Former Miss Mississippi's boobs rots away after she failed to treat her diabetes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 13 June 2015

Former Miss Mississippi's boobs rots away after she failed to treat her diabetes

A former beauty queen (Former Miss Mississippi) showed off the results of untreated diabetes. She said she didn't adjust her diet after she was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Before she knew it, her breast rotted away. See the pic (it's graphic so be warned) Here


  1. Eya too bad, now men cant suck this

    1. Davido's driver you live in this blog??????

    2. Davido's driver I pity u

    3. You see my fellow LIBers, sometimes most of us might be passing through one difficulties in one way or d other in our lives but wen sure issues is brought up here or anywhere in life, insults shouldn't be apply or ridiculing sure person isn't the best. I posted something like 3 or 4days back dat I needed help of 5k and placed my email which I knw is a little money but because of situation beyond my power I couldn't boast of sure money as mine. There are times in one's life you face things like dis. I knw a lot of insults I got, some were even inviting me down becos of 5k, some telling me to tell them about myself, as if we are trying to date each other, some send me ur numbers, keep calling, have u eaten? How are u? You can imagine. But I want to use dis medium to encourage those passing through difficult moment that wen ur helper comes, you wouldn't be stressed for it. That money was small but I seriously needed It den, Infact my whole life depends on dat money, I don't know who to asked that was why I brought it up here. It was one of us dat helped me out wit d 5k, a female for that matter, wouldn't mention her name don't know if she will like it but God knows her name. without asking me a single question. Send me ur account no was just the only question I got frm her.So sometimes in one's life we ve to take risk, to risk it to be blessed, so I want to use this medium to say a very big thank u to her since it was still dis same medium I used in asking for d help. May God richly bless u from my heart dear.

    4. I wish her speedy recovery, and as d saying goes prevention is better than cure. I hope other ladies wil learn frm dis.

    5. I pray she get heal frm dis, and I wil never wish for dis for any of my enemies. Speedy recovery to her.

    6. Since is vry graphic, no need of opening abeg

    7. Anon 2:25 pm shld hit me with her Eco or GTB acct no.
      My lil 5k contribution shld assist u further.
      Scammers r everywhere thats y Dude Z was skeptical.
      My lil bro who is jst 17 was recently scammed of 100k. Don't blame Libers cos its a cruel World out there with lotta dubious folks.
      Jst hit me.

    8. @Anon 2:27, as d saying goes, "Gratitude is d mother of all virtues". So nice of u to appreciate for I luv people who appreciate even d slightest kindest of d world.

      Dis shows u r going to go places, and God is surely going to elevate u. I didn't see ur earlier comment concerning ur request if not I wil hav come to ur aid.

      God bless d gorgeous lady dat assisted u, and may God reward her abundantly IJN. God is a rewarder of every good deeds. Thumbs up to her, and more power to her elbows.

      Dis shows we hav people wit golden hearts on LIB. God bless us all, and I so luv u guys lik my...

    9. @Anon 2:27, as d saying goes, "Gratitude is d mother of all virtues". So nice of u to appreciate for I luv people who appreciate even d slightest kindest of d world.

      Dis shows u r going to go places, and God is surely going to elevate u. I didn't see ur earlier comment concerning ur request if not I wil hav come to ur aid.

      God bless d gorgeous lady dat assisted u, and may God reward her abundantly IJN. God is a rewarder of every good deeds. Thumbs up to her, and more power to her elbows.

      Dis shows we hav people wit golden hearts on LIB. God bless us all, and I so luv u guys lik my...

    10. I don't have the mind to go look but I hope she gets healed. Linda take note!

    11. Dis can NEVER be diabetes. Am a doctor and diabetes cannot rot ur breast.Dats cancer of d breast,u can see d retracted nipple. Pls stop passing wrong info to ur ignorant BV.

    12. Dis one na to cut the two breast away before it spreads soo sad dis is wat u get wen u fail to get treatment

    13. wa o

    14. When i saw d pix, cancer came to my mind too. I just hope it didn't spread. Diabetics doesn't rot breast unless an open wound.

    15. diabetes can do that as well

    16. That looks like cancer of the breast! How can diabetes rot away one's boob? Nah, I don't believe this news.


    17. See how this Doctor just disgraced in this world can you not know that when a diabetic patients has a sore on the skin there is poor supply of blood which leads to prolonged healing infection as a result of neuropathy which often occurs in diabetic patients can lead to gangrene of soft tissues ...synergistic gangrene....Pls Dont Disgrace Yaself Next Time..MBOK!

    18. See how this Doctor just disgraced in this world can you not know that when a diabetic patients has a sore on the skin there is poor supply of blood which leads to prolonged healing infection as a result of neuropathy which often occurs in diabetic patients can lead to gangrene of soft tissues ...synergistic gangrene....Pls Dont Disgrace Yaself Next Time..MBOK!

  2. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said..
    God..... Na too cut am bdat nw....

  3. My goodness... oh my my... sory ooo

  4. Linda bring us news o dprince is now a dad

  5. Omg, dis is horrible, I hope she recovers quickly

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    1. This is illegal in case you have been doing it and getting away with it. I am sending your information to icpc so that they can monitor who uses your services.

    2. Hahahaha... pls send it... He should be caught!
      * * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *

  7. Jeeeeeeez! Really disgusting, I Hope she'll be treated

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  8. Can't look. Just know diabetes is wicked

  9. Ouch! Very bad. Get well soon.


  10. Can't look at it again sef.
    Is this real?

  11. Ewwww! So gross, doubt if this one could be remedied.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  12. Ewwwwwwwwww


  13. Shit,linda why did you post the picture here?


    1. She didn't post it here... I'm sure U saw dat...
      * * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *

  14. They will have to cut it off

    Check out my blog

  15. Nope. I don't wanna see. I've seen diabetic foot ulcers so I kno what diabetes can do. Young people, start watching your diet. Eat fresh foods. Avoid synthetic foods. They contain a lot of preservatives...for your life ooo

  16. The devil is just wicked. But thank God for His love.

  17. I think this is breast cancer folks.d puckered nipple,d peau d'orange appearance and the age of d lady.ppl just take pictures and start making stories 2 cents sha.dr ola special

  18. Chai u see why is gud to always to medical advice and treatments

  19. Ol boy! I just slowly dropped the small cake i'm eating right now...diabetes ke! *snaps finger over head* i rebuke it.

  20. OMG!!!
    Is this for real!

    ######LIB MY BAD HABIT######

  21. Gosh! How do you let this happen?!

  22. Wow! Too bad God plsb help her ijn Amen!

  23. Chia na so this fine nippless breast take waste, na waohhh, anyway be healed I pray for you.

  24. What the fuck was she thinking

  25. with God all things are possible.....

  26. palace of Rubies13 June 2015 at 19:34

    This is horrific....God pls save her

  27. This is cancer.

  28. That's definitely not diabetes it's more like Breast CA even though d diabetes may have aggravated things if she's a known diabetic meaning she's immunocompromised already!! God help her

  29. This is nt diabetes,this is cancer of d breast


  30. Been Diabetes is just like been through hell; well
    special thanks to God almighty for using DR.ODDINGAN the greatest spell
    caster in curing my Diabetes disease. I was diagnosed of this disease in the
    year 2008. Thou I was taking my medications buy I was not myself. Until
    last two weeks. My friend came to me and told me that he saw many
    testimonies on how a spell caster cured people Diabetes disease. Thou I never
    believe in spell, I said to myself "seen is believing" I took his name and
    searched it on GOOGLE, I saw many testimonies myself. Quickly, I copied his
    email I emailed him, he gave me a form to
    fill which I did, then he called me and told me that his gods required some
    items in which he will use in casting a curing spell on me. And i told him
    to get the listed items needed to prepare my cure because by then i have
    little faith in him, few hours later he called me and told me he is through
    preparing the cure. so he send it to me I got my parcel, it was a herbal
    cure as described by DR. ODDINGAN. I took the herbal cure and after taking it
    for a week and some days. He told me to go for check up, I went to the
    hospital and had a test,and i was cured. Quickly I called him and tell him
    what happened he congratulated me. I promise to tell the world about him.
    You can contact via email or +2349034412845


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