care some male doctors still show about women's health. Good thing she already has four kids but what if she desired more kids in the future? Now, that option has been taken away bcos there's no way these female parts can be replaced. Plus, she got to contend with early menopausal symptoms for no just reason but for an extreme case of negligence by medical professionals who swore to do no harm yet failed to uphold the oath.

    1. No one takes any risks when it comes to cancer. And there was nothing 'hasty' about the removal of her 'female organs'. For what shall it profit a lady to keep all her female organs and die from cancer related complications in a month's time?

    2. It is her body and she gets to give consent or not on such a drastic surgical procedure whether it's cancer or whatever. That is what obtains in informed and enlightened environments. Got that?

  19. Jesus christ, wat an expensive mistake, tnk God she has kids alrdy.. Waaaat?

  20. Jesus christ, wat an expensive mistake, tnk God she has kids alrdy.. Waaaat?

  21. Tattoos are really bad,thank God she made it.

  22. TOO BAD!
    At least she's got kids.
    no matter d tech, d human factor fucks things up.

  23. Waht!!!! Hmmm tattoo lovers una hear??? Jus by una self dey do una self

  24. Na wa o. So who do we blame now?

  25. Hmmm just look @ her legs with tattoo nonsense woman mtcheew!!!!!!

  26. Linda the alarmist!!! Oh No! Doctor mistakes tattoo ink for cancer.

  27. It is called false positive result. Also diagnosis in retrospect.

  28. The topic is misleading. The tattoo ink showing up on the PET scan did not change the patient's management. As a matter of fact, it would have made them manage her more conservatively.

  29. Ikuku AmStrong13 June 2015 at 09:58

    Owkay. Huge lesson for those who hv or are intending to get some inks on, it pays to stay clean.

  30. Quack doctor.
    Too bad for the woman.

  31. hmm, serious misdiagnosis
    morale of this story; tattoo ink residues might be called cancerous growths during a PET scan
    tattoo fanatics beware!

  32. Thank God she already has kids. It would have been a different story.

  33. I hate tattoo with passion

  34. The so called tattoo penetrates even beyond skin surface? God hates tattoo. He said so.
    Be warned


  35. Have they settled with her for putting her through all that for nothing? She needs to be paid.

  36. Ah so soory abt this it has happened; so let justice take it course let d right people handle this issue I implore the concerned

  37. There wasn't any mistake by the doctors. The surgery was done as planned, with or without the bright spots in the lymph nodes in the PET/CT scan. The lesson for doctors from the article is to always take good history with thorough clinical examination bearing in mind the possibility of false positive result as in this case. Technologically driven imaging investigations are to complement a doctors clinical acumen and not to be taken hook,line and sinker!. Tattoos are completely useless and can be dangerously misleading.

  38. ThankGod someone will learn from all this stuffs

  39. what's the doctor thinking......I think tatto freak will learn a lesson from this.

  40. Linda exaggerate too much there by making some of ur post baseless now talking about this particular one, whats ur point, the pelvic lymph nodes or the uterus cervix n fallopian tubes cos am still going to ask u about the modalities for treatment of CA cervix, the nodes that were taking out was never the doctors fault its eventually going to b to her own advantage later on..pls linda read n make good verifications on ur topics before u post and expose ur ignorance. # just saying #

  41. Tatoo gone bad


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