Dear LIB readers: My aunt's husband won't leave me alone | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday 26 November 2014

Dear LIB readers: My aunt's husband won't leave me alone

From a female LIB reader
I'm 18 years old, I'm living with my aunt. Recently, I notice the way my aunt's husband looks at me, like he gives me this look that always make me feel uncomfortable even when I look away and look back he still does it. Whenever we are alone in the living room, he starts asking me questions that I don't expect him to ask me. For example, "Do you have a boyfriend?" "I really want us to be close, like I always want you to be honest with me when we talk" and am like, "Is he really serious right now". At times when I'm upstairs in my room, he calls me to come downstairs & stay with him, so that we can talk

At end of the day, he goes on in wanting to know everything I do, who calls me, who hangs out with me, if I have a boyfriend, I generally try to avoid the conversation with him.
The other time when I was watching a movie on my laptop and was lying down on the couch in the living room, he came in and started touching me on the legs as he was asking me what movie I was watching, I told him, but he still kept touching me on the legs and the next thing, I felt his hands on my laps,  I didn't know what to do, I was looking for the courage to tell him to get his hands off me, but it wasn't there. Then I got uncomfortable and left the living room.

Another time I was in the kitchen eating cucumber, he came in and asked me to give him, but i told him that I've already put in my mouth, and he said he doesn't mind, but i told him no and left, ever since then i created an attitude of hate towards him, i respond rudely to him and ignore him at times, he even noticed it, but didn't say anything. Rather he went to my Aunt and was reporting me, saying bad things to her about him that i never did to him, he even went ahead to tell her about the Cucumber incident, but this time around, he twisted the whole situation, saying that i was yelling at him and told him to get out! that i won't give him my cucumber, he didn't even say the part of me putting in my mouth already.

My aunt confronted me about it and i said to her that i thought he was joking when he asked me for the cucumber and i decided to joke back at him by telling him that i won't give him (But i never said the part that i already had the cucumber in my mouth) Initially, that was what happened, it was a joke all together, but he wanted to get to me, since i decided start ignoring him. My aunt yelled at me and i didn't find it funny, it made me hate him more and he could see it and my aunt also testify to that.  Another issue we had was the time i put gas into one of his cars to use for my driving lessons, he knew that i used my money in putting the gas in the car, and he decided to use the car and ended up using all the gas, so My brother told me he was the one who used up all the gas, i went to him and told him politely that he used up the gas i put in his car, and i was going to use it for my driving lessons, he started  acting like he doesn't even know what i was talking about, then my aunt walked in and he started laughing saying that i was asking him to pay for the gas he used in his own car, i got mad and left.

My aunt called me again asking me why i confronted him without telling her, saying that i have no right to ask him to payback for the gas he used, that it's his car, and i should never confront him, i should come and tell her, that what i did was so dis-respectful She also said that the way i confront him at times always makes her wonder if i hate him, that what gives  me the audacity to confront him like that, but she doesn't even know it's because of what happened between us, when he touched me and also how he said he wanted us to be close. i left her and kept asking myself how was my action dis-respectful, i only ask him to pay me back the gas he used.   now a bigger problem went on today, one of his cousin came to stay with us, she normally goes to work in the morning, and it's his job to be dropping her off every time, but at times my brother drops her off when he drops me off to school. i was almost getting ready for school, and i told my brother i was done, the woman was actually sleeping  when i was telling my brother i was ready to go to school, but she overheard us and came out saying that her brother(My aunt's husband) wasn't around, that she didn't know i was going to school today that i should please wait for her let her get ready, so that my own brother could drop us all off, so i told her fine i''ll wait for her, even though i was very late to go to school and it's h an hour drive to my school.

Patiently waiting for her, my aunt's husband came back immediately, i greeted him and i was happy that he came back, at least he will drop his sister off, i ran upstairs to tell her that her brother was back and he will be the one dropping her off since she's still in the shower and can't wait anymore, immediately, my aunt's husband was downstairs, and he heard me when i was talking to his sister, he started shouting saying, what do i even mean that he will be the one dropping her off, that he just came back this and that, so i said politely to him, that i know but i'm late for school, my class has already started as i'm talking to u right now, he replied saying that he doesn't care if my class has stared that it's none of his business, that his sister whose job starts like in the next 2 hours must follow us and i and my brother should wait for her. i got mad, but i didn't say anything it was my brother who started shouting saying that he is not waiting for anybody and i was late for school, telling him if i'm waiting for her, it's mine business and I'll go to school late, my aunt's husband still shouting and yelling, i came downstairs saying that i won't wait and i don't care too. When my aunt came back he told her everything saying that i insulted him, by saying "i don't care too" and am like you were the one who started shouting unnecessarily when you're not suppose to shout, saying you don't care if i go late to school, he never denying saying that to my aunt, but annoyed me most wad that my aunt ignored what he said and was more focused on the reply i gave to him, which i never said in his face, she was shouting, they were both shouting at me, my aunt started saying that she doesn't understand why i hate him, she came up with gas and cucumber incident again, she just painted me black in front of him  making me feel like it's my fault, my aunt's husband said that he if ever insult him again, i'll leave his house. So i got mad and told my aunty everything, that he touched me! he wanted the cucumber in my mouth! he wants us to be close!, then when i looked at him, his jaw was dropped he couldn't believe i'll say something like that. My aunt's face changed, she started asking me what really happened and i told her everything, she now said no wonder! that she always wonder why i hate him, she started asking her husband, the idiot did not deny touching me rather he called it a playful touch, saying things like can't he joke with me, and i replied saying by touching me on the legs is now a joke, my aunt didn't find the allegation that i was accusing her husband, she even asked me to come and demonstrate how he was touching on her own body, i refused, he said, oh! you see" she doesn't want to, so i got angry and went over to my aunt to describe the touch, she asked me what i wearing that day, i told her i wearing a short, she asked me if it was an innocent or sexual touch, i didn't even know what to say to her again, at the otherhand her husband was shouting saying if it was like that i''l leave their house, he got angry and left the house, my aunt now said to me, i should tell her exactly what happened and i did, she ended up concluding that if it's like that i'll leave their house, because there is no way i and her husband will never be in peace together, even if i said it was an innocent touch, am  wrong for trying to use that against him because of how he said i insulted him, on the other hand if it was sexual, then am leaving their house to avoid trouble between them. i said nothing to her, but she has concluded her mind that am leaving their house, she told i should go to bed tomorrow morning we will talk about it again, i really don't know what to do or even who to talk about it with,  i really need help, please!


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yawanow said...

I'm glad you didn't succumb to his pressures. The best thing to do is to leave the house to avoid problem.

Anonymous said...

Look my dear, make haste and leave that house as fast as you can.
What lies ahead is not going to be rosy but at the end of time you would be very glad you left that house....

Unknown said...

The case has already bn which help do U need again......nUr aunty has made a decision of U leaving d houx so she can save her marriage............... I just hope U av anoda place to go to...dats it

Unknown said...

The best thing to do is to get out of the house or else one dae he will rape.

Anonymous said...

This na one chance oooo.
Hian. Nne I was even wondering why you waited so long to leave the house.
It wouldn't have gotten to this and you wouldn't have been the focal point of the now brewing quarrel between your aunt and her husband.
Nne, pack your stuff and leave. Okay?
Cos that man would have raped and possibly black mailed you some day.
Just cool down, everything would work out.

tsalz c.e.o said...

MadAM.... if u get anoda palce wey u go stay, u better go there..

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most boring made up junk I have ever read in my life. Seem your blog getting dead. Linda sit up!

Anonymous said...

i really think you should leave cause staying will only complicate the whole issue.

Unknown said...

Tell ur aunty or u leave d house

Unknown said...

It's over...
You can't stay in here
If you force yourself to stay, he will rape/ assault you soon. Leave the house & move on

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Unknown said...

So. na u and ur whole clan de stay wit ur aunty? Ur bro de plus u.....una mama de boy's quater? U bera go bak to ur family house b4 u bring prob bw dem.

Anonymous said...

Young lady, when you are older, you will understand that your aunty has done the best and the only thing for her to do at that point.

Please do not begrudge her, she is only doing the mature thing.. Maybe she should have expressly apologized to you, but in reality, she is protecting you, because from the point that man started showing his intentions, it was already time to leave.

I think the problem, you have is where to go and putting school in perspective. If you are in Uni, I think its time to move to the hostel, or get a small apartment with friends if your people will understand.

You really shouldn't have come here, rather you should have gone to an elderly woman, maybe a lecturer to narrate this ordeal. Because your aunty will be so so so cross, and her anger might not allow her help you. Because she might be in the position to help with getting a place.

Trust me, the next few days will be rough, so rough, you will regret even opening your mouth. But you need to be strong, and pray for wisdom to make the best of this situation.

Jesus loves you and He is capable of taking you through any situation.

Anonymous said...

Mtcheeeewww Rubbish story soa fake from start to finish. Things like dis happen oo buh dis one eeeh. O'fake gooon

Richard said...

Na wah o.

Anonymous said...

My lady Linda Ikeji, please and please why would you bring this matter here.

You should have gotten through to this lady and counseled her. For her to come here, she is so distraught on leaving that place, because maybe her aunty's house is so pivotal to so many things in her life.

Unknown said...

U did well by not allowing the man have his way on u, on d oda hand ur aunt's husband is a he goat kind of a mind so my dear the best thing for u to do now is to leave the house for them, truth does not need a lawyer, soon his evil ways will be uncovered( dats if u are telling the truth). U may suffer for a while but the reward is for eternity

JIRO said...

All the help you need now is to leave the house, you and your brother. Goodluck.

Unknown said...

U should av slapped him immediately he touched u..then he wouldn't av been able to be barking at u all d time.. he found u timid that was why he could cook up stories against u to his dumb wife.. Anyway, ur aunt is stupid.. I'd leave d house if i were u tho.

Anonymous said...

My dear just leave the house 4 peace to rain. Cos ur aunty can leave her husband cos he tired harassing you. *pls linda post my comment* Adaeze

Anonymous said...

Why are you confused again? You don't have a choice but to leave as your Aunt said. There can never be peace again in that house as long as you live there

ary said...

A long a** story, unless them plant you for that house, the best and only option is leaving that toxic environment, because at this rate even if your aunt catches you on top of her husband, she will say you seduced her husband! Tell your brother about the molestation, but you are disadvantaged that you and the vile man live under the same roof. Leave the house!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The point is you did the right thing by telling her the truth , so what ever she decides you have to go with it don't be too hard on yourself

Anonymous said...

Well dear your story is very long couldn't read every bit of it but lemme tell you something I am 25yrs old staying with my mum's sister she has 3boys, and the husband is indicted to anything with boobs and ass, anytime we meet in the passage he insist on a hug which I dnt give, his wife travelled out of the country for two months and I saw hell, it took the grace of God, I stopped staying in the living room, cause he was trying to touch me or asking me silly things, I started locking my room wenever am inside, he told my aunt lies about me and my aunt believed she said if not that her husband is God fearing am trying to seduce him. If you tell your aunt she wnt believe you rather she will say your trying to destroy her home, if you can't avoid him leave that house, someone like me I dnt ve anywhere to go am waiting for service, I do every thing I can to avoid him. Cos this my aunt husband is Hiv positive the last girl that openly told my aunt her husband has been touching her breast was sent packing before her SSCE exam. Be wise as serpent and brave as a dove. You are too young to be destroyed

snowflix said...

Best thing is to leave their house because whatever you say your aunt will never take sides with you she has to stand by her husband no matter his act towards you. So my dear sister pack your bag and leave the house #onelovefromSnow#

Chichi said...

My dear, pls leave the house before the useless man rapes you.

Livvsreamblog said...

Next time when u want to tell a story make it short.....the only problem i see here is that why r you and your brother living with your married sister/married couple?i dont care for the reasons you have to leave their house if you want your sister marriage to last,you can have holidays with your sister but living with them i dont support the idea because there will always be a problem like this.....remember your own case its not the first it happen when a family members lives with married couple for longer time

Unknown said...

Its a good one means d man has no respect for d wife ,which is ur sister ,buh ur sister said it all if u dont leave d house ,dre wil be more trouble for you , and at d end u might need to give up which u might endup bn pregant for him or ur sister knws abt d relationship and bring problem to d family leave d house .

Unknown said...

Bikonu, aunt's husband leave her alone..

Anonymous said...

Its a good one means d man has no respect for d wife ,which is ur sister ,buh ur sister said it all if u dont leave d house ,dre wil be more trouble for you , and at d end u might need to give up which u might endup bn pregant for him or ur sister knws abt d relationship and bring problem to d family leave d house .

Lulu said...

My dear, I think you have acted out enough. I'm sure by now he knows he made a mistake by trying to do anything inappropriate with you. However, you need to stop disrespecting him in his own house or else your aunt is going to throw you out.

You need to be polite, greet him when you see him but make sure you avoid him when you're home alone (stay in your room with the door locked if you have to). You need to stop this rudeness because trust me, it will not end well. My two cents.

Unknown said...

You should just leave the house and go to your folks house or another place. Things could really get escalated and if you get in harms way or maybe get raped (GOd forbid). You might not have anybody to rely on. You need to just leave that house peacefully and allow them to sort their things out by themselves

You can always talk to me if you need any direct help. my blog is and my email is I offer advice on home issues and many more general life topics.

Chyachebe said...

Go and leave in the hostel, u didn't say if u are an orphan or what? U need to leave that house ASAP.

Uche Emma said...

Run for your dear life

Baby P said...

Please leave the house with ur dignity intact.

Anonymous said...

yu did d ryt tin by telling ha d truth..nd best of all in frnt of him..jst move out to avoid futher insults cus if yu decide to stay dere,he'l make lyf a living hell for yu...go luk for anoda relative of yurs to stay wit

Anonymous said...

it's best if you leave the house... save yourself from rape, hate and family issues.

Anonymous said...

Is dis a movie?Linda pls mind d stories u post,becos dis is just dumb.

Anonymous said...

Are u looking for a sugar mummy or daddy please call dis line 07060801564 please be mature....

Unknown said...

Dear poster, this story of urs Is too long. U sound like a baby sef. How old are u? Smh* how many of una dey stay una aunty house sef? U, ur brother, his sister... extended family tipoju. whr are ur parents? U are supposed to have told them 1st n never have told ur aunty cos either way, na u dem go blame. Anywz, goodluck.. leave that house. Shikena!

Ladyp said...

Leave that house. The day he will rape u, your aunt wont blv a single word u will say. Am telling u this out of experience. If you know what is good for u, leave the house.

Anonymous said...

hmm..This is complicated. Leave their house for them. Face your studies, hope the he goat isn't the one sponsoring your education? If he's not, focus on your education, get a room in school, with your good heart and uprightness, God will give you a man who will love and cherish you and build a beautiful home together. Don't compromise on your principles, God will fight for you. You will be alive to see how that your aunts husband will end.

PHINITE said...

U jst hv to leave d house dear. Ur aunt dnt hv any choice, there's no way ur aunt wil stand her husband touching u mking u to disrespect him cos shes in d middle of it, so its either u or d husband leaves, n am sure u knw who she wiil choose.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, you can move to my place in surulere lol. As for your sisters hubby "Deris God oooo".

princess zee said...

Abeg leave their house, d man is a dog but do u want to be the one dat would destroy her marriage? Pls don't be selfish just leave their house

Unknown said...

My dear frnd! Dnt u have ur own parent? If you do go leav wit dem but if d house is too far frm sch den go stay @ d sch hostel, cus you anuty is pretending not to understnd cus she dnt wanna loss her husband, just leav d house and go stay in d hostel or rent a room close to sch.

Anonymous said...

Madam itz a no brainer na... Na to pack commot 4d house. Shikena!

Anonymous said...

Girl you did good by reporting to your aunt. I hate the idea of living with relatives,because you never know what they can do and it makes things really uncomfortable. i Lived with an aunt once and she maltreated my sister and i and when i see her today she will be smiling and all .i have forgiven her for what she did =, but i cant forget it. Now that she has said you will leave her house and you said you are also with your brother i really don't know where you can go to, because if you stay there it will be very uncomfortable for everybody she will not trust you neither will she trust her husband. I advice you to take it to God in prayer and pray for financial aid from God so you and your brother can have a place to stay. May God be with you. Be watchful around your uncle. i wish you the best.

Anonymous said...

Babe,You dont need any help.leave that house.If you dont leave the man will rape you.You cant come in between ur sis and her husband.leave the house

Blacky 1 said...

please move to my place lol....

Blacky 1 said...

Please move to my place

OnAHotSunnyDay said...

Pele Dear, I feel your pain, just jejely leave the house abeg, infact you should have left the house immediately you started noticing his moves, but well, just leave the house and find some where else to stay.

Anonymous said...

sigh these predators! i commend you of speaking up. there is never a right or wrong time to speak up about issues like this. Know that she has said you will leave her house do you have someplace else to go? i can not imagine myself still staying there after reporting such an issue because it will be so uncomfortable.Now what happens to your brother? does he leave to? did you discuss this issue with him also? pray about this.

Anonymous said...

U don't need any help!!... its better u leave their house!!...

Anonymous said...

Pls leave their house!!!

Mr_SouL Get Naija Twitter/IG followers/7AB109CB said...

can you leave the house asap and come share my self contain with me already? hope u can cook good coz I like to eat... on them thighs

Adedeji Tobbie said...

That serves u right....u r doin jagaban in someone's ause....Na ur papa ause?...Na ur papa ause?

Anonymous said...

That serves u right....u r doin jagaban in someone's ause....Na ur papa ause?...Na ur papa ause?

AY DOT said...

My dear leave that house fast

AY DOT said...

My dear leave that house fast

Anonymous said...

It's all your fault . Number one you were not supposed to be giving him attitude in the first place . There are ways to everything . If you had been matured and maintain your respect for him I am sure he would have a change of mind and realize he didn't need that shit . But you thought you could fight for yourself buy wagging war against your brother inlaw in his own house my dear you are fighting a lost battle and secondly you were not supposed to tell your sister anything because you can't expect her not to react in way that will never favor her matrimony . All you supposed to do is to be calm with him ,show no sign hatred ,try as much as possible not to be alone with him . But you thought fighting back in a childish way was the best . Yes you must leave that house since you have let the cat outta the pocket . You caused it . This happens a lot in different areas where girls would fighting back in a annoying and childish manner . Girls really need to be calm and accept shit sometimes in other to win . Fighting back doesn't solve the problem in anyway . All you have to do is watch . Please dear go find another home because you can't stay there any longer . It's not possible . You caused it and you must face it . Leave their house let them have peace since you think some thinks are not supposed to be left unsaid .

Anonymous said... sef?ur married n ur tryin 2 talk ur wife's relative in2 doin wat??kai!.some men just dnt fear God...dats wia disrespect cums in dear,it's well..

Anonymous said...

Please and please, your Aunty made the right move. Please leave that home before another incident happens as you have already said the matter at hand in the open.

Anonymous said...

in a nutshell, your aunt's husband made passes at you, you refused and now he's painted you badly to your aunt, who doesnt trust you anymore, even moreso that youve reported her husband to her. now you stand the risk of being kicked out of the house. isokay... men tho.

Anonymous said...

Long story for the Gods *yawns*

Anonymous said...

I was going to advise u to leave d house b4 I got to d end of ur story...Nne leave dt house b4 u break their home pls,its nt ur fault I know bt it's better dt way...I don't like d way u blurted it all out to ur aunt bt hey ure only 18 u cudnt hv handled it better...find some place else to go,maybe hostel or so,dt house wil b too uncomfortable 4 u henceforth,sorry my darling u'll b fine

Kponskii said...

Phew! Long matter.

Unknown said...

Are u okay at all? U ve bin asked to leave their house so leave before things blow out of proportuon

Anonymous said...

Give him what he wants na....and stop disturbing us.....Pls

Unknown said...

u jst have to be extra careful.

Anonymous said...

Please leave the house and find somewhere to stay (IF ALL WHAT YOU SAID WAS THE TRUTH). If your Aunt did not believe now I'm sure the man would do same to someone else soon and she would believe you. Thank God you did not yield to temptation.
You would surely get help.

Anonymous said...

you need to leave that house fast; things can never be the same again in that house NO MORE TRUST AND PEACE, RESPECT IS LOST ALREADY

Anonymous said...

Leave the house. The man is an idiot. He has no business whatsoever touching you in any form of way. If you are uncomfortable that means, your instincts are telling you he is wrong. Pay attention to your instincts.

Unknown said...

Just leave that house!

Anonymous said...

That serves u right....u r doin jagaban in someone's ause....Na ur papa ause?...Na ur papa ause?

Anonymous said...

The best thing is leaving the house to allow peace to reign and not break your sis home,though its no fault of urs.

Anonymous said...

Leaving the house is your best option. This is the only option that can preserve your relationship with your aunt. If you stay back, you will either be at logger head with your aunt by fighting her husband frequently or you give in to satisfy the man thereby tearing their home apart.

Anonymous said...

Ok jumoke I am your aunty and I have read this. Time to deal with my husband.


Anonymous said...

I think it is best for you to leave their house biko.

Anonymous said...

Its another case of love turn to hatred. My advice is that you leave the house for peace to reign. I am certain that the family will never remain the same after now. Keep your mind and never allow it to bother you much. Pray for your aunt and the husband so that this will not be the end of their marriage. I am persuaded that she knows the truth but her love for her marriage may never allow her to admit it. And who knows if the man has not been so involved outside the matrimony. You may have to make the sacrifice now by getting out of their lives but it will surely be worthwhile. I wish you the very best of God.

Anonymous said...

This girl must really be stupid, if you are staying with someone you need to show more respect to the person. If he made passes to you it is your right to tell him you don't like it and report him if he continue but bringing it up because you were accused of being rude is very childish and unreasonable. How would you expect someone that just came back to take the sis to work when your brother was there and you agreed to wait before. It is his house and his car and you have no right to dictate to him how to manage it. If I were him you would move out of my house that instance.

Anonymous said...

I think your aunt is right. Your relationship with him can never remain the same and the resulting conflict could result in to matrimonial problem for your aunt. Just look for an alternative accommodation and pack out. Kudos to you for resisting that abomination.

Anonymous said...

Yes, my dear girl. You are young, but you are an adult. You don't need your Aunty to tell you that you have to leave that house. REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE ENVIRONMENT. But in future you have to learn to be sensible and tactical in handling inappropriate advances from men, because you could encounter this again at the workplace. For instance, how much fuel did you put in SOMEONE's car that you had the nerve to demand a refund? Can you also refund the usage of the car? Again was it in your place to make the decision that your Aunt's husband will take his sister to work? Are you the boss of him? Couldn't you have asked your Aunt for money, assuming that you cannot forfeit 2k or 3k? Because i know you did not fill the tank. Or couldn't you quietly take a public transport to school? You people had not yet been intimate and yet you were rude. I imagine that you are the type that will now sit on top of your Aunty's head, when you guys finally have an affair. Please peacefully put your stuff together and find an alternative accommodation. You should have suggested this to your Aunt at the very first sign of trouble and not wait for her to do so. All the best.

Joyful Joy said...

It's better you leave the house just like your aunt said.

Unknown said...

My dear,is very simple,d best thing to do if I were in ur shoes is to leave d house for them to aviod troubles

Anonymous said...

leave the fucking house or he will rape you simple

Unknown said...

my advice dear, leave the house if you have somewhere to stay. Your aunt's husband is going to try to make you miserable, i am sure his wife knows well that her husband is not faithful, stop being disrespectful to him and you shld have told your brother even if u couldn't tell ur aunt.Don't ever let him have his way with you though. God will help you just ask him to.

#king said...

well its unfortunate..U made a mistake abt d fuel u bought..Sometimes u have to ignore somethings..u bought gas and so? he owns the car..He even gave u freedom some uncles wont allow such unless u are his daughter..Even the other day about going to sch late, ur response was senseless..he just came back and u wanted him to go and drop someone immediately? Do u know if d guy is exhausted? The way u handle things is not the best..What he did is not good but he owns the house..Just leave so peace will reign........................................#KingOfKings #6ixGod

Anonymous said...

leave the fucking house or he would rape you simple

Unknown said...

My dear if I were u I will leave d house to aviod trouble,leaving God to judge d man

Unknown said...

better you leave now

Anonymous said...

Jst leave the house...nxt tym, try getin ur facts correct b4 "accusin" pple, so dat u dnt end up destroyin pple's hme

drjay said...

Leave the house. And fast. Your aunt cant help you. The world is a sorry plsce my dear.

Boladale said...

There is nothing to say again, your sister have said it, the two of you cannot stay together again. Sorry go find alternative

Unknown said...

you have to notify your aunt husband that you are goin to tell her wife. i hope he will stop disturbing you

Mr Sabi Finish said...

Thats just the best and only solution to it. sorry girl, but you have to leave d house. simple and short. Gbam

Anonymous said...

Jst leave the hauze, u have overstayd ur welcome, nxt tym, try getin ur facts correc b4 "accussin" pple #udo

Anonymous said...

My dear friend, leave the house from what I see u hv an innocent heart and that's good. Just leave dear. There will always be a way... thats life for u... be strong dear....U did the right thing

chinweudo said...

my dear, u really have to leave that house to avoid further commotion cos that man is up to sumting and it will not be nice for the family to break up cos of u. look for ur other family or friends to stay wit, if ur aunt can afford to rent a room for u, den she sud do so

uniquima said...

Waoh u were rili bold to have told it to ur aunt bt then u should have known the instance u did that u can no longer stay in the house. Its his house he decides hu stays he's her husband she definitely wouldn't choose u over him. Guess u will have to find somewhere else to stay

Nonny said...

It's nt a must dat u live in their house,pls fine some place else to go live and allow d couple to fool dem selves

EDD said...

Immaturity just they worry this small pikin lol. Its a good thing u finally told ur aunty and the best thing is to leave the hse cos one day that man go rape u wella. In a normal circumstance u shld nt have confronted ur Aunty husband for using the fuel buh cos he has belittled himself b4 you I understand why u wld talk to him anyhow

chinweudo said...

my dear, u really have to leave that house to avoid further commotion cos that man is up to sumting and it will not be nice for the family to break up cos of u. look for ur other family or friends to stay wit, if ur aunt can afford to rent a room for u, den she sud do so

Unknown said...

It's a real serious case, u shouldn't have told ur aunt everytin o, u should have left the house in peace coming up with a reasonable excuse because that man can frustrate ur lyf if u are still there. And even now that uve told ur aunty and u still want to continue living there u won't be free for a second all eyes will be on u so it's better u find somewhere else to stay. My own opinion

Walsmorgan said...

This is jaw wrecking. Thank God u summoned up courage. Some men sha. I hope your sister would handle it maturedly.

Anonymous said...

You should have asked for this help before now. No doubt, you mismanaged the situation probably because of your age. You cant fight a man in house and still want to remain there.From your narrative, you were very rude to him and my advise is for you to leave his house.
Granted, what he did by touching you inappropriately was very wrong but it is not enough for you to be exchanging words with him. You should have had a heart to heart discussion with your Aunt. She would have handled it better.

Anonymous said...

My dear it's best u left d house,and pls u wrong very wrong to act out ur hate.if he used up d gas u bought u shd ve gone to ur aunt,and asked her nicely for money to refil since her hubby used it up.abt d cucumber he was being plain stupid.abt d issue of dropping his sister,knowing d situation on ground u shd ve opted to use public is never rite to shout bk @ an elderly person except u re shouting for help talk more of ur aunt's hubby.self control n wisdom was wat u lacked in dis issue cos u shd ve left d house or told ur aunt b4 now.anyway I think I shd leave d house

tuffcookiey said...

Leave their house. . Simple

Unknown said...

That ur sister no even get sense@ all, she thinks her horsesband will stop there, he will continue outside, that ur sister 's horseband, na pervert, he is a useless person to d core, e no see anybody else to befriend na ur wife sister, my dear if u can find a place to stay, pls move out, the thing way dey ur sister eyes never clear, when it clear, by then e don dey too late for her. Yeye dey smell

Unknown said...

Mtcheww M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ dear I don't blame you is Linda I blame for putting up this your childish story...notin wey person ♑ G̶̲̥̅̊☺ read for dis blog oº°

Anonymous said...

go said...

Oh!!! Sorry Doll...All These Men Sha... It All Depends On The Other Option... Now That Your Sister Is Aware Claim It's Just An Innocent Touch. Any attempt by the old fool to go further with any sorta touching inform your sister. #Peace

ChiboyChuks said...

The truth is you never talked to your uncle maturely... When he made the first move and you read it, you should have called him and talk to him about 'You nnot being interested and you don't want to end up a rival to your aunty' or probably tell him that your male friends in school are wooing you and that you're going to make the best choice by having a boyfriend that's around your age circle.

But the deed is done already! (UDO)

Anonymous said...

I dont know how poor or rich you are to afford moving,but that was your ticket long time was inevitable...u wld ve either left with shipload of problems(pregnancies,abortions,divorce etc) or leave now with panadol headache.
I am sorry to say this but i used to be a SEX ADDICT (till Jesus! Yes my sweet love and light pick me up and perfected me) and your aunt's husband is a disaster waiting to happen(maids,neighbour's wife,teens,any skirt).
Condemn and insult him as much as your can if God's GRACE doesn't liberate him,his life is a living hell...i know that torturous hell of wanting to stop but condescending more and more into the slimy dark pit of empty sex binges.
You were his sexual hell.(your innocent smile,minis,spagettis were running riotious signals to him)..he is sick and needs help..until u know u ve a problem,u cant solve it...

Anonymous said...

Leaving ur aunt place is d solution 2 ur problem because if u don't he will keep pestering u

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart unfortunately it has come to this. Your aunt is right, there is no way you can remain in the house after the bubble has burst like this, remember she still has a home to keep. While we shouldn't cry over spilled milk, next time, find a responsible and experienced adult to talk to in times like this.
You went over board by being confrontational and it always comes back to bite in the ass. just take it as one of life's mean lessons.

Unknown said...

Wonder what's with men of today

Julietta said...

Mcheeeeeeeeeeew! Story for the gods, abeg dis na "tall tale"

Unknown said...

My dear leave d house becos one day he meant rape u

Anonymous said...

You are a Very rude girl!

Leave their house and go back to the village.

Oasis said...

Metinks u re rude,hostile nd disrespectful albeit am nt a party 2 his amorous advances on u

Anonymous said...

First of all, you didn't act mature at all, I had advice you to leave that house cos if you stay that man will make ur life a living hell in that house.. he is a usless man n u r naive too.

Anonymous said...

First of all, you didn't act mature at all, I had advice you to leave that house cos if you stay that man will make ur life a living hell in that house.. he is a usless man n u r naive too.

Unknown said...

Leave dia house for dem jare. I really dont like d idea of living with extended family except in extreme aituation and its a last resort. Its either I'm with my parents or I'm on my own.

Anonymous said...

Get a place close to your school and have peace of mind. One day he just might rape you, if you stay back and no one would believe you when you tell the story .Then your entire community would hear about it ,but now it's still within her home .be thankful and get the hell out .Just keep praying .God will surely guide you.

Unknown said...

The best thing is leaving the house as your aunt has suggested to avoid more problems
between you too. Beg your aunt to always provide your needs where ever she decides you go.

Unknown said...

well .. for me believe it or not u made a big mistake.. come to think of it... who do u think she will support. U?.. against her husband??... and put her home in trouble just to plss u?..hmm.. well i do not think even u will want that if u love u aunt ...1 u should not have confront him.. or insult him.. he is the LORD of the House u know.... 2 u should may be ve told ur aunt right from the start( start if ur aunt is mature).. so pls just leave the house for good.. and stay alway from them for good.... time will surely heal wound

Anonymous said...

You hv no right to confront him. If u reject him,reject everytin

Didi Banks said...

Hi dear,
I can't claim to know exactly how you feel, but I can confidently say the following:

1. The did the right thing by speaking out on the issue. If you had get it in, it will either make you hate him the more or end up giving in to his wish via rape or otherwise.

2. As it stands now, the best is to leave that house. I'm not really sure if you have another relative you can put up with or not, but its best to leave that house in order to avoid a likely rape situation or at least to help save their marriage.

3. Believe or not, your aunt knows you are telling the truth, but like any other married lady that'd like to save her marriage at all cost, she'd appear not to support you. And by asking you to leave their house, she's somewhat saving you from a future situation that might not be good.

All in all, you did the right thing and I salute your person/character.

Didi Banks

Anonymous said...

Honestly, you should leave the house.
Whether it was innocent or can't read his mind you know.
whatever it started getting rude to him...yes asking your AUNT's HUSBAND to pay back for the fuel he used up in HIS car is an wouldn't ask your dad to repay...more so someone more distant not related by blood.
You started getting rude to him because you have it in your mind that he's interested in you (which may not fully be the case).Also, for you to bring it up much later..long after the last incident had's like you are giving your aunt reasons why you have and should be rude to was never going to work in your favour.

Anonymous said...

What other help do u need? U said u re 18...even without being told common sense should tell u dat u need to leave that house asap! unless u want to destroy ur auntie's marriage.

beng said...

U are the biggest fool on earth...leave that house u bastard.u and ur stupid d stupid man give una car na to dey use.go to ur fathers house ode.

Amebo said...

Your Aunty's husband will one day rape you. Leave the house now!

Anonymous said...

yes i support ur aunt, if u have somewhere else to stay i advise u go and stay there cos that man will make ur staying in his house a living hell.

RUKKEE!!! said...

tIs already certain that you will Leave the house, What you need think about is WHERE TO GO.....#####

Unknown said...

House of shouting indeed.
If I'm you, I gotta get ma bod outta d house.

Ur aunt ain't helping matters too and d hussy is kinda manipulative.

Please use d exit b4 it turns to physical violence.

Anonymous said...

Dis one na essay writing..... sho, cant believe i wasted my time reading this. she wants you out,then leave.

Dotted lines said...

My dear leave d haus she will find out herself wen he strt touchin other women

Unknown said...

Yu are a big fool......

Unknown said...

U should just leave the house as d wife has said it's irrelevant she doesn't trust u or doesn't want fighting in d house

Anonymous said...

poor narration. cldnt read up to half

Anonymous said...

This kinda house wia u don't respect d man of d house I guess is ur aunty dat puts food in d table. I dare not talk bk at my sister's hubby not to talk of my aunt hubby.. ur really insulting dis man I must say. Just leave d house

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahaha my dear it so unfortunate, shit happen the best thing is to just leave that house, the did has been done. you can't fight the owner of the house jut leave.

Anonymous said...

Your uncle is a victimizer and I'm glad u were able to open up to ur aunt. U did the right thing. Just take it easy and watch how things play out, it's actually best for you to leave the house, because ur uncle won't let u rest again

Kofi Lannister said...

Loool. You had me at 'eating cucumber'

Anonymous said...

Couple should try as much as possible to keep families away from their homes. Give them assistance wherever they r. They don't need to leave with u. From this whole story, it obvious d couple ve no child yet, and now, see all d mess. As for u writer: for the interest of peace, and for ur own safety too, u ve to leave. Ur sister is so right with her decision. Leaving that house is d only solution.

Unknown said...

Your loud mouth put you in trouble... There are ways you could have avoided such. You could have acted so innocent to him and make him feel guilty without insulting him. He's the boss and don't think your aunt would leave him because of you. What were you thinking?

Anonymous said...

Heya, what about ur parents? It must be really tough for you. Even ur aunt sef, it will be tough for her too bcos both of you can't stay in the same house after this incident...someone has to leave the house, n she can't really drive her husband away from the house, so...

Unknown said...

Leave dere ouz nau..... na by 4ce

Tanya said...

The best thing is to leave the house. Do you have somewhere else to live?

Anonymous said...

Although he is a pervert, i would be wrong and ignorant of you to expect your aunt to choose or leave her husband over U.Please leave the house for our own sake

exciting lifestyle consult blog said...

Eyaa! I feel ur pain. My dear just leave d house. I hpe u hav money to tak care of urself if not let ur aunt knw abt ur delima. Dat u had wanted to leave but Bcos u can't tak kia of urself dtz why u decided to overlook her husband's behaviour

Amaks said...

Thank God you resisted the evil man. Please the most honorable thing to do is to leave the house as soon as possible. Do not stay any longer or you will end up being the cause of their break up. Please leave. Stay with other relatives or your parents. Leave that family with immediate effect.

Anonymous said...

Leave the house. You've lost the battle when the lady of the house knows her man's preying on you and isn't doing anything about it. She probably "hates divorce" and hanging on for life. Get out of there before she flips the script on you and says you're seducing him.

Amaka said...

Thank God you resisted the evil man. Please the most honorable thing to do is to leave the house as soon as possible. Do not stay any longer or you will end up being the cause of their break up. Please leave. Stay with other relatives or your parents. Leave that family with immediate effect.

Anonymous said...

My dear,if you have another option of a safer place to stay then leave to avoid stories because in the end, u will take all the blame.

Anonymous said...

most men are senseless naa,most of them are Animals,i don't knw what's so special in Sex that make them even wanna sleep with their daughter,..... very few men are sensible

Unknown said...

U need to leave

Unknown said...

Abeg find way comot for dat house o!!!

Anonymous said...

There will always be tension leave d house for sometime

shannaro said...


You are in serious danger in that house the longer you stay. Even if you are RAPED in front of your Aunt you will be blamed no matter what. Even if he dsn't assault you its your reputation that will go down the gutter not your uncle's you'll be accused of destroying their home. See your aunt asking YOU what you were wearing the day he touched you??your uncle making shit up?that's the basic bullshit script you see in all these cases so just leave please Jesus Christ. Do you have parents/other gardians/(trusted)family members/friends you can move in with? If you have parents then by all means tell them everything asap and go back to them even if you have to stop school for a while before you find an alternative place.MOVE OUT please do not take this lightly this thing will blow out of proportion sooner or later and you will be on the receiving end.

Anonymous said...

No mind linda, she no get news again. She asked mi to show her how he touched me, brabrabra. So angry now

Mummy Prince said...

To me, I think the best thing for you to do is to leave that house and look for somewhere else to live. Since you did not agree to the passes of your aunt's husband, there is bound to be problem between you and him even between the three of you. It can even bring problem in the home of your aunt so since it has not come to that, please leave that house, for your own good.

shannaro said...

ps: find the courage to say NO!You have to speak up and protect yourself when inappropriate things are done to you no one will do this for you gd luck.

Anonymous said...

I'd advice u leave the house! No need for much talk..

Anonymous said...


mr Goldberg said...

It wasn't your fault it turned out thisway. He'd hv continued with it if you hadn't acted. So just remain patient and humble till the end and god will reward you for that. As forhim, he'll suffer the consequence

DOS said...

My dear leaving the house is the best decision to make in a situation like this in order to avoid being seen as the cause of any marital problems that may arise btwn he and your aunt on account of this.

Adedolapo said...

This story is meaningless...u've already been ordered to leave the house so which advice are u asking for again-That u stay and get raped-OH!....maybe u want
it....Had it been u left their house and he kept chasing u then i can give u Shekau's no. so he can send his goons and bundle him away.....

Anonymous said...

Leave the house and go to an hostel. Don't wait or waste time, leave now

Anonymous said...

People like u are what's the problem with this world... if u don't hv something nice to say den don't say anything

Unknown said...

My dear, i'm so happy for your bravery and courageous. Please leave the house now to avoid story that touchs.

Unknown said...

My dear, I'm so happy for your bravery and courageous. Please leave that house now to avoid story that touchs. As it is now, you are his enemy and your aunt will not trust you again. She will get at you in anything you do.

Anonymous said...

Really? It's brcause of back-wards illiterate minds like yours that people don't report assault. How can she cause problems for someone who is married to a potential rapist?

Anonymous said...

U are a good girl...u spoke a little too late tho..u shuda told her when it was happening in the beginning or even recorded one of the conversations or something...cos now it will turn against u if he denies it...and he may even tell your aunty that u are framing it...hmmm my dear just find another place to go and's good that she has told u to leave and he did not end up raping u

Anonymous said...

Why can't she? Is her aunt under lock and key? Tomorrow that same aunt will come with headlines : dear lib readers? My husband is cheating on me. Hissssssss

Anonymous said...

Does she really have to stand by her husband? Tomorrow she will go to church yet she has the nerve to turn away blood for a potential serial cheat. Smh!

fewspharm said...

Now tell m how this family wouldn't know it was u that sent the story to linda. What if ur aunt is a perpetual LIB?

Anonymous said...

You will know a matured mind by their advice. In addition girl friend, talk with your brother so you move out together maybe get a small place. It is best you stay with your elder brother for now.

Unknown said...

My dear ur problem has being solved by them telling u to leave, u will b leaving their house to become successful in life, if all u have said is nothing but d truth, God will surely provide for u a better place of abode.Besides dis ur Aunts husband, dsn't he work? Cause all I can deduce from ur write up is he drives and drops off ur Aunt, dsnt he have a Job.

Anonymous said...

Lmao! OMG, moses ur a fool

Anonymous said...

Poster all I can say is you are lucky uyour aunty is smart. She knows what happened she doesn't blame you. It is best you leave to avoid future problems with the relationship you have between your aunty and her husband. Even if she changes her mind and asks you to stay, it is not a good idea. You must go. Go now before things escalate more than this. In years to come it will all fade away.

Toronto Finest said...

Just dont blame your aunty.. she is doing what she has to do to keep her future.. her marriage and her happiness. .Your aunty wont leave her hubby for you cos one day.. you will leave your aunty to live with your own hubby too. Bear the lost!

Toronto Finest said...

lmao.. EVIL GIRL

Toronto Finest said...

Is that how you used to slap your aunty's hubby? Do you skip a puberty stage or where is your maturity

oakman said...

why did you not tell your sister the first time?

That inaction/or omission by you has resulted in these series of events.

Always communicate

oakman said...

you should have told your sister the first time this happened.

The fact that you did not tell your sister has resulted in the series of events that has led to your leaving the house now.

eazywealth concepts said...

Its already written on the wall except you you refuse to read..LEAVE THE HOUSE.


Unknown said...

Leave the hosue is d only thing..

Unknown said...

I don't expect you to be asking any question, the matter has been settled by leaving their house immediately otherwise, the man can rape you and nothing good will come out of it. Don't thing of the benefit or what you are gaining by staying in their house but think of your future first. God will help you and HE will provide and make a better way for you.

Jeni_zee said...

Nicely said , dis gal is silly cos u cNt b misbehaving in someone's house, u wud av used maturity to handle it, do u tink wen u tel ur anty she wud let u stay?

Anonymous said...

Something similar has also happened to me, my uncle used to ask me if I have a boyfriend, if i'm a virgin, why I haven't had sex even telling me about strong condoms. He used to say he wants us to have a close relationship. At first it was weird but then I was like no it can't be what I think. And I relaxed but then I started getting certain looks and it made me uncomfortable and I realised that these things happen as much as you want to believe that its impossible it happens its just best for uncles to remain uncles, not close friends. That period I felt like I was coming between him and his wife, he was always complaining about her anyway cutting the story short once you feel " this is weird and inappropriate" it probably is don't wait for another confirmation just politely withdraw yourself…

Unknown said...

Unreasonable answer...why will u insult her? Na ur type be thus. Dey sleep with ur wife sis . its her sister's house too. Grade 5 ode like u. U didn't even read the story well. Fool

Anonymous said...

I av gathered some important points here;
1.Your sister's husband was wrong to make advances on you.
2.You were very stupid,
3.You harassed him sexually first,it seems u were looking for something with wch u will have leverage over him.(u succeeded ofcourse but it could't last)
4.Both U and ur entire fam members have a stronghold on this ur inlaw.
U and ur so-called brother lack respect for ur inlaw who provides food and shelter for both of u.(imagine u telling him to pay u for using d gas in his car,imagine u and ur brother telling him what to do in his own house.WHAT INSOLENCE!!!

5 .Infact i think he didn't just touch u, i believe u guys have been slleping together and something went wrong along d way.
6. Finally i think d man himself is half a man, i think d wife must have been d breed winner of d fam.

Pack and leave d house immediately unless u av another mission that both ur aunt and d so-called husband aren't aware of.


Anonymous said...

Good job on your advise

Anonymous said...

Sure she should leave but WHERE do you want an 18years old to move to? How will he pay rent?..I think its best you leave but will need like 2 weeks to plan where to stay and all.But you need to leave, do you have other family in that state with no husband, cos this story will spread..maybe you and your brother should go and rent a place

Anonymous said...

My dear, I am a married woman, buh not dat I dnt trust my hubby, buh somtimes, devil will use one tin or d other to want to destroy our happy home, I hv decided not to allow any of my female relatives to live wit mi, they can com for holiday buh living? No no, I dnt want prob, I can help in any way buh not living in ma ouz, cos even if ma hubby dd not make advances on them, d devil can make dem seduce him n u know most men r weak in rejecting sex advances,, I prefare his relatives living wit mi dan ma relatives!!!! Buh my dear u shdnt hv bin so rude to him cos no mather wot, he is still n remain d owner of d ouz,, for mi I cannot take it from mi if u insult mi not to talk of insulting ma hubby,, d man is even too free to u guys by allowing u drive his car, I will not even allow my little sis to drive his car cos I know da one day it will bring insult,, u even hv d right to ask him y he use d fuel u put in his own car, he made passes at u n so wot,? Is dat y u shd talk to him any ow? All u shd hv done is tell him u dnt like it n if he try it again, u will tell his wife, he will know dat u r serious n den he will stop, I can c dat u dnt like d comfort n enjoyment u r enjoying in dat ouz, cos I know dat d man n his wife pays ur bills, sponsor ur education u n ur broda even drive his cars, u even hv laptop n they hv a maid to serve u, now u know wot u r about to loose, next tym, u will know ow to respect ur elders, n b polite wen talking to some one who is feeding u!!! I rest my case!!! Mrs Nelly is my Name

Unknown said...

Make haste n leave dat house. What do u expect ur aunt to do, send her husband away? U r d one to leave so just do that gladly.

Anonymous said...

What the uncle did was very wrong but this child needs to grow up. You need to pack your things and leave that house cos you have no regard for your aunt by talking to her husband with such disrespect. U no knw ur mate? If the thing no even dey sweet you sef cos some of these external family members are home breakers in disguise. You still dey get leg to wear shorts u no see jalabia? Well from your boldness and arrogance it's clear your sis might be the breadwinner cos even your brother doesn't have respect for the inlaw. Pack your load n leave that marriage alone!

Anonymous said...

U better leave d house asap. What did u expect for ur aunt to back u n spoil her relationship with her husband. Nah. U should leave b4 u ruin things for them. Also think u r bit rude for real u coulda handled d situation better in a mature way n not engaging in a screaming match every time with d person u r living under his roof. and ur aunt is right. U should have been coming to her directly for stuff not going to d man direct r u cray. Ur aunt is d relation u know not him. Putting fuel in his car without his permission or ur aunt's. U need to improve ur behavior in ur own way, grow up stop being a baby. Leave d goddamn house go to sch hostel their lives won't end cos her husband touched ur leg. Men will be men. Life continues.

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