ISIS threatens US with war after airstrikes, tweet photos of dead US soldiers, vow to blow up US embassies | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 9 August 2014

ISIS threatens US with war after airstrikes, tweet photos of dead US soldiers, vow to blow up US embassies

Few hours after the US launched devastating 'targeted airstrikes' on Islamist militants ISIS, who have seized many towns in Iraq and are killing non-Muslims, the Jihadist group has vowed to 'raise their flag at the White House". 

Some members and supporters of the terrorist group took to twitter yesterday to threaten the US with war. They tweeted gruesome pics of dead American soldiers from the previous war in the country, U.S. marines hung from bridges in Fallujah, decapitated men, human heads on spikes, and pics from the deadly attack on US on 9/11. They also vowed to blow up US embassies.

With the hashtag #AmessagefromISIStoUS, over 2000 threatening tweets were posted on Twitter. One member wrote "This is a message is for every American citizen. You are the target of every Muslim in the world wherever you are.'. Another one wrote "ready to cut your heads dear Americans O sons of bitches. Come quickly.'

Reacting, a US military official said ISIS is yet to know the full power of the US military force and will soon find out what they are capable of. Continue to see more tweets...


  1. How we are not going to see a repeat of the Bin laden Saga! ISIS definitely mean business

    1. Those motherf*ckers don't know who they are messing with. It would take not less than a day for the US to wipe out the whole of Iraq. They are simply fools... No country short of russia can challenge the US to a war and remain standing even russia would feel the effects for years.

    2. this is lamest group are a bunch of fools. they are against westernization

    3. this islamist groups are a bunch of fools. they are against westernization yet they use advanced machine guns and bombs. if they wanna fight why don't they use swords like thier f***ing ancestors. Americans would kill them all and thief families even their pets and livestock. I have never seen a bunch of airheads

  2. dis is going to be d emergence of d 4th world war i guess, #posted via Felaxzy

    1. 4th world war? When was the 3rd one?

  3. This ain't good #bright bravo#

  4. Evil creatures! God's judgment upon you in jesus name! What is their headache for Gods sake. Micah 2:1. BishopDammy#

  5. War here and there!... Repent before the world ends; not until I see my children's children
    Lord have mercy!

    * My R1.50c comment *

    1. U pple shudnt dare it else u ISIS wont be alive 2see end of dis yr.

  6. This world really wants to come to an end, Ebloa is killing on one side, isis now wants to start what they can't finish... May God save us all...

  7. Hmmm, O boy... where is the world heading to! from #Ebola to #Bokoharma to #ISIS

  8. o lord, pls rewind dis generation back,,,jesus, i 4 kukuma dey during ur existance on earth, i 4 don dey heaven with u since, dis world no good again at all

  9. Isis is trying their luck coz US will shoot them off the world

  10. Whatever it is they are planning to do,they should remember that america doesn't forgive.They may have succeeded with sept 11 bombing of the world trade centre,but I think that's how far they can ever go.They can never take them unaware the 2nd time,NEVER.....Its a sin to them.(Once beaten twice shy).

  11. Islam is demonic,they said they preach peace, but what is the need for peace if u don't love. Christianity is LOVE((( LOVE is the greatest, because u can't harm the person u love)))). I only pity for the yoruba people that call themselves muslims, u guys don't no the cult u belong to, the people that brought this evil cult called islam(arab world) are practicing it the way their oga muhammad thought them and u blind followers refuse to see the evil u are into. If islam is for real, why didn't they translate the Koran to every language so that people will understand it better,like the way the bible is, why don't they pray and sing in different languages like english,french,igbo,yoruba,spanish etc.,well maybe their own god only understand arabic. its only evil cult that gives u a book to read without making u understand what its all about until u fall victim. Also before JESUS came, the prophet of old,like Elijah,Isaiah,Jeremiah,David,Zechariah,Daniel all prophesied His coming,how come they didn't mention muhammad,it proved he is fake. Remember, JESUS never said any other prophet will come after him, what JESUS said was that false prophet will come after him and will deceive many. Don't be deceive there is no two heavens, no two hells, anyone that did not follow JESUS will not make heaven, the person will perish. God never created two ways to HIM,its only one way, JESUS is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh to the father expect by HIM. Yoruba muslims please retrace ur steps and come to CHRIST before its too late. Heaven and hell is very real.

    1. You r full of crap.

    2. Educate yourself you idiot. The Quran does have translations and there are various songs in various languages

    3. Anon 11:40, u re on point! It's a cult like u said. U made so much sense especially fr d Yoruba turned Muslims. How will De have a book n doctrine with only one language? # living in bondage, Andy si na Paul akowasiro ya ofuma ka owota! They won't explain to u wht u re getting into until u re there, and there will b no going back. Ndi Ekwensu odu pink, wabbish!

    4. This Muslim people ,you see your evil hidden self .you people are quick to attack this write but ignored Isis threat to all American and also stating all Muslim in the world . Literally mean you are part of the Isis .blood thirsty religion and individual . Will you people ever have peace when u deny peace to the Christian world . I don't think so

  12. Oh Lord come down and wipe out these Muslims from this earth so the rest of us can have peace. Amen

  13. The world is in chaos. Ebola, terrorism, missing planes etc. #EndTime

  14. My thoughts exactly. The ISIS are yet to know the power of US Military Force. Let them not start wat they can't finish. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

  15. The ISIS must be jokers.

  16. Islam is demonic,they said they preach peace, but what is the need for peace if u don't love. Christianity is LOVE((( LOVE is the greatest, because u can't harm the person u love)))). I only pity for the yoruba people that call themselves muslims, u guys don't no the cult u belong to, the people that brought this evil cult called islam(arab world) are practicing it the way their oga muhammad thought them and u blind followers refuse to see the evil u are into. If islam is for real, why didn't they translate the Koran to every language so that people will understand it better,like the way the bible is, why don't they pray and sing in different languages like english,french,igbo,yoruba,spanish etc.,well maybe their own god only understand arabic. its only evil cult that gives u a book to read without making u understand what its all about until u fall victim. Also before JESUS came, the prophet of old,like Elijah,Isaiah,Jeremiah,David,Zechariah,Daniel all prophesied His coming,how come they didn't mention muhammad,it proved he is fake. Remember, JESUS never said any other prophet will come after him, what JESUS said was that false prophet will come after him and will deceive many. Don't be deceive there is no two heavens, no two hells, anyone that did not follow JESUS will not make heaven, the person will perish. God never created two ways to HIM,its only one way, JESUS is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh to the father expect by HIM. Yoruba muslims please retrace ur steps and come to CHRIST before its too late. Heaven and hell is very real.

  17. Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church

  18. This is war mhen. Buh Iraq has got nothin on US.

    1. Bush girl. All u know is " pinging". Who said Iraq was fighting US? ISIS is like ur boko haram.

  19. Hmmm...*Sigh*..this world self....well America is equal 2 d task sha....but what's d fucking problem of the terrorists? can u just go about killing peepz cos they aint practicing ur religion? official! Muslims ar d cause of the world's problems!

  20. Honestly, it wil neva be well wt these Muslim fanatics ! And dey keep sayin islam is for Peace !! Wia in d world have they seen christains behaving the way they do ?? Wat do they gain by killing and bombing?? I dnt just get this . R dey even humans that God Almighty created ???

  21. Na wah øoh,waste of inocent lives. Obama abeg no folow dis pple blink eye oh,if u get wepon wey fit clear dem in one sec, abeg use am.

  22. Al-qaeda,hezbollah,hamas,al-shabab & boko haram are the problem of the whole world esp the Christians,n the Islamic militants are looking for religious war, smh Americans, France, Britain and Israel gonna rip u guys off

  23. let the extermination of the these islam/ musilms begin. Islam is worse that ebola.

    1. Exactly dear... Dey r d physical devils we see...

  24. Islam is known to b terrorist.Y??? Repent u muslems.

  25. biko,im looking 4ward to my American visa,so no comment!!!!

  26. Worldwar III on the way

  27. I laugh in swahila......actually, I think this IsIS guyz dnt actually kn what the U.S Military force capable of doing......

  28. Dey shuld dare! If thr dead bodies wont be picked on d streets like pieces of papers. Osama dem father sef try am, e no reach

  29. stupid people from devilish religion! People will taste the military power of USA because una just go touch lion's tail.

  30. Why are they using twitter? I thought they abhor westernization? It's actually Americans that invented twitter and the internet incase they forgot. The US should pls wipe them off the face of the earth . After Israel finishes with Hamaz then oga jona by next yr tackles boko haram. We'll have world peace again. Bastards

  31. i hope ISIS know wat dey re doin

  32. I still keep saying this, for the world to know PEACE islam must be eradicated from the face of the earth.

  33. this Muslims are getting out of hand they make it had for u to believe they are not all alike, so much extremism n bitterness. speechless

  34. They already have their flag in the White House. Obama is a member of ISIS and Boko Haram. They are already controlling more than half of the world. They have their curriculum ingrained in some regional schools in Britain and working very determinedly to enshrine Sharia in British and American legal system. Obama said the US is a Muslim nation very long time ago. Google these facts.

  35. I am a proud muslim and I condemned terrorism, many of the terrorists’ acts are committed in this world by people who call themselves religious, and attribute their horrendous and evil acts to the religion. However, God condemns their acts in the scripture. The true religion of Islam forbids the killing of innocent people, irrespective of the cause—religious, political or social beliefs. This is stated in the Quran, the holy book of Muslims.[Quran 6:151] “...You shall not kill — GOD has made life sacred — except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand.

    1. ". . .except in the course of justice. . ." That clause sha, smh. . .lips sealed!

    2. My dear u see am? Except in d cause of justice! Our own book tells us *thou shalt not kill* do not judge others cz it's only God tht has d power to judge anyone. Even our master says to let ur enemy cut off a second ear, becos vengeance is his. But ur master permits killing in ur said "for justice" so ur brothers understand Dz killings d same way cz to them they judge d ppl around them. Let me hear a Muslim utter " peace " again ka amadioha magbuoo unu...

  36. I hate all muslims,worthless religion filled with men who wash their uncircumcised dicks while squatting. A religion that encourages homo-sexuality, lesbianism and paedophilia. I SPIT ON YOU. JENE.

  37. Is dia war so dey shuld fight nd mak sure Nigeria is out of t...... US wil finish dem so dey shuld b careful.

    ~@iamJbankz S.A to President Jonathan 2015~

  38. Fanatic muslims = Evil ----C21

  39. this is terrific: God will help His children!

  40. Y r dis pipul so mean nd heartless dint dey v blood passin tru dere dere any joy in killing must dey kill 4 dere Allah....tut deres freedom of religion nd worship evrywhr in d world.....dis is babaric US is just tryin 2 help cos dey wnt fold dere arms nd watch innocent pipul killed cause of religion if dey r non-muslims must u now kill dem....

  41. Islams ....everywia ........sometimes i wonder shaaaaaaa......

  42. Obama don look for trouble

  43. This ISIS or wateva they call themselves are really jobless.I guess the U.S are ready for them. They should bring it on. Dis world is turning into sumtn else. AMYsexy

  44. Jesus have mercy.....God is in control

  45. Muslims and war... Nawa o.. But they shouldn't try America.

  46. U guys gat no ideal who u are dealing wit, u think american is lik any other country. "a US military official said ISIS is yet to
    know the full power of the US military force and will
    soon find out what they are capable of." Dats d warning. Pay attention to it. ~~ BIG FREDO~~

  47. Empty Threat. Just like Osama and others, they'll later start scampering for safety when the real deal comes.

  48. This S̶̲̥̅Æ ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ call ISIS is d devil its self

  49. The US should use atomic bomb on this idiots once and for all! Though it will affect the innocent but hey, ISIS gat to go

  50. Dnt send marines after ds mad arabs. They don't worth it. Go to american prisons, take all those die-hard american ruffnecks and set them loose against these barbarians. Let's see who is madder.

  51. I'm waiting for those that will claim muslim and their faith are peaceful religion .

  52. Lol @ we'll make bbq of u

  53. United state need to top up on their security from now on. this stupid blood tasting devils are out for war but they won't succeed.islam is indeed a Religion of war

  54. Na today? No be today America begin receive this kine threat now. If Isis terrorists wan deter America with these empty threats, na eim be say dem dey bark at the wrong tree. America no dey shake ooo.

    City: Unknown.

  55. May d almighty God continue 2 protect his people ooo, d world is really coming 2 an end, pls lord I want 2 make heaven

  56. I wish it was book haram and usa

  57. Abeg na mouth. Us is far stronger than those groups of rebels

  58. This is gerring serious...aving a feeling muslims re the antichrist...#justsaying...

  59. The world isn't a safe place to be anymore. God help the helpless.

  60. Animals the whole lot of them! Animals!!! Spilling blood for nothing and you say you are religious? You are nothing but an animal pure and simple!

  61. China and US ke; they are both enemies.
    China is with Russia.


  63. Devil has takn hold of dis bloody men. D world is in aa mess. LIB Princess!

  64. Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha I love how u were like China ke? Someone needs to learn her history

  65. signs of 3rd world war!!! Lord help us....... MuSLIMS....tufiakwa

  66. Most of the comments here show that you Christians are no different from these muslims you curse. hypocrites.


  68. What is with all the ignorant comments about killing all Muslims? You know that ISIS are killing Sunni Muslims too right?

  69. One of d signs of end time. Lord pls draw me closer 2 u.

  70. What makes me happy is the statement made by U.S official that the Devil(Evil islamic ISIS)are yet to kn the full power of the U.S millitary force.Other muslims claim they're not in support of the Barbaric cold blood killings of their muslim brothers but how many times have they risen and protested anywhere in the world against the Killings and Evils done by these fools of islam?they all support all these evils and killings bcos they believe the non muslims are evil and should all be killed,this is what they're being taught by their imams..Evil religion and enemy of peace

  71. May God have mercy on us all.

  72. May God have mercy on us all.

  73. Growing up I remember watching "Nostradamus" prophesies most of which have come to pass. I remember the part about the character who will cause WW3 being a cloak wearing arab. Osama Bin Ladin didnt quite fit that description as much as this new ISIS commander. Who remembers that movie?

  74. It was categorically stated in the Holy Quran that there is no compultion in Islam. My lovely Religion. I believe Allah is watching and will unfold all these terrorist that paint Islam bad. Islam is beautiful extremist makes it looks order wise.

  75. I heard that they said that, if you kill someone with yourself via bomb or anything that will take one's life, you will be given 70 virgins in heaven ... As a man, you fit fuck 70 virgins finish, not to talk of 10 girls. Btw, na to carry women u wan go heaven for ??

    1. Hahahahahahahaa anon 11:28PM, help me ask ds mumu bastards o!!! Evil demons. Make una try America, se una be ISIS, u pple will end in CRISIS.....bloody fools. una think say America na all ds moin moin countries in Africa n beyond wen una de follow do ds nonsense? Bloody bastards, heartless souls. Aye yin o ni da. BASTARDS.

  76. US doesn't need china nor russia to deal wif u evils. Besides neither china nor russia is in support of u islamic devils. So let dat glee hang like mask on ur islamic face.

  77. @hassan and u didn't see where it said they should kill unbelivers after there holy month fasting in quran 9:5 and quran 8:15? Who is deceiving who here now? U better accept de facts that ur so called religion is evil den known de truth and keep hidden it.

  78. this is not good at all


  79. Anonymous I have never heard anyone so capable of vomiting hatred and untruth as you are. Really? Obama is a member of ISIS? Eradicate all the Muslims???? Have you ever read the Koran? Just out of interest, do you even understand that the Koran has its basis in the old testament, that Jesus is recognized by Islam as a Prophet, and that no where in the Koran is there a reference to violence in the name of God! These are splinter groups, extremists, and in all honesty you have more in common with them than you know, since you are obviously an extremist as well. Grow up, quit trying to make the world your own personal sandbox.

    1. Oh shut the fuck up!!!
      JESUS ain't no prophet, he is the son of the most high God.
      And yes the quran and the uninspired Mohammed and his miserable followers are all RETARDED!!!
      My advice is for you and all Muslims like yourself can go and deep their faces in the ostrich's feathers.

  80. Half of you fucking idiots can't even spell !!


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