Dear LIB readers: I'm married to a man who may be gay | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 1 February 2014

Dear LIB readers: I'm married to a man who may be gay

From a female LIB reader
"I was scrolling through my hubby's phone and I came across love messages between him and his boss, who is a man. At first I thought maybe he saved the name on the phone with his boss' name but it was actually him. I was so shocked and it took me a while to confront him. When I eventually confronted him about the text he said I misunderstood it. I'm not an illiterate I know what I read. We have a 2 year old son and now I'm scared to leave him alone with him. I don't want him to infect my son...worse still molest him. I don't even know what to do right now. He reads this blog, hopefully he sees this.


  1. My dear, U betta run, It is what it is

    Maheeda shares More "Happy Pics" ..

  2. Yep! Your husband is gay! Take your son and run.

  3. TOGETHER FOREVER TILL kicking Bucket or GP tank do you part!! Or you go to TB JOSHUA, he does it for free.

    I Rep IT JAKES YOU ( A Book Of Inspiration By Linda Ikeji)
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  4. Well I don't think he will do anything to his own son, my own piece of advise to you is to seek God's face.

    SNOWYTE SAY S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡

  5. Infect your son? Who told you its contagious? Are you truly sure you're not an illiterate? I'm not gay buh you sound like you were charmed or forced into marriage

  6. u need to really investigate and b double sure b4 u take ur next step.

  7. Nawa oh. What u really need is just prayers. Just ask jesus to take control of his life. He also needs deliverance. Is well.

  8. Depends on the message but since u didn't post it for evaluation it might just be you misinterpreted it.....investigate more there should me some more signs.

  9. WTF gay wat...see dis gal u beta run for ur life.dat is ma own advice i can give you.
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  10. You have to deal with this issue. That is what lot of women in nigeria will go through because of this anti-gay bill

  11. Dude don't ur wife satisfy u in bed? Ok na ur boss ass go swit pass?? Divvy**

  12. Agbusi agbaa ara!
    It sounds disgusting how to rigid men would be professing love to each other,its so irritating.
    If this message is the only evidence u've got,I will advice u give him the benefit of doubt.
    And on your own part play all those sexy roles a woman av got that can make a gay broda reconsider.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3210

  13. Who may be gay. It seems u don't know who u married. Only u can solve ur problem.

  14. Well, if u re sure of wat u read, pls seek for divorce since u re literate enough. I can't imagine havin a gay for a husband. And kp ur son far away frm him.

  15. Don't tell anyone pls, just be prayerful and see wat we happen in the nest 6 month. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  16. Because someone is gay doesn't mean they want to shag every boy/man esp their child or they have the ability to influence or "infect" people to be gay. Straight men do not want to shag their daughters. Only a sick few.

  17. Speechless

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  18. Linda pls stop getting us bored with this gay gist.The anti gay law has come to stay in Nigeria,whether you like it or not.

  19. Ha,this is serious o,u need to pray well and keep watching him,He needs God and u also need God in ur family,

    Pay close attentions to him,keep watching and if u still suspect or find message btw him and the Boss,Take him to ur church,pray for him,I pray God saves ur home...sad sad sad!

  20. Haaaaaa! My dear I pray God helps you,because usually when the guys decide to choose between cover up wife and gay partner,they usually go gay! I sha just pray he aint gay for you and your sons' sake.

  21. My dear u r in trouble OOoº°˚ , no way out!!! unless GOD.


  22. Ignoramus. How do we go from he may be gay to he may infect my son to he may molest him. Olodo. If u think he's gay either get a divorce or stay. U won't be the first woman to stay with a gay guy

  23. Being gay is from the bloodstream, chances are ur son is already gay, he cnt be infected like a virus or made to love men... & besides a gay guy isn't a pedophile.

  24. Wow, Just talk to him. This is when you need to stand by his side and support him, if not for anytin, for your child's sake. Mind you, he can never molest his own son,instead he ll do his best to ensure dat ur son is straight. PrAy about it, n trust GOD. 'Sergio Frankie"

  25. Ur not serious I thought u would say he doesn't perform @ nite..if he is giving u dat di** then he might hav 2 bosses of which u only knw of one.

  26. Omo serious dear u better carry ur child

  27. Omg dis is really serious please just take it eazy

  28. Its good for you.

  29. What's with the automatic qualification of gay people and paedophilia? It's plain wrong and dumb.

    Consider leaving your husband for cheating not for the thoughts of raping the son both of you birth together.

  30. You are a very ignorant woman! Would you think your husband will molest your daughter if you had one? Just because one is gay does not mean they go round having sex with every male around. Just in the same way a straight person is selective about who they fancy, a gay person is just the same.

    Gosh! Nigerians you need to wake up! Stop being so backward. Uninformed posts like this just makes me so mad. I do not mind you being concerned that your husband is gay but to automatically link it to your son???

  31. Seriouz mata! U both shud sit nd talk abt it

  32. Many nigerian women are married to gay men,this could have been avoided assuming you people allow gay people to be open,authentic and proud about being gay


  33. ***********************************

    You do sound illiterate tho

    Being gay doesn't equate to being a child abuser / pedophile!!!

    Does he like to give it you in the but? Maybe you could reciprocate and wear a dildo and do him.

    Just a suggestion.


  34. Even Ashewo dey vex say Gays don collect all their customers... Lmao

  35. Linda I'v never posted my comment. U b suegbe

  36. Deliverance and prayers can't change someone from being gay to being people where born this way

  37. And infect your son? Is being gay a disease??? Why did Linda even post this? This woman is clearly uneducated! No wonder your husband is gay. He feels he can only have a decent relationship with another man.


  38. miss ikeji no dy give us eba chop.
    we r all entertainers at d end of d day

  39. i sure say u follow de insult gay ppl since, now see the result.... One by one una go hear whiiieeeeee, continue gay bashing.

  40. I Think ur making a mistake by posting dis stuff here, since ur hubby reads dis blog, don't u tink it mite lead to some sort of issues?

  41. I think you should take your time and investigate him very well before you jump into conclusion..

  42. Woah but hey darling some guys get homo texts bt it dnt mean they gay. If he was really gay he would hide it n delete the texts. I've been asked out n inboxed by lesbians b4. Imagine if sm1 who didn't know me saw em they might jst cnclude so pls handle this matter after u think very carefully or maybe its a girls number n he saved it with his boss's Just sayin#----C21

  43. Did u confirm that???... U only read a txt msg and u confroted him and he said u misunderstood him.. All u need to do is to be watchful... And catch him red-handed!

  44. Plz if ur hubby is truly gay, then plz walk away wif ur son..... Bambi 8

  45. Ummm, am as. Scared as u ooooh.

    I guess these re things u ought to ve noticed, before getting married 2 him. Just saying tho


  46. u hav to be diplomatic abt dis issue make sure u ar convinced dt he is a gay n try confrontin him n believ dt smday he wil come out of it cos i no pple who hv come out of dis situation ..

  47. Haba.....dis one rough oh....i don't even know what advice to give oh sorry... your case strongg o

  48. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity may God help u out ooh hmm

  49. Lmao I don't even know wat to say

  50. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity may God help u out ooh hmm

  51. Mor situation lyk dz wil cum up if dat gay law z not amended....he married u bcos of wat d society wil do if he cum out as gay... sorry woman, but u n ur innocent child na hin go suffer

  52. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity may God help u out ooh hmm

  53. Leave d bagga immediately.....he wouldn't sure he has been at it for ages...

  54. Did u do anything wrong?

  55. Sincerely, u av a serious case @ hand.

  56. If he is gay he will fall in love with a man not you.He will never even have a hard-on for you.

  57. U shld be happy that he still can sex u....u ve a bi-sexual as a!!! u ve to remain in the marriage.remember u made a vow ,for better or for worse.just pray to God,he alone has the solution.

  58. Anytime I see 'Dear LIB reader', I take it as composition. Not real at all

  59. Life of a woman. We worry about chicks hitting on our guys, now we have to worry about dudes too?


  60. Dear Madam, it is possible your darling husband is GAY.

  61. God is in control. Dat shudnt mean u shd insult him, talk sence out of him. Dnt forget 2pray over it.

  62. Close ur eyes,say a prayer,sometimes it helps!

  63. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity u should also let ur parent no it what u saw may God help u out ooh hmm

  64. Men too are becoming husband snatcher? This world is not rotating anymore, its bouncing!

  65. Mctewww madam abeg park well jare....cos u dnt ave any prove 4 wat u jst's jst a text nd if its nt jst an ordinary text,den my dear calm down nd found out b4 u tear ya marriage apart.

  66. Get your fact right before taking action. Your husband might be having an affair and decided to store her number with his bosses name. It's very common with men.

  67. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity u should also let ur parent no what u saw may God help u out ooh hmm

  68. mr woman ur the sick one been gay is now an illness??!foolish woman...leave ur home and he will bring in another woman/man to come and take ur place...if you get sense stay and make him the kinda hubby you want.basket mouth..

  69. Hmmmm is only God will save u draw him 2 church observe him more then u will make sure u hv police phone no on ur phone don't save d no wit police name so dat he won't no is police no incase of incasecity u should also let ur parent no what u saw may God help u out ooh hmm

  70. Thts A̶̲̥̅ v.sad discovery. In ths age of increasd prevalence of HIV/AIDS in homosexual men, ur health safety is mor important 1st cos onli A̶̲̥̅ healthy mom cn train her child in the absence of hz fathr eventualy. Talk thgs ovr wth ur hubby bt its inevitable ull hv to leav the mariage. Please screen urself for HIV& hv A̶̲̥̅ PAPSmear done as soon as U̶̲̥̅̊ hv the oportunity to do so. --N.I.C.E

  71. 14 years is waiting for him,,,,contact GEJ task for a proper help.

  72. he only married u to cover up that he is gay.does he have sex regularly?
    a friend of mine once married a gay who married her to cover his sexuality and he does not sleep with her regularly

  73. This story sounds ridiculous... Even if it is true.. The way most stupid holier than thou NIGERIANS think about gay people is sickening. Gay people are not criminals, they are not the one causing all the problems in our country the real people making this country a hell hole are politicians looting public funds, politicians stealing tax to support book haram.. Yes to be gay in all religion and books is bad so what.. Let ALMIGHTY GOD JUDGE BY HIMSELF... But fuck it.. What about stealing, 419, fornication, adultery, abortion e.t.c we don't see them sending pedophiles to jail.. I believe this story is stupid because no sane wife would want to leave his hubby for this... I trust Nigerian women especially those on this blog that think that being gay is because of one stupid demon possession..lmao after all your pastor can cure your hubby or better still report him to the police. get him and his boss arrested. You want to walk because you think your hubby is gay??.. I pity you sha it is because of people like you that gay people would hide themselves and get married to your children and father bastards.. Am not gay but what I am trying to say is some questions are rhetorical e.g
    WHY ARE PEOPLE GAY?? And if you can answer this question.. I swear I will start killing gay people starting from my EX-GIRLFRIEND.

  74. Lmao!almost choked on the meet I was chewing.lmao @ infect my son.oh well,a lot of married men are on the dl.I pity their wives so much.once a guy decides to become or is a bisexual,the guy aspect will come me.he probably married u to fulfill all righteousness.sorry...u can choose to live with him,or bolt!and wat were u doing,going thru his fone???

  75. Put valum in his food and when he is asleep, examine his anus. that's the only way to find out

  76. What do you expect to happen if he sees this?... Become straight? Or accept he's gay(that's if he is).
    If all allegations are true, then he's bisexual not gay (at least he still sees and holds you as his wife)

  77. Babe calm down nd pray ur husband out,life don spoil finish any small thing now I want to leave my husband nobody prays for he's or her home out,its well o

  78. oh wow...just ask God help ask him to direct you

  79. Pick up ur son and flee. Btw, wat exactly was in the sms?

  80. He might be a gay but I don't think gays molest their children. Also posting this letter here means you are done with the marriage bcuz if he gets to read it, I don't think he will want to continue with the marriage. Women should try as much as possible to sort out their marital issues without posting it on twitter,facebook,bbm,blogs, for pple to comment on. Pple's oppinion are not needed in matters concerning husband and wife. Just work things out within urselves.wish you best of luck

  81. That's u shuldn't go thru ur hobby's fun. Think of it, everytng wud've been ok if u didn't scroll thru his phone

  82. Wow hahaha dis gay thing serious pls dis lady run for ur dear life de boss might have infected ur hubby with hiv or std's dammmmmn pls take him to pastor for deliverance sharp sharp :) alu na eme na obodo

  83. See now, d govt n society shld jst allow these pple b who they wana be so they dnt deceive pple and put dem tru unnecessary trauma

  84. Hahaha. Can ppl infect ppl with homosexuality? And I'm hoping all gay ppl are child molesters. Well what do I know. Even if U do sound ignorant :-)
    As for your husband, U can't tell me U didn't see signs prior to marrying him. U prob saw the ring and ignored everything else. U made your bed, lay in it.

  85. Threaten to tell the naija police

  86. Hmmmmmm 1st n foremost, go for a HIV test, if u come out negetive, then u deside if u wan to stay with ur child or leave him. Best of luck ma dear, I kw is a very hard decision to make(meemee).

  87. U for include the message for us to see.But if truly it is a love message,it then means he is bisexual.

  88. I'll advise that she get her facts right, seek counselling and pray to God 'cos once a man goes 'gay', he hardly goes 'back'. Won't advise her to just leave her marriage like that...

  89. You want to marry a gay and you don't know what to is best you quit the marriage #bright bravo#

  90. Wow!...this is shocking!!madam i'll advice you to kindly pack your bags and take your son with you to avoid trouble...simple...

  91. Madam u hav not told us d content of dat text,maybe u misunderstood it besides dia re two sides to evry story so i dnt tink i beliv urs bcos there's no prove

  92. Bonario's wife, am sure of it! Lmao I knew it, Linda nwanyi Oma its true

  93. He might need help. could be that the boss is harassing him. Had a similar experience working with a multinational. I ran mehn.

  94. D best thing to do, is to pray to God 4 help,God is d only ans,don't leave him bcos of ur son

  95. Infect ur son abi molest ur son? How? Anti gay Billz, it's lie this s another way for some one to extort money from thir hubbies or seek unwarranted divorces.

    Listen Woman, this is Naija and not America, so not even try to seek for monetary gains if u divorce, or think u coud Make ur husbands boss settle u with cash to keep mute. I said it earlier that this anti gay bill will hunt many supporters of it, probably, this woman must be amongst those jumping up when GEJ stupidly appended the bill. What goes around, comes around. More truths shall be coming out gradually.

  96. this will require intense prayer and fasting. aldo you will have to make sure ur kid is never left alone with him or his visitors----especially if they are male. god will see you through also be careful it may just be that his boss is wooing him at the moment. PRAYER IS THE KEY. BE STRONG AND WATCHFUL. having another child is not an option for now.

  97. Omg! You husband is soo gay.. he needs deliverance.. serious prayers.. Dos his boss have a wife? She needs to know.. d devil is a liar! Try to make it work if not.. divorce him!!

  98. I will advice you investigate properly thats what you would have done ist before asking him. So you have your facts. If you sure he is gay then darling leave with your child. Maybe if you give him that distance he will probably miss you and his child and change for the better. You should also fast and pray because its the devil at work

  99. Homosexuals in Nigeria are often married...
    This couple in my office are married too...

  100. Hmmmmmmm odi kwa risky o!

  101. Nawoo,strange world

  102. I remember i said before that gay peeps are your husbands, wives, children, brothers, employers and employees....y'all taught i was joking... oya naw report him to d police....laffing in spanish. Am sure u are one of those people advocating death for gay people. What were u doing with his fone in the 1st place? Curiosity is about to kill your cat! Bear your cross darling. BTW same sex is not a disease let alone if your child his not gay he cant get it from his father...stack illiterate!

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Don't be 2 shocked please, in fact, being bisexual today is d coolest thing to be today. U should gave noticed it earlier unless u're an illiterate as u claim not to be. U should try eating some pussy too...who knows, it help u understand ur hubby more.

  105. pictures or it didnt happen

  106. Dis gay thing is becoming som thing else. My sis dnt be in a hurry 2 take decisions

  107. Stupidest question ever. Such grand display of ignorance, lack of intellect & backwards mentality in full grandeur. Whoever sent this letter, from now on, let google be your friend and seek psychological help. Now listen to these words, (1) PEDOPHILES, (2) INCEST (3) HOMOSEXUAL (4) STD ( HIV, AIDS, HPV e.t.c).

    1) is if a grown man sleeps with someone younger.
    2) incest is fkg your children or someone in your immediate family
    3) homosexual is men having sex with another man.
    4) STD: disease you can pass on to others through sexual activities such as fkg.

    #1-#4 are all isolated conditions, not necessarily dependent. Point is, you can not INFECT someone with being GAY. It is not a disease such as #4. Your husband is a case of the downlow brothers, or the bi-sexual orientation. This is what GEJs stupid law results to, lots and lots of down-low, undercover brothers.

    Now, woman, go get educated on what these words mean, some psychology classes and work things out with your husband.

  108. Wonders dey say neva cease! Oga u better desist 4rm dis ur gay act, God has given u ur Eve so y go after Steve?

  109. don't live him because of ur son just try to change him there is nothing impossible with God

  110. Every day comes wit gay topic n linda ikegis blog na wa.

  111. Some people sha. Is this a trick question? Of a man is sending another man love messages while not pretending to be female then he is gay and if I have to spell it out for you then you are dumb. Better leave him before you get hiv

  112. Eyaaa. Women pele. Choi. May God c u thru. U shud qo 2Him 1st

  113. File for a divorce with evidence***its better to get rid of d idiot dan to destroy ur innocent son's lyf with such Animalistic xter*****pray seriouxly for ur son as well cos blood is thicker dan water*****I wonder aw a gay performs on bed doe****Irritating!!! ##just thinking loudly##

  114. I don't understand why everyone brings their personal problems to wah...

  115. God will help u oo

  116. Since you dont want to leave him uv gat to pray for his deliverance and you can talk to your pastor about it...

  117. Hmmmm......this is hard. In as much as u believe in your marriage, you don't want to get infected darl. Most gay men live with HIV why put yourself through all that. Life is too short, be happy, live happy. God bless you

  118. Am sorry woman, but if I were you, I will take my son far much as I believe it's a free world, I can't stand a gay man talk more of calling him my husband.
    I mean, what could be more disgusting than this evil act

  119. This is total bullshit another insecure Black woman. if your husband is gay leave him and don't think been gay lead to molestation.

  120. do u have JESUS?...If yes..tell Him!...If no...look for Him and tell Him!

  121. And i will not be surprise if this is coming from Nigeria a country everybody pretend the don't like gays but still practice homosexuality in secret.

  122. Okay Noted Oya Pack ur Load commot

  123. Is this a true story? First of all, you look for trouble when you pick your spouse's/partner's phone and check messages/call logs.2nd, if your hubby is gay and in the relationship u suspect, you will not easily pick his phone and be reading his messages. 3rd if indeed he is in such a relationship, he will not save his partner's name on his phone with the partner's real name, even secondary school kids save their boyfriends and girlfriends names on their phones in codes. 4. Are you really serious about your fears of him influencing your son or sleeping with your son? Get such ridiculous thoughts out of your mind! Homosexuals do not go around sleeping with their children or siblings.

  124. Na wa o. Wonders keep increasing.
    Tell your husband 14years awaits him.
    Meanwhile, not go worry, he won't molest his own son

  125. Changing him is the only option don't forget prayer is the process

  126. Why would a gay man molest a child? This is the most idiotic and illiterate thing I've ever read. Women can have the most morbid thoughts?! How does flirtatious texts with someone's boss lead to or equate child abuse.

    You are a wicked, vindictive and seriously ill person. You're obviously reeling from the pending failure of your marriage and baiting for accusations to destroy him.

    He's the victim here, and at the end of it all, when you destroy his life, that child will hate you.

    You're disgusting, even the thought that you could put your husband on blast on a public forum shows you obviously didn't marry for love, you married for desperation. You're a narcissistic piece of crap and karma will surely catch up with you.

    Here's why gays should be left to be, if society didn't impose stupid draconian laws on the rights of people to expression, then you wouldn't have poor innocent men living a lie.

    This post is beyond belief.

  127. Linda I am hearing rumor dat yoruba singer Nice wan contest for president lmao okay we dey wait now

  128. You're not an illiterate but stated "I don't want him to infect my son...worse still molest him." Being gay is not a disease. Cancer is a disease, TB is a disease. And being gay doesn't make you a child molester. Please educate yourself.

    Sorry but your husband is gay and in the closet.

  129. U know he is gonna sEe it, yet u post it. Am not married, but sweet heart if u feel u ain't comfortable with that, take ur child and run. Pls pls and pls.

  130. Woman is obvious dat ur hubby is a gay, or do u need a native doctor to tel u? Beside leaving him is not an option, marriage is for beta for worse.prayer is d key.....

  131. Hmmm, I cannot say more than I should.
    If you are a Christian, tell your Pastor about it.. He would find solution to it

  132. pls pray seriously, cos der is nothing God can nt do,cos he is d master of changes.

  133. Hmm dat bad is beta u tk ur son away 4rm dat house or else sumthin else may happen ooo if u knw wot I meant

  134. They are many men like that. They marry as a form of cover up. But wives make una no dey scroll una husband phones na. Or una must see something.

  135. u re a a man in ur matrimonal home..whn u husband wifes a gay.u husband ur

  136. Quite strange!!!!!!

  137. it such a pity for you, but hold him tight he's your husband, anyway for more entertainment site like this

  138. Sorry about that. Pray that God delivers him on time.

  139. Babe is hard to accept bt I tink ur hubby is so gay...eida u confront him again to tell u d truth or u jst giv him space....

  140. My advice is u keep on praying for him, not matter what de post here, notin will change him because it something sexual

  141. Mhen I xo much laugh @ wht happens dis days o, poison him let him die, trust me u'll be saving d world from one demon

  142. Mayb he is schooling his boss on what he should say to his lover.. Better still check his butt hole to see if its wider than normal.

  143. Pray to God. Ask ur husband to speak the truth if he not a coward.

  144. Jh0.......Nigerians are obsessed about gay people I'm you guys won't last a day is south africa gay culture is official.......and don't censor this linda

  145. Your a moron! Gay ppl don't infect others! Ur an idiot.

  146. Relax u might be making a mountain out of a molehill.don't send him to 14yrs behind bars pls,:as he ever shown u signs to think he is one.sit him down and hv a heart to heart tete a tete with him.even if he is one how do u think he will molest his own son or are u telling us u are married to a perv.

  147. Beware my dear! They are everywhere!

  148. He deserves to die if found guilty -Leviticus 20:13. No me say so.

  149. He deserves to die if found guilty -Leviticus 20:13. No me say so.

  150. So because he's gay, which. He probably is...he'll molest ur son, he's on son. That's a stupid thing to think of someone u supposedly love. Gays are not note pedophiles! Worst incestious. Instead of u to speak with him and get educated. On the matter, u talking about A man that will molest his own son. Well sha its a naija blog. Some of these 'stories' aren't true anyways!

  151. Sedate him, then bundle him to synagogue for deliverance

  152. awon stephen oshi1 February 2014 at 16:53

    Who comes up with these all stupid questions?!

  153. That's serious, I think you should "really" talk to him for the sake of your son

  154. Honestly I am speechless! Leave him!

  155. just pray for God's intervention

  156. he need prayers

  157. Infect your son or molest him? You need to take your head out of the sand. So because he might be gay means he's a molester too? Please deal with your issue with your husband and stop putting your son in he middle. If you are sure, he's gay, divorce him.

  158. You are a big fool and stupid. If your husband is straight and you had daughters, will you be scared that he will molest his daughters?

  159. Talo ni ko scroll? (who sent u 2 scroll)?.God help u

  160. Pray 2 God abt it and hope he is delivered....................The LORD is ur strenght

  161. Lmao... Shey u ppl are complaining that gays are taking all the men? If they get married from u it won't stop them from loving other men... He's ur mistake dear deal with it, u can either ignore it nd act like nothing happened or go ahead nd call d marriage quits...nd ps ur husband might b gay not a paedophile so u child is safe wit him...and homosexuality is not an infection... Try to get some education on dat also and while u are at it knw that d right term to use for ur hubby is bisexual since he could get u pregnant!

  162. Infect your son? lol. You are not worried he's sleeping around and might have given you an STD, you are not worried about whether to stick it out or leave him... you are worried he might infect his son with being gay? Please, get your priorities in order.

  163. Plsss hubby reply her ooooooooo!!!


  164. Omo see gobe. Investigation first

  165. Pray for him and av faith in God.


  166. I tell my friends often...even though its not enough evidence. Learn to check ur bf's 'arse hole'. I do such as a form of play but then I check o. Well ma'am, don't worry even if he's gay he won't practice it with ur son. Unless u re sure ur husband is randy. I don't support being gay though.

  167. This is a serious messsssss! If wat u saw is real then ur husband is bisexual and not gay! Kai! U should be scared!

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  168. There are lots of them,shameless fags

  169. Tell em about zah 14 years

  170. sorry dear, I only hope he dnt tear his a** @ a tender age, cos dos gay ppl are nt only pervert,dey are psycho

  171. Love Text messages?
    I no fit shout.
    Sweethrt, confirm before you take a drastic action u wuld ltr regret.

  172. I think u shud just try it out with a chic too, that way u won't feel too bad.

  173. See Gobe! I pray this is not true. Is 'gay' now a sort of pandemic?

  174. My advice s dt ist of al,u both sit down 2 tlk bout dz very well nd nxt u nid 2 b prayerfl.has his attitude changed 2wdz u?

  175. Since he said that its not what you think let him explain better what it is oKay

  176. i think u need to give us more details becuz im not sure what u want from us?

  177. U av take ur son away 4rm nd leave him alone bcos he is doin gay


  179. dnt go reading ur mans msgs cuz the very thing u r looking for is wat u wld find.....
    as a christian, i wld say pray abt it. theres nothing God cant do

  180. Nawa o,please do file for a divorce with legible excuses.


  182. this is devilish, how can a married man be a gay, guess you shd seek divorce if u have anough evidence


  183. Leaving him is nt an option o

  184. Pray like you've never prayed before. Fast and pray. 21 days fasting for this kind of spirit I doubt will go out by prayer alone.

  185. Phew he needs your prayers hmm

  186. He is gay. There is nothing stronger than a woman's intuition, it's always right. You also saw some evidence. You need to call him out on it, tell him what you saw, and what you suspect, and decide whether it not you want to still be in the marriage. Most women know what they are willing to put up with, and what they won't. The last thing you want is to come home one day and find him in bed with his boss, this happened to my friend...true story . You also don't want him to put you at risk of contacting hiv. This is a serious matter. The earlier you deal with it , the better...there's nothing worse than a downlow man, and I suspect there are a lot of these in Nigeria, especially with this new law that Jonathan passed.

  187. U can help change dear, DAT is y marriage is for better and for worse

  188. you stated you're not an illiterate yet you're scared he would "infect" your son or molest him…. sure! only gay men are capable of molesting! kmt

  189. You do realise that homosexuality is different from paedophilia? May be what you should be worried about for your son is him being brought up by an ignorant mum who may end up enstraging him from his father. Your husband may be gay but it won't make him any less a caring and responsible parent to his child. Focus your energy on the possibility that your husband is gay and what would become of your marriage in light of that.

  190. Dn't be quick to conclude ooo.....this is a delicate matter especiallybwen or son is involved


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