Pic of Naomi Oni's attacker following her moments before dousing her with acid | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Pic of Naomi Oni's attacker following her moments before dousing her with acid

The eerie pic above was shown in court today to jurors in the Naomi Oni acid bath case. It's a CCTV image allegedly showing her friend Mary Konye dressed in Muslim veil and walking closely behind Naomi, just moments before she doused her with acid and destroyed her looks forever!

That same night, the jealous and obsessed student posted a pic of Nightmare on Elm Street horror character Freddie Krueger on her WhatsApp profile pic & wrote 'Who looks like Wrong Turn now?'

A friend of Mary Konye told the police that Mary planned to attack Naomi and ruin her looks "so she would know 'how it feels' to feel bad about her appearance', after Naomi told her she looked like something out of a horror movie. Continue...

Naomi's lawyer said in court today
'Kamilah (Mary's friend) states that the defendant was insecure about her looks and that Naomi had insulted her. And there was a particular insult that was used, and a reference to a particular horror film and a reference to a particular disfigured character in the horror film - "Wrong Turn". It involves cannibal characters and disfigured characters, one in particular called a Wrong Turn.
'And Naomi had been rude to the defendant and said she looked like a Wrong Turn, that particular insult stung Mary Konye. Kamilah states that the defendant would complain that the victim would never compliment her about her looks.
'Kamilah Andrews states that this greatly affected the defendant, because she admired Naomi, almost to the point of obsession.'
'Kamilah states that the defendant would repeatedly say what she would like to do to Naomi. She states that the defendant would say 'What if I bought acid and threw it in her face, so she would know how she makes me feel?'
'Kamilah also states that the defendant told her she had joked to others about throwing acid on someone and that someone had suggested to the defendant that she should wear a 'nijab' [sic] so the police could not identify her.
'Following the attack on the victim Kamilah saw that the defendant had updated her profile on 'WhatsApp'.
'It appears that the photograph on the defendant's profile was changed and it then displayed a photograph of Freddie Krueger, the scarred-face character from the horror film 'Nightmare on Elm Street'.
'Kamilah states that the photograph was accompanied by a message stating 'Who looks like Wrong Turn now?''
School friend Safiye Laviniere said Konye changed her status on Blackberry Messenger so a message read 'She better not mess with me or I will make her face look like this' next to a photo of Freddy Krueger.


  1. Replies
    1. Jealousy is the root of all evil!
      May God deliver us!

      I don't copy and paste my gist.
      And comments are auto comment! No need to wait for approval

      click here supremacydone.blogspot.com

    2. First of all, wat Mary did was too extreme... But on d oda hand pple wit diability wat form or d oda or pple who don't feel gud abt aw dey look are VERY insecure pple and often times wen dey are constantly reminded of aw dey look is very degrading to dem and painful.. She shldnt v constantly mocked her frnd! V got tetracyclin stained teeth of which isn't my fault.. But. Was caused by mum out of wat I wld say careless.. At my age now! Wen she make fun of my set of teeth it pains me to my bone marrow and I feel very grumpy... All am saying is dat pls we shld watch d way we ridicle pple of aw dey look jst coz u tink u perfect.. it really brings der self esteem down and hurt full.. Tnx post my comment ma'am

    3. So wait, they knew all this and it took them thus long to get her? All these great evidence?? And the friends can't be that silly to wait this long to speak up....soon as it happened, they should have had an idea of who did it atleast, Cm'oooon.


    4. Note to self: Be careful what you say to people even in jest cos you'll never know whose evil incarnate

  2. Like seriously,how can u disfigure someone out of jealousy

    1. Sheer wickedness even d devil use 2 qasp @ sum human's wickedness.

    2. People are SICK! Damn it d thought of dis act is sooo sickening! She thought she'll neva get caught well bitch u just got SERVED! Rot in jail

  3. *singing* Jealousy..., jealousy... is the root of evil...

  4. *singing* Jealousy..., jealousy... is the root of evil...

  5. wicked girl,how could she do that to a friend?

    1. How could she do that to a friend? How could a friend insult Her that much too? We should take a lesson from this 'Treat others the way you want to be treated'. Simple! Not everybody can withstand insults and it is inappropriate to insult God's creation. Let's all watch it.

    2. Anon 10:09 are u dis evil? Do u know wah made her call her a wrong turn? Anyways wah ever it is, she shudnt have buh dat doesn't mean u shud support evil! Bathing her with acid isn't d best......

    3. Useless comment may u be treated like ds one day

  6. GOD I THANK U OOO.even with all d pple iv insulted in my life,u didn't giv dem d opportunity to disfigure d beauty u gave 2me.na wa for waec ooo.deep sigh

    1. One word 4 u Mrs/Miss insulter : 'VAIN'...hope u've changed ur ways? Ask God for 4givness cos life may disfigure u buh I pray it does not come to that. Linda pls post my comment cos I want her to change her mindset.

  7. People can be soooo wicked o...kai...dis z bad

  8. Oga oo this oyibo people sef. Sewzann

    1. Ermmmmm dear they are blacks !!! Most of the friends too testifying are black as well !! Not sure wat oyibo has to do w dis !

  9. Na wa oº°˚˚˚°Âº ...odikwa egwu!!! Words of the mouth.

  10. Let all becareful with d word of our mouth.this a big lesson for new year

    1. Esp ppl with sharp mouths. The Defendant admired her friend so much but always got mockery in return. It hurts I know but she took it too far. Let's be careful what we say to others. Not everybody knws how to manage hurt maturely.

    2. Exactly! The girl who poured the acid is clearly disturbed and should be put away for a long time. However, people should learn to be humble about our "God giving gifts". Be mindful of the feelings of others and never be ruthlessly nasty to people no matter how pathetic they may seem. Kids in England could be very nasty at times, I mean very very nasty! You need to hear the things the girls in my 7yr old's class say! Kids here are encouraged by society/school/govt to "express" themselves, to the detriment of everything else. Parents will be begging kids to do simple things, they can't even raise voices just in case the kid is "traumatised".

    3. Abi ! Well said dear ! Some PLp go dey vex , blood go dey boil n dem no gO talk untill they explode !

  11. Omg people are just plain wicked

  12. Wickedness of the highest order. This should be paid with the same coin. Linda update i heard Aviation Minister Stella Oduah presented a fake MBA certificate:

  13. So sad d friend should be dealt wit

  14. Such a wicked world. Words hurts. We should be careful with our words.

  15. Gawd. what sorta wickedness is dis? Linda please we wanna see her pic

  16. Women re so mean... Jealousy.... Pride..... Fake life and greed... Lord ve mercy on us

  17. some girls are so insecure, evil bitch

  18. This is just a dope!!! How I wish am the judge she would spent the remaining of her miserable life in jail

  19. Lord hv mercy!!! Kai If I were God hmm....

  20. God must punish that heartless friend.

  21. U see what hapens when you have a jealous wicked friend and you are too naïve to notice,I thank God for ma lyf

  22. Terrible, very cruel act. Ds mary of a girl nids to b roasted alive

  23. OMG...was dt enof reason to acid bath her? Her own frienddd...from d abundance of d heart, so d mouth speaketh.she said it and she did it.

  24. Aru!!!!!!!! Uwa si ri ike. Chukwu bu ike mu na linda

  25. I don't support wickedness in any form. However we should realise that any great natural features we have are gifts from God. And our gifts should not make us feel superior to others...

    1. Thank you! It's always not good to rub ur natural endowments on people faces.

  26. It is extremly sad though it is obvious the friend did this she must be extremly jealous of the girl. It is actually so sad and shocking the girl is obviously obsessed.

  27. Choii! See wickedness!

  28. Hmnmmm what a beastly disposition

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Where have you been Bonario? You were surely missed

  29. Not that I am in support of Konye's actions, but this is a big lesson to all those who speak without thinking of the effect of their words on others

  30. I'm sorry if this feels bad! I hardly keep female friends, they never disappoint me, gossip, back stabbing, cheats etc.. in short I can't boast of one female friend that I trust! Ouch, they can be very mean... I'm not a saint ooo, but I'm one of the best girls living on this planet earth. Gals and envy though...

    1. Hmmm! The heart of a human is desperately wicked.

  31. I am interested in seeing this Mary Konye of a creature. Is she that ugly? Linda, bia dig out a pic of the face of the alleged Monster Mary Konye. Also peeps who are used to yabbing their friends based on their physical attributes need to chill, make una nor dey give people low self esteem. It is very bad.

  32. am not justifying the Mary gurl but gurls shuld learn to control their mouth cox u cant create a stone stop abusing other gurls,it hurts!!!

  33. Yes i trust one person and that's my twinee... she always got back!

  34. Never mock an ugly friend, never make them feel bad. Even if Konye is eventually killed, the damage is done to Naomi forever. Let's be kind and sensitive to others. If she's too ugly to be your friend, by all means, cut off from her or stop the friendship. Never ever taunt anyone by their looks. So sad for Naomi

    1. True..but even if someone tells you you are ugly...encourage yourself with some words..knowing full well that you were wonderfully made..not going to destroy her too..it still didn't change the fact that Konye is ug-lee.

  35. That's Lagbaja behind ooooooo! Lol

  36. Mary must av felt bad cos her friend's cruel words, but stil, her actions re unjustifiable. I alwz say dt wen ppl do u wrong or try to mak u feel inferior and u just can't handle it, delete them frm ur life, pretend as if they dnt exist nd mov on instead of accumulatin grudges nd filling urself wt hate. Else, u might b forced to retaliate nd d results can b drastic

  37. Ope u'v resolved ur fight wit Yvonne Nelson on twitter 2day? #JC. Post d fight.

  38. Honestly, I've started to learn from recent happenings that not everybody carrying a human body is actually human. I guess some have actually downgraded themselves to animals who just reside in human bodies. A lot of people's hearts are actually wicked without any atom of human compassion. WTF?

  39. Hmmmmmm, wat jealousy can cause. Let's mind wat we say too.

  40. Kai! These pple sppse come naija wey people get bad mouth pass. If na so, we all for don de swim inside acid bath naa. Too many unbalanced people out there. Too sad Naomi unleashed the dragon in her friend.

  41. Linda where's my comment na?

  42. This will teach a lesson that some don't hv forgiven heart, so don't make jess of people

  43. Such a bizzare act.

  44. She deserves the bath!! Cause you. Are pretty gives you the right to insult others? Not even once on several occasions she had told the babe she looks like something from a horrible movie.who e no go pain? Abeg the worst they can do is send her to prison but Noami will never have her look again. Even with the plastic corrections she had she still look like the wrong turn monster. Everybody watch the words of your mouths this is not just for females even males be careful too

    Signing out and Aunty Linda na everytime I dey find my comment I no like am ooo

    1. Shut up you. You are as wicked as the Konye girl. Evil fellow

  45. This is nothing but a total act of wickedness out of jealousy. But I found it so so difficult to understant why some human are just filled with evil thoughts towards your fellow being...

  46. Hmmmmm God help us

  47. Pls stop going on and on with Naomi saying hurtful things to Mary bout her looks, u will never know in which context such comments were made...that those not justify Mary's action,she would have done it anyway bcos she's just a LOW LIFE!

  48. Like seriously I use to have such friends back then they had the beauty so they sleep around bt I was working and making money it got them so jealousy that I had to be carefull of them bt the harder I tried they were able to label me a witch if not for God I would have been called that bt God fought my battle it cost me my 10years relationship bt am alive and gratefull thou not married bt I still believe God will do it am using this media to advice young girls becarefull of jealousy friends and please keep your secret to yourself GIRLS are dangerous and desperate

  49. This is what happens when you become 'obsessed' with another human. Lesson.

  50. Ada Tochi I strongly agree with you....We should be mindful of our words. .They are like broken egg

  51. Thank God they have caught her...that's all. Atleast am sure she won't go free..had it been it were in Nigeria...Yawns. Case closed.

  52. you see why i dont have even one female friend, and can be envied like crazy.so its better i stay away from them.making female friends does not add to my income.

  53. Eiyaaaaa! Buh she went too fart nah! Haba like habatically! Imaagine such a biter heart! God have mercy on us all!

  54. Sending dis devil 2 jail will not help anyhow! They should give her a cup of acid 2 pour on herself, so as 2 know d pain nd feel d looks! So they both can be twin sisters 2 'wrong turn'! Dat will be fair enof! Shikina!

  55. I guess I have to apologise to all my ugly friends! Its not my fault that I was made beautiful. Heheheheeeehe

  56. I won't really blame dis gal for doin that to her friend I.e pouring her acid bcus d friend destroyed her emotionally,she killed her confidence and d worst part is dat people wnt learn how to control dere mouth, is not every tin u tink about dat must come out of ur mouth. Mind wat u say to people especially wen u r angry cus u can create a demon with ur mouth.

  57. A great lesson to be learnt by all of you running your mouth like tap

  58. So bad am not insupport of mary but I tink Naomi caused it all by makin her feel bad n dat brought out d breast in Her.so wit all dis libers nobody can help me wit 100k 4 ma rent,c why youths commit suidice dis days out of frustration,God dat created me won't allow me do dat cause of rent or anytin.he wil surely provide.

  59. Aunty linda pls post ma comment

  60. So bad am not insupport of mary but I tink Naomi caused it all by makin her feel bad n dat brought out d breast in Her.so wit all dis libers nobody can help me wit 100k 4 ma rent,c why youths commit suidice dis days out of frustration,God dat created me won't allow me do dat cause of rent or anytin.he wil surely provide.

  61. The wicked must not go unpunish@mercy

  62. The most pàinful part in all dis dat makes me cry the most apart frm the girl disfigured is d fact dat so pple, especially christian commit murder, crime and disguise as a muslim, my God it is very sad, if man will be caught today but becos he is wearing jalab or any muslim wear d world blame islam, especially d case of boko haram, I wish pple could just see the beauty of islam. *irestmycase*

  63. So called "friends"!!! Wow...keep your circle small, people. And to the females that befriend "ugly" girls to stand out...be careful sha.

  64. Dis goes 2 d rude pple dat goes on insultin pple's looks.anyways sorry 4 naomi

  65. Yea dat wickedness....she shudnt hav done dat no mata wat.....bt lukin at mary's side....d insults reali affected her physcologically nd emotionally.....people shud also consider how people wil feel...nd stop making insecure people feel more insecure.......*always passing by tho*...luv dis blog...

  66. Next time people will learn to stop insulting people cos God has blessed them.....u never know who will become vindictive and want a revenge

  67. No matter what was said, the accused had no right to carry out such an act...guess her heart is as ugly as her physical appearance.

  68. Hmmmm,this is such a huge lesson I don't support this mary gurl one bit o,but pls pls n pls if we have frnds dat aint super hot! We shudnt rub it in der face becos we aint God and neither can we create a single stone talkless of a human being,use your words to heal not kill and destroy!

  69. Tosanbanmi shut your silly juvenile mouth already

  70. Wrong Turn? Cheap means of advertising the movie... Lol..

  71. We Dnt need 2 envy, jealous anybody, every person has snmtin no one else has, develop that onething in urself, nd make it outstanding... # nd we reali need 2 taste our words b4 u spit them out. words re seeds they land in our hearts nd nt D ground, Be careful wat u plant nd careful wat u say. U might have to eat wat planted oneday

  72. To all the people who wrote nasty things about muslims when the story started & it was a woman in Niqab. You swore, cursed and assumed differnt positions.

    In all, you bigots have seen its one of your own "Mary Konye" that did it. Then it becomes a case of jealousy.
    Hope you all learnt your lessons here & become more open minded on issues.

  73. Moral lesson watch wot u say to others and to tink dat she must have insulted her about her looks on several occassion

  74. Once you notice anyone is jealous of you, run as far as you can. Also, do not bad mouth people or use their deficiencies or problems to scorn them. Chi

  75. Wonda neva cease! Chukwu chebe kwa anyi!

  76. Ike gwukwara. $£.

  77. I'll keep saying this-no friend anywhere!

  78. Thnk God the name of muslims has been cleared. So she wore a niqab 2 make her luk lyk a muslim. The truth has be unravelled.

  79. Learn 2control ur mouth,u neva can tell who ll hurt u.

  80. The summary is: BITCHES ARE CRAZY

  81. This is why i love Europe!!! If nah Naija? For where you go catch the person? Nigerian Police will even cover up for the criminal after collecting bribe. Mtcheeew.

  82. That's why d bible said in d book of proverbs " anger is destructive but there's nothing compared to jealousy" I dey fear my friends now #jump$passs#

  83. She just acted her part in an epic horror movie 4 real...Men! Somebody beta get dat bitch

  84. Lessons to learn:
    -Bridle your tongue.
    -Always feel great about yourself no matter what others think.
    -Envy is evil.


  86. Somebody yesterday said that Naomi might be guilty of bad mouthing her friend and that seems to be the case. But dousing her with acid, that's a little too extreme. Hilary obiorah

  87. Its sad, but I hope it teaches all them Bullies out there to stop. Most of this Naija kids in Dagenham are quite big mouthed. They are rude and brag alot, u need just a ride on the bus with them. My niece was bullied for years in Barking college becos she had a fat nose. She became agressive with the white boy but Thank God she moved school and is confortable in her skin again.

  88. Haba dis mary sef why wud u choose to be humiliated u shud ve distant urself from naomi but at the same time naomi u fucked her up by always saying she's ugly

  89. If there's anything to be learnt here, it is that we should be careful with our use of words! Just as Ciara said, word are powerful! You never know the weakest part it'll hit on the person you're addressing. Not everyone is pshycological strong to handle insults particularly when it comes to self esteem and their looks. That being said, i have full confidence in their juducial sysstem and believe proper justice will be serves


  90. The evil that (wo)men do... God help us all....

  91. I won't say she deserved it bt somaw she did.Hw could she call ha frnd a "wrong turn" cz she's prettier?c'mon ts hurts bt d purnishment was too much.......a disfigured face for life?dts tru extreme

  92. now i know why my dad kicks against me having friends

  93. na wa o... what is the world turning into... wickedness is getting stronger by the day...


  95. jealousy is reslly the root of hatred.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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