Bisexual men in marriages - ladies opinion | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 31 May 2014

Bisexual men in marriages - ladies opinion

I personally know a few men in this Lagos who are married but at the same time doing men. You will be shocked at who some of these men are. Now I'm thinking to myself if I know this dude is into men and I'm not that close to him, how in the world doesn't his wife know? She lives with him!

And then, there are women who know and still marry these men...or find out after they've married the men and still stay in the relationship...and you wonder...why? Look at this profile above...found on a gay dating site.

What's the number one reason why any woman would chose to be in a marriage with a bisexual man and even support his lifestyle?

I do not have a study report but the rate at which gay/bisexual men are getting married in this country either as a result of family pressure or just to live up to society norm is alarming. And yes, many of these women know and they chose to go along with it. Why? Would you marry a man who you know is bisexual? And if so, why?


  1. Linda ikeji, you're obsessed with gay people, give it a rest already.

    1. Pls who knows Wch site this is???

    2. Linda you said it yourself. He is bisexual and not gay. Like do you know the definition of bisexual? What kind of silly question is this? So a bisexual guy can't gt married again? Oya what of all the bisexual girls?

    3. Linda claims she personally know these people!!
      I doubt she is an accomplice somehow, wonder why a fully grown and successful gal is still single... Hmmm

      Just my thought

    4. This is inhuman, something strange keep happening in this world. Hell fire will definitely be wider than Heavenly home, i pray we won't be among those satanic people.

    5. People's opinions on this gay issue baffle me. How can a sane person say that being gay is normal?? What makes it normal? Because you were born with it? There are lots of other bad habits people are born with. Examples:kleptomaniacs should be allowed to steal because they didn't make themselves that way; men with satyriasis should be allowed to walk freely when they rape women due to uncontrollable sexual desires, after all they were born with it; nymphomaniacs too should be allowed freedom to sleep with as many men as they desire without being labeled by the society as a whore.

    6. You see why this shit is unnatural?

    7. Coz dey are rich...for some women it is better for der husbands to cheat on dem wit men dan women.

    8. @nuella, the difference between being gay or bisex from all what u have mentioned is that u seek consent before u act and nobody forces or hurts anyone in a normal case.

    9. A klepto, peado, necrophilliac, beastialitist, murderer won't ask permission before they infringe on your rights to exist, a gay person is a person of sound mind who has a relationship of equals with another of a sound mind who consents.

      Your argument is flawed. Sorry

    10. @ anonymous the man who smokes igbo who has he offended? So why can't he be allowed to smoke his igbo?

    11. Nuella u took words outta ma mouth thanks dear omg I wonder why some men will open his mouth n say dat I am gay or bisexual in fact it's not normal to me

  2. Devil at work..imagine fucking anus

    1. Any woman in such a marriage is either desperate or also in the same business.. They disgust me when I see them on the streets; living with one?...Holy ghost fire!

    2. Tufiakwa.. nonsense

    3. I agree with u Vicky..i mean what happened to V... I tire for this ppl ooo. Wonder how dey enjoy it sef bone Vs bone.

    4. You are slow, your fishy smelling lady garden with all the period blood is better abi? Or maybe you only use your mouth, with all the shit coming out of it, I'm sure the uche ploughed ass before sticking it your mouth.

      Get out of here with your village mentality.

  3. Being gay is as normal as being black or white,No amount of prayer can make a gay man turn straight, its been scientifically proven. And science is always right, FUCK your religion, I remember when scientist said the earth was sphere and the religious leaders said it was flat, they killed all the scientist.

    1. Just listen to yourself,everything is religion in Nigeria,the God you are quoting,why did he allow mutation in the first place,cos mutation is the cause of gayism(feminism) where instead of XY it becomes XXY,meaning an extra female chomosome. That is the simple cause of feminism. You people must unserstand that just the way u did not choose your parents,these people did not choose to have an extra X chromosome,which means instead of 46 chromosomes,they have 47 chromosomes in their DNA. Now,tell me,is this their fault.? I will go with you if you can simply explain to me how this becomes their fault and prove me wrong. I'm not a fan of gays,but hey,leave these people alone.

    2. taaaaaa! Homosexuality z abnormal, as a psygist i cn prove it to u dat it z one of those bad learned behaviours that humans exhibit... And it cn be unlearned too

    3. Fool of the century. Am sure hell is fuming with rage and waiting for you.. U will never go scot free. One way or the other u will pay for being gay

    4. *yawns* d devil is preparing a welcome meal in hell for you & your kind

    5. Men you aint serious, an organ ment to send out is now taking in and you say its normal.. science this science that.... Am sure you already picking the soap that's why your talking this bull shit

    6. Yeah, you remember, cos u were there?

    7. U,my friend, r ignorant and a foolish liar. Oya quote the study where it was scientifically proven? Idiot perverts looking for justification for immorality.

    8. Lol am a psych major and yes gay people are as normal as straight people. What most africans suffer from is cognitive dissonance . This makes u irritable and angry even in spite of new evidence to prove that being gay is not a disease or illness. As per the diagnostic and statistical manual IV, being gay isn't an illness , gay people can function well in society as straight people, they are less prone to violence and crime, they can also stop being gay at will without any deliverance or reorientation. Iys like telling yourself that you want to loose weight and go to the gym to exercise. Its genetic, social and classically conditioned . If you still find it hard to believe, message me jayson deladus diggle aryee on facebook and I will teach you more.

    9. Hey gay man I am not condemning u. Cos christ didn't do dat but being gay is a choice n habit learnt. Not normal at all

    10. science is known to prove nd reprove and reprove till it come into agreement with religion. And for ur information islam as a religion already proved that the earth is spherical in shape way way way back before science #GetYourFactsRight

  4. Shut up and park well, say yes to homosexuality.

    1. Say yes to your clueless and baseless bisexual life. Pig

    2. My Brother, who created you? Do you know better than God? When he created Adam, why didn't he just create Steve as well? He chose to create Eve for Adam n 'brought her to him', did he commit a crime by dat? When he was done with creation he sat back and look, "everything he made was good in his sight", this thought of being Homo never came to his thought! How do you want to 'multiply and fill the earth' like God prophesied in the beginning?? Think twice my brother, I'm a fellow man like you and I can tell you that, Women are the BEST, I REPEAT BEST, creation we can have in this world! You've been schooled the wrong way bro, seriously!


  5. God forbid, I can never marry such a man. And if am married to him unknowingly and i get to know later, I will walk out of the marriage

  6. The day I find out my husband is bisexual, am gonna leave him and expose his sorry arse. That's d height of betrayal.

    1. Exposing him makes u look like a big fool for not knowing...just walk...

  7. Gay people should be allowed to be with each other, look at south africa, they are flourishing, they are not stepping on any bodies human rights. They are not hurting any one.

    1. Get a visa go to South Africa and go live there and get the fuck outta here.

    2. AIDS is also flourishing there. ...

    3. Lmao....,u get am die

    4. U are soooo on point, Lil

  8. Linda...I cannot n I will not.

  9. All u foolish idiots saying being gay is a mental disorder, can u kindly shut up, are u a scientist, or a physician or doctor, many doctors who have studied homosexuality for 30 years have come out with results saying being gay is just as normal as being straight, it can't be corrected, there's no cure, cause being gay is not a disease.

    1. Imbecile of the highest order. Am sure your anus is finished by now. Pity your miserable life all of you pigs..

    2. Shut up and go give ur life to christ! Who created the so called confused scientist?

    3. Bros abeg scientist were created by God. There is no genetic error God cannot correct. Give ur life Jesus and watch whatever mutation in ur life that made u to live abnormally destroyed. Remember from the beginning it was not so. Scientists are not God their opinions are not final stop believing in scientists. Rather believe on God who created all things. If there was am error during formation days due to d mothers negligence, how is that Gods mistake?

    4. Christ alone can change u to a normal n sane human being

  10. Will never make that mistake.#Cherry#

  11. U nor go blame dem Lol husband scarce for d nation buh wait u expect dem to divorce? For better for worse nw

  12. Nigerian women are so stupid, they will do any thing to be married, let the gays come out, so you don't fall a victim by marrying one

  13. I'm a guy but still gonna drop my 2 cent thoughts all the same....I know some stupid gay loving a**holes will support and say "Linda its love", maturity or even a sick level or civilization but the truth is any1 who truly loves his/her partner would not be able to imagine som1 else with him/her. That said, a woman who supports her man receiving or giving his fellow man d**k doesn't truly love him. Could be she's with him for material wealth, position, influence etc...but if she insists its love then she needs her head examined by Dr Shekau at Sambisa Forest Hospital #Gbam

    1. Comment of life! Il est intressant!!

    2. You are very right.
      To relate this to myself, I'm homophobic, yet, if I had a husband who was a bisexual, certain factors will have to be present for me to look the other way:
      1) Where I really love my husband and know that he'd die for me too but only happened to have picked up this nasty habit due to circumstances. (Eg, going to an all boy's school, getting a billion dollar contract, etc)
      2) Where he spends insane money on me and everything that concerns me- and does his best to keep me happy.
      3) Where hemakes certain to be as discreet as a sneaky rat(with my understanding of course) and makes certain its not in my face in any way.
      4) Where my husband, inspite of his penchant for dipping into a male's pot, is still my best friend, knows how to make me laugh and is the person I always want to spend time with- not just in theory (as spouses are "obligated" to feel) but truly and for real,
      My dear, where all of these factors are present and cumulative (and not isolated), I will so marry and stay in my marriage- marriage isn't always about "just love"- sometimes, many times, there are extenuating circumstances that include, like you rightly pointed out, connections, money, political ascent etc.

    3. Prince of Lib; u made the best comment ever. U absolutely spoke for me. @diary of dido u can't get these from a man whose attention is divided. Remember he has to satify his other lover as well. Those money, connection etc that u ll be enjoying, u must ve a way of paying for them, most likely u ll be paying with ur emotions.

    4. Absolutely.

    5. @ anon, and that is the reason I can't be in that sorta arrangement- those would be my terms and if they can't be met, I'll be out of it.

  14. They are many in Naija o smh....I doubt i'll stay in the marriage if I found ou. i'll still love him and support him but will be out...

    1. God forbid! I rather die. Single than knowingly marry a gay man!

  15. There are millions of gay Nigerians today men and women who are "Happily" married to someone from opposite sex just to hide there through sexual orientation because the conservative nature of Nigerian and African culture don't support gays, thinking it's evil. a view that is wrong. gays are human beings the did not choose to be gay so people with closed mind need to open it and understand that religion and cultural views have nothing to do with it that's it's natural and biological. i don't see how a male or female will be living a life of secret and lies all his or her life. i have gay couple working at my job nobody have treated them bad due to who the are i hope one day it will happen in Nigeria and Africa.

  16. Seriously govt shld stp chargin gay pple to 14yrs imprisonment. I tink d effect is on d opp sex who av to beae d consequences of fake love. Pls they shld b allowed to live freely.

    1. Are you high or something? Should be allowed to live where? Women should do a proper scrutiny before marrying..

  17. I'm personally not a fan of gay people but putting that aside, marriage is a sacred thing... You can't cheat on your wife with man or woman...FINISH!

  18. Simple...if I find out, I'll file for an annulment....meaning we never got married.....if a marriage is based on lies, it can be dissolved even by a priest....I'd rather he told me b4 hand instead of using me as cover for his discretions....and yes dat is "using"..........and oh,I'd hate him for life for lying to me, breaking my heart, putiing me in a position where I have to look for something to tell the kids cos "mummy and daddy are having grown up problems" and for making a fool out of me......I have nothinh against gay people #with each his own#...but lying and using me, my dear that's when we'll have a score to settle.

    1. Lmaooo you clearly don't know your scriptures because if you do, you wouldn't say you are "hating" someone for life. What did your bible say about that ? And with divorce, yes the bible says it is okay to divorce but you know you can't go and marry another man ? See Nigerian's are quick to talk because you are not in the position.

  19. Being gay is as normal as being straight.. agreed... But then it's a lustful desire that shld be stopped like fornication... Everyone has a sin that they do constantly and can't help themselves. It's their cross... It's left for them to choose ... Besides they r goin the same way fornicatirs are going when they both die...hell.. That is if it exists sha.... As for me I don't want to find out. Il just play safe... Not like I would feel bad if I found out there was no heaven... I'm having a good time trying to do the right thing cos it only makes you happy at the end of the day... The journey of life afterall is personal!

  20. Please if u think is ok by you then that your business as long as you are not causing harm to the society

  21. Wetin nah, this gay ish getting too much media attention I don tire, well, what do u expect, some men in Nigeria that are married are not even bisexual but totally gay, they have to think of there wife as a man to get sexually aroused, be suspicious if ur hubby gotta excuse himself to go to d bathroom b4 sex, his probably gonna go watch gay porn to get aroused, or generally jst getting aroused thinking about men before coming to u. This is what homophobic nigerian women deserve. There's so much wedding this year, babes better make sure there dude ain in the dl, this also goes to dudes too, berer make sure wife to be isn't jst in it to cover up. What a sad marriage it will be if the other does not feel anything remotely close to love for u- Adebol

    1. Sex isn't love...

    2. Being gay isn't just about sex. Otherwise gays won't have relationships.

  22. Replies
    1. I just tire. Can't believe d comments am reading

  23. A girl marrying a bisexual man are result of poverty,insanity,bad influences in her life. A bisexual guys are ''dead men walking'' #Saynotobisexual


    1. Your english is the bad influence.

    2. Yes his English may be bad but he is sure making a point so get the fuck outta here gay fool..

  24. Just be urself...

  25. Just be urself...

  26. Phew!!!!! Some deep ish.........

  27. I know quite a lot of gay men who are married to women in Nigeria to cover up their Homosexuality! Those women. Eventually know but always unhappy

  28. Gay is an abnormal act. God created us male & female not male & male. Birds & animals were also made male & female. D enemy,devil has corrupted their mind to change d cause of nature just to get @ God and deceive many & some people are here talking of scientist stories."My people perish for lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 says.

    1. Godbless u for this comment. Best comment!

    2. God bless u real good...Gay is sodomy. God knew Adam was best Eve. Y didn't he create another Adam 4 Adam? Dis issue of homosexuality is evil and should nt b taken lightly. Let's fight d devil in dis ppl to a stand-still. Stil waiting 4 d gov't of d day to sentence some ass mongers and others ll learn hw to go straight.

  29. Linda clap for yourself. I know you wont rest till you force enough of this guy propaganda down our throats. Just looking at the comments alone it sounds like people are starting to normalise it. Totally ridiculous.

    1. As if you knew I have been wanting to say this personally to her. Giving the issue unecessary relevance.

    2. The normalization of homosexuality is an inevitably, and like religious fundamentality, there is neither room or tolerance for homophobia in the new world order of the civilized.

  30. Where is Onyii Godwin? Gay fag #puke

  31. My answer to the question is no because of health reasons. The highest rates of HIV and other STD's is always highest among men who sleep with men. I will not knowingly endanger my life for bogus love.

  32. "I personally know a few men in this Lagos"

    "I'm not that close to him"

    How can you know them personally if you're not close to them, Linda?

    A lot of these marriages are open marriages with money at the root. Conversely, there are a lot of bisexual women married to straight men.

    What a world we live in.

  33. Exactly my thoughts prince of LIB. A woman in such marriage has her motive(s) for being in that relationship.

  34. Dis gay gay stuff no dey tire una? Make una let dem b joor.

  35. That's absolute insanity, God almighty did not create Adam and made eve a man too, he created man and woman, for us to have a companion and multiple the earth (Biblically)

    Then earthly, if them born any man like me well touch my NASH make I no KILL u flat under 2secs... How can a man bend down for his fellow man to insert him, is that not insane, I believe they should be killed alongside with this BOKO-HARAM, that is body terrorism, crazy faggots... Cross my lane...

  36. That's absolute insanity, God almighty did not create Adam and made eve a man too, he created man and woman, for us to have a companion and multiple the earth (Biblically)

    Then earthly, if them born any man like me well touch my NASH make I no KILL u flat under 2secs... How can a man bend down for his fellow man to insert him, is that not insane, I believe they should be killed alongside with this BOKO-HARAM, that is body terrorism, crazy faggots... Cross my lane...

  37. To the idiot that days science is always right, really? Where do I start? No need casting pearls before swine.

  38. How did you come across this profile? Are you also on the site and looking to meet "guys"? Linda please check your writers.

  39. We claim to be superior to animals but have we ever seen a he-goat mate another he-goat. Let's learn from the animals, something is wrong. If you are gay,seek help for there is help in Jesus. You can contact me if you need help too

    1. Aaaaaaaaaabi !!!
      Na tru u talk jare!

  40. God punish Satan...hmmm yeye dy smell...

    ~MR EDDY~says so via

  41. A lot of girls date bisexual guys.... Knowing they are bisexual. Its not a big deal its just the way it is! Love transcends all.... And although its still cheating, but having a male mistress in a marriage would just be as normal as heterosexual infidelity!

    Personally, I don't know where I stand in this because cheating is so rampant these days..... Everyone is a hoe!

    But just because you are straight does not make you holy'er or better that homosexuals.

    Our sin is just as equal to your sins but I've realised that the Gay gene is a good thing.

    Chances are that, that perfect guy you've been eyeing is probably gay.

    He works hard, play hard, gyms, cook, reads, loves great music, philanthropic etc....

    We are the Alfa Male!

    -James (@Gay_Nigerian)

  42. It's like been married to a woman who loves the comfort of other women. Know quite a few on the island too. Women who are married and still share their beds with other women and their husbands know. If women can be Lesbian and the society isn't worried I wonder y they should be with gay men. I can marry a gay man if he takes absolute care of all that has to do with me. The thing is nigeria is a country filled with hypocrites who hide behind religion. A Lot of us would really love to do things without being questioned. And more so a lot of metro sexual men are everywhere. Lets just go with the flow and enjoy life gay or no gay

  43. Well..... live n lets live. Freedom is all we ask, been gay or bisexual is a thing of choice. No one forces anyone to be. Be it u are straight, bisexual, gay, heterosexual etc I love you all. Winks!!!!!@

  44. I don't like all this coding. If you know such men, name them na! Haba! So that just in case their wives did not know, they will thanks this blog for opening their eyes.

  45. Anon 1:06am...u took a seat and sat in my no more enjoying li's blog honestly...sad irritating news all d tym...n d comments? ...just like ds ones, seems like pple are accepting d devil...

  46. Women and marriage ??? *smh* Linda Ikeji its not a by force thing that everyone on earth must be married . Look at oprah she is still waxing strong and she isn't married . My point is women should learn to be more independent in nigeria that way you don't necessarily need a husband to take care of you financially.A lot of females in nigeria get married simply because their families av put pressure on them n they themself have failed to be independent in other words they need a man to take care of em. When a woman marries a gay man knowingly or unknowingly and still stays in the marriage it simply means she is well taken care of financially and it somewhat puts her back to been single since of course she'll have to satisfy her sexual urge and it definately won't happen btw her n her husband so she seeks a younger man .I will never judge gay people even tho I do not support it but I believe God knows best. I No get gf @ d moment n if I hammer tommorow God knw say I no fit marry any nigerian woman again lai lai,Had to go d pidgin way.Any woman wey no follow me suffer no fit see my one naira.

  47. Can you rem wat happen to sodom nd gomorrah dats is want will happen to any man or woman who is practicing bisexual

  48. Am a 44 years old Ph. D holder, associate professor, my inaugural lecture is slated for October in one of the South West Unis. Am male, gay n single. I decided not to marry for obvious reasons. Moreover, I want to b true to my self. I respectfully told my parents n siblings to back off on marriage issue. That people know am guy is ok, it only hurts when they associate gay with paedophilia. That hurts, really hurts. People confuse gay with transgender, transsexual. What does people that don't have sexual arousal. This LIFE. Ceciro.

  49. I think linda is secretly a Lesbian.

  50. Because they are understanding and are not judgmental dumbfucks like you Nigerian's.

  51. God forbid evil! Live In the same house with a bisexual? Never! Women are something else! When it comes to marriage, some of us lose our senses! God help us! Anty Linda pls tell us the site! Can't wait to check it out!

    1. You cant never tell nne. Dont be decieved. Its real. And he could be the one being fucked.

  52. Lmaoo if he is bisexual and he is providing all your emotional needs nko ? Some of you people think it's about money...BIG FAT LIE.
    Gays and Bisexual people often think like women...This is why I tell the uneducated that it is beyond who they are attracted too...its a whole lot to do with psychology. Anyway, because they think like women...They are more compassionate, caring, loving, uplifting, neater, better with housechores, liberal, less insecure and they adore you !!! Now in direct contrast with straight men, you wouldn't find such. They are mostly assholes and turn into beast when you marry them. Bisexual's and gay men especially often woo women like they are trying to catch them again, even though they have been together for long. And ohh, don't get it twisted this people fuck women well too... They are not attracted to you but they do it for your own sake and not theirs. So what are you now looking for in marriage or relationship that gay men do not provide ? Especially as they are already married. The only thing is they are "gay" and "Bisexual". And it is 2014, if such words are still hindering you from associating with people..then SMH. And ohh, at least the bisexuals let you know wassup and stick to one other partner. .. The straight ones cheat on you mercilessly..lmaoo anything in skirt. Hian stay there, they ask why women stay with them... in fact so many things to talk about but I dey enroute church.

    1. I'm so sorry 4 u dear. I know a man dats a kidnapper, armed robber and a 4 19 er and bc he is very generous with his money and very kind and understanding I shud marry him right? Pls fear God o.

  53. Replies

    2. Oh God 'n I hate them with a passion..

    3. Have you every met a gay person? Steve you're an ignorant piece of trash.

  54. 2 bad a story, naija women are toodesparate. Most of the married women knws their husband gay status and yet remain in d marraige, its so unfortunate. Some naija women would prefer their hubby 2 cheat wit their sister or even marry her than for the man 2 go outside. Too bad that we ve lost our sense of values and the worst part, we transfer the valueless system to our kids..
    So unfortunate wat most women pass thru in d name of being married.

    By the way Linda, wonder y gay topic interest u alot, wat is ur sexuality... are u considering experimentihg dat as pect of life? Anyway, kip doing ur work

  55. Is dat place a pleasant place? And gay men love to enter d place? Beats me

  56. Come to the North, the home of bisexual,gay and transvestite. The women here are at peace. Surprisingly, they prefer guy as rival to gal. You kn what I mean. People here known but they are amazingly they are un fazed about it. Forget about those scapegoats they for being gay. Linda the North is more sophisticated than the so called educated South. Here in the North, we have Yan Dauda, this are men that dress like women (transvestite) and are usually male prostitute. They have their area where they reside n receive clients though not segregated. They are different from Dan Daudu (gay). So linda these people have lived with us for thousand of years; it no western malaise but human biological diversity in frontal display. Ceciro.

  57. I am a living testimony! I met and dated this Nigerian guy in Canada, found out he was gay, questioned him; his answers worsened my fears. It became glaringly obvious...we broke up. He went to naija to marry a Nigerian girl in December. I don't know if she knows or not as his best friend is his lover. HIV things. Appears his friend is already infected as he's being so sickly and has even gone back to his village. Who leaves Canada for their village???

  58. How does uti feel when there a dick in his anus? #curious

  59. There's nothing like bisexuality, a bisexual is a gay trying to cover up...just like you can't be male and female at the same time. Even hermaphrodites are of a certain sex but have a mutative presence of the other sex's organ.

  60. Me ke?? I dey craze?? I can't oooo

  61. Personally I will advice her to walk out of the marriage rather than supporting him, cos supporting him means you are encouraging him in been gay or bisexual, After which in a short run he will be more comfortable with is desire sex partner than you (his wife). So why not just walk away instead of supporting what is not right before God.

  62. Nigerians are becomin mad! Why shld dis arguement even come up? Being gay is an acquired trait and has no connection wt the genomic system! Gay pple shld be alienated frm d general populace lest they infect sane pple wt dis madness and foolishness. Dr chris.

  63. I love Vladimir ko...go try am for Russia. Even you Linda you are a gay sympathiser...enuff already.

  64. I will not be wrong to say the most amount of women who knows before or later finds out after marriage is most prevalent in Nigeria. Most common reason is security issues meaning they will prefer a their hubby to do a fellow guy than to do their counterpart that is another women. I have heard ladies say things like a man can never tk away my husband worst is they can only engage is sexual relationships but a woman can snatch him away without looking back. Other factors includes money and the desperation to get married by all means....We have seen it all!!! #SeunLondon

  65. Call a sin a sin. Gay is not only evil but a forbiden tin to b avoided

  66. Simple....OJU KOKORO!!

  67. Saw Linda at the cinema lastnight with one of her "faithful" gay commentors. She's just concerned and only trying to help the poor dude... But what r friends for?

  68. nigeria has the second highest HiV burden in the world. i work in a hospital. we see new cases everyday. be faithful to one faithful partner. 'nuf said

  69. I cannot marry a gay/bisexual man and the moment I realize that he is I'm walking out of the marriage! Most men who are bisexual prefer men anyways, so in reality they are actually almost full blown gay! A woman who knws this and allows it in her marital life is preparing herself for doom because not only will it eat into her happiness but she is also preparing room for infections... A lot of gay men carry HIV around and it's so sickening and scary how people transfer this virus these days! People need to be very careful!
    There is also no moral justification for being gay! It's a grievous sin no matter how we try to annalyze it. It's a very unatural phenomenon. I don't believe people are born gay, this evil habit is an acquired trait. God didn't. Create humans that way

  70. I do believe that being gay is as a result of sex-addiction. The Law of Diminishing Returns operates with addictive sex. Something new must be tried each time to attain the previous high and since sex is spiritual, the gay demons jump into the man/woman sleeping with the same sex.

  71. It is amazing to think that these ladies know they are marrying gay men but go do you allow a feaces infested penis into your body??? How do you allow a mouth with left overs of another man's faeces and saliva kiss you???Sickening.

  72. Hello I thought we humans r somewhat animals... Are there gay animals??? Hold up, u don see lesbian Goat before ? Abi Gay chicken ... In other words u don see male dog de fuck him fellowmale dog before???

  73. Linda is officially a gay sympathiser. Like has been said already being guy is an acquired taste. if they force enough of us into this debate, the vulnerable amongst us would soon start convincing themselves that they were gay. If you dont want your son coming back from school convinced he is gay SAY NO to linda's gay agenda.

    1. Are you afraid that you are losing your argument? Obvious you have nothing to stand on because God said so now sounds like a joke even to you. Linda is impartial, she's sharing issues that affects us all, you're not gay, you'll know someone who is, or someone you know could be, these debates make people think. Will you accept your child being imprisoned because of culture or dogma? If you were these people's shoes, would you appreciate your destiny being determined by religious fanatics?

      The point here is this is a clear and present danger to society and the fabric of community and if you do not debate it, you will never be educated and one day when you look back, you will realize that you were complacent in the persecution and torture of people beyond the gays that you so inexplicably hate.

      So agenda aside, don't be afraid to face the truth of reality, it sets you free. No one turns gay, homosexuality is innate in nature, it is identified in over 2000 other species. It is effective in the balance of population control, on a cultural level it enriches societies and makes life more colorful.. Gay is synonymous with happy, but default gays being happiness.

      You cannot comprehend the wealth of diversity because you have never created a thing I'm your life, stop encouraging destruction of lives and families because ignorance will not be protection against retribution when the time comes.

  74. U guys should free this guy joor.make e jaiye ori e
    a proud married lesbian with a husband who knows I sleep with oda pregnant now but I just cant wait to drop n resume sexual activities with her. Screwing just men all d time is so boring.

    1. Ewww yuck n disgusting smh at u clap for urself nah u for no marry ur hubby n no even drop a child, just go n meet ur lesbian partner to impregnate u! FOOL

  75. There's nothing like bisexual or gay or lesbian those things are habitual n a path an adult chose to follow pls it is nt natural God dislike such

  76. God forbid I will never go into or stay in such an evil marriage

  77. Hav anyone think abt hw these bisexual , gay, lesbian, homosexual etc end up ? Im yet to see one dat died a normal death , afta sometime they look sickly. Who is draining them at dat time ?.yet they are highest number of hiv carrier now. Google it on WHO website.

  78. this is really crazy,
    unbelievable this exist in our society. what a pity


  79. this is really crazy,
    unbelievable this exist in our society. what a pity


  80. If beign gay is termed natural or scientific bus a child starts growing and starts liking boys/girls stuffs then, children who starts stealing early or those that started along the line should be allowed bcs it's their nature too. Gay can never be naturalk scientifically or otherwise so help yourself you this Annonimous gay

  81. If beign gay is termed natural or scientific bus a child starts growing and starts liking boys/girls stuffs then, children who starts stealing early or those that started along the line should be allowed bcs it's their nature too. Gay can never be naturalk scientifically or otherwise so help yourself you this Annonimous gay

  82. If beign gay is termed natural or scientific bus a child starts growing and starts liking boys/girls stuffs then, children who starts stealing early or those that started along the line should be allowed bcs it's their nature too. Gay can never be naturalk scientifically or otherwise so help yourself you this Annonimous gay

  83. Gay men are so many in the Nigerian music industry. All these big names celebs with money, yet you cannot verify where their money came from. They parade around in cars and houses but they barely sell 10 copies. The women stay with them because of money money. Because these men get a lot of money from their Alhaji boyfriends and Nigerian women are too greedy to let all that money go, even if it kills them. They won't leave. So, they have an understanding. A Nigerian women'a mentality is ; you can screw any man you like as long as you bring me money and I remain married to you. That's all these women care about. It's too sad. That is why many of these women keep dying of HIV because they are greedy.

  84. Is not all about science;it is all about God who is omniscience.The bible says " flee from every appearances of evil". Sex is not evil in the right sense of it but when and how you go about it matters.God has a standard but modernization make a lot of people to compromise their faith=God gave us a freewill to chose;better to live a good life to evil.

  85. Is not all about science;it is all about God who is omniscience.The bible says " flee from every appearances of evil". Sex is not evil in the right sense of it but when and how you go about it matters.God has a standard but modernization make a lot of people to compromise their faith=God gave us a freewill to chose;better to live a good life to evil.

  86. Details in the fabric. I really do not like the subject-matter personally. I don't support such. It's too irritating to see a man and a man mating. Who says Gay marriages is not about sex? The person should go and sit in the gutter. Gayism is evil and shouldn't be encouraged in our society. If anyone ones to experiment on his attraction for same sex, let him to where it is accepted and leave us to leave here in peace. And all those gay sympathisers, please don't support them here, there are places you can travel to and your reckless voice will be useful. I take God take beg una, leave us in our primitivism, we are happy with it don't come all the way and preach civilization to us. We have had enough of it. And besides, its not every thing one imitates. You take the good ones and drop the bad ones. Take note----ZIK speaks.


  88. With all these comments........who are now those Gays,Lesbians?
    Ur not gay,she is not,blah blah blah.......Who is gay then?
    Anyways.........they are in some families.......they are here already....they are not soO happy abt this cage called life style.......always wanting out........but guess its not easy for them.
    Sad that some just hate,I hate the act not the I pray for them.
    If u find out abt ur husband preference,plz kindly support him,pray with him cos every marriage has its thorns.....never a happily ever after marriage except its a Cinderalla story.
    Change is it not a constant process anymore?
    Plz hold on to ur Man,talk often and find ways to help him,especially,if u find it abhoring and lugubrious as the case may appear.
    All souls belongs to God and all Sins are equal before his being judgemental is a bigger sin.
    Just my view for today.........mind u,revelation is progressive.

  89. to me homosexuality is a mental problem, ur a man but having a girls mentality. i wont tolerate such.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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