Another African immigrant burnt alive in South Africa | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 April 2015

Another African immigrant burnt alive in South Africa

...from movie producer, Obi Emelonye. About the person who was burnt alive, he could be talking about a Nigerian. Sad!


  1. Replies
    1. Dis is reali terrible.....blacks lynching blacks.., nawa

    2. Where is Davido's driver? He has question to answer

    3. It doesn't matter where this person was from. This was a living breathing human killed by another in such a gruesome manner. Dear God.. ----C21

    4. Really sad

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    5. You are also missing the point shouldn't matter where this person is from.HE/SHE is a human being.

      You know what I find interesting though?now we are rising up as ONE .Not igbo/ibo,Hausa or Yoruba.

      So I guess we can think and reason when it suits us.its well.

    6. This is bad. I cried wen I saw d video

    7. I hope everyone has been following the happenings in South Africa
      "Let's have a black SATURDAY tomorrow as a demonstration against the gruesome killings of foreigners in S.A. No shopping at shoprite, pick n pay, spar, steers, debonairs, hungry Lion, Mr Price, Woolworths, or any shop that is a south african invstment. S.A must be put in their place. Send this to all your contacts.
      Black Saturday for South Africa products.
      Boycott all South African shops in a bid to make the RSA take a stiffer action against Xenophobic attacks. Take the pain, shop somewhere else and let it be a message to Zuma & SA. Circulate this message and take action. Join in saving a life"
      Let's all help end this shameful wicked act by the south African people. We are humans not apes.

    8. Dis is wht I call national disgrace to SA. Hungry bunch of idiots.

    9. This is so sad. Its well o.


  2. Hmm Very Sad!

  3. Replies
    1. Very sad.

      *** mynameisSkelewu ***

  4. So our govt not seeing this at all

  5. Omg!.. SAS will neva stp dia stupidity...

    * * * Linda's 1st Daughter * * *

  6. As in this is getting out of hand really biko Nigerian govt do something and why the heck is south Africa president mute or is he deaf and dumb all of a sudden#just saying

    1. They will never try this with US citizens...Imagine these grusome acts

  7. OMG.. May Allah Save We All Africans.. damn

  8. As in this is getting out of hand really biko Nigerian govt do something and why the heck is south Africa president mute or is he deaf and dumb all of a sudden#just saying

  9. So sad. May the souls of the departed rest in perfect peace.

  10. This rubbish has got to stop, I feel the south African authorities are not doing much to stop this ugly trend.
    I expect them,to be decisive in dealing with this.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  11. Rubish!! Fake news everywhere. Haven't heard of such....I'm still monitoring the situation here.

    1. U re d fake one, if u vent heard, dats becos you don't care, bigger rubbish!

    2. Probably when they hack u to death you will understand wat is happening

  12. Replies
    1. You are a fool to call people you don't know idiots. I live in a luxury place in Sandton and we bought houses here.So because they are killing people in town I should start running to Lagos. How is Nigeria any better with the spate of kidnapping and anger on the rich because some lazy bones refused to be hardworking?

  13. Hummm... this is heart breaking

  14. Sad!!! Jacob Zuma is there sitting down like okro soup.. he aint doin anything

  15. Airheads! What did mandella fight for?

  16. Dis pple really mean biz o, let our pple start coming home o. Fed govt shd act fast abeg

  17. If na nigeria do dis thing now.. dem for don de climb us, just bcos SA don de develop, peeps no fit yarn about am.. damn

  18. Dis pple really mean biz o, let our pple start coming home o. Fed govt shd act fast abeg

  19. May God help Africa.

    Jesus is Lord.

  20. Nigeria is a mad country with shameless leaders.

  21. This is inhuman and so sad..pls God save our pple

  22. Please stop posting this unverified stories. This man is a lier. 5 have died since the violence but no death was confirmed today.

    1. Can you read English. He did not say when the person died.

    2. Mumu do these five re not people's souls Abi? Dnt knw wht u re trying to justify biko leave here...

  23. so sad but heaven knows best

  24. South Africans are savage dogs, instead of driving out the white people who have taken over their land. They are here fighting their own kind. To me Mandela was a disappointment to the south Africans, he delivered them to the people who enslaved them for years, saying he forgave them. What nonsense, the white in South Africa controls the economy, while the Zulus are just ceremonial head.

  25. When is Nigeria going to take action? When is the South African govt going to say something? We need to send a strong message to South Africans that Nigeria will not accept such treatment of its citizens.

  26. South Africans are savage dogs, instead of them driving out the white people who have taken over their land. They are here fighting their own kind. To me Mandela was a disappointment to the south Africans, he delivered them to the people who enslaved them for years, saying he forgave them. What nonsense, the white in South Africa controls the economy, while the Zulus are just ceremonial head. Foolish people, history did not teach them anything. They can never be wise.

  27. South Africans are savage dogs, instead of them driving out the white people who have taken over their land. They are here fighting their own kind. To me Mandela was a disappointment to the south Africans, he delivered them to the people who enslaved them for years, saying he forgave them. What nonsense, the white in South Africa controls the economy, while the Zulus are just ceremonial head. Foolish people, history did not teach them anything. They can never be wise.

  28. That's South Africa for you!


  29. This is getting out of hand, may God save us.

  30. This is getting out of hand, may God save us.

  31. This is getting out of hand, may God save us.

  32. Our govt Still waiting for worse case.

  33. This is getting out of hand, may God save us.

  34. .....and Jacob zuma suddenly becomes deaf n dumb,the same way 9ja FG has refused to take decisive action

  35. This is getting so sad and pipo refused to
    go back home.

  36. linda check festival of life uk. happening now, the prime mister came he is with daddy Go oh

  37. Nigeria government should take a very seriously a action on this particular problem!

  38. l just watched a video on you-tube
    showing the burning of teen foreign Africans
    a very disheartening video, l must say
    things are really terrible
    what amazes me d most is that all these
    western media are not broadcasting enough on this issue
    had it been Nigeria now....

  39. kill all south africans in nigeria now..kill dem all basted of a country

  40. Am sure the Nigerian's there r igbo pple,Good riddance to bad rubbish,since lagos lagoon no do am South Africans r doing it.wen dey won't learn to stay in their village

    1. Shush u moronic creation! Leave the igbos out of this...shuussshhh!!!!

  41. This spiraling out of control, something needs to be done

  42. My friend who once lived and worked in S.A. told me how he made up his mind to move to Canada 6 years ago because of this. Him and his wife are medical doctors. He told me how S. Africans are jealous of other Africans because they are willing to work and are more qualified. He said he never had a south African friend because of their atrocities. I also met a Malawian boy in church and he told me how bad black south Africans are to immigrants. It's so sad and foolish of them because they still will not achieve what they want even if these Africans leave their country.

  43. Goodness gracious. My heart is broken. When will this madness end????!!! Does the South African government have so little regard for other human lives? Why are they keeping mum about the issue? Where's the action??? WE ARE ALL AFRICANS.

  44. And they have a president in this country!!!.this can't happen if Mandela were to be alive

  45. God help us in the situation.
    Pls government should evacuate nigerian now.

  46. That was how they shot their own Lucky Dube, thinking he was a Nigerian. The end time is near.

  47. It's a big shame how xenophobia has penetrated the heart of our lands. The world will never be a safe place till humans learn to tolerate skin types and attitudes that are different from what they were born with.

    God help Africa

  48. Nigeria government should pls do something about this. Is really getting out of hand like seriously

  49. It's is piteous how our world has been diseased by hatred and hatred induced crimes. We have heard of the Tutsis and Hutus of Rwanda, the Hausas v. Other Ethnic minorities of Nigeria, and now Xenophobic South Africans. God help Africa- but let us know that not all South Africans are xenophobes; not all Moslems are jihadists and not all of us will be judged by our crimes. God bless Africa!

  50. Hmm dear Lord!

  51. So sad,redeming the time because the days are evil.

  52. I wonder wat South Africans are always feeling like o.this is so unbearable and unbecoming of them. Do they actually think that we cannot do without them?They shld rot in hell 4 all I care.

  53. I strongly condemn this xenophobic attack by the SA citizens,Its a shame. Come to think of it, What started this resent xenophobia attack was the statement made by the king of Zulu that immigrant should go to their country. Here in Lagos nigeria, an oba of lagos made same statement concerning the igbo community and instead of the yourba people to condemn his statement they supported him by saying igbo should go to there land(very pathetic) to think u are from the say country. Those that did not condemn oba's statement are worst that the SA zulu people. Some yoruban have been looking for opportunity to cause trouble in lagos so they can loot igbo's shops , but the igbo's are stronger and can't take such nonsense. #Onelovekeepustogether

  54. Our stupid area boys who are righting unnecessary for our greedy politicians should rise up and wipe away every south Africans in Nigeria, since our docile government refuse to act.

  55. Churches are compensating the lady that found lost money which is the right thing to do; Now, what are the church pastors doing or standing up for this people that SA are killing right now? NIGERIAN WAKE UP!!!!....

  56. Churches are compensating the lady that found lost money which is the right thing to do; Now, what are the church pastors doing or standing up for this people that SA are killing right now? NIGERIAN WAKE UP!!!!....

  57. Nigerian govt shud do sumtin fast pls....

  58. This is pathetic. I used to think they are civilized. They are simply ghetto. Wicked people. Slaves forever.

    Busy Fingers.

  59. Rumours, unverified stories and Linda Ikeji.i live in Sandton and oladiti or whatever your surname is, you are the airhead There's no single violence in Sandton or is environs .If you relocate abroad and live in a ghetto, that's what you get.Am not supporting violence at all but I believe there's too much them say around gosh!

  60. Heeeeeeeyyy...God help us oooo...

  61. If you Govt is not doing anything about it we as citizen of Nigeria should boycoot MTN and dstv to show our disapproval.

  62. They claim foreigners are taking their jobs. Are black a the only foreigners? Why hve they not touched the whites?

  63. This is why I love Americans.... Nobody can do this shit to them without paying for it

  64. May his soul rest in peace while we are waiting for our Snail Pace government to decide what to do. Linda take note!

  65. This is getting out of hand. SA govt aint doing anything about it.

    Linda I said so..

  66. Still wondering wen is gona cum to an end. I really hasn't seen an effective response of SA government on this barbaric, inhuman act.

  67. This is beyond words,there is no rational to explain out this it's just pure broad daylight murder. What is the SA police world famous for shooting at innocent protesters at any little provocation now doing when they clearly see the crowd burning an innocent man..unless the crowd is carrying out an unwritten foriegn policy by the gorvernment..Then the rest of Africa should hold the SA gvt responsible in anyway posible..


  69. This was not the first time such is happening in South Africa, my cousin was born there in 1982 and the parent refuse her the south Africa passport because most Africa and some European countries hates south Africans because of their wickedness.
    What is our government doing about the Nigerians over there and also all the south Africa establishment in Nigeria, mtn, shoprite and dstv?

  70. Well, this happens all the time in Nigeria. I you cannot protect your citizens is is another man's govt. that will protect yours?

    Suddenly it is barbaric because it is happening in SA.

  71. Oyibo go dey laugh Africans.

  72. why is both SA and Nigerian government not doing more than sending a few officers and giving out hotline

  73. umoruharuna.blogspot.com19 April 2015 at 06:44

    Our people should come back home! If they serve Nigeria half the way they serve in south I tell you, there will be no need to 'travel out'. Our leaders should stamp out corruption , make electricity stable, stop the culture of impunity and Nigerians will will proov that they, no we are the most intelligent hard working and greatest black men on earth. the world knows this! for me nigeria i go live and die!

  74. Pls where is the giant of Africa ......Africa let try and stop dis barbaric exercise.....d world is one community.....a lazy man will always see an excuse for his misfortune.....SA pls deport the migrants without your papers......and support globalization.


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