Angela Okorie opens up on recent sex/theft scandal in South Africa | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 11 May 2014

Angela Okorie opens up on recent sex/theft scandal in South Africa

According to a  Sun News report, actress Angela Okorie opened up to The Entertainer mag about her recent theft scandal in South Africa involving actor/producer Prince Eke and an SA based rapper named Prosper (read here). Excerpts from the inteerview below...
Can you recount how it all began?
There was this job I wanted to do in South Africa for somebody so I decided to use the opportunity to shoot my own movie as well entitled, Nwa Abakaliki. I discussed it with Prince Eke and he agreed to feature in the movie. I got him a passport and paid my agent $1,200 for him to travel to South Africa. I bought his ticket from Port Harcourt to Lagos and from Lagos to South Africa. I paid him a fee of $1000. He can never make such money here in Nigeria. Continue...
Let’s start from the first day in South Africa…?
I have a big fan of mine called Prosper in SA. When I hit SA that first day I did not call him. It was after three days when we were about to start the job that I remembered him so I called him up and told him I was in SA. The next day he came to my apartment and picked me up and we went to pick Prince Eke from his hotel and brought him to my apartment. That was how they got to know each other. However, when we got to the hotel, Prince said he was not going back to the hotel because he wanted to stay in my apartment. I told him that I couldn’t leave the apartment for him because the reason we were here was to work and after which we should leave.

Why did Prince insist on staying in the apartment instead of his hotel?
Prince Eke nags about everything like a pregnant woman.  When we were leaving Nigeria, I wanted to pay for an apartment for him but he told me not to bother that he will not stay in an apartment because he prefers hotels. When we got to SA he said the hotel was like an abandoned property so he wanted to leave. I asked him if he could stay in the apartment but he said he couldn’t stay there because if his girls came to look for him, he would not be able to sleep with any of them while I am around. I told him to go stay with Prosper but he said no, he needed his own privacy. So he started saying my place was better than his hotel. I had wanted to go to a hotel to stay but then Prosper said I should not waste my money for a hotel that I should come and stay with him. According to him, I should be saving money for my production because I might need the money. That was how I moved in with him and please note that there were other girls in the same house.

What did you mean when you sent Prosper a message that you didn’t want to make him a topic for gossip?
I said I will not gossip him because I didn’t want people to know he almost raped me. I was protecting my name and I wouldn’t want that kind of dirty talk in the public domain. People would start asking ‘why should a woman stay in a man’s house and not expect the man to sleep with her?’ I accepted to stay there because two other ladies were living in the same apartment and they were more like my friends too. What matters to me is how my husband took it and he knows me too well that I don’t sleep around.
While I was still in his house on the night of Good Friday, Prosper came into the room and wanted to rape me.  He was touching me and I told him to stop it or else I will deal with him. The next day I told him that what he did was not right but that I have forgiven him. I began to feel very uncomfortable in the house and I was running low on cash. I had plans to leave the house that Saturday and Prosper was aware of it because I told him I was going to travel to Cape Town due to what happened. After the day’s shooting, I came back to the house with my personal cab man who had been taking me around. After I left his house the following day, I realized that whenever he saw me with other guys like Zubi James, he was uncomfortable.

Were the girls around the night he almost raped you?
Nobody was in the house that night; we were alone. The next morning Prosper wore a long face. We both dressed and went to location. It was the same day Prince’s wife gave birth. Prosper brought some girls for Prince and they were in the apartment together. The white woman who owns the house called me and told me that she was not comfortable with so many girls that were coming around to the house and making noise all the time. Prince called and told me that his wife just gave birth. It was when Prosper came to the house that night that he almost raped me. He had been trying to do it but I always told him off. And that was when a situation came up where Prince said he caught us kissing but I am saying it can never happen.

So you left his house. How did he end up getting you arrested?
I was supposed to go out that night with a friend and his brothers but I was tired after talking with my husband. Prosper and Prince called me on phone that night but I did not pick because I was fast asleep. When I woke around 2 am to urinate, I saw the calls and I called all of them to apologise. I called Prince and he said that Prosper called him and said that 32, 000 Rands was missing in his house. I was shocked and asked how come such money was in his possession when he goes about hungry and begging me for money. Prince then said he was coming to my hotel with Prosper. It was obvious that they were together all the while. So when the receptionist called me and said that Prosper and a security man wanted to see me, I said ‘ok, let them come around.’ To my surprise, it was Prosper and three policemen that came to see me. Prince was nowhere to be found meanwhile, he said he was coming to my hotel with Prosper. That’s why I said that he was the one who sold me out.
The police said Prosper accused me of stealing his money. I told Prosper to his face that he was scared that Angela would soon be leaving the house and he won’t have anybody who would be borrowing him money and feeding him and that was the reason he was setting me up. I told them to search my room but one of the policemen started speaking their language to them and I knew that they were actually working with Prosper. I was taken to Santon Station and from there to Honey Dew Station. All the things they did were illegal because they were not supposed to take me from one police station to another. They treated me like a hardened criminal and took me to another station where I then called my friend, Seyi, and told him all that happened. Then Seyi came to the station and gave them 10, 000 Rands.

How did they release you from the cell?
Prosper took the money and went away. It was the following day that he came around and signed an affidavit to ascertain that the case had been taken off from the station, but he still requested he take hold of my passport until I paid the remaining 22, 000 Rands. That was when Prince went to meet Seyi to ask him when the remaining balance would be ready so that Prosper wouldn’t outsmart him.

What do you think made Prince Ekeh to conspire against you after all you did for him?
Prince wanted to use Prosper’s car to shoot his movie. Prosper is also in the movie as well. Prosper wants fame by all means. I told Prosper outrightly that he’s not a professional and I cannot put people that don’t know how to act in my movie; he’s just looking for publicity. Another reason Prince betrayed me was that I refused to do his movie. The movie was entitled, Emeka Too Much Money. I told him that for me to come for an international job, he would pay me thrice what I earn including my visa fees like I did for him.

Your fans are very angry. They are asking, ‘why should a married woman live in a guy’s house?’
They don’t know the situation of things. The answer that I am going to give to them, especially girls, is that, ‘are they going to say that all the male friends that they have are sleeping with all of them? That they have never slept in someone else’s house without sex being involved?’ As far as I am concerned, I have about five people in my house that I am rendering help to, that are not related to me both male and female.

Do you think the whole thing was a set up?
It’s a set up between Prince Eke and Prosper. Can’t you see that it is a set up? If I had stolen this guy’s money, I wouldn’t have sent him my address or anything for them to come look for me. No thief will give himself or herself away and even tell you where to find him. And then look at the money in question, $3,200. How can I on earth steal $3,200 which is just about N45, 000?  That is not up to the money that I take in the industry per flick; I earn more than that in a month.

People are saying Prosper wanted to sleep with you because he had spent so much on you…?
Prosper was helping me with my job and I was feeding him. I never knew he was criminally minded. Even if I wanted to cheat on my husband, wouldn’t I have looked for a guy that’s good looking and can give me all I want including what my husband cannot give me? When my husband called Prosper on the phone that he should return the money he took from his wife, Prosper began begging that it was the devil that made him do what he did. He thought that all that he was doing for me like driving me around and running errands for me would make me succumb and sleep with him.

So why did Prosper decide to set up you after you have said you wouldn’t want to make him a topic of gossip?
I don’t know. Maybe he saw something in me that made him come after me. I think while he is angry is because he rented a very big car in order to impress me and he ended up not having his way. So obviously, he must have borrowed money to get that car. Meanwhile, I was still the one who was fuelling the car and feeding him.

Was it the same day you got to the apartment that he started making the advances?
No, it was the next day. Prosper follows us to location and stays with us all through. Sometimes I ask him to go and pick up Prince. Whenever we went to the eatery, he always said he forgot his wallet at home. He was always playing pranks, so I told him that there was no need for all that because he does not really have but pretends to have. I had been feeding him and Prince. I did it all whole heartedly because he was really helpful.

What did your husband say about the whole incident?
My husband knows me. He knows what I am capable of doing. I have a lot of male friends; as a matter of fact, I have more male friends than female friends; that is my kind of person. My husband felt bad that somebody I took to South Africa could blackmail me. Prosper said he was going to call my husband but he never knew that my husband calls me every time and there is no one who doesn’t know that Angela Okorie is married. The guy said on Linda Ikeji’s blog that he didn’t know that I was married. I will never lie to anyone that I was not married; everybody would know that Angela Okorie is married at just the click of a button. Prince was even begging me to date this Prosper guy but I told Prince that if somebody is begging his wife to date someone else, would he be happy about it? I have one word for Prince Eke, ‘whatever comes around goes around.

What lessons have you learnt from the experience?
I have learnt my lessons. I have never stayed in somebody else’s house before in SA and I would never stay in anyone’s house again. I have learnt not to trust people. I was talking to my husband the other day and I said to him, ‘I am scared of my own shadow now because if people that I called my own brothers in South Africa could do this to me, that means anyone can do it.’

Do you think that this scandal can cost you your marriage?
No, it will not cost me anything. As a matter of fact, we went clubbing yesterday night. My husband understands me very well and we are fine. I am not planning to break up or get a divorce any time soon because I know that couples have misunderstandings sometimes and they make up; that’s the most important thing. This thing didn’t shake my marriage at all. Yes, my husband was upset but he knows and trusts me very well and he calls me like every minute to know how I am doing. When my husband called Prosper to ask about the issue he said, ‘bros I don’t know what put me into this temptation.’ He said that he was sorry for the money he took, promising he was going to return it. Since then Prosper has been on the run because he had already shared the money with Prince.

There is speculation that you are no longer with your husband…?
My marriage is 100 per cent intact. I am sorry for whoever wishes my marriage to break-up like they have been doing on the internet. They said that when I get home my husband will throw my things out. I am sorry for them because these people do not have a life.

How many children do you have?
I have a daughter. Chiemenem is two-years plus; she’s going to be three by September. If I am pregnant now I am going to keep it because I am married; my marriage is five-years-old.

What is keeping you from getting pregnant and making more babies?
Nothing is keeping me from getting pregnant. Whenever God says I will get pregnant I will. It is God that gives children, not humans. Whenever the pregnancy comes I will keep it because I am married, I have nothing to lose; children are gifts from God.

How did you get to know that it was Prince that masterminded the whole drama?
It was simply because he called me and told me he was coming with Prosper which he did not. Later when they came to the station, Prince was saying to me ‘Angela, you know that you are a big star, you have built your career. Bring out the money or call anybody who can bring money so that the case could be settled.’ I told Prince to his face that I can’t do that because I was not owing him. Prince left with Prosper and they both went to that same apartment I paid for and Prosper slept there. I got to know through the woman who owns the apartment because she called me and informed me that Prosper slept in that apartment and had been bringing women there as well. Meanwhile, there was a guy called ND who called Prosper up and warned him. Prosper was afraid so he called Prince to let him know there was trouble and Prince then called ND to explain all that happened and while this was going on, the phone was on speaker phone so I heard everything.

Were you charged to court?
No I was not. Rather it was my lawyer that proposed we go to court because my arrest was illegal. If it was legal, the case should be in the court. I decided not to sue them because of the help Prosper rendered to me. I just had to let go and besides, I am a married woman. After that day, the policeman called me and told me that Prosper called him to ask for my passport. The policeman said that when he inquired what for, Prosper said that he wanted to get me stranded in South Africa because I am a proud woman. It was then I realised that the reason all this happened was because I refused to sleep with him.


  1. Replies
    1. She is a fucking liar.

    2. To be very realistic I do not like to lie, I think I believe this woman.

    3. Honestly she's such a cheap liar. She's just contradicting herself. Most of the things she said here don't add up to the previous stories. It's so sad and embarrassing that she could stoop so low.

    4. See the kind of films these people are producing; Emeka too much money and Nwa abakaliki... all of you are so senseless. gosh!!!

    5. #Yawns# too much stories....

    6. Enough of all dis rubbish linda.

    7. Enough of all dis rubbish linda.

    8. Enough of this! Prince Eke i pity you. Your wife Muma gee ιƨ such a lovely woman.

    9. Hmmmmmmm! Dogo turenchi!

      I don't know who to believe. There are so many guys involved. I just wonder how her husband is coping with all these. I believe this young lady is pushing her husband's trust and endurance too far. I am a married man and I know this is something no man wants to deal with. I also see too much pride in this lady.

      My advice to you Angela, is to concentrate in building your young family and stay away from this kind of scandals. There is nothing greater than family. Don't place yourself in uncompromising situations. I can bet you it will be difficult for your family to survive another sex scandal. Goodluck to you and Patience to your husband.

    10. The English command in this story is too poor!

    11. Story tory.... toooorrryyyyyyy

    12. This Bitch like to lie. Hate her story if she was my wife I will send her back to SA. Does a whole. A cheap one for that matter. Soon she will be out of that marriage. She had sex with that guy and am too sure about that. Prince u do not have sense and bad Friend and are u dat poor. She as she printed her self rich. Liar #BVB

    13. This Bitch like to lie. Hate her story if she was my wife I will send her back to SA. Does a whole. A cheap one for that matter. Soon she will be out of that marriage. She had sex with that guy and am too sure about that. Prince u do not have sense and bad Friend and are u dat poor. She as she printed her self rich. Liar #BVB

    14. Not shameful... Be careful.

  2. Hmmmm #bright bravo#

  3. What does this one have that they are stealing

  4. Who be this?

  5. This woman slept with this dude, she is lying and she fucking knws it.... Saying ur husband knws the truth and believes yu wont help yu one bit bcos he has relative ok.... Accept the fact and stop this confusion madam abeg...

    1. Don't judge her abeg
      No one knows the truth

  6. All this women wey dey do kpanna outside marriage... Chai, dia is God ooO, dia is God ooO...

  7. 1st of all ur english is very poor.....too many so so sos so....haba! Anyways na u know weda u de lie again cus u can always cum up again 2mr to say anoda just like d last time... Now how many times will u say they brought gals for prince? Are u tryna put asunder in their marriage? Angela there's GOD ooh! U, prince eke and prosper are bunch of fools! Useless woman! Go polish ur english joor. U cnt evn summarize! U want talk evrytin. I cum here cum read novel? #bringbackourgirls ! Take dis 3fools!

  8. Angela it's ok, let it be

    1. For some reason, I believe her without a doubt and am rather digusted with the Prince guy.
      Muma Gee dey try sha.

    2. @ diary of dido you're right, I also believe her cuz I can feel how pained she is with her responses.

    3. I bliv her to an extent sha.... I have worked wit dat prince Eke guy and I knw he is capable of doing more than she said. # womaniser rakpata!

  9. Stories dat touch

  10. Angela. I can't understand why you put ur self in this awkward, dishonourable situation. Even for a single gal the situation was dicey .Your husband most be drunk in love with you.

    1. What do you expect? She pays the bills so the poor boy has no say. That one no be husband, na toy. Just look at his face. The guy self na all these jobless yahoo boys in festac.

    2. Lolz guy u killed it joor

  11. Razzoids..abeg give us better news linda forget these natives.

  12. That one concern them.

  13. Only God knws d bitter Truth!

  14. Angela this ur story contradicted the first 1 .just saying thou

    1. You are so right! I think she is lying.

    2. I thought it was just me noticing...

    3. Exactly. First she didn't know the prosper guy and met him through his house mate. Now he is a fan that she stays with anytime she is in SA? Hmmmm...

  15. Oloshi alaiye bibaje ashewo.... Long hisssss

  16. Too much story for a married woman.
    Its quite unfortunate

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

  17. "Nwanyi Abakaliki" "Emeka too much money" Movie name? Kai

  18. This is really pathetic, am glad your marriage is intact so sorry dear

  19. Who re you to repe? Ashawo like you.Old Runs girl like you....kwasiii!

  20. Bullshit, this girl is a professional liar, you can see it throughout the interview.... I pity her tamed husband.#akwunakwuna

  21. ABEG HELP ME UNDERSTAND THIS STATEMENT ............... If I am pregnant now I am going to keep it because I am marrieD

    1. My dear ooo,as if she have had series of abortion.besides who is asking her weda she is keeping it or not. Long story,#yimu#

    2. 1 million likes for this observation and comment. My thoughts exactly. Lmao

    3. Angela is indirectly telling us that she did abortions when she was unmarried.

    4. me sef still dey reason am o

    5. Me sef dey reason am o

    6. me sef still dey reason am o

  22. My dear, This is what happens when you hang around low lifes you have no business being with...

  23. This Angela is either an illiterate who can't explain herself properly or just a terrible liar.

  24. Nwanyia gaa zuo ike!
    Some ppl no get any atom of shame!
    She failed woefully as a married woman!

    * My R1.50c comment *

  25. This is totally unacceptable how could prince ekeh do such a heinous act to our star angel he should be penalised for such atrocity

  26. Stories dat touch keep fooling yaself ashawo oshi married my ass

  27. WAlahi,this will make a good movie

  28. Who do we believe now.story story!! Stooorrrryyy

  29. A married woman should NEVER sleep in a single man's house. Not to talk of those pictures they took. Chai! See how small money dey shak people!

  30. ok,frankly speakn dis is hr own side of d sorry n 4 once i dnt blv dis.hw can a married woman be in d same house wt a stranger?dis women of d nva b content wt wht deir husband provide for dem.hem God help us ooo

  31. Do I believe her??? No.... The whole explanation looks more like a fairy tale. Lol

  32. Na wao, This prince Eke you no they shame?


  34. Abeg, ds yeye woman dey lie. She don gv 2 a/c of d story. Ha own stories sef dey contradict each oda.

    1. Angela you lied before. Just go and read ur previous story the difference is like new york and oshodi. How do u expect us to believe u now? U pose with a male fan blowing kisses and u say u are married with ur lips close together? Never knew u are this dirty. Lies lies lies

  35. I believe you.

  36. Angela you are a liar. With the first and second interview you talk different things, which shows that you are not pure in the whole thing. Be Warned and face your husband and stop playing smart.

  37. This woman is a cheap slut,who got into bed with a low life in her desperation to stay on top and be relevant.If she knows what is good for her,she should accept her mistake and try to live with it,her continous interviews only goes to show a desperate attempt to salvage a bad situation and try to cover up,mayb she didn't steal his money as he claimed nd he's only trying to get back at her but she's guilty of everything else. Madam ur stories don't add up and they mk u sound dumb nd guilty as hell.Fyi,anyone who's friend wif prince(aka,muma gee's husby)is a low life,so deal wif it.

  38. Prince is a big fool...idiot man

  39. Kai dis babe ve pity on urself an hubby if he s still truly around, u story sounds so coherent an lousy smh..local champions in all those onitsha/aba/asaba made movies, no class at all, jus imagine d name of d movie ada abakaliki lmao..

  40. If I were her,I'd keep my cool.Too much talk m a liar.silence is golden

  41. Chaiiiiiiiii diaris God oooooo Diaris God in everiting we do, dis body u re sharing in south Africa wey ur husband dey naija diaris God instead make u waka go alone u con carry prince join diaris God watching everiting we do#sobing#

  42. And by d way who asked u if prince brings girls or not huh? Wat er u hoping to achieve wit dat an how does it even relate to d theft huh!! #rollssegunarinzeeyes#..pathetic!

  43. Long storyyy..Anyway its only God dat can judge

  44. you need some one to teach you how to lie angela or whatever your name is,you must thank your stars for giving you a dumb ass jigolo as a honestly foold nobody with any semblance of sanity.

  45. I jus broke up wit my bF,God am so releaved,hmmm

  46. Hmmmm.. This woman self, so why did she lie b4 that she was staying wt a friend? Why didn't she say the whole truth from day one? Anyways, I like Angela, she's beautiful and acts well.. Pls, let's not hear such a dirty scandal about you again! Bikoo!!!!

  47. An amateur court jester for a journalist? Pathetic! MB.C. Doris.

  48. Some words are contradicting but its okay,she seem confident and if her husband believes her then all is settled

  49. MZ Mimi Lee @ DAVIDO my concern.11 May 2014 at 13:30

    story story story. De deed has been done.stop liein Angela and live with cant even convience us wit ur tlks.


    1. Thank you jare, there are so many loopholes. The first and second stories don't match

  51. Her Story doesn't make any sense! She knows the Truth and trying to cover it up with lies makes it even more obvious. I Only Pity her Husband!

  52. thank God u'v learnt your lesson
    Love you Angela okorie!! I'm your big fan
    Akudimma *

  53. Seeing a movie Ratattoouile.Care to join me? It's better than this one here.

  54. Poor husband! Ashawo! U go sleep man house for SA. Poor man! blooldy. runs gel! Dirty old smelling hag! Damn slut!

  55. Why does she Kip changing her story....

  56. Dear Angela if truly u were wrongfully accused,why does this second statement not tally with the former?u said previously that u moved in with ur girlfriend who is a flat mate to Prosper but now u are saying u moved in with Prosper who had other female flat mates!! Angela d Angela this is not funny

    1. My dear, the second statement clearly doesn't tally because. She was trying to leave a lot of things out the first time but seeing that these guys were really out to mess her up, she's reckoned that coming clean would be her best bet- which. Is why she states categorically, to ladies, that not all the guys they've slept in their houses were their boyfriends- wwhich is true- we ladies have male friends which we friend-zone- those guys are considered safe and if they disturb you- you cut them off.
      Why hers looks really bad is cos she's married but, truth be told, it happens.

  57. Hmm. A maried woman kipin male frnds? Did u say u slept in d hous of dis wayward wannabe musician's house am seein on ma screen witout he rough handlin U sexually? I xpect ur socalld husband to put u on d list whr d X of Tchidi Chikere is rite now for liein to the world that as a maried woman u kipin male frnds! Its easy to beliv u dnt steal may b cuz atleast to some xtent cuz an adultrous woman cud also b a thief!# 26247c63

  58. Classic example of a tall tale

  59. Abeg Angela shut up ur mouth. See how ur mouth is running like pipe born water for urban area....... Yeye girl like u... Prince eke does dis Prosper does dat.... U r guilty of the offence committed period... U fit no thief Prosper money ooo but 101% truth is that u had sex with him. Mongo park like u..... Person wey dey abroad since.. U jst came and started feeding him wht a crab stories. Beside ur stories dey different from wetin u talk b4. Anyway na una sabi.

  60. My dear; I thank God 4 everything; no matter wat people do to bring u down; d good Lord wil see u through

  61. You are such an idiot and a big fool!!! First you went to stay with your friend nk and found out that your biggest fan prosper was staying there as well. Now you actually went to the house with prosper himself!!! $3,200 is just #45,000 naira. Like seriously are you out of your damn fucking mind. You are not intelligent at all! You just a big pathetic liar!!! I pity the fucked up stupid man marrying you. I heard you always beat the hell out of him! It's obvious his brain has been cracked!!!!

    1. Lol!!! I wonder that too my guy!!! $3200 is 45,000 naira!!! That alone shows she is out of her mind!!! I pity her husband !!!

  62. Angela theris God oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ur story too much.

  63. Did u let ur hubby know that dis prosper of a guy has been disturbing you? I guess NO, just pray for all dis to come to an end.

  64. I believe her. If you stay abroad you will know that there are so many criminally minded guys who try to mess their fellow Nigerians to make money. They set you up and they have stupid policemen they work with, the arrests are done illegally and they share the cut. I'm a witness

  65. Angel dear, my candid advise is that u stop speaking on this incident henceforth, so that u won't end up complicating urself (ur image) beyond redemption..Truth doesn't need too much too talk u know..LOL

  66. Dis story sound childish to me,a married woman must respect her self,as fame as u r,paying for hotel or apartment should not be a problem,thank God dat ur marrige is still intact

  67. See d woman wey me dey support,anoda story again?anyways love u angela...and prince u're a betrayer dts all I see!

  68. Ur story is my straight forward and I believe you have something with that guy before now.

    1. Exactly! I agree with you 100%. With the way things are in the world these days it is not possible for someone to just offer you the kind of help prosper offered without previous communication. I think Angela is lying oo.

  69. You see why uche jumbo is my role model.if you that have the money to shoot movies,y not continuing acting till money comes instead of showing the whole world how ur personality is

  70. Very smooth story.

    'To lie is not to tell the truth'.

  71. #sad# how could u bring urslf so low Angela.#cryn# nver xpcted dz frm you. Luk @ dz inresponsible fools yu re doin sumtin wth. Dat's why l luv tonto dikeh she can't try dz mess. Pls stop fallin my hands down biko. You'r too pretty to mess arund wth dz bitchs. Luk @ prince wth his weed mouth, abi na prosper wth ugly face repper on my foot.

    ~CYNTHIA~ comment from my TOYOTA CRICKET

  72. You are really NWA ABAKALIKI ! You got Passport for Prince Eke ? Meaning prince doesn't have a Passport ? I pity Muma Gee for that Prince Eke his wife was almost due in pegnancy and he travelled to SA. And If I may ask why did Angela allowed his friend to pay for that money since she didn't steal it ?

  73. This story is far from the truth,too many lies haba,evytin here is dffrnt from d first story. I luv u but,am really dissapointed in u,keep talking rubbish dat u clubed wit ur hussy ysterday nor worry u go Soon know weda him blieve u or not,DUMMY dats just wat u are

  74. Dis her story is funny how can a married woman stay in a house where her male friend is trying to sleep wit her and even tho her husband called her evryday she didn't tell her hussy wats goin on..bcs I believ if she had told her hussy dat ƌ̲ guy dat she's stayin wit is tryin to rape her, no husband will allow her wife continue to stay. And again she said dat why she didn't move out of ƌ̲ guys hus is bcs of money.that means she deosnt have money bt she claims she's feeding ƌ̲ guy...angela pls don't lie to us. The truth shall set you free

    1. But married women act movies wit men nd do all sort

  75. Am one of those people that are defense warriors when people insinuate that all actress and every femalE succesful woman uses their punani for ladder success,Angela okorie is an example that "there is a thin truth laced in between suCh remote mentality"... Why should a married be caught in such a controversy with a guy that looks like a "drug dealer"?? So many women aren't blessed with husbands that would allow them to pursue their careeR in a field that is seen as too sexualised and sexually exploitative and ,it pains me that you are giving more insecured husbands/men the reason to look down more on women in showbiz/ women that are goal- getters......... I can't even hangout in a fastfood with this guy that. looks like a "no good",not to talk of living with him and am married..... HELLO???#cheEzyjayne

  76. Hw many open up she wan do so? She already opend up and it was a dead end... So let her shut up

  77. Chai! You are a very beautiful woman. Angela, when next you want to shoot "Nwanyi Abakaliki" Part 2, please come and stay in my house, I have a spare room and I promise not to gossip you concerning the things that will transpire behind closed doors.#wink..wink#.

  78. Didn't she already open up and the other recant the story? Waris this?

  79. how won't ur husband understand and 'trust' u? He does his own 'runs' too so he can't be bothered. Two of una na the same abeg! Liar!

  80. Look at her MUMU husband! lol..her lover look's more manly than the so called husband! Lol..Angela stop sleeping around! Respect your husband and in-laws! WHORE!

  81. I dnt bleave her, its written all over her dat she stole d money

  82. This whole story's stinks of cheap sluts and pimps. No respectable woman can find herself in this silly situation.

  83. Angela your story is complicated...prince, can u still recall when u were arrested and locked up by your sugarmummy years back coz u swindled her?.....two of a king.


  85. Fucking liar!!! Tell that to the birds

  86. What dose she mean by if i get pregnant now i will keep it because i am a married woman?????…Hello?

  87. u all calling her names r bunch idiots!! Why jobless fools!! Why can't u guyz make comments without insults? Am gonna blame her for sleepn in a guyz house thoe. U guyz should make comment like matured ppl. Thanx

  88. She's such a pathetic liar, her previous version doesn't even correspond with this new one. Now how are we to believe that she actually didn't steal the money? Abeg make she park one side jare

  89. Prosper and prince might be dubious!!! But my dear Angela I don't see any truth in ur story,the whole thing Is too childish, pls respect your status as a married woman# decency pays«

  90. from all indication, I am believing that say did all she is been accused of. anyone that is getting married to this girls should expect this so I do not smell a divorce.

  91. Such a liar! Why did you lie about staying with a "so called friend NK". One lie negates anything you have to say. Now u admit you stayed with Prosper after they've exposed your ass. U are such a blatant liar. Go and sit down and think about your low life. Disgusting thing!

  92. Mumu story with no direction,Mschewwwwwww

  93. Angela,pls stop publicising ur guilt. Your story condemns u rather than vindicate you.

  94. Seriously, there are alotta holes in your story ma'am. I believed u the first time, but you just made me have a rethink

  95. Liar!
    at first she said there's no 'prosper' its NK. And now she has admitted that she was in prosper's house.

  96. Dis her story self is too long to be true

  97. Dunno who to believe. . Bt guys can b wicked oo. Her story looks more authentic dan d prosper guys story..

  98. Angela your husband look so younger than you and you might be the one that married him and such he does not have a say of his matter, but if i were your husband i will forgive you but if you fail another time, you will my actions

    For my quiry, can you swear with any thing you hold dearly that you did not sleep with this guy called prosper or even kiss him, swear,

    i can imaging how a married woman should allowed another man that is not your husband to be holding her in such manner and took photos, if it was your husband that took does photos, please what would have be your reaction

    You would keep quite and refused to grant the interview,
    Photo you took gave you out, and you have no excuses or defense, even if you are not guilty

  99. All I can see here is a woman who is trying to get back at someone. Why didnt you tell us abt prince eke's girls thing since? And now is prosper's house abi, and not Nk's house? Thank God! Nne wayo with asi ocha. I-na asika bikoo! Di akuko adabarooo ma otu. Mana chukwu nokwa

  100. What's in this girl's head, cotton wool or stone?. Only a 5 year old will believe this trash. Composure and grammar = 0. Bring back our girls and take this illiterate that knows nothing.

  101. This one na Super Story...

  102. She is just a bloody liar. Hw can she go as far as saying prosper is begging her husbnd. Thhere is no element of truth in wat she is saying. Poor husbnd

  103. Diss simply the truth. I believe dis very story. No1 is perfect for those that said she's married n shouldn't sleep at a guys place(no1 is perfect,dat didn't mean married man or woman silent mingle wit single people,it can only b forbidn wen u sleep with any) prosper neva said he slept wit her. Both Angela n prosper r not stupid to hide anything now dey hv beef for each of other. For u all that doubt dis story,use ur brain well put ursef in der shoes n kw if it u where Dem u wuld say every truth. I hate people dat r quick to judge. Are u even beta Dan her? Let's try n judge rit n stop painting people black. If u lik believe her if u lik don't. D end of story is dat she's still very much wit her hubby #shikena. And Linda let me not warn u of ma posts again or u lose ur acc #be warned. This d 3rd tim am commenting I don't see it on ur posts. Don't dare me. Am waiting. And for those dat come here to find wrong spelling or English blame it on ma iPhone or try buy bugatti with ur English.


    « 9 hours ago »

  105. Angela the baddest babe. I totally believe u...

  106. The only thing i have to say is that the stories are not the same because you mentioned NK in your first interview, now I can't see any NK here.
    Secondly $3,500 is not #45,000 OK.Go check what the value is because it's far more than that

  107. Ur story is different from d oda one....Married woman, u called ur fan dat Ur in SA next tin u carry ur bag go leave with him.. someone uve not met b4. nawah oooo. I neva hear dis kin story b4. Ur jus a slut. Accept it

  108. Every story has got two or more sides..for some reason,i think there's more to what meets the eye here...

  109. Angela go and tel doz lies to d goats in your village. Its only d jjc dat doesn't know how dirty u are. Y won't your mumu husband take u bak wen u hav suceeded in turning him into a wife. We al know about your nasty bisexual acts. You made sure that blessing remains wit u so that you can continualy suck her dirty ass. Nonsense liar. We al know that u stole dat money. Thief and liar and cheat

  110. White Lies! Boarded the same flight with her... and sincerely she was dressed like a whore. Never knew she was married.... smh angela

  111. Crafty liar..

  112. SOMMY KING said...
    Bull shit. All I see is LIES from a cheap NWA ABAKALIKI... Next pleaaaaaawwwsssseeeee

  113. I believe Angela tot the guy was a big boy. But was disappointed after finding out the guyz real financial status .Her story is very shallow. Madam na only u and prince with prosper act the movie? Na wah ooooooo. Odikwa egwu

  114. I love mercy johnson.since she got married she peacefully carried her self inside nt all ds ano m di acho di.fuckligat lik u Angela shameeeee see ur contradicting stories.u sleept in a singl's man ouse fo days am married woman lik u.ddnt ur huuby provide u with enof money befor takin urself to SA.pretty girl without brain.its lik u don't av mother in law heheheheheheeheheeh.abegi

    1. See Mercy Johnson the matron saint of all sluts coming here to post comments about herself.

  115. Na wa oo.. linda pls d story is fucking Long. Bt I think I believe her though we are nt sure yet

  116. That's the problem when you tell a lie. You have to tell another lie so that the first one does not crumble. But at the end of the day, there will be contradictions and everything will come crumbling down.

    That is why they say-TRUTH IS CONSTANT.

  117. Angela abeg swear say me I No fuck u 3times dat night u enter SA.... other days once per night after location. Last yr i was in Nigeria. We slept together in a hotel b4 u came 2 SA. Pls stop all dis lies joor. Linda i swear if Angela make me vex. I will post her Nude pics on internet. I have it on my laptop now... Angela be warned!!!

  118. Y is every body hating like she is a devil,calling her b*tch like u all so faithful,condemning her like u have never told,let he dat is witot sin be d 1st to cast a stone, she was in a strange land 4 biz n wat happened to her can happen to any body so stop hating n stop condemning,entertainment biznes is full of ups n down,so make una quit hating n handle am,4 her I wish her luck in her pursuit of her dream

  119. Ahhhhhhhhh, why naaaa? Angela! Shame catch mi...

  120. Anon 12:57 please shut up your dirty mouth. you're showing the level of childishness. if u slept with her and so? publish the pix na ,odeeeee. Mine is that we shouldn't judge. Angela messed up but lets not forget that guys like prosper exist. My advise for Angela is to redress this issue in a COOL way to protect her image.

    hypocrites wey una dey. oya unleash your madness coz i said d truth.


  121. y'all saying stupid tins about dis woman here are fools!!,. y cnt u just leave her alone, Too much envy haba!!!. nobody here knows d truth
    so y dnt we just say/judge d tins we know of!! babes u alone knows d truth, all i cn say is make sure you've learnt from every tin dah happened nd try to avoid mistakes dah could tarnish ur image/marriage.

  122. Angela is LYING. We see her a lot here in Port Harcourt hanging out with her lesbian friend & owner of Casablanca smoking & drinking like no man's business.. Prince Eke on the other hand, it's a pity..

  123. This is so ghetto and razz.. Goodness gracious Angie how the hell do you not sue for this accusation and deformation of character?? Are you that nice?? NO.. So what the heck? What stupid help or assistance has been offered to you that maks it ok for you to let sensitive incident lik this slide by ? I know you , you re even physically strong (you don't wanna get in a fight with her ) so y u being all nice sweetheart? TRASH# I know some of you actors are clean but I haven't seen..

  124. C Angela saying person no sabi act movie. I Don c u wey b Angelina Jolie...laugh wan scatter mi abeg. I no fit laugh. So if actress come out u kwa go come out. Na yarsh u use enta nollywood. U can't act at all so don't count ur xlf as an actress cos I don't c u as one. Iwu ndi jii otula aga na nollywood. Ashawo

  125. Angela how is $3,200 just about N45,000? Even if you use bank rate it's over half a million, black market rate is way higher. This woman can lie for Africa


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