Primary school teacher rapes 10year old pupil | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 14 August 2014

Primary school teacher rapes 10year old pupil

Adeniran Adebayo, (pictured above) a primary school teacher has been arrested and arranged in court by the Lagos state police command for raping a primary 4 pupil inside the toilet of their private primary school located on Olateju Ilesanmi Street, Baruwa, Ipaja area of Lagos, Punch reports.

Testifying before a Lagos State Chief Magistrate Court in Ebutte Metta yesterday August 13th, the Investigating Police officer from the state Criminal Investigation Department Yaba said he interrogated the little girl three times in which she affirmed that her teacher, Mr Adeniran, who is married with two children, had lured her to the school toilet and forced himself into her and then threatened to flog her if she screamed. Continue...
The police officer investigating the case said;

"I interviewed the victim after the matter was brought to the SCID. She said on the fateful day, she was in school after the closing hours and was waiting for her younger brother, who attended the same school, so they could go back home together. While waiting, she decided to get busy with her assignments. She said it was while she was doing the assignment that the teacher came and said she should follow him. He then took her to a toilet within the school premises and threatened to cane her if she screamed, unzipped himself, undressed the pupil and made love to her. The girl said she was crying while this was on. It was a female teacher, who was passing by that heard her cry. The female teacher came closer to have a better look and immediately the suspect saw her, he quickly zipped up. The pupil said the female teacher told him that being a teacher, he should never have taken advantage of the girl.”
The accused, Mr Adeniran, while narrating what happened to the Chief Magistrate, denied the claims, saying he never raped the girl
"I am the health teacher of the school. I married five years ago, and have two sons. There are six male teachers in the school. On that day, I didn’t call the girl. I only stood at the gate and asked her and her brother to go home. That was all. I was surprised that after four days, they came to my office and arrested me. The toilet in question has never even been used by anybody.” he said
The Chief Magistrate, O.O. Olatunji, was however not satisfied by his own account, stating that children between the ages of 6-11 never tell lies
"Kids hardly lie, especially when they are between the ages of six to 11. And that’s why I find it hard to believe the account of the defendant. People like you should not be in the society. If like you said there were six male teachers in your school, why did she decide to pick only you? It’s such a big shame,” the Chief magistrate said
The police prosecutor advised the court to remand the accused in prison but he was granted bail in the sum of N300,000 with two sureties in like sum. The judge ordered Adeniran should be remanded in Prison until the bail conditions have been fulfilled. The case was adjourned till October 15th.


  1. What a wicked peadophilia he is, he must dance to the music of the law


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    1. Paedophile is the noun, paedophilia is the verb. Thank me later.

    2. Abeg paedophilia na noun too. Teacher teach urself first.

    3. I insist he thanks you now! Is that the crop of the matter? Oversabi mumu.

  2. Give me one good reason why this man should be alive !! Oh my God! What is wrong with some people !


  4. No bail
    Dey should rape his kids too

    1. Foolish comment..hw would u suggest dat dey should rape his kid#dumbass

    2. Dumbest comment ever...

  5. seriously! and who is d dumb judge dat said kids btw ages 6-11 dnt tell lies? dats d dumbest fin ever, any1 can tell lies.... pls the magistrate should gt appeal frm a hihger court if its out of ideas on our to judge matters of such..... rubbish

    1. I tire ooo!!! Anybody can lie. This is f 1st time am hearing that kids dont lie. Afrikan kid for that matter. Where is d female teacher that saw them. Cant she witness?

    2. My thoughts exactly, whr is d female teacher, she shd come n testify n I'm hoping a medical report wld be presented, an innocent man shd nt b convicted unjustly, bt if he is found guilty, he shd face d full wrath of d law, n 4 d judge, #childen can lie oooo#

  6. Replies
    1. Kids btw d ages d magistrate said do lie bt a female teacher saw him n d gal together in the toilet

  7. He is such an idiot,they should also cut off his penis

  8. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    This dude must have a tiny doodie for doing that act..... 20 yrs should not pass the baga by.....

  9. God have mercy on you adebayo..... what is our country turning to

  10. Very disgusting act.
    Llike the Judge said he doesn't deserve a place in the society, he acted like an animal and should be kept where dangerous animals are kept.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  11. What kind of demon will make a man rape a child or even take a woman by force??? Jesus!!!

  12. Oh my goodness! Wat a shame. Insanity of d highest order

  13. What if it was his daughter this is wickedness

  14. Bro raper, "lux soap" п̥̥̲̣̣̣o dey fr market again?

    A.K.A Di√a₢á¿£iƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ε

  15. "children between the ages of 6-11 never tell lies" is this judge a clown? WHy didnt they take the girl to the hospital and do a rape kit test on her? We have too many incompetent people in Nigeria.

    1. I wondered the same.some children are perfectly capable causing such havoc If it's true,d teacher does not deserve a bail because he has ruined the child in many ways than one on d oda hand d girl should identity the female teacher who cn bare witness

  16. some people act and you wonder! who can a you rape a 10 old?! as in wtf is wrong with you? are you okay in the head?! stupid question, cos if he was he wouldn't be thinking sexually about a ten year old! I swear, he needs to be flogged in the pee pee.

  17. Wickedness in high places. God pls forgive Him.

  18. Perv rot in jail.
    Face of lib

  19. A simple medical test on the girl will solve the whole mysteries...paedophiles everywhere...#SeunLondon

  20. God forbid anyone does this to my daughter, i will kill u and face d consequences. God save us from d hands of the wicked.

  21. The premise of the whole story is shaky. We have two claims, one from the victim and one from the alleged perpetrator. I just want to clear some things first.
    1) This line ' made love to her'. Please when someone is raping somebody, it cannot be termed as making love.
    2) Lol 6-11year olds don't lie? That is such an unfounded argument. I am not saying she is lying, that would be absurd especially when we don't know who is lying or telling the truth. What is laughable is that they think 6-11yr olds are not the masters of creative stories. You clearly haven't met kids like my lil' cousin.

    That said, what I want to know is why hasn't the female teacher been questioned? The one the girl claimed to see. Also, why hasn't the girl been medically checked to see the extent of any damage. or are we to assume all these have already been done but was left out of the story?

    1. 1million likes, a lot of people are already jumping to conclusion not considering the fact that d child might be lying

    2. 1million likes, a lot of people are already jumping to conclusion not considering the fact that d child might be lying

    3. My thoughts exactly!! And if found out that the girl was actually raped, the female teacher should also face some charges for not protecting the minor from the male teacher after discovering and also for not reporting it to the authorities on time. Because the girl could have been tested on that very day to ascertain things. Now if the girl was actually raped, but not by the teacher (i.e. Someone at home or someone the girl fears and is covering up for); it'll be hard to prove now. And if she was really raped and the female teacher saw but never reported, then she's covering up for her male colleague; that should be punishable too. All teachers should be accountable for the safety and protection of their wards. Rape of a minor or even rape at all is not something you keep quiet about just because the perpetrator is your colleague. Right now, they should run some tests on the girl, question his younger brother and any other kids who could have seen something that day; then grill both make and female teachers thoroughly. I'm mad that they would leave such a sensitive matter for so long. Nigerian government should pass a law that protects the safety and welfare of children and minors and hold adults accountable for negligence and oversight. This is getting too much with these poor kids! No form of protection or urgency at all! I pray the real offender(s) get caught and justice prevail..... Just Me

  22. I think the case should be properly investigated and if he is found guilty he should be castrated and then sent to the most dangerous prison we have and let the inmates be informed of his crime so they can treat his fuck up

  23. what about the female teacher who heard her screams? she should testify too!! so that the "garbage of a man" would be put away for good

  24. didnt see the part where he put it on the devil, thats what they always do - fiction that looks real

  25. Corruption everywhere.The magistrate was only interested in bail instead letting that useless man serve his jail term.

  26. Home school should be a welcome development since our kids(Tiny little innocent kids) are no longer safe in schools.God please protect your own in this end time

  27. This is the very reason why Jungle Justice can never end in Nigeria. We should not believe things without evidence. There is a medical procedure that can be done in any hospital and its called a rape kit. Because my women have lied against men in the past, the rape kit was invented. The normal procedure is for the police officer to take the victim to the hospital to do the test before any arrests which was not done in this case. The rape is still detectable after two weeks. Remember the obesere rape case too, immediately the woman was told to go and do the test she ran away.
    And why would a judge say such a thing as children between the age of 6 - 11 don't lie, isnt that bullshit? We were all kinds once and we all had friends that tell tales, hell we even told tales ourselves just to get out of trouble. I watch alot of detective programmes and i know how women and girls lie because they know people have a soft spot for them but the evidence usually h=get them caught. Please educate yourself. Imagine a girl lied that you raped her, how will you defend yourself or will you tell me that you have never been lied against? I am sure if they do a virginity test on this girl it will probably be positive. We should not take sides without evidence. We don't know who is telling lies in this case but a medical test will help.

    1. Logical reasoning. I tow your line. Too many grey areas in the case. Unless the prosecution is yet to tender or have tendered evidence that was not reported.

    2. Iamjavademon, I completely share your view about the necessary procedures that should have been followed. But your argument seems laced with prejudice. Sounds like you already concluded that the little girl is lying, you're leaning more towards an offensive against the female rather than trying to look at things from an objective point of view. By the way, little boys could be victims of these predators too, not just girls or females in general. I think they lack evidence in this case and even if the girl was raped, it could have been by another adult who she fears more than the teacher she pinned it on. Also, do they have the necessary facilities to carry out appropriate DNA tests to ascertain the actual perpetrator? The judge didn't make any sense, kids lie all the time but also, adult criminals don't usually own up to their crimes until evidence proves otherwise. FYI, a positive virginity test doesn't prove that she wasn't sodomised, neither does a negative test prove that the teacher was the person who raped her. You need to educate yourself better before asking others to educate themselves and try not to further victimize an already suffering victim due to your prejudices or past experience......... Just Me

  28. Wetin pesin no go c n hear 4rm men f nowadays. Na wa oh. Ds kind conji! I tire

  29. I really don't like stories like this with very poor investigation. There's a third party involved, the female teacher. Why not question her. Good work Linda

  30. Madman! Lier! U should be punished! U will rot in jail! Bastard!

  31. Tufiakwa! Yoruba men self!

  32. The Nigeria judiciary system is sloppy, somebody charged with child molestation should not be granted bail,and it is a felony in western countries not a misdemeanor it comes with nothing less than 5 or more years jail time and why his this degenerates face covered???

  33. Yep, and gay men are the ones people are worried about

    1. A pervert is a pervert gay or not,stories abound of gay men taking advantage of innocent male children.

  34. Oh father !!! They should arrange 6 guys to rape him please.

  35. Kids cn tell lies especially whn they re under manipulatn, investigation shuld be carried out more on d matter. LIB Princess!

  36. Continue to grant dem bail mr judge until ur child will be rape ,nonsense ,u better send dat barbaric sentence that barbaric teacher to life imprisonment

  37. Is that all? They should cut off his Cock

    1. What if he's innocent??? Did u stop to wonder about that or u are just a freak for jungle justice???

    2. Joy, most folks here can't differentiate their left hand from their right hand.

  38. Hmmm,God av mercy!

  39. Adjourned ke! let him be killed immediately,like now now,better till let him spend the rest of his life in jail#LORDHAVEMERCY

    1. What if he's innocent. U have a good name but a bad heart.

  40. The guy is sick in the head.... he should be raped by an animal

  41. Haba! And he has kids too!

  42. Wetin dey dah young thin way opo or normal gal nu get sum1 pple gt wana get everithin in life free of charge shay it has hooked u.

  43. This is the kinda man that deserves an acid bath..

  44. How e dey take do some men sef??

  45. Is that the devil again?

    »_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/

  46. What kind of Judge is this? Where there no test done to confirm forced intercourse happened to the girl or is the only evidence "kids don't tell lies"? Naija comon we supposed don pass all this nonsense.

  47. how can the judge say kids between the age of 6 and 11 dont lie joker , at that age i told so many lies that could last a life time, but i dont know about crazy situtaions like this though

  48. This judge needs to be tested for ebola in that age bracket don't lie kerh, you need to meet my friend's son, he is a prolific liar...There is so much bias in the case...Nija sha..#washingmyhandswithsanitiser..

  49. This judge needs to be tested for ebola in that age bracket don't lie kerh, you need to meet my friend's son, he is a prolific liar...There is so much bias in the case...Nija sha..#washingmyhandswithsanitiser..

  50. This judge needs to be tested for ebola in that age bracket don't lie kerh, you need to meet my friend's son, he is a prolific liar...There is so much bias in the case...Nija sha..#washingmyhandswithsanitiser..

  51. may God save us from this trial

  52. Its so disturbing reading stuffs like dz. Oga teacher, may u rot in jaiĺ.

  53. Useless set of teachers. Na God go punish them

  54. i dnt get all this rape tnz wt kidz, na wt clear eyes?

  55. They described it as "made love to her". He did not make love to a 10 year old girl. He raped her.

  56. What if, just what if this little girl is lying. This mans life is ruined forever. And think about it "kids between those ages don't tell lies" that is serious sb and I'm disappointed a judge could even say that.

  57. The magistrate is wack and supposed to be jailed himself by saying kids within the range of 6-11 yrs no dey tell lie..for where? na 10 yrs old i dey wen one girl of my age lie say me rape am... Abegi, is there not an evidence of rape? wetin criminal code dey for? person wey catch dem nko? Naija justice is too jungle.. administering justice without fair hearing.. m not defending d man but the case needs to b properly checked.. Chikena #OgbeniCoded

  58. But Children also tell lies, in fact i used to lie more when i was between 6 and 11.


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