Nigerian man learned to walk in high heels as part of his plans to kill his mother | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 4 April 2014

Nigerian man learned to walk in high heels as part of his plans to kill his mother

21 year old Emmanuel Kalejaiye is accused of learning how to walk in high heels and purchasing an all-pink outfit, pink hoodie, pink jogging bottoms, and a scarf as part of his 'meticulous plans' to kill and then impersonate his own mother, UK Daily Mail reports. Full report below...
A court heard he planned to wear them as he moved his mother’s car so as to deceive any neighbour who saw him into thinking that she was still alive. The court heard he had detailed on a piece of paper how he had to learn to walk in high heels for this part of his plan.
Kalejaiye is accused of killing his 44-year-old mother,Tolu Kalejaiye (pictured above), at their home in Wickford, Essex, on September 26 last year.

A jury at Chelmsford Crown Court heard on Wednesday how his plans involved buying women’s clothing and learning how to walk in high heels so neighbours would think he was his mother.He also bought knives, rubber gloves and turned a beanie hat into a 'frightening mask' as part of his plan, the court heard.

He allegedly covered the floors of the house and garage in cardboard and bin liners to prevent evidence being found.

Kalejaiye wrote his murder plan down on pieces of paper and even made plans to get rid of his brother Femi if he found out or stumbled on the scene, it was said.

The court heard he planned to kill his mother when she came back from church or when she was coming downstairs to go to work.

Prosecutor Andrew Jackson told the court: 'He made meticulous and detailed plans for the slaying of his own mother'.

The car was to be parked around the corner to make it look as if she was at work, the court heard.

It was alleged that Kalejaiye struck on September 26 last year as his mother came downstairs on her way to work.

But the court heard how the plan started to unravel as his mother managed to call her friend Leo Shogunle.
 He did not answer, but the call went to his voicemail and when he picked it up later on, he called police.
The court then heard that when police arrived at the scene they discovered the body of Tolu Kalejaiye on the living room floor, along with a mass of evidence linking her son with the death.
Checks later revealed he had bought clothes, knives, gloves and even lighter fuel to dispose of her body, it was said.

Former Essex University student Kalejaiye denies murder and has admitted a lesser charge of manslaughter, but this plea has not been accepted by the prosecution.

Kalejaiye confessed to police he had killed his mother and claimed she tortured him mentally and quoted the Bible at him, the court heard.


  1. Replies
    1. Hmm she called her friend he didn't answer that means she was destined to die that day,there shld be a curse somewere thy shld check it linda swallow dis comment and put them binairo own only

    2. Na wah oooh.Rip 2 death.

    3. He ιƨ a beast from the pit of hell.

  2. God!!! Soooo many evil in dis world!!

  3. What a wicked world, may God continue to protect us from evil people like this o

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    1. Amen. And RIP to Tolu Kalejaiye. But where's Emmanuel's father? The story did not mention him. Is he dead? Was Tolu a widow? Or is it a case of the present day female emancipation from men following western 'civilization'? Whatever the case, women should know that children, especially boys need father figures in their lives, for guidance and for discipline.

  4. Nigerians always doing sheet #bright bravo#

  5. God have mercy. Wht a wicked world.

  6. Mentally unstable; probably through drugs that mummy refused to give him cash for/reckless lifestyle.

    Moral lesson: We parents should train and bring up our children in the way of the Lord so they won't depart from it. Start early or be sorry later bcos there are soo many negative things in the world.

    It's definitely pre-meditated and he should face the full wrath of law..

    * My R1.50c comment *

    1. Fool u didn't hear that she quoted the bible for him even pastors kids are worst u tink is by bringing up a child the way he should go,make we see ur own na,kids choose their own ways now adays ode

    2. Claimed she tortured him mentally and quoted the bible at him. The boy is possessed read the reason he gave

  7. And that was his excuse? Okay na

  8. And that was his excuse? Okay na

  9. Such a bad blood.

  10. Is that his reason for killing her?nmtchew all these abroad senseless children

    1. Funny! Look how you at home children turned out: Mehtma Mohammed said the following about the black African: ”These black creatures were born to be in perpetual servitude and were ordained by God to be our slaves forever. They are lazy, greedy, stupid, godless, dirty and most important of all they are cowards. When you put the whip to them and hard they line up and will do anything for you. They and their African brothers who sell them to us have no sense of collective purpose and they think nothing of killing and selling their own kinsmen for a pittance. They have no god and they have no interest in dying for or fighting for anything, which is outside their daily feeding. They are docile, lazy, dirty and stupid and that is why I have made so much money from selling them. The most gratifying thing is that even if one of the group shows signs of any potential or hope of being able to be a great leader to the others, they are the ones that will expose him, report him and destroy him just for a few morsels from my table. They present no danger to us. They are as harmless and fearful as puppies and they only growl like dogs at each other and to no one else. We will shame them, trade them, own them and rule over them forever.”
      Your current slave masters are: Jonathan 'Moron) Goodluck and his cohorts! Carry on sub-human people who does not think they deserve better.

    2. Stupid! Just because you just read some history book and the fact you hate the Nigerian president does not justify your comment not does it have anything to do with the article you commented on. Go and take several sit at the back of the line.

    3. Absolutely what I expected from your type; always resorting to mindless chatter due to lack of capacity to rationalize. Is the likes of you that validates the impression that black people are of low-intelligence! Coward!

    4. We've heard you Mr Abroad. But we are not responsible for your current misery and lack of fulfillment abroad. Having cowardly relocated to your masters' country, you thought you could make any headway in life without being personally responsible for your life. But getting there you found that your second status is staring you in the face. What did you do? You resorted to bitterness and self hatred towards the people back home who did not know when you applied for your visa. You can still trace your steps back home, it's not too late. But you have to come and start from the bottom and compete. You would have to be psychologically purged of your current confused mental state also.

  11. Please peps, stop bringing up your kids esp teenagers abroad. Most times it has adverse effects. Peer influence is a key shaper.

  12. Mmm..wonders shall nt end! Its so sad,wat a pretty 4 d son I guess he ws possess by sm demons. Dts d problem with kids abroad,their parents av raised dm 2 bcm beasts dt wil later turn arnd n slay dm

  13. Where d kalejaiye of a boy picture

  14. Na wa ooooo

  15. Na wa oooO wetin person nor go hear....ur own mama,hmmmmm...

  16. Ok, wtf am I reading right now???

  17. oh lord!
    wat is dis world turning into?
    a child killing his mum. d devil at work no doubt. pls God help us out in dis wicked world.

  18. Micheal scofield the second...... Why on earth will some map out a plan to kill his mum, i hope he is happy bw bcos he is nw motherless and he just put his poor brother in that position also.....

  19. 30yrs jail tym shouldnt pass him by......

    1. I have never had yo reply your comments, but you have gat to be fuckin kidding me...@ Micheal Scofield the second. Please where did micheal Scofield plan to kill his mother, abi no b same Prison Break??? Jeezz.. seriously must you comment.

  20. Unbelievable. the woman who gave u life, may u rot in jail

  21. This is really sad...I think that guy is mentally unsound.

  22. wounders shall never end.

  23. Sad, a truly broken family


    1. Shut up ur could happen anywhere.Don't bring ur tribal war here and I am from igbo.

    2. This simply shows how retarded you and your generations are! No wonder this your name! Idiot

    3. Then again the dude is Yoruba. Lord help us, RIP to Tolu. Yoruba peeps, I've got my eyes on you.

  25. Such a demon. He will never know peace for the rest of his cursed life

  26. How can a guy possibly kill his mother with the silly excuse of being mentally tortured by her? NO! IT'S A SAD THING.

  27. Another Nigerian causing wahala ova der... May her soul RIP. And d boy will rot in jail.

  28. Dear Father, I thank you for your mighty power that’s at work in me; I declare that I can do all things through Christ, because I’m sufficient in His sufficiency. I function by the might, wisdom, and excellence of the Spirit today, in Jesus’s Name. Amen.

  29. this is the disadvantage of living in advance country.may God help us all.....

  30. The lines don't always fall in pleasant places. What a life! Living overseas inorder to give your kids the best opportunity to prosper.The society swallows them and spits them out as evil or good. Peer pressure is a high contributor to moral decadence especially in the public school system. It takes God to give you grace to cater and raise God fearing children.Make hay while the sun shines.Parents as you 'Ajebutter' your kids remember to 'Ajekpako' them when the need arises.

  31. Ah sh*t!!! I hate to read things like these it's just so awful! I couldn't imagine doing a thing like this to my ma, especially for a simple thing as just trying to be my ma.

  32. this is not good.......not good at all.

  33. Bad things dey happen. Killings v taken over talking like a family. Its touching. May her soul rest in peace.

  34. Wonders dey say shall never end.
    All dis black British though!

  35. Hmmmmmmm....."He made meticulous and detailed plans for the slaying of his own mother". Such kid can't be human.

  36. Unbelivable,may God deliver him cos he is so cursed.

  37. MY God! Why on earth will someone murder his own mother? May her soul RIP.

  38. I always wonder what will make a man kill the woman who bore him in her womb for 9months,nurtured him,gave him luv and stood by him even as he turns into an adult.What is the motive??? Where has she gone wrong? This guy deserves to be stoned to death.Haba its too much

  39. Wicked son, karma is a butcher just praying your are sentenced if not you are not escaping this any time soon. Omo buruku

  40. Over the years, i've heard enough stupid excuses to realize some people are born stupid, but this excuse has to climb up my list. SLAUGHTER his mum cos she was kind enough to share God's word with the idiot so his doomed soul won't go to hell? The world has gone mad! Obviously, there is more to his motive than the bingo is claiming. Maybe to collect her money? Property?is he mental? He has alot to answer for in hell!

    1. Exactly my thought. If he is sentence to a jail term he better repent else he will rot in hell. May the mother's soul RIP

    2. You can think this guy's escuse is stupid but you are missing the point. The west currently have a very negative opinion about the Bible, he will get a light sentence by bringing the Bible 'thumping' escuse into the mix. Those who believe in the Bible are viewed as not very smart people in the west. They are viewed as believing in the 1st century myths. Emmanuel must have done his homework pretty well to know how to defend himself. Keep an eye on the case, he would probably claimed his late mother wanted to interfere with his homosexuality with her Bible, hence his murderous act. And then you'll see 'human' and 'animal' rights lawyers arguing in his defense.

  41. Wonders shall never end! Mothers are not even safe in the hands of their children anymore? Na wa ooooo!

  42. Such a beautiful woman wasted just because she want to make her son become responsible somebody in life. Where did she go wrong? May God save us from untimely death In Jesus Name Amen.

  43. If it's because she preached to him he killed her, tons of us in Nigeria should have killed our parents. God forbid. First it was Ibilola who killed her Police officer mum in Aguda Surulere now this fool. It's good to train kids abroad but its also good to know that the warped tradition more often than not messes them up in the end.RIP madam Kalejaiye

  44. The evils that men do these days scares even the devil......#SMH

  45. The evils that men do these days scares even the devil......#smh

  46. The evils that men do these days scares even the devil......#SMH


  47. ANYA IKENGA, Just shut your mouth up. All these Igbo,Yoruba,Hausa tribalism has to stop. You guys still needs some level of exposure. Strange things happen. May God help us.

  48. Diz bad na,she gave u good life by trainin u....snd em bck naija,our prison is perfect fr em.... Rubbish pikin,she read bible fr u so wat?

  49. Over the years, i've heard enough stupid excuses to realize some people are born stupid, but this excuse has to climb up my list. SLAUGHTER his mum cos she was kind enough to share God's word with the idiot so his doomed soul won't go to hell? The world has gone mad! Obviously, there is more to his motive than the bingo is claiming. Maybe to collect her money? Property?is he mental? He has alot to answer for in hell!

  50. Useless child....probably no father figure in his life since women nowadays choose career over raising their kids right and being a wife. Drugs, gang and under age sex is order of the day with UK teens.

    1. What if his father abandoned him and his mother? Must you even talk? Chauvinist pig.

  51. Evil Child! God save us.

  52. dis is called matricide

  53. This guy pass hardened criminal !

  54. R.I.P..That is a child from hell. May he rot in jail.

  55. Nawa for all these children raised abroad ooo. is it not the work of one's parents to train,beat and even quote bible passages for you?

    what a stupid excuse.......

  56. Wow Nigerians keep on denting our image abroad what cud be de reason behind dis omg dis small yoruba boi fucked up big time, I guess its greed, maybe he wanna quickly grab his mom's wealth sorry mrs kaleajiye R.I.P

  57. b'cos she quoted bible verses at him? this is ridiculous. 50% of those living in developed countries are mentally retarded. Bunmi

  58. OMG!! This is very disturbing, Olorun maje a bi omo oshi, this boy is mentally ill, omo rada rada, May Her gentle sould rest in perfect peace

  59. God please save us from this evil world Lord

  60. Its very difficult to bring up a child in places like this, this is why more kids should get shipped to Nija b4 it gets worse

  61. I don't blame @Ikenga truth be told, come to think of it how come all the killings in London, US are linked to Yoruba boys? If its not their mother they are killing they are beheading an innocent man. Even in Nigeria is either yoruba or hausa, Igbo people re not cruel and they love their mom so much and nothing will make them kill her they re ready to sell their property to carter for her. You yorubas u better check ur selves and check ur backgrounds. No one is perfect sha #amjustsaying#

    1. So the Igbo men using their mum for rituals nko? Igbos are greedy and can do anything for me. Untrustworthy goats!!

  62. Let me keep mi womb locked up, too many horror stories like this of late. The generation of vipers are upon us.

  63. It has nothing to do with raising a child abroad abeg let us hear. So the loose girls we have at home unko, what is the excuse? The rootless young men that are turning their wives into punching bags are what? We should all pray to God to help our kids turn out right. In general, the world is a crazy place. Your child that you think is at home being "trained" properly has access to the Internet with all sorts of indoctrinations and what not. Be there deceiving yourselves. Naija people love to look for who to blame. You all want to blame another society for a stupid man's idiocy. God help una.

  64. Sometimes I wonder what type of disease will make someone do a sick thing such as this. It were better he killed himself instead of his mum since obviously he was so eager to take a life.

  65. Swagg isimemen4 April 2014 at 19:38

    They should sentens him 2 death straith

  66. Good son. Nwa ogwugwu oge.

    Just left jupiter

  67. Dear God, instead of giving me a child that will kill me, let me remain childless. Chaiii!!!!!!

  68. Not everyone u see working down the street is normal..chei ur own mother, smh

  69. May her soul RIP
    God help us all...
    So he is claiming self-defence for a non physical attack?
    May God deliver him

  70. Derrick Chillz6 April 2014 at 22:38

    Perilous times.

  71. ok, this is scary!! .. no one is save anywhere anymore!! May the lord forbid such children from coming into this world in the first place, period!!... i trust oyibo na, they will so deal wit him until he start calling the same mum he killed to come nd help him.

  72. ok, this is scary!! .. no one is save anywhere anymore!! May the lord forbid such children from coming into this world in the first place, period!!... i trust oyibo na, they will so deal wit him until he start calling the same mum he killed to come nd help him.

  73. hmmm nawo is d boy process or wat hw on earth wil some1 reasonble kill his own mum dat gave birth 2 u n breastfeed u even b4 u grew up hmmmm is only God dat knw d kind judgment he wil made 4 dis pple


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