Thank God entertainers lost their primaries - Etcetera writes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 13 December 2014

Thank God entertainers lost their primaries - Etcetera writes

Singer turned writer Etcetera takes the entertainers who tried to venture into politics recently to the cleaners in this article...not nice but it's an interesting read. Read below...
My dear entertainers who just lost out in your quest for public office, can you please gbe enu e soun so that we can concentrate on the election at hand? Despite your claims, we all know the reasons why you sought public office in the first place. So many Nigerians have hurt their knees in praying to God to rid this nation of political miscreants and people with selfish motives in seeking public offices. So the fact that you all lost your primaries is a gargantuan sign that the system does not see you as worthy representatives of the Nigerian youths. 

You are the reasons why the youths are only being regarded as the future in a time like this when we are supposed to be the present. Why is it surprising to you that you lost in the primaries? The system has been analytically taking notes of your below the par exploits even within the madhouse we call entertainment industry. Don’t you get it, because you are in the sacred ministry of receiving brown envelopes doesn’t make you qualified to administer or make laws.

 In case you haven’t heard, there are so many things to consider before running for public office. I can bet that most of you don’t know the issues that matter to the people of your constituency. Have you asked yourself if you are fit for that constituency? What have you done prior to this time for the people you want to represent? You can’t just wake up one morning and ride on a horse down the streets like Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus and expect to be applauded into the government house? Have you built up a sufficient resume? Despite what some people would have us believe, a vast majority of successful political careers are built around impressive resumes.

Think about your resume objectively. Think about running for office as a job interview. How do you stack up to your likely competition? Don’t you think a prior involvement in your constituency would add some significant padding to your resume? Another question is, are you electable? Are you the best candidate for the job? This is a question that anyone who wishes the best for his or her people should consider. Is there another potential candidate better suited to run and to serve than you are? Is it possible that your running could do more harm than good to your political ideals and priorities? Is there a better role for you politically? If you’re considering running simply as a way to get involved, maybe there’s another and better role for you. 

Wouldn’t your time and money be better spent in supporting another campaign or serving on a local board or advisory committee? We are known as the dancing generation because of the lyrical content of your songs. To say in your interviews that you are running because you want to change the system is a lie from the pit of hell. Haven’t you heard that charity begins at home? What changes have you initiated in this madhouse we call entertainment industry?

How many of you musicians seeking public office today have come out to protest against injustice artistes are facing in the hands of the cabals on radio? You are scared of challenging the smaller cabals at the radio stations who demand bribe before playing your songs, what would you do when faced with the ogbologbos in politics? You can’t give what you don’t have. A head that can’t produce meaningful lyrics cannot inspire anything meaningful in governance. If you can’t stand for anything with your art, then you surely don’t have what it takes to lead. The content of your songs says a lot about your mental capabilities. What are your long term goals? Are you running because you feel that your so-called fame indicates you can win?

Won’t your personal issues affect your constituency adversely? Or you think the people are ignorant? In politics, the stench in your life will always surface eventually even if you’re not willing to release the information yourself.

The masses have listened to your interviews and they know that most of you don’t have the necessary knowledge of the simplest of issues. There’s nothing like a campaign to expose your ignorance about a particular subject. If someone asked you a question about the particulars of an important issue, are you confident that you would be able to adequately answer it? Are you well informed about the bills or proposals currently under discussion in the elected body that you wish to serve in? Are there some important issues where you could legitimately be considered an expert?

Are you presentable? If you’re not presentable, it will have an adverse effect on your campaign. You are from a job district full of people who mostly care about material things. Don’t you know that in politics, when people think your priorities are different from theirs, they will be skeptical about supporting your candidacy?

Most of you entertainers that lost in the primaries would have been political liabilities, not the assets the people crave. Some shameless nollywooders even went as far as citing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s entry into the California governorship race as their inspiration for running but it didn’t cross their minds that Schwarzenegger wouldn’t have been eligible to run for any election in America if he was a member of any organisation as corrupt and confused as the Actors Guild of Nigeria.

Finally, for those entertainers with intentions of seeking public office in 2019 which is just around the corner, now is the time to start working on those areas you need improvement. Get some professional help if necessary. You were booted out this time around because the people don’t trust your intentions. Today, your status says elegushi loading and tomorrow sees you borrow-posing in an exotic car. You are obviously on a mission to loot.

 It is appalling that some entertainers are beginning to see politics as kalo-kalo and a place where people thrive in mago-mago. The same desperados have over time exhibited their willingness to put their hands in hot ororo as long as they can bring out the dodo. But that dodo has burnt their mouths this time around.


  1. Okay.

  2. Good morning Beautiful LIBers.

  3. Okay.

  4. Cool.

  5. Good morning linda...Good morning LIB readers..

  6. Let's be sincere, let's be honest. Its not about when you opened a blogger account, most of these names here opened their account years ago but they have not been consistent at all, while some have abandoned LIB for other blogs. Now that its about money they have come running back and are using their old account as reasons to win. Damn that crap !! Moses nd. Bishop Dammy are new buh den dey have been amazing,prompt,loyal. I wake up in the morning and Dammy has inspiring words for me, Moses cracks me up and you too!! Let's be honest people. Linda encourage them, give them something..that's a fact,they are most deserving. And as long as 2014 is concerned they beat Onyx and Bonario. This is not about antecedents, its a give away for 2014. Which people made it happen this year? The BISHOP AND MOSES DID !!

  7. Good.

  8. God catch Dem abi?

  9. the write up too long. don't think that's a right thing to say though.

  10. Etcetra is a good writer, that's a fact

  11. lol! this guy sef...


  12. Dem wan chop money. *hiss*.

  13. What is wrong with this guy biko. Must he always criticize?

  14. I am beginning to like this guy, he is controversial but his write-ups are on point many a time.

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  15. that's not fair nah

  16. Lol..nice one Apostle 9ice rode on a horse to the APC secretariat..dint mind them..they just woke up and thought if being a public office holder..he should be asked if he has contributed to his society in any good way..

  17. Good Morning @Linda I've been waiting for you since 5:30 am

  18. blasting on full swing! love his honesty!

  19. U can all say what ya like but dis guy talks sense 99% of the time

  20. Good Morning @Linda, I've been waiting for u since 5:30 am.

  21. Talking about entertainers that lost, I am most happy that 9ice the street dog with many children from many baby mama's lost.

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  22. Let the Hustle begin.

  23. Hahahahha this gut is funny and troublesome

  24. And am supposed to read all that shii. Hian

  25. Buhahahahahaha this guy doh joan say so #BBpassport#

  26. Ok. Your comment wiLl be visible after consideration

  27. Good for them.

  28. Way to go Exetera! I see you!

  29. Today, your status says elegushi loading and tomorrow sees you borrow-posing in an exotic car.

    Lol this guy won't kill me o

  30. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong. Thanks.

  31. Etcetera is just a sad man, he needs help.

  32. Wow amazing write up. Gosh this guy sure know what he is talking about. I have never commented on this blog but after reading this, I am forced 2.

  33. Way to go Etcetera! I see you!

  34. Lol.....@riding horse like apostle paul on his way to damascus,,he's mouth no good at all. Na em be say d tin de pain am since, for em mind God don ansa his prayers.

  35. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong. Thanks.

  36. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong. Thanks.

  37. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong.


  38. lol.

    Should I say this guy has guts or what?
    But give it to him, he swims against the current

  39. For once i agree with him!!

  40. This guy can talk..buh its true sha..entertainer tht lost political position its because dey arent much greed..e.g Nice..cnt forget his wickedness to his exwife Toni..

  41. wow...I love this guy...talking sense into there brain.but they can't hear cz rite now they r mourning for d lost

  42. Gbam!...he hit the nail on the head,so very true jare

  43. Lmao. Etc needs a new job though.

  44. God bless you my brother Etcetera! We know why they all want to be politicians!

    Ezenwa via Samsung c3222.

  45. Etc leave celebs alone

  46. Hahahahaha Etcetera you read my mind ooo infant you nail it all,you're too much for your writer

  47. Tnk God dey lost oooo, so dt dey wil go bk n continue 2 entertain us

  48. Tnk God dey lost oooo, so dt dey wil go bk n continue 2 entertain us

  49. Tnk God dey lost oooo, so dt dey wil go bk n continue 2 entertain us

  50. Tnk God dey lost oooo, so dt dey wil go bk n continue 2 entertain us

  51.** just commented

  52. Tnk God dey lost oooo, so dt dey wil go bk n continue 2 entertain us

  53. his views are not genuine.. anyway, best known to him.. anybody cud seek public post in as much as he/she is qualified according to the constitution..

  54. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong. T

  55. Mocking other people's defeat is no funny at all. I don't know how his own talent has faired previously but using mocking people to earn money as a writer makes you the worst critical write ever lived. »»QUEENMAYA»REPORTING LIVE»

  56. Waawuu! Shots fired.
    Loolz @riding on a horse like Saul on his way to Damascus.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  57. To me I tink d method used in selecting winners Is nt fair...If we Av to wait for our comments to b approved before it is posted den it's bais already. That means linda has already chosen d winners by d rate of approval. #think bout it. Let's d comments b numbered so we cn see for ourself immediately we post our comments...well its ur money so u decide who wins it but i just want u to b fair bout it. Let's see if dis comments wil get approved or i will b proved wrong. T

  58. Nawa.....

  59. Dis one is from obi akpo community. Lol

  60. What is not nice here?!!..HE JUST STATED FACTS!!..God bless this guy.....(took the words outta my head)..We want young men to run for office(even in an entertainment world) BUT they should clean out their closets,do their homeworkers abs start from grassroots..#shimple....

  61. Funny but so true.I know we never youths to take part in politics but we want youths with good intentions

  62. some of them couldn't find there feet in the entertainment industry again but the want to stand for election. how is it gonna work

  63. Linda, do justice to these names listed below.
    Peoples comment/ nominees on these blog is becoming nuisance. I believe all the people deserve something, it's a research from me to you. And I will keep posting these everyday until you do something about it, the fact that you pick 3 people & leave others is unfair, some names on my list might not be consistent & some might be new commenter (joined middle of these year) but they are all addicted to your blog. These are the names left behind;
    1. Alloy Chikezie
    2. Bonita
    3. Willieminna Moses
    4. Cute G
    5. Bishop DAMMY
    6. Shina shine
    7. Kween
    8. Christie Benjamin
    9. Queen maya
    Some of them are old & consistent, some are old but not consistent while others are new & consistent. They deserve something better like onyx Godwin, Bonario & Ed Dreamz
    I rest my case......

  64. Hmmm! Well said I must say. An advice to consider if you ask me!!!

  65. Ok o! Linda plz I want to win something even if it's half bag of rice..😀😀😀

  66. Food for thought people!

  67. I sincerely agreee with this write up. Ppl feel coz of their celebrity status thy can jst wake up and win election. No way!!!

  68. This is one article which I strongly agree with Etc,he's 100 precent right. Linda I vote that SANDRA girl and bishop dammy

  69. Abeg tell dem

    #######LIB MY BADT HABIT#######

  70. Hmmm tell them. But Mr if u can't beat them, u join dem

  71. Linda...der is nothing "not nice" about this piece! He said the bitter truth!! As much as we dont like etcetera...abi comma....we shd appreciate d truth for once!! I kept wondering how that white haired musician was hopin to win! Mtcheew!

  72. So harsh but quite

  73. What's xcetera's own with their loss?

  74. Linda do not give alloy d money, he knows he doesn't deserve it too. I visit oda blog too but what alloy did wasn't right. I dnt care if he's a die hard fan of sdk but u dnt go there and tarnish lib image or come to lib and market sdk, even had d effrontery to put sdk on his name on lib. Truthfully I got to even know bout d oda blog sdk via his name. I just joined lib but what he did was wrong, but I really enjoy moses tho she's naughty.

  75. Haaahaaaaa na bad belle de worry u!!!

  76. I like dis guy jare always saying the truth go on etceterai de by ur handsome

  77. I like dis guy jare always saying the truth go on etceterai de by ur handsome

  78. I like dis guy jare always saying the truth go on etceterai de by ur handsome


  79. Oh father Lord you said i should pray i did U also said Fasting I did hmmm Faith i gat oh Lord now is the right time for you to rocate (Locate)N bring my own young single successful beautiful Godfearing prescious wife to me oo enough of her enjoying wherever she is if na dream she dey let her see my true picture N
    my pin if na church make she see for vision N if na wit another wrong guy oh lord show no mercy to her drag her with her human hair sharp sharp N bring her to me where she berong (belong) ijn Amem

    imortant notice to all ladies-:if u know you still gat troubles wit your life nd not ok sorry never ping me am not for you oo God go surely give you ur own N if you are Old or chating type looking for chat mate skip me please
    no offenses oo na wetin i want i talk
    Naija BB chat babes kip off no time for that cos
    I Am For Real
    Jah bless

  80. So harsh but

  81. I love this. Very informative and educative as well. Thumbs up Etcetera

  82. The man don come again

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  83. Well, he said the truth but you can't blame anyone who ventures into politics in this country cuz the sole aim of 99percent of our politicians is to enrich their pockets. It has become a norm and etcetera will do same if given the opportunity. How many politicians fulfil all the promises they made before entering their offices. No more black outs, no more this and that yet, all this r still our problems and they end up becoming so rich that even forbes notices. So forget matter, na d same people

  84. Best article i'v read so far!!! Aptly and adequately delivered. A word is enough for the fool.

  85. I'm beginning to like this guy, had to take my time and read through the write up and he made some sense. Nice one Mr .

  86. Best article i'v read so far!!! Aptly and adequately delivered. A word is enough for the fool.

  87. Wow! I love etcetera,true yarn my brother


    I used to b d am d #lender....#Hustle gats pay naani

  89. Nice one...tanx 4 trashing all dis shameless celebs

  90. 9ice don suffer from dis guy shai!anyway is bitter truth! I like is article

  91. True talk. But dis guy no dey tire

  92. lmaoo... got nothing against those entertainers buh like really, something deep down in me is jst happy they all lost out...esp 9ice. lmaoo


  93. ----------------;------//--/-------;-----;Linda I choose William and Bishop Dammy-------------------------------/

  94. Eeeeyahhh! ice and co, Una dey hear?

  95. *do their homeworks and start from the grassroots*

  96. If u av the opportunity too,u will contest,them losing doesn't makes them a loser,

  97. True talk.i love this

  98. Lool. The truth they say is bitter. 9ice is one of them.

  99. Nice Article...especially that stupid 9ice!

  100. Lol at ride on a horse like apostle Paul. That got me. Lol. I tell you my brother. What was he thinking. Politics isn't showbiz. It doesn't work that way. You have to be down to earth and carry a humble demeanour. Make the ppl feel relatable to you. In showbiz you're on stage singing and u get cheered. In politics as an aspirant u leave the stage my dear get into the crowd, do some rub body with the thieves the harlots the doctors the hair dressers and shoe menders in the crowd. This is no Jerusalem aNd he's no Jesus. No horse required

  101. Etcetera, i strongly agree with your write-up as you nailed it. There is more to be done by all this entertainers before delving into politics. You cant just come out and declare your intention of running, when you have a heavy scandal hanging on your head without clearing it off. I also enjoyed your last minute advice to them in case they need to tun for 2019. That's clever my brother......ITAMAN

  102. Dis guy likes wahala

  103. Hmm, your claims might not be true.

  104. This thing long ooo... Buh I try sha.....

    "You can’t just wake up
    one morning and ride on a horse down the streets like Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus and expect to be applauded into the government house?"

    Na one na 9ICE


    I used to b d am d #lender....#Hustle gats pay naani

  105. Hehehehheee gbenu e soun dis guy no go kill me

  106. As in ehn, bravo! Good write up

  107. Hahahahahha! @ride on a horse down the streets like Apostle Paul on his way to Damascus. That must be Apostle Nice

  108. I think this writer is from another planet because even a kid knew that primaries is full of arrangy

  109. This bros ehn.

  110. Lolll... Dis guy na attention seeker..
    Good morning Linda... I didn't win d 25k dis year too.. No
    Bt still nice work Linda..
    Good morning Libers..

  111. what's wrong with this man self?

  112. What an amazing writer!

  113. U couldn't ve say it any better bro, if only they can ask themselves the question u just pointed out,buh instead they run to twitter to express their stupid idearlogy.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#

  114. So harsh but

  115. So harsh but

  116. You this guy I hope u won't put urself in trouble one day, u knw truth is bitter

  117. Interesting post, but really how many of those who won primaries actually have good intentions for their constituency.

  118. The man dey vex o.

  119. is well with them

  120. This is a brilliant article. He is not having a go at someone. Linda stop talking about niceness and pick out the deepest truths in this young man's write up. Proud of you Etc.!

  121. Vexed human.

  122. Whatever men. The thing too long.

  123. hmmnn, well said

  124. Lmfao!!!! This guy is bloody hilarious! True though.

  125. Long story....abeg I no get strength 2 read all dis jagbajantis....ehn dis excetrera sef abi na wetin be dat him name sef,make him go rest abeg...he failed in his music career so he is busy trying 2 make a living and stay relevant off oda musicians...I can tell he is bitter sef, na person say make u dey talentless??? Nonsense

  126. I wholeheartedly agree with him on dis one. Alot of his points are valid.

  127. This guy is kelting it...hehehe

  128. too long joor.

  129. Very funny, but true talk! Sometimes you talk with ur brain, but sometimes it's just noise. So far I agree with you on this one, like I did on the Tiwa Savage marriage gaga. Continue to speak ur mind jare, naija needs more of your type

  130. >>>>> get a life Etcetera, you are so full of jealousy <<<<<<

  131. Wow! This guy can write!
    I support tho.

  132. Story for the gawds.

  133. Well spoken. #Fact#

  134. Even though am nt a fan of dis dude, the piece is really interesting.. Y'all entertainers dat wanna turn politicians, we all knw ur intentions..

  135. this guy is good....I sensed this entertainers are js going there to enrich themselves

  136. Lolz, dis guy funny, but wat he is sayin is d truth.

  137. This guy really knows how to insult people.

  138. Lmao. Pls they Shud not kill Ds guy4 me o

  139. Lolz. Ȋ̝̊̅§ he in anyway referrin to 9ice hehehe.

  140. lol.. these guy has come again..... that shld be none of his business....

  141. hello Linda good morning im recommending myself for two people u r giving 100k more ur blog is my source of info for long now,only thing is that i dont comment but start commenting not too long before you started ur giveaway,i will continue to be ur fun if win or not thank u,merry Christmas to you.

  142. hello Linda good morning im recommending myself for two people u r giving 100k more ur blog is my source of info for long now,only thing is that i dont comment but start commenting not too long before you started ur giveaway,i will continue to be ur fun if win or not thank u,merry Christmas to you.

  143. hello Linda good morning im recommending myself for two people u r giving 100k more ur blog is my source of info for long now,only thing is that i dont comment but start commenting not too long before you started ur giveaway,i will continue to be ur fun if win or not thank u,merry Christmas to you.

  144. Too long abeg. Mtcheew.

  145. Too Long Abeg. Mtcheeew

  146. Dem go soon beat dis guy,mtcheww bt den whch wan b ma linda ma bdai is 16th ooo

  147. that's not fair

  148. Good write up. Can't just wake up n decide to context for a political post. Hopefully they learn from this n next time, they perform better. Happy wknd LIB family n congratulations to those who won in d LIB giveaway. Ubanagum

  149. Lol,obviously a diss to 9ice,this etcetera your enemies go plenty ooo.Anyway u got some valid points highlighted.

  150. hahahaha..this article is a master piece and i love it...ZEUS

  151. I love this guy, wether pple like it or not, he is saying d truth.

  152. This dude tho...lool


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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